* Authorization-Info header code
-static const char *hdr(const apr_table_t *tbl, const char *name)
- const char *val = apr_table_get(tbl, name);
- if (val) {
- return val;
- }
- else {
- return "";
- }
static int add_auth_info(request_rec *r)
const digest_config_rec *conf =
digest_header_rec *resp =
(digest_header_rec *) ap_get_module_config(r->request_config,
- const char *ai = NULL, *digest = NULL, *nextnonce = "";
+ const char *ai = NULL, *nextnonce = "";
if (resp == NULL || !resp->needed_auth || conf == NULL) {
return OK;
- /* rfc-2069 digest
- */
- if (resp->message_qop == NULL) {
- /* old client, so calc rfc-2069 digest */
- /* most of this totally bogus because the handlers don't set the
- * headers until the final handler phase (I wonder why this phase
- * is called fixup when there's almost nothing you can fix up...)
- *
- * Because it's basically impossible to get this right (e.g. the
- * Content-length is never set yet when we get here, and we can't
- * calc the entity hash) it's best to just leave this #def'd out.
- */
- char date[APR_RFC822_DATE_LEN];
- apr_rfc822_date(date, r->request_time);
- char *entity_info =
- ap_md5(r->pool,
- (unsigned char *) apr_pstrcat(r->pool, resp->raw_request_uri,
- ":",
- r->content_type ? r->content_type : ap_default_type(r), ":",
- hdr(r->headers_out, "Content-Length"), ":",
- r->content_encoding ? r->content_encoding : "", ":",
- hdr(r->headers_out, "Last-Modified"), ":",
- r->no_cache && !apr_table_get(r->headers_out, "Expires") ?
- date :
- hdr(r->headers_out, "Expires"),
- NULL));
- digest =
- ap_md5(r->pool,
- (unsigned char *)apr_pstrcat(r->pool, conf->ha1, ":",
- resp->nonce, ":",
- r->method, ":",
- date, ":",
- entity_info, ":",
- ap_md5(r->pool, (unsigned char *) ""), /* H(entity) - TBD */
- NULL));
- }
+ /* 2069-style entity-digest is not supported (it's too hard, and
+ * there are no clients which support 2069 but not 2617). */
/* setup nextnonce
if (conf->qop_list[0] && !strcasecmp(conf->qop_list[0], "none")
&& resp->message_qop == NULL) {
/* use only RFC-2069 format */
- if (digest) {
- ai = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, "digest=\"", digest, "\"", nextnonce,NULL);
- }
- else {
- ai = nextnonce;
- }
+ ai = nextnonce;
else {
const char *resp_dig, *ha1, *a2, *ha2;
resp->nonce_count ? resp->nonce_count : "",
resp->message_qop ? ", qop=" : "",
resp->message_qop ? resp->message_qop : "",
- digest ? "digest=\"" : "",
- digest ? digest : "",
- digest ? "\"" : "",