Below are those who have been most valiant, provided very detailed
and thorough bug reports,
and detailed analysis.
- Andrea Peri - Lots of testing on topology and checking for correctness
+ Andrea Peri - Lots of testing on topology, checking for correctness
+ Andreas Forø Tollefsen - raster testing
+ Chris English - topology stress testing loader functions
Brian Hamlin - Benchmarking
(also experimental experimental branches
before they are folded into core)
, general testing of various pieces
including Tiger and Topology. Testing on various server VMs
- Andreas Forø Tollefsen, Tom van Tilburg - raster testing
Mike Pease - Tiger geocoder testing - very detailed reports of issues
+ Tom van Tilburg - raster testing
* Important / Breaking Changes *
<para>This is a major release. A full dump reload is required. Refer to <xref linkend="NewFunctions_2_0" /> for more details.</para>
<title>Testers - Our unsung heroes</title>
- <para>We are most indebted to the numerous members in the PostGIS community who were brave enough to test out
- the new features in this release. No major release can be successful without these folk. Below are those
- who have been most valiant, provided very detailed and thorough bug reports, and detailed analysis.</para>
- <para>Andrea Peri - Lots of testing on topology and checking for correctness.</para>
- <para>Brian Hamlin - Benchmarking (also experimental experimental branches before they are folded into core)
- , general testing of various pieces including Tiger and Topology. Testing on various server VMs</para>
- <para>Andreas Forø Tollefsen, Tom van Tilburg - raster testing</para>
- <para>Tiger geocoder testing: Mike Pease, very detailed reports of issues.</para>
+ <para>We are most indebted to the numerous members in the PostGIS community
+ who were brave enough to test out the new features in this release.
+ No major release can be successful without these folk.</para>
+ <para>Below are those who have been most valiant, provided very detailed
+ and thorough bug reports,
+ and detailed analysis.</para>
+ <para>Andrea Peri - Lots of testing on topology, checking for correctness</para>
+ <para>Andreas Forø Tollefsen - raster testing</para>
+ <para>Chris English - topology stress testing loader functions</para>
+ <para>Brian Hamlin - Benchmarking
+ (also experimental experimental branches
+ before they are folded into core)
+ , general testing of various pieces
+ including Tiger and Topology. Testing on various server VMs</para>
+ <para>Mike Pease - Tiger geocoder testing - very detailed reports of issues</para>
+ <para>Tom van Tilburg - raster testing</para>
<title>Important / Breaking Changes</title>