# 0: Type of property (binary, enum, ...)
# 1: List of aliases; short & long name followed by other aliases.
# The short name is "" if it is listed as "n/a" in PropertyValueAliases.txt.
-# 2: Dictionary, maps short property value names
-# initially to None, later to ICU4C API enum constants.
+# 2: Set of short property value names.
# 3: Dictionary of property values.
# For Catalog & Enumerated properties,
# maps each value name to a list of aliases.
# Initialized after parsing is done.
_null_or_defaults = {}
-# Dictionary of short property names mapped to ICU4C UProperty enum constants.
-_property_name_to_enum = {}
+# List of properties with an ICU UProperty enum.
+# Each item is an (enum, pname, values) tuple.
+# - enum: the ICU enum UProperty constant string
+# - pname: the UCD short property name
+# - values: list of (enum, vname) pairs per property value
+# - enum: the ICU property value's enum constant string
+# - vname: the UCD short property value name
+_icu_properties = []
-# Dictionary of short gc value names mapped to UCharCategory enum constants.
-_gc_vname_to_enum = {}
+# Dictionary of short property names mapped to _icu_properties items.
+_pname_to_icu_prop = {}
_non_alnum_re = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
if pname in _null_values: return pname # pname is already the short name.
prop = GetProperty(pname)
if not prop: return "" # For ignored properties.
- name = prop[1][0]
- return name if name else prop[1][1] # Long name if no short name.
+ return prop[1][0] or prop[1][1] # Long name if no short name.
def GetShortPropertyValueName(prop, vname):
raise NameError("unknown value name %s for property %s\n" %
(vname, prop[1][0]))
values[vname] = aliases
- short_name = aliases[0]
- return short_name if short_name else aliases[1] # Long name if no short name.
+ return aliases[0] or aliases[1] # Long name if no short name.
def NormalizePropertyValue(prop, vname):
_null_values[name] = 0
_null_values[name] = null_value
- prop = (prop_type, aliases, {}, {})
+ prop = (prop_type, aliases, set(), {})
for alias in aliases:
_properties[alias] = prop
_properties[NormPropName(alias)] = prop
# Turkic_Case_Folding: The 'T' mappings in CaseFolding.txt.
name = "Turkic_Case_Folding"
_null_values[name] = ""
- prop = ("String", [name, name], {}, {})
+ prop = ("String", [name, name], set(), {})
_properties[name] = prop
_properties[NormPropName(name)] = prop
# Conditional_Case_Mappings: SpecialCasing.txt lines with conditions.
name = "Conditional_Case_Mappings"
_null_values[name] = ""
- prop = ("Miscellaneous", [name, name], {}, {})
+ prop = ("Miscellaneous", [name, name], set(), {})
_properties[name] = prop
_properties[NormPropName(name)] = prop
# lccc = ccc of first cp in canonical decomposition.
# Script_Extensions
if "scx" not in _properties:
_null_values["scx"] = ""
- prop = ("Miscellaneous", ["scx", "Script_Extensions"], {}, {})
+ prop = ("Miscellaneous", ["scx", "Script_Extensions"], set(), {})
_properties["scx"] = prop
_properties["Script_Extensions"] = prop
_properties["scriptextensions"] = prop
if short_name == "n/a": # no short name
fields[0] = ""
short_name = fields[1]
- prop[2][short_name] = None
+ prop[2].add(short_name)
values = prop[3]
for alias in fields:
if alias:
# Add ISO 15924-only script codes.
# Only for the ICU script code API, not necessary for parsing the UCD.
script_prop = _properties["sc"]
- short_script_names = script_prop[2] # dict
+ short_script_names = script_prop[2] # set
script_values = script_prop[3] # dict
remove_scripts = []
for script in _scripts_only_in_iso15924:
if script in short_script_names:
- short_script_names[script] = None
+ short_script_names.add(script)
# Do not invent a Unicode long script name before the UCD adds the script.
script_list = [script, script] # [short, long]
script_values[script] = script_list
# ICU API ------------------------------------------------------------------ ***
-# Sample line to match:
-# USCRIPT_LOMA = 139,/* Loma */
-_uscript_re = re.compile(
- " *(USCRIPT_[A-Z_]+) *= *[0-9]+ *, */\* *([A-Z][a-z]{3}) *\*/")
-def ParseUScriptHeader(icu_src_root):
- uscript_path = os.path.join(icu_src_root, "source",
- "common", "unicode", "uscript.h")
- short_script_name_to_enum = _properties["sc"][2]
- scripts_not_in_ucd = set()
- with open(uscript_path, "r") as uscript_file:
- for line in uscript_file:
- match = _uscript_re.match(line)
- if match:
- (script_enum, script_code) = match.group(1, 2)
- if script_code not in short_script_name_to_enum:
- scripts_not_in_ucd.add(script_code)
- else:
- short_script_name_to_enum[script_code] = script_enum
- if scripts_not_in_ucd:
- raise ValueError("uscript.h has UScript constants for scripts "
- "not in the UCD nor in ISO 15924: %s" % scripts_not_in_ucd)
# Sample line to match:
_uchar_re = re.compile(
# Sample line to match:
# /** Zs @stable ICU 2.0 */
-_gc_comment_re = re.compile(" */\*\* *([A-Z][a-z]) *")
+_gc_comment_re = re.compile(" */\*\* *([A-Z][a-z]) ")
# Sample line to match:
# Sample line to match:
# /** L @stable ICU 2.0 */
-_bc_comment_re = re.compile(" */\*\* *([A-Z]{1,3}) *")
+_bc_comment_re = re.compile(" */\*\* *([A-Z]{1,3}) ")
# Sample line to match:
uchar_path = os.path.join(icu_src_root, "source",
"common", "unicode", "uchar.h")
with open(uchar_path, "r") as uchar_file:
- mode = ""
- prop = None
- comment_value = "??"
+ mode = "" # Mode string (=pname) during context-sensitive parsing.
+ comment_value = "" # Property value from a comment preceding an enum.
+ # Note: The enum UProperty is first in uchar.h, before the enums for values.
for line in uchar_file:
# Parse some enums via context-sensitive "modes".
# Necessary because the enum constant names do not contain
# enough information.
if "enum UCharCategory" in line:
mode = "gc"
- prop = _properties["gc"]
+ comment_value = ""
if mode == "gc":
- # Leave the normal short-to-enum map which is shared between gc & gcm
- # with enums like U_GC_ZS_MASK.
- # For writing gc enums to pnames_data.h use _gc_vname_to_enum.
if line.startswith("}"):
mode = ""
comment_value = match.group(1)
match = _gc_re.match(line)
- if match:
+ if match and comment_value:
gc_enum = match.group(1)
+ prop = _properties["gc"]
vname = GetShortPropertyValueName(prop, comment_value)
- _gc_vname_to_enum[vname] = gc_enum
+ icu_values = _pname_to_icu_prop["gc"][2]
+ icu_values.append((gc_enum, vname))
+ comment_value = ""
if "enum UCharDirection {" in line:
mode = "bc"
- prop = _properties["bc"]
- comment_value = "??"
+ comment_value = ""
if mode == "bc":
if line.startswith("}"):
comment_value = match.group(1)
match = _bc_re.match(line)
- if match:
+ if match and comment_value:
bc_enum = match.group(1)
+ prop = _properties["bc"]
vname = GetShortPropertyValueName(prop, comment_value)
- prop[2][vname] = bc_enum
+ icu_values = _pname_to_icu_prop["bc"][2]
+ icu_values.append((bc_enum, vname))
+ comment_value = ""
# No mode, parse enum constants whose names contain
# enough information to parse without requiring context.
# Ignore "UCHAR_BINARY_LIMIT=57," etc.
pname = GetShortPropertyName(prop_enum[6:])
- _property_name_to_enum[pname] = prop_enum
+ icu_prop = (prop_enum, pname, [])
+ _icu_properties.append(icu_prop)
+ _pname_to_icu_prop[pname] = icu_prop
match = _ublock_re.match(line)
if match:
prop = _properties["blk"]
vname = GetShortPropertyValueName(prop, prop_enum[7:])
- prop[2][vname] = prop_enum
+ icu_values = _pname_to_icu_prop["blk"][2]
+ icu_values.append((prop_enum, vname))
match = _prop_and_value_re.match(line)
if match:
(prop_enum, vname) = match.group(1, 3)
if vname == "COUNT" or _prop_and_alias_re.match(line):
- prop = GetProperty(match.group(2))
+ pname = GetShortPropertyName(match.group(2))
+ prop = _properties[pname]
vname = GetShortPropertyValueName(prop, vname)
- prop[2][vname] = prop_enum
+ icu_values = _pname_to_icu_prop[pname][2]
+ icu_values.append((prop_enum, vname))
+ # ccc, lccc, tccc use their numeric values as "enum" values.
+ # In the UCD data, these numeric values are the first value names,
+ # followed by the short & long value names.
+ # List the ccc values in numeric order.
+ prop = _properties["ccc"]
+ icu_values = _pname_to_icu_prop["ccc"][2]
+ for ccc in sorted([int(name) for name in prop[2]]):
+ icu_values.append((ccc, str(ccc)))
+ _pname_to_icu_prop["lccc"][2].extend(icu_values) # Copy ccc -> lccc.
+ _pname_to_icu_prop["tccc"][2].extend(icu_values) # Copy ccc -> tccc.
# No need to parse predictable General_Category_Mask enum constants.
- short_gcm_name_to_enum = _properties["gcm"][2]
- for value in short_gcm_name_to_enum:
- short_gcm_name_to_enum[value] = "U_GC_" + value.upper() + "_MASK"
+ # Just define them in ASCII order.
+ prop = _properties["gcm"]
+ icu_values = _pname_to_icu_prop["gcm"][2]
+ for vname in sorted(prop[2]):
+ icu_values.append(("U_GC_" + vname.upper() + "_MASK", vname))
# Hardcode known values for the normalization quick check properties,
# see unorm2.h for the UNormalizationCheckResult enum.
- short_name_to_enum = _properties["NFC_QC"][2]
- short_name_to_enum["N"] = "UNORM_NO"
- short_name_to_enum["Y"] = "UNORM_YES"
- short_name_to_enum["M"] = "UNORM_MAYBE"
- short_name_to_enum = _properties["NFKC_QC"][2]
- short_name_to_enum["N"] = "UNORM_NO"
- short_name_to_enum["Y"] = "UNORM_YES"
- short_name_to_enum["M"] = "UNORM_MAYBE"
+ icu_values = _pname_to_icu_prop["NFC_QC"][2]
+ icu_values.append(("UNORM_NO", "N"))
+ icu_values.append(("UNORM_YES", "Y"))
+ icu_values.append(("UNORM_MAYBE", "M"))
+ _pname_to_icu_prop["NFKC_QC"][2].extend(icu_values) # Copy NFC -> NFKC.
# No "maybe" values for NF[K]D.
- short_name_to_enum = _properties["NFD_QC"][2]
- short_name_to_enum["N"] = "UNORM_NO"
- short_name_to_enum["Y"] = "UNORM_YES"
- short_name_to_enum = _properties["NFKD_QC"][2]
- short_name_to_enum["N"] = "UNORM_NO"
- short_name_to_enum["Y"] = "UNORM_YES"
+ icu_values = _pname_to_icu_prop["NFD_QC"][2]
+ icu_values.append(("UNORM_NO", "N"))
+ icu_values.append(("UNORM_YES", "Y"))
+ _pname_to_icu_prop["NFKD_QC"][2].extend(icu_values) # Copy NFD -> NFKD.
-def WritePNamesDataHeader(out_path):
- # Build a sorted list of (key0, enum, aliases) tuples
- # to emulate the output order of the old genpname/preparse.pl.
- # key0 is either a preparse.pl property type string (for property names)
- # or a Unicode short property name (for property value names).
- # enum is the ICU4C enum constant name.
- # aliases is the tuple of the property's or value's names and aliases.
- # (We use a tuple, not the original list,
- # so that we can use it as a dict key.)
- # TODO: once we are sure this works, simplify the order;
- # for example, change all "_bp" etc. to just ""
- # (outputs property names first in enum order),
- # and sorting ccc by numbers not strings
- # TODO: simplify further, to make pnames_data.h more stable;
- # try not to print string or group index numbers
- # TODO: wiki/ReviewTicket8972 with diff links
- prop_type_to_old_type = {
- "Binary": "_bp",
- "Bitmask": "_op",
- "Catalog": "_ep",
- "Enumerated": "_ep",
- "Miscellaneous": "_sp",
- "Numeric": "_dp",
- "String": "_sp"
- }
- pnames_data = [
- ("binprop", "0", tuple(_binary_values["N"])),
- ("binprop", "1", tuple(_binary_values["Y"]))
- ]
+# Sample line to match:
+# USCRIPT_LOMA = 139,/* Loma */
+_uscript_re = re.compile(
+ " *(USCRIPT_[A-Z_]+) *= *[0-9]+ *, */\* *([A-Z][a-z]{3}) *\*/")
+def ParseUScriptHeader(icu_src_root):
+ uscript_path = os.path.join(icu_src_root, "source",
+ "common", "unicode", "uscript.h")
+ icu_values = _pname_to_icu_prop["sc"][2]
+ with open(uscript_path, "r") as uscript_file:
+ for line in uscript_file:
+ match = _uscript_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ (script_enum, script_code) = match.group(1, 2)
+ icu_values.append((script_enum, script_code))
+def CheckPNamesData():
+ """Checks that every ICU property has a full set of value enum constants,
+ and that the _icu_properties value names map back to the UCD."""
missing_enums = []
- # Only properties that have ICU API.
- for (pname, prop_enum) in _property_name_to_enum.iteritems():
+ for (p_enum, pname, values) in _icu_properties:
prop = _properties[pname]
- # Sometimes the uchar.h UProperty type differs
- # from the PropertyAliases.txt type.
- if pname == "age":
- type = "_sp"
- elif pname in ("gcm", "scx"):
- type = "_op"
- else:
- type = prop_type_to_old_type[prop[0]]
- pnames_data.append((type, prop_enum, tuple(prop[1])))
- if type != "_bp" and pname != "age":
- short_name_to_enum = prop[2]
- if pname.endswith("ccc"):
- # ccc, lccc, tccc use the string forms of their numeric values
- # as "enum" values.
- # In the UCD data, these numeric strings are the first value names,
- # followed by the short & long value names.
- # Omit the numeric strings from the aliases as well.
- for name in short_name_to_enum:
- pnames_data.append((pname, name, tuple(prop[3][name][1:])))
- else:
- if pname == "gc":
- # See comment about _gc_vname_to_enum in ParseUCharHeader().
- short_name_to_enum = _gc_vname_to_enum
- for (name, enum) in short_name_to_enum.iteritems():
- if enum:
- pnames_data.append((pname, enum, tuple(prop[3][name])))
- else:
- missing_enums.append((pname, name))
+ vnames = set(prop[2]) # Modifiable copy of the set of short value names.
+ for (v_enum, vname) in values:
+ if vname not in vnames:
+ raise ValueError("%s = %s (uchar.h %s) not in the UCD\n" %
+ (pname, vname, v_enum))
+ vnames.remove(vname)
+ # Exceptions to the all-values check:
+ # - ICU does not have specific enum values for binary No/Yes.
+ # - ICU represents Age values via UVersionInfo rather than enum constants.
+ # - gc: ICU enum UCharCategory only has the single-category values.
+ # (ICU's gcm property has all of the UCD gc property values.)
+ if vnames and not (prop[0] == "Binary" or pname in ("age", "gc")):
+ missing_enums.append((pname, vnames))
if missing_enums:
raise ValueError(
"missing uchar.h enum constants for some property values: %s" %
- pnames_data.sort()
- # Write pnames_data.h.
+def WritePNamesDataHeader(out_path):
year = datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y")
with open(out_path, "w") as out_file:
* others. All Rights Reserved.
* machine-generated by: icu/tools/unicode/py/preparseucd.py
+ *
+ * Unicode """ + _ucd_version + """
- out_file.write("/* Unicode version %s */\n" % _ucd_version)
- v = _ucd_version.split(".")
- while len(v) < 4: v.append("0")
- for i in xrange(4):
- out_file.write("const uint8_t VERSION_%d = %s;\n" % (i, v[i]))
- out_file.write("\n")
- # Write the string table with all of the names and aliases
- # of all of the properties and their values.
- # Unique strings in ASCII order.
- # The first string must be the empty string.
- strings_set = set([""])
- for (key0, enum, aliases) in pnames_data:
- for s in aliases: strings_set.add(s)
- strings = sorted(strings_set)
- out_file.write("const int32_t STRING_COUNT = %d;\n\n" % len(strings))
- # While printing, create a mapping from string table entry to index.
- string_to_id = {}
- out_file.write("const AliasName STRING_TABLE[] = {\n")
- for s in strings:
- i = len(string_to_id)
- out_file.write(' AliasName("%s", %d),\n' % (s, i))
- string_to_id[s] = i
+ # Write an array of "binprop" Value object initializers
+ # with the value aliases shared among all binary properties.
+ out_file.write("const int32_t VALUES_binprop_COUNT = 2;\n\n")
+ out_file.write("const Value VALUES_binprop[] = {\n")
+ out_file.write(' Value(0, "%s"),\n' % " ".join(_binary_values["N"]))
+ out_file.write(' Value(1, "%s"),\n' % " ".join(_binary_values["Y"]))
- # Emit the name group table.
- # [A table of name groups. A name group is the list of names and aliases
- # for a property or property value.
- # The name group table looks like this:
- #
- # 114, -115, 116, -117, 0, -118, 65, -64, ...
- # [0] [2] [4] [6]
- #
- # The entry at [0] consists of 2 strings, 114 and 115.
- # The entry at [2] consists of 116 and 117, etc.
- # The last entry is negative.
- # Build the name group list with nameGroup indices.
- name_groups = []
- # Count the total number of values, not just the groups.
- name_groups_total_length = 0
- # Check for duplicate name groups, and reuse the first of a kind.
- group_to_int = {}
- for (key0, enum, aliases) in pnames_data:
- index = group_to_int.get(aliases)
- if index == None:
- index = name_groups_total_length
- group_to_int[aliases] = index
- name_groups.append([string_to_id[s] for s in aliases])
- name_groups_total_length += len(aliases)
- out_file.write("const int32_t NAME_GROUP_COUNT = %d;\n\n" %
- name_groups_total_length)
- out_file.write("int32_t NAME_GROUP[] = {\n")
- # Emit one group per line, with annotations.
- max_names = 0 # Maximum number of names & aliases per item.
- start = 0
- for group in name_groups:
- line = " "
- aliases = [] # For comments.
- for i in group[:-1]:
- line += "%d, " % i
- aliases.append('"%s"' % strings[i])
- # Negative entry terminates the group.
