tr_torrent * tor = torrents[i];
const tr_stat * st = tr_torrentStat( tor );
const int * f = st->peersFrom;
- const struct tr_tracker_stat * s = &st->trackerStat;
- tr_benc * d = tr_bencListAddDict( list, 35 );
+ tr_benc * d = tr_bencListAddDict( list, 40 );
tr_benc * t;
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "activityDate", st->activityDate );
+ tr_bencDictAddStr( d, "announceResponse", st->announceResponse );
tr_bencDictAddStr( d, "announceURL", st->announceURL );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "completedFromTracker", st->completedFromTracker );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "corruptEver", st->corruptEver );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "haveUnchecked", st->haveUnchecked );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "haveValid", st->haveValid );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "id", st->id );
+ tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "lastAnnounceTime", st->lastAnnounceTime );
+ tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "lastScrapeTime", st->lastScrapeTime );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "leechers", st->leechers );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "leftUntilDone", st->leftUntilDone );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "manualAnnounceTime", st->manualAnnounceTime );
+ tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "nextAnnounceTime", st->nextAnnounceTime );
+ tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "nextScrapeTime", st->nextScrapeTime );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "peersConnected", st->peersConnected );
t = tr_bencDictAddDict( d, "peersFrom", 4 );
tr_bencDictAddInt( t, "cache", f[TR_PEER_FROM_CACHE] );
tr_bencDictAddDouble( d, "rateUpload", st->rateUpload );
tr_bencDictAddDouble( d, "ratio", st->ratio );
tr_bencDictAddDouble( d, "recheckProgress", st->recheckProgress );
+ tr_bencDictAddStr( d, "scrapeResponse", st->scrapeResponse );
tr_bencDictAddStr( d, "scrapeURL", st->scrapeURL );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "seeders", st->seeders );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "sizeWhenDone", st->sizeWhenDone );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "startDate", st->startDate );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "status", st->status );
tr_bencDictAddDouble( d, "swarmSpeed", st->swarmSpeed );
- t = tr_bencDictAddDict( d, "trackerStat", 7 );
- tr_bencDictAddStr( t, "announceResponse", s->announceResponse );
- tr_bencDictAddInt( t, "lastAnnounceTime", s->lastAnnounceTime );
- tr_bencDictAddInt( t, "lastScrapeTime", s->lastScrapeTime );
- tr_bencDictAddInt( t, "nextAnnounceTime", s->nextAnnounceTime );
- tr_bencDictAddInt( t, "nextScrapeTime", s->nextScrapeTime );
- tr_bencDictAddInt( t, "nextScrapeTime", s->nextScrapeTime );
- tr_bencDictAddStr( t, "scrapeResponse", s->scrapeResponse );
tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "uploadedEver", st->uploadedEver );
* subdirectories will be found, such as "torrents",
* "resume", and "blocklists".
* TR_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR can be used as a default.
- * @param downloadDir the default directory to save torrents that are added.
- * This can be changed per-session with tr_sessionSetDownloadDir()
- * and per-torrent with tr_ctorSetDownloadDir().
- * @param tag currently only used for locating legacy versions of
- * fastresume files. valid tags: beos, cli, daemon, gtk, macos, wx
+ * @param downloadDir The default directory to save added torrents.
+ * This can be changed per-session with
+ * tr_sessionSetDownloadDir() and per-torrent with
+ * tr_ctorSetDownloadDir().
+ * @param tag Obsolete. Only used now for locating legacy fastresume files.
+ * Valid tags: beos, cli, daemon, gtk, macos, wx
* @param isPexEnabled whether or not PEX is allowed for non-private torrents.
- * This can be changed per-session with tr_sessionSetPexEnabled().
- * TR_DEFAULT_PEX_ENABLED can be used as a default.
- * @param isPortForwardingEnabled If true, libtransmission will attempt to find a local
- * UPnP-enabled or NATPMP-enabled router and forward a
- * port from there to the local machine. This is so that
- * remote peers can initiate connections with us.
- * TR_DEFAULT_PORT_FORWARDING_ENABLED can be used as a default.
- * @param publicPort Port number to open for listening to incoming peer connections.
