when Method =:= 'GET' orelse
Method =:= 'HEAD' orelse
Method =:= 'DELETE' orelse Method =:= 'OPTIONS' ->
- case catch url_decode_q_split(Path) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> {State, false};
- {NPath, Query} ->
- LPath = normalize_path([NPE
- || NPE <- str:tokens(path_decode(NPath), <<"/">>)]),
+ case catch url_decode_q_split_normalize(Path) of
+ {'EXIT', Error} ->
+ ?DEBUG("Error decoding URL '~p': ~p", [Path, Error]),
+ {State, false};
+ {LPath, Query} ->
LQuery = case catch parse_urlencoded(Query) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} -> [];
LQ -> LQ
sockmod = _SockMod,
socket = _Socket} = State)
when (Method =:= 'POST' orelse Method =:= 'PUT') andalso Len>0 ->
- case catch url_decode_q_split(Path) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> {State, false};
- {NPath, _Query} ->
- LPath = normalize_path(
- [NPE || NPE <- str:tokens(path_decode(NPath), <<"/">>)]),
+ case catch url_decode_q_split_normalize(Path) of
+ {'EXIT', Error} ->
+ ?DEBUG("Error decoding URL '~p': ~p", [Path, Error]),
+ {State, false};
+ {LPath, _Query} ->
case Method of
'PUT' ->
{State, {LPath, [], Trail}};
Text -> Text
+url_decode_q_split_normalize(Path) ->
+ {NPath, Query} = url_decode_q_split(Path),
+ LPath = normalize_path([NPE
+ || NPE <- str:tokens(path_decode(NPath), <<"/">>)]),
+ {LPath, Query}.
% Code below is taken (with some modifications) from the yaws webserver, which
% is distributed under the following license: