<section id="flag_s"><title>S|skip</title>
-<p>The [S] flag is used to skip rules that you don't want to run. This
-can be thought of as a <code>goto</code> statement in your rewrite
-ruleset. In the following example, we only want to run the <directive
-module="mod_rewrite">RewriteRule</directive> if the requested URI
-doesn't correspond with an actual file.</p>
+<p>The [S] flag is used to skip rules that you don't want to run. The
+syntax of the skip flag is [S=<em>N</em>], where <em>N</em> signifies
+the number of rules to skip. This can be thought of as a <code>goto</code>
+statement in your rewrite ruleset. In the following example, we only want
+to run the <directive module="mod_rewrite">RewriteRule</directive> if the
+requested URI doesn't correspond with an actual file.</p>
# Is the request for a non-existent file?<br />