Will follow up to internals@ shortly.
--- /dev/null
+@echo off
+cscript /nologo win32\build\buildconf.js
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("bcmath", "bc style precision math functions", "yes");
+if (PHP_BCMATH == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("bcmath", "bcmath.c", null, "-Iext/bcmath/libbcmath/src");
+ ADD_SOURCES("ext/bcmath/libbcmath/src", "add.c div.c init.c neg.c \
+ outofmem.c raisemod.c rt.c sub.c compare.c divmod.c int2num.c \
+ num2long.c output.c recmul.c sqrt.c zero.c debug.c doaddsub.c \
+ nearzero.c num2str.c raise.c rmzero.c str2num.c", "bcmath");
+ AC_DEFINE('WITH_BCMATH', 1, 'Have BCMATH library');
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("calendar", "calendar conversion support", "yes");
+if (PHP_CALENDAR == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("calendar", "calendar.c dow.c french.c gregor.c jewish.c \
+ julian.c easter.c cal_unix.c");
+ AC_DEFINE('HAVE_CALENDAR', 1, 'Have calendar');
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("com_dotnet", "COM and .Net support", "yes");
+if (PHP_COM_DOTNET == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("com_dotnet", "com_com.c com_dotnet.c com_extension.c \
+ com_handlers.c com_iterator.c com_misc.c com_olechar.c \
+ com_typeinfo.c com_variant.c");
+ // TODO: do a header check for this
+ AC_DEFINE('HAVE_MSCOREE_H', 0, 'Have .net headers');
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("ctype", "ctype", "yes");
+if (PHP_CTYPE == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("ctype", "ctype.c");
+ AC_DEFINE('HAVE_CTYPE', 1, 'Have ctype');
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_WITH("dom", "DOM support", "yes");
+if (PHP_DOM == "yes" && PHP_LIBXML == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("dom", "php_dom.c attr.c document.c domerrorhandler.c \
+ domstringlist.c domexception.c namelist.c processinginstruction.c \
+ cdatasection.c documentfragment.c domimplementation.c element.c \
+ node.c string_extend.c characterdata.c documenttype.c \
+ domimplementationlist.c entity.c nodelist.c text.c comment.c \
+ domconfiguration.c domimplementationsource.c entityreference.c \
+ notation.c xpath.c dom_iterators.c typeinfo.c domerror.c \
+ domlocator.c namednodemap.c userdatahandler.c");
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_DOM", 1, "DOM support");
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("ftp", "ftp support", "yes");
+if (PHP_FTP == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("ftp", "php_ftp.c ftp.c");
+ AC_DEFINE('HAVE_FTP', 1, 'Have FTP support');
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_WITH("libxml", "LibXML support", "yes");
+if (PHP_LIBXML == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("libxml", "libxml.c", false /* never shared */);
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_LIBXML", 1, "LibXML support");
+ ADD_FLAG("LIBS_LIBXML", "libxml2.lib iconv.lib");
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("mbstring", "multibyte string functions", "no");
+ARG_ENABLE("mbregex", "multibyte regex support", "no");
+if (PHP_MBSTRING == "yes") {
+ FSO.CopyFile("ext\\mbstring\\libmbfl\\config.h.vc6",
+ "ext\\mbstring\\libmbfl\\config.h", true);
+ FSO.CopyFile("ext\\mbstring\\oniguruma\\win32\\config.h",
+ "ext\\mbstring\\oniguruma\\config.h", true);
+ EXTENSION("mbstring", "mbstring.c php_unicode.c mb_gpc.c", null,
+ "-Iext/mbstring/libmbfl -Iext/mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl \
+ ADD_SOURCES("ext/mbstring/libmbfl/filters", "html_entities.c \