- * TR_DEFAULT_PORT can be used as a default.
+ * This can be changed per-session with
+ * tr_sessionSetPexEnabled().
+ * TR_DEFAULT_PEX_ENABLED is the default.
+ * @param isPortForwardingEnabled If true, libtransmission will attempt
+ * to find a local UPnP-enabled or NATPMP-enabled
+ * router and forward a port from there to the local
+ * machine. This is so remote peers can initiate
+ * connections with us.
+ * @param publicPort Port number to open for incoming peer connections.
+ * TR_DEFAULT_PORT is the default.
* @param encryptionMode must be one of TR_PLAINTEXT_PREFERRED,
* @param isUploadLimitEnabled If true, libtransmission will limit the entire
- * session's upload speed based on `uploadLimit'.
+ * session's upload speed from `uploadLimit'.
* @param uploadLimit The speed limit to use for the entire session when
* isUploadLimitEnabled is true.
* @param isDownloadLimitEnabled If true, libtransmission will limit the entire
- * session's download speed based on `downloadLimit'.
+ * session's download speed from `downloadLimit'.
* @param downloadLimit The speed limit to use for the entire session when
* isDownloadLimitEnabled is true.
* @param peerLimit The maximum number of peer connections allowed in a session.
void tr_sessionClose( tr_handle * );
- * Set the per-session default download folder for torrents that haven't been added yet.
+ * Returns the configuration directory passed into tr_sessionInitFull().
+ * This is where transmission stores its .torrent files, .resume files,
+ * blocklists, etc.
+ */
+const char * tr_sessionGetConfigDir( const tr_handle * );
+ * Set the per-session default download folder for new torrents.
* @see tr_sessionInitFull()
* @see tr_ctorSetDownloadDir()
* Specify access control list (ACL). ACL is a comma separated list
- * of IP subnets, each subnet is prepended by ’-’ or ’+’ sign. Plus
- * means allow, minus means deny. If subnet mask is omitted, like
- * "-", then it means single IP address. Mask may vary from 0
- * to 32 inclusive.
+ * of IP subnets, each subnet is prepended by a '-' or '+' sign.
+ * Plus means allow, minus means deny. If the subnet mask is omitted,
+ * like * "-", it means a single IP address. The mask may vary
+ * from 0 to 32 inclusive.
* The default string is "+"
void tr_sessionSetEncryption( tr_handle * handle, tr_encryption_mode mode );
- * tr_getPrefsDirectory
- ***********************************************************************
- * Returns the full path to a directory which can be used to store
- * preferences. The string belongs to libtransmission, do not free it.
- **********************************************************************/
-const char * tr_sessionGetConfigDir( const tr_handle * );
** Incoming Peer Connections Port
typedef int8_t tr_priority_t;
-/* set a batch of files to a particular priority.
- * priority must be one of TR_PRI_NORMAL, _HIGH, or _LOW */
+ * Set a batch of files to a particular priority.
+ * Priority must be one of TR_PRI_NORMAL, _HIGH, or _LOW
+ */
void tr_torrentSetFilePriorities( tr_torrent * tor,
tr_file_index_t * files,
tr_file_index_t fileCount,
tr_priority_t priority );
-/* returns a malloc()ed array of tor->info.fileCount items,
- * each holding a value of TR_PRI_NORMAL, _HIGH, or _LOW.
- free the array when done. */
+ * Get this torrent's file priorities.
+ *
+ * @return A malloc()ed array of tor->info.fileCount items,
+ * each holding a value of TR_PRI_NORMAL, _HIGH, or _LOW.
+ * The caller must free() the array when done.
+ */
tr_priority_t* tr_torrentGetFilePriorities( const tr_torrent * );
-/* single-file form of tr_torrentGetFilePriorities.
- * returns one of TR_PRI_NORMAL, _HIGH, or _LOW. */
-tr_priority_t tr_torrentGetFilePriority( const tr_torrent *, tr_file_index_t file );
+ * Single-file form of tr_torrentGetFilePriorities.
+ * returns one of TR_PRI_NORMAL, _HIGH, or _LOW.
