]> granicus.if.org Git - python/commitdiff
Add the missing __main__.py in the turtledemo package. It seems to have been lost...
authorGeorg Brandl <georg@python.org>
Thu, 30 Dec 2010 22:31:10 +0000 (22:31 +0000)
committerGeorg Brandl <georg@python.org>
Thu, 30 Dec 2010 22:31:10 +0000 (22:31 +0000)
Lib/turtledemo/__main__.py [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/Lib/turtledemo/__main__.py b/Lib/turtledemo/__main__.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..cbf3aeb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+import os
+from tkinter import *
+from idlelib.Percolator import Percolator
+from idlelib.ColorDelegator import ColorDelegator
+from idlelib.textView import view_file # TextViewer
+from imp import reload
+import turtle
+import time
+demo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+READY = 2
+DONE = 4
+menufont = ("Arial", 12, NORMAL)
+btnfont = ("Arial", 12, 'bold')
+txtfont = ('Lucida Console', 8, 'normal')
+def getExampleEntries():
+    return [entry[:-3] for entry in os.listdir(demo_dir) if
+            entry.endswith(".py") and entry[0] != '_']
+def showDemoHelp():
+    view_file(demo.root, "Help on turtleDemo",
+              os.path.join(demo_dir, "demohelp.txt"))
+def showAboutDemo():
+    view_file(demo.root, "About turtleDemo",
+              os.path.join(demo_dir, "about_turtledemo.txt"))
+def showAboutTurtle():
+    view_file(demo.root, "About the new turtle module.",
+              os.path.join(demo_dir, "about_turtle.txt"))
+class DemoWindow(object):
+    def __init__(self, filename=None):   #, root=None):
+        self.root = root = turtle._root = Tk()
+        root.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self._destroy)
+        #################
+        self.mBar = Frame(root, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2)
+        self.mBar.pack(fill=X)
+        self.ExamplesBtn = self.makeLoadDemoMenu()
+        self.OptionsBtn = self.makeHelpMenu()
+        self.mBar.tk_menuBar(self.ExamplesBtn, self.OptionsBtn) #, QuitBtn)
+        root.title('Python turtle-graphics examples')
+        #################
+        self.left_frame = left_frame = Frame(root)
+        self.text_frame = text_frame = Frame(left_frame)
+        self.vbar = vbar =Scrollbar(text_frame, name='vbar')
+        self.text = text = Text(text_frame,
+                                name='text', padx=5, wrap='none',
+                                width=45)
+        vbar['command'] = text.yview
+        vbar.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y)
+        #####################
+        self.hbar = hbar =Scrollbar(text_frame, name='hbar', orient=HORIZONTAL)
+        hbar['command'] = text.xview
+        hbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
+        #####################
+        text['yscrollcommand'] = vbar.set
+        text.config(font=txtfont)
+        text.config(xscrollcommand=hbar.set)
+        text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y, expand=1)
+        #####################
+        self.output_lbl = Label(left_frame, height= 1,text=" --- ", bg = "#ddf",
+                                font = ("Arial", 16, 'normal'))
+        self.output_lbl.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=0, fill=X)
+        #####################
+        text_frame.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=0)
+        left_frame.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=0)
+        self.graph_frame = g_frame = Frame(root)
+        turtle._Screen._root = g_frame
+        turtle._Screen._canvas = turtle.ScrolledCanvas(g_frame, 800, 600, 1000, 800)
+        #xturtle.Screen._canvas.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
+        self.screen = _s_ = turtle.Screen()
+        turtle.TurtleScreen.__init__(_s_, _s_._canvas)
+        self.scanvas = _s_._canvas
+        #xturtle.RawTurtle.canvases = [self.scanvas]
+        turtle.RawTurtle.screens = [_s_]
+        self.scanvas.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
+        self.btn_frame = btn_frame = Frame(g_frame, height=100)
+        self.start_btn = Button(btn_frame, text=" START ", font=btnfont, fg = "white",
+                                disabledforeground = "#fed", command=self.startDemo)
+        self.start_btn.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1)
+        self.stop_btn = Button(btn_frame, text=" STOP ",  font=btnfont, fg = "white",
+                                disabledforeground = "#fed", command = self.stopIt)
+        self.stop_btn.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1)
+        self.clear_btn = Button(btn_frame, text=" CLEAR ",  font=btnfont, fg = "white",
+                                disabledforeground = "#fed", command = self.clearCanvas)
+        self.clear_btn.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1)
+        self.btn_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=0)
+        self.graph_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
+        Percolator(text).insertfilter(ColorDelegator())
+        self.dirty = False
+        self.exitflag = False
+        if filename:
+            self.loadfile(filename)
+                       "Choose example from menu", "black")
+        self.state = STARTUP
+    def _destroy(self):
+        self.root.destroy()
+        sys.exit()
+    def configGUI(self, menu, start, stop, clear, txt="", color="blue"):
+        self.ExamplesBtn.config(state=menu)
+        self.start_btn.config(state=start)
+        if start == NORMAL:
+            self.start_btn.config(bg="#d00")
+        else:
+            self.start_btn.config(bg="#fca")
+        self.stop_btn.config(state=stop)
+        if stop == NORMAL:
+            self.stop_btn.config(bg="#d00")
+        else:
+            self.stop_btn.config(bg="#fca")
+        self.clear_btn.config(state=clear)
+        self.clear_btn.config(state=clear)
+        if clear == NORMAL:
+            self.clear_btn.config(bg="#d00")
+        else:
+            self.clear_btn.config(bg="#fca")
+        self.output_lbl.config(text=txt, fg=color)
+    def makeLoadDemoMenu(self):
+        CmdBtn = Menubutton(self.mBar, text='Examples', underline=0, font=menufont)
+        CmdBtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx="2m")
+        CmdBtn.menu = Menu(CmdBtn)
+        for entry in getExampleEntries():
+            def loadexample(x):
+                def emit():
+                    self.loadfile(x)
+                return emit
+            CmdBtn.menu.add_command(label=entry, underline=0,
+                                    font=menufont, command=loadexample(entry))
+        CmdBtn['menu'] = CmdBtn.menu
+        return CmdBtn
+    def makeHelpMenu(self):
+        CmdBtn = Menubutton(self.mBar, text='Help', underline=0, font=menufont)
+        CmdBtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx='2m')
+        CmdBtn.menu = Menu(CmdBtn)
+        CmdBtn.menu.add_command(label='About turtle.py', font=menufont,
+                                command=showAboutTurtle)
+        CmdBtn.menu.add_command(label='turtleDemo - Help', font=menufont,
+                                command=showDemoHelp)
+        CmdBtn.menu.add_command(label='About turtleDemo', font=menufont,
+                                command=showAboutDemo)
+        CmdBtn['menu'] = CmdBtn.menu
+        return CmdBtn
+    def refreshCanvas(self):
+        if not self.dirty: return
+        self.screen.clear()
+        #self.screen.mode("standard")
+        self.dirty=False
+    def loadfile(self, filename):
+        self.refreshCanvas()
+        modname = 'turtledemo.' + filename
+        __import__(modname)
+        self.module = sys.modules[modname]
+        with open(self.module.__file__, 'r') as f:
+            chars = f.read()
+        self.text.delete("1.0", "end")
+        self.text.insert("1.0", chars)
+        self.root.title(filename + " - a Python turtle graphics example")
+        reload(self.module)
+                       "Press start button", "red")
+        self.state = READY
+    def startDemo(self):
+        self.refreshCanvas()
+        self.dirty = True
+        turtle.TurtleScreen._RUNNING = True
+                       "demo running...", "black")
+        self.screen.clear()
+        self.screen.mode("standard")
+        self.state = RUNNING
+        try:
+            result = self.module.main()
+            if result == "EVENTLOOP":
+                self.state = EVENTDRIVEN
+            else:
+                self.state = DONE
+        except turtle.Terminator:
+            self.state = DONE
+            result = "stopped!"
+        if self.state == DONE:
+            self.configGUI(NORMAL, NORMAL, DISABLED, NORMAL,
+                           result)
+        elif self.state == EVENTDRIVEN:
+            self.exitflag = True
+                           "use mouse/keys or STOP", "red")
+    def clearCanvas(self):
+        self.refreshCanvas()
+        self.screen._delete("all")
+        self.scanvas.config(cursor="")
+    def stopIt(self):
+        if self.exitflag:
+            self.clearCanvas()
+            self.exitflag = False
+            self.configGUI(NORMAL, NORMAL, DISABLED, DISABLED,
+                           "STOPPED!", "red")
+            turtle.TurtleScreen._RUNNING = False
+            #print "stopIT: exitflag = True"
+        else:
+            turtle.TurtleScreen._RUNNING = False
+            #print "stopIt: exitflag = False"
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    demo = DemoWindow()
+    RUN = True
+    while RUN:
+        try:
+            #print("ENTERING mainloop")
+            demo.root.mainloop()
+        except AttributeError:
+            #print("AttributeError!- WAIT A MOMENT!")
+            time.sleep(0.3)
+            print("GOING ON ..")
+            demo.ckearCanvas()
+        except TypeError:
+            demo.screen._delete("all")
+            #print("CRASH!!!- WAIT A MOMENT!")
+            time.sleep(0.3)
+            #print("GOING ON ..")
+            demo.clearCanvas()
+        except:
+            print("BYE!")
+            RUN = False
index 54c25a55b8d343cb055d068860cca049a88f7731..a9009bd5fbfe598ca02a4c96fe65c40e5b7560d8 100644 (file)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-        About turtleDemo.py
+        About this viewer
-    Tiny demo Viewer to view turtle graphics example scripts.
+    Tiny demo viewer to view turtle graphics example scripts.
     Quickly and dirtyly assembled by Gregor Lingl.
     June, 2006
index 568387570e0b0929dce4f70a05e8c48183779c8b..fe83bc760196358967a967f8c5496e9b69f7bb39 100644 (file)
    (2) How to add your own demos to the demo repository
-   - scriptname: must begin with tdemo_ ,
-     so it must have the form tdemo_<your-script-name>.py
-   - place: same directory as turtleDemo.py or some
-     subdirectory, the name of which must also begin with
-     tdemo_.....
+   - place: same directory as turtledemo/__main__.py
    - requirements on source code:
        code must contain a main() function which will