+ mbfilter_7bit.c mbfilter_ascii.c mbfilter_base64.c mbfilter_big5.c \
+ mbfilter_byte2.c mbfilter_byte4.c mbfilter_cp1251.c mbfilter_cp1252.c \
+ mbfilter_cp866.c mbfilter_cp932.c mbfilter_cp936.c mbfilter_euc_cn.c \
+ mbfilter_euc_jp.c mbfilter_euc_jp_win.c mbfilter_euc_kr.c \
+ mbfilter_euc_tw.c mbfilter_htmlent.c mbfilter_hz.c mbfilter_iso2022_kr.c \
+ mbfilter_iso8859_1.c mbfilter_iso8859_10.c mbfilter_iso8859_13.c \
+ mbfilter_iso8859_14.c mbfilter_iso8859_15.c mbfilter_iso8859_2.c \
+ mbfilter_iso8859_3.c mbfilter_iso8859_4.c mbfilter_iso8859_5.c \
+ mbfilter_iso8859_6.c mbfilter_iso8859_7.c mbfilter_iso8859_8.c \
+ mbfilter_iso8859_9.c mbfilter_jis.c mbfilter_koi8r.c mbfilter_qprint.c \
+ mbfilter_sjis.c mbfilter_ucs2.c mbfilter_ucs4.c mbfilter_uhc.c \
+ mbfilter_utf16.c mbfilter_utf32.c mbfilter_utf7.c mbfilter_utf7imap.c \
+ mbfilter_utf8.c mbfilter_uuencode.c", "mbstring");
+ ADD_SOURCES("ext/mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl", "mbfilter.c mbfilter_8bit.c \
+ mbfilter_pass.c mbfilter_wchar.c mbfl_convert.c mbfl_encoding.c \
+ mbfl_filter_output.c mbfl_ident.c mbfl_language.c mbfl_memory_device.c \
+ mbfl_string.c mbfl_allocators.c", "mbstring");
+ ADD_SOURCES("ext/mbstring/libmbfl/nls", "nls_de.c nls_en.c nls_ja.c nls_kr.c \
+ nls_neutral.c nls_ru.c nls_uni.c nls_zh.c", "mbstring");
+ AC_DEFINE('HAVE_MBSTRING', 1, 'Have mbstring support');
+ AC_DEFINE('HAVE_STDARG_PROTOTYPES', 1, 'have stdarg.h');
+ if (PHP_MBREGEX == "yes") {
+ ADD_SOURCES("ext/mbstring/oniguruma", "regcomp.c regerror.c \
+ regexec.c reggnu.c regparse.c regposerr.c", "mbstring");
+ ADD_SOURCES("ext/mbstring", "php_mbregex.c", "mbstring");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("odbc", "ODBC support", "yes");
+if (PHP_ODBC == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("odbc", "php_odbc.c");
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_UODBC", 1, "ODBC support");
+ ADD_FLAG('LIBS_ODBC', 'odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib');
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_WITH("pcre-regex", "Perl Compatible Regular Expressions", "yes");
+if (PHP_PCRE_REGEX == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("pcre", "php_pcre.c", PHP_PCRE_REGEX_SHARED,
+ ADD_SOURCES("ext/pcre/pcrelib", "maketables.c get.c study.c pcre.c", "pcre");
+ AC_DEFINE('HAVE_BUNDLED_PCRE', 1, 'Using bundled PCRE library');
+ AC_DEFINE('HAVE_PCRE', 1, 'Have PCRE library');
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("session", "session support", "yes");
+if (PHP_SESSION == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("session", "session.c mod_files.c mod_mm.c mod_user.c", false /* never shared */);
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_PHP_SESSION", 1, "Session support");
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_WITH("simplexml", "Simple XML support", "yes");
+if (PHP_SIMPLEXML == "yes" && PHP_LIBXML == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("simplexml", "simplexml.c");
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_SIMPLEXML", 1, "Simple XML support");
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_WITH("sqlite", "SQLite support", "yes");
+if (PHP_SQLITE == "yes") {
+ FSO.CopyFile("ext\\sqlite\\libsqlite\\src\\sqlite.w32.h",
+ "ext\\sqlite\\libsqlite\\src\\sqlite.h");
+ FSO.CopyFile("ext\\sqlite\\libsqlite\\src\\sqlite_config.w32.h",
+ "ext\\sqlite\\libsqlite\\src\\config.h");
+ EXTENSION("sqlite", "sqlite.c sess_sqlite.c", null,
+ "/D PHP_SQLITE_EXPORTS /Iext/sqlite/libsqlite/src");
+ ADD_SOURCES("ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src", "opcodes.c parse.c encode.c \
+ auth.c btree.c build.c delete.c expr.c func.c hash.c insert.c \
+ main.c os.c pager.c printf.c random.c select.c table.c tokenize.c \
+ update.c util.c vdbe.c attach.c btree_rb.c pragma.c vacuum.c \
+ copy.c where.c trigger.c", "sqlite");
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_SQLITE", 1, "SQLite support");
+ ADD_DEF_FILE("ext\\sqlite\\php_sqlite.def");
--- /dev/null
+// vim:ft=javascript
+// $Id$
+ARG_WITH("config-file-scan-dir", "Dir to check for additional php ini files", "");
+ARG_WITH("config-file-path", "Where to find php.ini",
+ '(getenv("SystemRoot"))?getenv("SystemRoot"):""');
+EXTENSION("standard", "array.c base64.c basic_functions.c browscap.c \
+ crc32.c crypt.c cyr_convert.c datetime.c dir.c dl.c dns.c exec.c \
+ file.c filestat.c formatted_print.c fsock.c head.c html.c image.c \
+ info.c iptc.c lcg.c link.c mail.c math.c md5.c metaphone.c microtime.c \
+ pack.c pageinfo.c parsedate.c quot_print.c rand.c reg.c soundex.c \
+ string.c scanf.c syslog.c type.c uniqid.c url.c url_scanner.c var.c \
+ versioning.c assert.c strnatcmp.c levenshtein.c incomplete_class.c \
+ url_scanner_ex.c ftp_fopen_wrapper.c http_fopen_wrapper.c \
+ php_fopen_wrapper.c credits.c css.c var_unserializer.c ftok.c sha1.c \
+ user_filters.c uuencode.c filters.c proc_open.c sunfuncs.c \
+ streamsfuncs.c http.c", false /* never shared */);
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("tokenizer", "tokenizer support", "yes");
+if (PHP_TOKENIZER == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("tokenizer", "tokenizer.c");
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_TOKENIZER", 1, "Tokenizer support");
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_WITH("wddx", "WDDX support", "yes");
+if (PHP_WDDX == "yes" && PHP_LIBXML == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("wddx", "wddx.c");
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_WDDX", 1, "WDDX support");
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_WITH("xml", "XML support", "yes");
+if (PHP_XML == "yes" && PHP_LIBXML == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("xml", "xml.c compat.c");
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_XML", 1, "XML support");
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// vim:ft=javascript
+ARG_ENABLE("zlib", "ZLIB support", "yes");
+if (PHP_ZLIB == "yes") {
+ EXTENSION("zlib", "zlib.c zlib_fopen_wrapper.c", null, "/D ZLIB_EXPORTS");
+ AC_DEFINE("HAVE_ZLIB", 1, "Tokenizer support");
+ ADD_FLAG("LIBS_ZLIB", "zlib.lib");
--- /dev/null
+// vim:ft=javascript
+// $Id$
+ARG_ENABLE('apache', 'Build Apache 1.3.x version of PHP', 'yes');
+ARG_WITH('apache-includes', 'Where to find Apache 1.3 headers', null);
+ARG_WITH('apache-libs', 'Where to find Apache 1.3 libraries', null);
+if (PHP_APACHE_INCLUDES == null) {
+ if (FSO.FileExists('C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache\\include\\httpd.h')) {
+ PHP_APACHE_INCLUDES = "C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache\\include";
+ } else if (FSO.FileExists(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\apache\\src\\include\\httpd.h")) {
+ PHP_APACHE_INCLUDES = PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\apache\\src\\include";
+ }
+if (!FSO.FileExists(PHP_APACHE_INCLUDES + "\\httpd.h")) {
+ ERROR("Could not find apache headers");
+if (PHP_APACHE_LIBS == null) {
+ if (FSO.FileExists('C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache\\libexec\\ApacheCore.lib')) {
+ PHP_APACHE_LIBS = "C:\\Program Files\\Apache Group\\Apache\\libexec";
+ } else if (FSO.FileExists(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\apache\\src\\corer\\ApacheCore.lib")) {
+ PHP_APACHE_LIBS = PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\apache\\src\\corer";
+ }
+if (!FSO.FileExists(PHP_APACHE_LIBS + "\\ApacheCore.lib")) {
+ ERROR("Could not find apache libraries");
+if (PHP_APACHE == "yes") {
+ SAPI('apache', 'mod_php5.c sapi_apache.c php_apache.c',
+ 'php' + PHP_VERSION + 'apache.dll',
+ ADD_FLAG('LIBS_APACHE', '/libpath:"' + PHP_APACHE_LIBS + '" ApacheCore.lib');
--- /dev/null
+// vim:ft=javascript
+// $Id$
+ARG_ENABLE('cgi', 'Build CGI version of PHP', 'yes');
+ARG_ENABLE('fastcgi', 'Build FastCGI support into CGI binary', 'yes');
+ 'If this is disabled, paths such as /info.php/test?a=b will fail to work', 'yes');
+ARG_ENABLE("force-cgi-redirect", "Enable the security check for internal \
+server redirects. You should use this if you are running the CGI \
+version with Apache.", "yes");
+AC_DEFINE("FORCE_CGI_REDIRECT", PHP_FORCE_CGI_REDIRECT == "yes" ? 1 : 0, "CGI redirect mode");
+AC_DEFINE("ENABLE_PATHINFO_CHECK", PHP_PATH_INFO_CHECK == "yes" ? 1 : 0, "Pathinfo check");
+if (PHP_CGI == "yes") {
+ AC_DEFINE('PHP_FASTCGI', PHP_FASTCGI == "yes" ? 1 : 0);
+ if (PHP_FASTCGI == "yes") {
+ SAPI('cgi', 'cgi_main.c getopt.c', 'php-cgi.exe', '-Isapi/cgi/libfcgi/include /D FCGI_STATIC');
+ ADD_SOURCES('sapi/cgi/libfcgi', 'fcgi_stdio.c fcgiapp.c os_win32.c', 'cgi');
+ ADD_FLAG('LIBS_CGI', 'ws2_32.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib');
+ } else {
+ SAPI('cgi', 'cgi_main.c getopt.c', 'php-cgi.exe');
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// vim:ft=javascript
+// $Id$
+ARG_ENABLE('cli', 'Build CLI version of PHP', 'yes');
+if (PHP_CLI == "yes") {
+ SAPI('cli', 'getopt.c php_cli.c', 'php.exe');
--- /dev/null
+// vim:ft=javascript
+// $Id$
+ARG_ENABLE('isapi', 'Build ISAPI version of PHP', 'yes');
+if (PHP_ISAPI == "yes") {
+ SAPI('isapi', 'php4isapi.c', 'php' + PHP_VERSION + 'isapi.dll', '/D PHP4ISAPI_EXPORTS');
+ ADD_FLAG('LDFLAGS_ISAPI', '/DEF:sapi\\isapi\\php4isapi.def');
--- /dev/null
+# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# | PHP Version 5 |
+# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group |
+# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license, |
+# | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+# | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
+# | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. |
+# | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+# | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+# | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Author: Wez Furlong <wez@thebrainroom.com> |
+# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# $Id$
+# This is the makefile template for the win32 build
+all: $(BUILD_DIR) generated_files $(EXT_TARGETS) $(SAPI_TARGETS)
+generated_files: Zend\zend_ini_parser.c \
+ Zend\zend_language_parser.c Zend\zend_ini_scanner.c \
+ Zend\zend_language_scanner.c \
+win32\phpts.def: $(PHP_DLL_DEF_SOURCES)
+ type $(PHP_DLL_DEF_SOURCES) > win32\phpts.def
+Zend\zend_ini_parser.c Zend\zend_ini_parser.h: Zend\zend_ini_parser.y
+ bison --output=Zend/zend_ini_parser.\ -v -d -p ini_ Zend/zend_ini_parser.y
+Zend\zend_language_parser.c Zend\zend_language_parser.h: Zend\zend_language_parser.y
+ bison --output=Zend/zend_language_parser.c -v -d -p zend Zend/zend_language_parser.y
+Zend\zend_ini_scanner.c: Zend\flex.skl Zend\zend_ini_scanner.l
+ flex -B -i -SZend/flex.skl -Pini_ -oZend/zend_ini_scanner.c Zend/zend_ini_scanner.l
+Zend\zend_language_scanner.c: Zend\flex.skl Zend\zend_language_scanner.l
+ flex -i -SZend/flex.skl -Pzend -oZend/zend_language_scanner.c Zend/zend_language_scanner.l
+ mkdir $(BUILD_DIR)
+ for %D in ($(BUILD_DIRS_SUB)) do mkdir %D
+ for %D in ($(BUILD_DIRS_SUB)) do del /F /Q %D\*.*
+ del /F /Q $(BUILD_DIR)\*.*
+ %COMSPEC% /c <<test_suite_uses_lame_env_vars.bat
+$(BUILD_DIR)\\php.exe -d open_basedir= -d safe_mode=0 -d output_buffering=0 run-tests.php $(TESTS)
--- /dev/null
+// $Id: buildconf.js,v 1.1 2003-12-02 23:17:04 wez Exp $
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | PHP Version 5 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license, |
+ | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+ | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
+ | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. |
+ | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+ | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+ | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Wez Furlong <wez@thebrainroom.com> |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+/* $Id: buildconf.js,v 1.1 2003-12-02 23:17:04 wez Exp $ */
+// This generates a configure script for win32 build
+WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("Rebuilding configure.js");
+var FSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
+var C = FSO.CreateTextFile("configure.js", true);
+var modules = "";
+function file_get_contents(filename)
+ var F = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1);
+ var t = F.ReadAll();
+ F.Close();
+ return t;
+function find_config_w32(dirname)
+ var f = FSO.GetFolder(dirname);
+ var fc = new Enumerator(f.SubFolders);
+ var c;
+ for (; !fc.atEnd(); fc.moveNext())
+ {
+ c = FSO.BuildPath(fc.item(), "config.w32");
+ if (FSO.FileExists(c)) {
+ //WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(c);
+ modules += file_get_contents(c);
+ }
+ }
+// Write the head of the configure script
+C.WriteLine("/* This file automatically generated from win32/build/confutils.js */");
+// Pull in code from sapi and extensions
+modules = file_get_contents("win32/build/config.w32");
+// Look for ARG_ENABLE or ARG_WITH calls
+re = new RegExp("(ARG_(ENABLE|WITH)\([^;]+\);)", "gm");
+calls = modules.match(re);
+for (i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) {
+ item = calls[i];
+ C.WriteLine(item);
+// Comment out the calls from their original positions
+modules = modules.replace(re, "/* $1 */");
+WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("Now run 'cscript /nologo configure.js --help'");
--- /dev/null
+// vim:ft=javascript
+// $Id$
+// "Master" config file; think of it as a configure.in
+// equivalent.
+// one-shot build optimizes build by asking compiler to build
+// several objects at once, reducing overhead of starting new
+// compiler processes.
+ARG_ENABLE('one-shot', 'optimize for fast one-shot build', 'no');
+ARG_ENABLE('debug', 'Compile with debugging symbols', "no");
+ARG_ENABLE('zts', 'Thread safety', 'yes');
+// Configures the hard-coded installation dir
+ARG_ENABLE('prefix', 'where PHP will be installed', 'C:\\php5');
+DEFINE("BASE_INCLUDES", "/I . /I main /I regex /I Zend /I TSRM \
+/I $(PHP_BUILD)\\include");
+// CFLAGS for building the PHP dll
+// General CFLAGS for building objects
+/D ZEND_WIN32=1 /D PHP_WIN32=1 /D WIN32 /D _MBCS");
+// General link flags
