Dictionaries are sorted by key before the display is computed.
+.. versionchanged:: 3.9
+ Added support for pretty-printing :class:`types.SimpleNamespace`.
The :mod:`pprint` module defines one class:
.. First the implementation class:
finalization crashed with a Pyton fatal error if a daemon thread was still
+:mod:`pprint` can now pretty-print :class:`types.SimpleNamespace`.
+(Contributed by Carl Bordum Hansen in :issue:`37376`.)
_dispatch[_types.MappingProxyType.__repr__] = _pprint_mappingproxy
+ def _pprint_simplenamespace(self, object, stream, indent, allowance, context, level):
+ if type(object) is _types.SimpleNamespace:
+ # The SimpleNamespace repr is "namespace" instead of the class
+ # name, so we do the same here. For subclasses; use the class name.
+ cls_name = 'namespace'
+ else:
+ cls_name = object.__class__.__name__
+ indent += len(cls_name) + 1
+ delimnl = ',\n' + ' ' * indent
+ items = object.__dict__.items()
+ last_index = len(items) - 1
+ stream.write(cls_name + '(')
+ for i, (key, ent) in enumerate(items):
+ stream.write(key)
+ stream.write('=')
+ last = i == last_index
+ self._format(ent, stream, indent + len(key) + 1,
+ allowance if last else 1,
+ context, level)
+ if not last:
+ stream.write(delimnl)
+ stream.write(')')
+ _dispatch[_types.SimpleNamespace.__repr__] = _pprint_simplenamespace
def _format_dict_items(self, items, stream, indent, allowance, context,
write = stream.write
('lazy', 7),
('dog', 8)]))""")
+ def test_empty_simple_namespace(self):
+ ns = types.SimpleNamespace()
+ formatted = pprint.pformat(ns)
+ self.assertEqual(formatted, "namespace()")
+ def test_small_simple_namespace(self):
+ ns = types.SimpleNamespace(a=1, b=2)
+ formatted = pprint.pformat(ns)
+ self.assertEqual(formatted, "namespace(a=1, b=2)")
+ def test_simple_namespace(self):
+ ns = types.SimpleNamespace(
+ the=0,
+ quick=1,
+ brown=2,
+ fox=3,
+ jumped=4,
+ over=5,
+ a=6,
+ lazy=7,
+ dog=8,
+ )
+ formatted = pprint.pformat(ns, width=60)
+ self.assertEqual(formatted, """\
+ quick=1,
+ brown=2,
+ fox=3,
+ jumped=4,
+ over=5,
+ a=6,
+ lazy=7,
+ dog=8)""")
+ def test_simple_namespace_subclass(self):
+ class AdvancedNamespace(types.SimpleNamespace): pass
+ ns = AdvancedNamespace(
+ the=0,
+ quick=1,
+ brown=2,
+ fox=3,
+ jumped=4,
+ over=5,
+ a=6,
+ lazy=7,
+ dog=8,
+ )
+ formatted = pprint.pformat(ns, width=60)
+ self.assertEqual(formatted, """\
+ quick=1,
+ brown=2,
+ fox=3,
+ jumped=4,
+ over=5,
+ a=6,
+ lazy=7,
+ dog=8)""")
def test_subclassing(self):
o = {'names with spaces': 'should be presented using repr()',
'others.should.not.be': 'like.this'}
Harald Hanche-Olsen
Manus Hand
Milton L. Hankins
+Carl Bordum Hansen
Stephen Hansen
Barry Hantman
Lynda Hardman
--- /dev/null
+:mod:`pprint` now has support for :class:`types.SimpleNamespace`. Patch by Carl
+Bordum Hansen.