- i = group[-1]
- line += "%d, " % -i
- aliases.append('"%s"' % strings[i])
- out_file.write(
- line + " " * (24 - len(line)) +
- "/* %3d: " % start + ", ".join(aliases) + " */\n")
- length = len(group)
- if length > max_names: max_names = length
- start += length
- out_file.write("};\n\n")
- out_file.write("#define MAX_NAMES_PER_GROUP %d\n\n" % max_names)
- # Emit the enumerated property values.
- i = 0
- while i < len(pnames_data):
- pname = pnames_data[i][0]
- if pname.startswith("_"):
- i += 1
- continue
- if pname == "binprop":
- count = 2
- elif pname == "gc":
- count = len(_gc_vname_to_enum)
- else:
- count = len(_properties[pname][2])
+ # For each property with named values, write an array of
+ # Value object initializers with the value enum and the aliases.
+ for (p_enum, pname, values) in _icu_properties:
+ if not values: continue
out_file.write("const int32_t VALUES_%s_COUNT = %d;\n\n" %
- (pname, count))
- out_file.write("const Alias VALUES_%s[] = {\n" % pname)
- limit = i + count
- while i < limit:
- (pname, enum, aliases) = pnames_data[i]
- out_file.write(" Alias((int32_t) %s, %d),\n" %
- (enum, group_to_int[aliases]))
- i += 1
+ (pname, len(values)))
+ out_file.write("const Value VALUES_%s[] = {\n" % pname)
+ for (v_enum, vname) in values:
+ aliases = _properties[pname][3][vname]
+ # ccc, lccc, tccc: Omit the numeric strings from the aliases.
+ # (See the comment about ccc in the PropertyValueAliases.txt header.)
+ if pname.endswith("ccc"): aliases = aliases[1:]
+ cast = "(int32_t)" if pname == "gcm" else ""
+ out_file.write(' Value(%s%s, "%s"),\n' %
+ (cast, v_enum, " ".join(aliases)))
- # Emit the top-level properties (binary, enumerated, etc.).
- out_file.write("const int32_t PROPERTY_COUNT = %d;\n\n" %
- len(_property_name_to_enum))
- out_file.write("const Property PROPERTY[] = {\n")
- for (pname, enum, aliases) in pnames_data:
- if not pname.startswith("_"): continue
- pname = aliases[0]
- if not pname: pname = aliases[1] # Long name if no short name.
+ # For each property, write a Property object initializer
+ # with the property enum, its aliases, and a reference to its values.
+ out_file.write("const int32_t PROPERTIES_COUNT = %d;\n\n" %
+ len(_icu_properties))
+ out_file.write("const Property PROPERTIES[] = {\n")
+ for (enum, pname, values) in _icu_properties:
prop = _properties[pname]
- group_index = group_to_int[aliases]
- if prop[2] and pname != "age": # Property with named values.
+ aliases = prop[1]
+ if values: # Property with named values.
if prop[0] == "Binary": pname = "binprop"
- " Property((int32_t) %s, %d, VALUES_%s_COUNT, VALUES_%s),\n" %
- (enum, group_index, pname, pname))
+ ' Property(%s, "%s", VALUES_%s, VALUES_%s_COUNT),\n' %
+ (enum, " ".join(aliases), pname, pname))
- out_file.write(" Property((int32_t) %s, %d, 0, NULL),\n" %
- (enum, group_index))
+ out_file.write(' Property(%s, "%s", NULL, 0),\n' %
+ (enum, " ".join(aliases)))
# main() ------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
with open(out_path, "w") as out_file:
# TODO: PrintNameStats()
# ICU data for property & value names API
- ParseUScriptHeader(icu_src_root)
+ ParseUScriptHeader(icu_src_root)
+ CheckPNamesData()
genprops_path = os.path.join(icu_tools_root, "unicode", "c", "genprops")
if not os.path.exists(genprops_path): os.makedirs(genprops_path)
out_path = os.path.join(genprops_path, "pnames_data.h")