+DEFINE("LDFLAGS", "/nologo /libpath:$(PHP_BUILD)\\lib");
+// General DLL link flags
+// PHP DLL link flags
+// General libs
+DEFINE("LIBS", "kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib \
+advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib \
+ws2_32.lib urlmon.lib resolv.lib");
+// Set some debug/release specific options
+if (PHP_DEBUG == "yes") {
+ ADD_FLAG("LDFLAGS", "/debug");
+ // Avoid problems when linking to release libraries that use the release
+ // version of the libc
+ ADD_FLAG("PHP_LDFLAGS", "/nodefaultlib:msvcrt");
+} else {
+ // Equivalent to Release_TSInline build -> best optimization
+ ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS", "/LD /MD /W3 /O2 /D NDebug /D NDEBUG \
+if (PHP_ZTS == "yes") {
+// we want msvcrt in the PHP DLL
+ADD_FLAG("PHP_LDFLAGS", "/nodefaultlib:libcmt");
+// set up the build dir and DLL name
+if (PHP_DEBUG == "yes" && PHP_ZTS == "yes") {
+ DEFINE("BUILD_DIR", "Debug_TS");
+ DEFINE("PHPDLL", "php5ts_debug.dll");
+ DEFINE("PHPLIB", "php5ts_debug.lib");
+} else if (PHP_DEBUG == "yes" && PHP_ZTS == "no") {
+ DEFINE("BUILD_DIR", "Debug");
+ DEFINE("PHPDLL", "php5_debug.dll");
+ DEFINE("PHPLIB", "php5_debug.lib");
+} else if (PHP_DEBUG == "no" && PHP_ZTS == "yes") {
+ DEFINE("BUILD_DIR", "Release_TS");
+ DEFINE("PHPDLL", "php5ts.dll");
+ DEFINE("PHPLIB", "php5ts.lib");
+} else if (PHP_DEBUG == "no" && PHP_ZTS == "no") {
+ DEFINE("BUILD_DIR", "Release");
+ DEFINE("PHPDLL", "php5.dll");
+ DEFINE("PHPLIB", "php5.lib");
+// Find the php_build dir - it contains headers and libraries
+// that we need
+ARG_WITH('php-build', 'where the php_build dir can be found', 'no');
+if (PHP_PHP_BUILD == "no") {
+ if (FSO.FolderExists("..\\php_build")) {
+ PHP_PHP_BUILD = "..\\php_build";
+ }
+if (!FSO.FolderExists(PHP_PHP_BUILD)) {
+ ERROR("Could not find the php_build dir; please specify it\r\n\
+using the --with-php-build option to configure");
+STDOUT.WriteLine("Build dir: " + get_define('BUILD_DIR'));
+STDOUT.WriteLine("PHP Core: " + get_define('PHPDLL') + " and " + get_define('PHPLIB'));
+ADD_SOURCES("TSRM", "TSRM.c tsrm_strtok_r.c tsrm_virtual_cwd.c tsrm_win32.c");
+ADD_SOURCES("Zend", "zend_language_parser.c zend_language_scanner.c \
+ zend_ini_parser.c zend_ini_scanner.c zend_alloc.c zend_compile.c \
+ zend_constants.c zend_dynamic_array.c zend_execute_API.c zend_highlight.c \
+ zend_llist.c zend_opcode.c zend_operators.c zend_ptr_stack.c \
+ zend_stack.c zend_variables.c zend.c zend_API.c zend_extensions.c \
+ zend_hash.c zend_list.c zend_indent.c zend_builtin_functions.c \
+ zend_sprintf.c zend_ini.c zend_qsort.c zend_multibyte.c zend_ts_hash.c \
+ zend_stream.c zend_iterators.c zend_interfaces.c zend_objects.c \
+ zend_object_handlers.c zend_objects_API.c \
+ zend_mm.c zend_default_classes.c zend_reflection_api.c zend_execute.c");
+ADD_SOURCES("main", "main.c snprintf.c spprintf.c safe_mode.c fopen_wrappers.c \
+ php_scandir.c php_ini.c SAPI.c rfc1867.c php_content_types.c strlcpy.c \
+ strlcat.c mergesort.c reentrancy.c php_variables.c php_ticks.c network.c \
+ php_open_temporary_file.c php_logos.c output.c internal_functions.c");
+ADD_SOURCES("main/streams", "streams.c cast.c memory.c filter.c plain_wrapper.c \
+ userspace.c transports.c xp_socket.c mmap.c");
+ADD_SOURCES("win32", "crypt_win32.c flock.c glob.c md5crypt.c pwd.c readdir.c \
+ registry.c select.c sendmail.c time.c wfile.c winutil.c wsyslog.c");
+ADD_SOURCES("regex", "regcomp.c regerror.c regexec.c regfree.c");
--- /dev/null
+ Build Configuration Template for Win32.