+ */
+tr_priority_t tr_torrentGetFilePriority( const tr_torrent *,
+ tr_file_index_t file );
-/* returns true if the file's `download' flag is set */
+ * Returns true if the file's `download' flag is set.
+ */
int tr_torrentGetFileDL( const tr_torrent *, tr_file_index_t file );
-/* set a batch of files to be downloaded or not. */
+ * Set a batch of files to be downloaded or not.
+ */
void tr_torrentSetFileDLs ( tr_torrent * tor,
tr_file_index_t * files,
tr_file_index_t fileCount,
void tr_torrentAmountFinished( const tr_torrent * tor, float * tab, int size );
- * tr_torrentRemoveSaved
- ***********************************************************************
- * delete's Transmission's copy of the torrent's metadata from
- * tr_getTorrentDir().
- **********************************************************************/
-void tr_torrentRemoveSaved( tr_torrent * );
void tr_torrentVerify( tr_torrent * );
-struct tr_tracker_stat
- /* This is the unmodified string returned by the tracker in response
- * to the torrent's most recent scrape request. If no request was
- * sent or there was no response, this string is empty. */
- char scrapeResponse[256];
- /* The unmodified string returned by the tracker in response
- * to the torrent's most recent scrape request. If no request was
- * sent or there was no response, this string is empty. */
- char announceResponse[256];
- /* Time the most recent scrape request was sent,
- * or zero if one hasn't been sent yet. */
- time_t lastScrapeTime;
- /* Time when the next scrape request will be sent.
- * This value is always a valid time. */
- time_t nextScrapeTime;
- /* Time the most recent announce request was sent,
- * or zero if one hasn't been sent yet. */
- time_t lastAnnounceTime;
- /* Time when the next reannounce request will be sent,
- * or zero if the torrent is stopped. */
- time_t nextAnnounceTime;
- /* When the tracker will allow a human-driven "manual" announce to be sent,
- * derived from the "min interval" field given by the tracker.
- * This value is 0 when the torrent is stopped.
- * This value is ~(time_t)0 if the tracker returned a serious error.
- * Otherwise, the value is a valid time.
- * @see tr_torrentManualUpdate( tr_torrent * );
- * @see tr_torrentCanManualUpdate( const tr_torrent * ); */
- time_t nextManualAnnounceTime;
tr_torrent_status tr_torrentGetStatus( tr_torrent * );
tr_torrent_status status;
- struct tr_tracker_stat trackerStat;
char * announceURL;
char * scrapeURL;
int leechers;
int completedFromTracker;
- /* if the torrent is running, this is the time at which
- * the client can manually ask the torrent's tracker
- * for more peers. otherwise, the value is zero. */
- time_t manualAnnounceTime;
/* Byte count of all the piece data we'll have downloaded when we're done.
* whether or not we have it yet. [0...tr_info.totalSize] */
uint64_t sizeWhenDone;
* moved to `corrupt' or `haveValid'. */
uint64_t haveUnchecked;
+ /* This is the unmodified string returned by the tracker in response
+ * to the torrent's most recent scrape request. If no request was
+ * sent or there was no response, this string is empty. */
+ char scrapeResponse[256];
+ /* The unmodified string returned by the tracker in response
+ * to the torrent's most recent scrape request. If no request was
+ * sent or there was no response, this string is empty. */
+ char announceResponse[256];
+ /* Time the most recent scrape request was sent,
+ * or zero if one hasn't been sent yet. */
+ time_t lastScrapeTime;
+ /* Time when the next scrape request will be sent.
+ * This value is always a valid time. */
+ time_t nextScrapeTime;
+ /* Time the most recent announce request was sent,
+ * or zero if one hasn't been sent yet. */
+ time_t lastAnnounceTime;
+ /* Time when the next reannounce request will be sent,
+ * or zero if the torrent is stopped. */
+ time_t nextAnnounceTime;
+ /* if the torrent is running, this is the time at which
+ * the client can manually ask the torrent's tracker
+ * for more peers. otherwise, the value is zero. */
+ time_t manualAnnounceTime;
float swarmSpeed;
#define TR_RATIO_NA -1