<li><tt>mkdir build</tt> (for building without polluting the source dir)</li>
<li><tt>cd build</tt></li>
<li>If you are using Visual Studio 2013: <tt>cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" ..\llvm</tt></li>
+ <li>By default, the Visual Studio project files generated by CMake use the
+ 32-bit toolset. If you are developing on a 64-bit version of Windows and
+ want to use the 64-bit toolset, pass the ``-Thost=x64`` flag when
+ generating the Visual Studio solution. This requires CMake 3.8.0 or later.</li>
<li>See the <a href="http://www.llvm.org/docs/CMake.html">LLVM CMake guide</a> for
more information on other configuration options for CMake.</li>
<li>The above, if successful, will have created an LLVM.sln file in the