+ $Id$
+/* Default PHP / PEAR directories */
+#define CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH "php.ini"
+#define PEAR_INSTALLDIR "@PREFIX@\\pear"
+#define PHP_BINDIR "@PREFIX@"
+#define PHP_INCLUDE_PATH ".;@PREFIX@\\pear"
+#define PHP_LIBDIR "@PREFIX@"
+#define PHP_PREFIX "@PREFIX@"
+/* Enable / Disable crypt() function (default: enabled) */
+#define HAVE_CRYPT 1
+#define PHP_STD_DES_CRYPT 1
+#define PHP_EXT_DES_CRYPT 0
+#define PHP_MD5_CRYPT 1
+/* PHP Runtime Configuration */
+#define PHP_URL_FOPEN 1
+#define PHP_SAFE_MODE 0
+#define MAGIC_QUOTES 0
+#define USE_CONFIG_FILE 1
+/* Platform-Specific Configuration. Should not be changed. */
+#define PHP_SIGCHILD 0
+#define HAVE_LIBBIND 1
+#define STDIN_FILENO 0
+#define STDOUT_FILENO 1
+#define STDERR_FILENO 2
+#define HAVE_ERRMSG_H 0
+#undef HAVE_SOLID
+#undef HAVE_LINK
+/* its in win32/time.c */
+#define HAVE_USLEEP 1
+#define HAVE_GETCWD 1
+#define NEED_ISBLANK 1
+#define DISCARD_PATH 0
+#undef HAVE_IODBC
+#define HAVE_LIBDL 1
+#define HAVE_SENDMAIL 1
+#define HAVE_PUTENV 1
+#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1
+#define HAVE_TZSET 1
+#define HAVE_TZNAME 1
+#undef HAVE_FLOCK
+#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1
+#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1
+#define HAVE_ST_RDEV 1
+#define HAVE_UTIME_NULL 1
+#define HAVE_VPRINTF 1
+#define STDC_HEADERS 1
+#define REGEX 1
+#define HSREGEX 1
+#define HAVE_GCVT 1
+#define HAVE_GETLOGIN 1
+#define HAVE_MEMCPY 1
+#define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1
+#define HAVE_PUTENV 1
+#define HAVE_REGCOMP 1
+#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1
+# define HAVE_SETVBUF 1
+#define HAVE_SHUTDOWN 1
+#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1
+#define HAVE_STRDUP 1
+#define HAVE_STRERROR 1
+#define HAVE_STRSTR 1
+#define HAVE_TEMPNAM 1
+#define HAVE_UTIME 1
+#define HAVE_ASSERT_H 1
+#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1
+#define HAVE_GRP_H 0
+#define HAVE_PWD_H 1
+#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
+#define HAVE_SYSLOG_H 1
+#define HAVE_LIBDL 1
+#define HAVE_LIBM 1
+#define HAVE_CUSERID 0
+#undef HAVE_RINT
+#define HAVE_STRFTIME 1
+/* int and long are stll 32bit in 64bit compiles */
+#define SIZEOF_INT 4
+#define SIZEOF_LONG 4
+/* MSVC.6/NET don't allow 'long long' or know 'intmax_t' */
+#define SIZEOF_INTMAX_T 0
+#define ssize_t SSIZE_T
+#ifdef _WIN64
+# define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8
+# define SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T 8
+# define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 4
+# define SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T 4
+#define HAVE_GLOB
+#define PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX "dll"
+/* Win32 supports strcoll */
+#define HAVE_STRCOLL 1
+/* Win32 support proc_open */
+#define HAVE_MBLEN
--- /dev/null
+// vim:ft=javascript
+// $Id$
+// tail end of configure
--- /dev/null
+// Utils for configure script
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | PHP Version 5 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license, |
+ | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+ | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
+ | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. |
+ | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+ | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+ | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Wez Furlong <wez@thebrainroom.com> |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// $Id: confutils.js,v 1.1 2003-12-02 23:17:04 wez Exp $
+var STDOUT = WScript.StdOut;
+var STDERR = WScript.StdErr;
+var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
+var FSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
+var MFO = null;
+var PHP_VERSION = 5;
+configure_args = new Array();
+configure_subst = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary");
+configure_hdr = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary");
+build_dirs = new Array();
+extension_include_code = "";
+extension_module_ptrs = "";
+function ConfigureArg(type, optname, helptext, defval)
+ var opptype = type == "enable" ? "disable" : "without";
+ if (defval == "yes") {
+ this.arg = "--" + opptype + "-" + optname;
+ this.imparg = "--" + type + "-" + optname;
+ } else {
+ this.arg = "--" + type + "-" + optname;
+ this.imparg = "--" + opptype + "-" + optname;
+ }
+ this.optname = optname;
+ this.helptext = helptext;
+ this.defval = defval;
+ this.symval = optname.toUpperCase().replace(new RegExp("-", "g"), "_");
+ this.seen = false;
+ this.argval = defval;
+function ARG_WITH(optname, helptext, defval)
+ configure_args[configure_args.length] = new ConfigureArg("with", optname, helptext, defval);
+function ARG_ENABLE(optname, helptext, defval)
+ configure_args[configure_args.length] = new ConfigureArg("enable", optname, helptext, defval);
+function analyze_arg(argval)
+ var ret = new Array();
+ var shared = false;
+ if (argval == "shared") {
+ shared = true;
+ argval = "yes";
+ } else if (argval == null) {
+ /* nothing */
+ } else if (argval.match(new RegExp("^shared,(.*)"))) {
+ shared = true;
+ argval = $1;
+ }
+ ret[0] = shared;
+ ret[1] = argval;
+ return ret;
+function word_wrap_and_indent(indent, text, line_suffix, indent_char)
+ var words = text.split(new RegExp("\\s+", "g"));
+ var i = 0;
+ var ret_text = "";
+ var this_line = "";
+ var t;
+ var space = "";
+ var lines = 0;
+ if (line_suffix == null) {
+ line_suffix = "";
+ }
+ if (indent_char == null) {
+ indent_char = " ";
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
+ space += indent_char;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
+ if (this_line.length) {
+ t = this_line + " " + words[i];
+ } else {
+ t = words[i];
+ }
+ if (t.length + indent > 78) {
+ if (lines++) {
+ ret_text += space;
+ }
+ ret_text += this_line + line_suffix + "\r\n";
+ this_line = "";
+ }
+ if (this_line.length) {
+ this_line += " " + words[i];
+ } else {
+ this_line = words[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (this_line.length) {
+ if (lines)
+ ret_text += space;
+ ret_text += this_line;
+ }
+ return ret_text;
+function conf_process_args()
+ var i, j;
+ var configure_help_mode = false;
+ var analyzed = false;
+ var nice = "cscript /nologo configure.js ";
+ args = WScript.Arguments;
+ for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ arg = args(i);
+ nice += ' "' + arg + '"';
+ if (arg == "--help") {
+ configure_help_mode = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // If it is --foo=bar, split on the equals sign
+ arg = arg.split("=", 2);
+ argname = arg[0];
+ if (arg.length > 1) {
+ argval = arg[1];
+ } else {
+ argval = null;
+ }
+ // Find the arg
+ found = false;
+ for (j = 0; j < configure_args.length; j++) {
+ if (argname == configure_args[j].imparg || argname == configure_args[j].arg) {
+ found = true;
+ arg = configure_args[j];
+ arg.seen = true;
+ analyzed = analyze_arg(argval);
+ shared = analyzed[0];
+ argval = analyzed[1];
+ if (argname == arg.imparg) {
+ /* we matched the implicit, or default arg */
+ if (argval == null) {
+ argval = arg.defval;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* we matched the non-default arg */
+ if (argval == null) {
+ argval = arg.defval == "no" ? "yes" : "no";
+ }
+ }
+ arg.argval = argval;
+ eval("PHP_" + arg.symval + " = argval;");
+ eval("PHP_" + arg.symval + "_SHARED = shared;");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ STDERR.WriteLine("Unknown option " + argname + "; please try configure.js --help for a list of valid options");
+ WScript.Quit(2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (configure_help_mode) {
+ // Measure width to pretty-print the output
+ max_width = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < configure_args.length; i++) {
+ arg = configure_args[i];
+ if (arg.arg.length > max_width)
+ max_width = arg.arg.length;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < configure_args.length; i++) {
+ arg = configure_args[i];
+ n = max_width - arg.arg.length;
+ pad = " ";
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ pad += " ";
+ }
+ STDOUT.WriteLine(" " + arg.arg + pad + word_wrap_and_indent(max_width + 5, arg.helptext));
+ }
+ WScript.Quit(1);
+ }
+ // Now set any defaults we might have missed out earlier
+ for (i = 0; i < configure_args.length; i++) {
+ arg = configure_args[i];
+ if (arg.seen)
+ continue;
+ analyzed = analyze_arg(arg.defval);
+ shared = analyzed[0];
+ argval = analyzed[1];
+ eval("PHP_" + arg.symval + " = argval;");
+ eval("PHP_" + arg.symval + "_SHARED = shared;");
+ }
+ MFO = FSO.CreateTextFile("Makefile.objects", true);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Saving configure options to config.nice.bat");
+ var nicefile = FSO.CreateTextFile("config.nice.bat", true);
+ nicefile.WriteLine(nice);
+ nicefile.Close();
+function DEFINE(name, value)
+ if (configure_subst.Exists(name)) {
+ configure_subst.Remove(name);
+ }
+ configure_subst.Add(name, value);
+function PATH_PROG(progname, def, additional_paths)
+ var i;
+ var found = false;
+ var p = def;
+ var exe;
+ exe = progname + ".exe";
+ STDOUT.Write("Checking for " + progname + " ... ");
+ if (additional_paths != null) {
+ for (i = 0; i < additional_paths.length; i++) {
+ p = FSO.BuildPath(additional_paths[i], exe);
+ if (FSO.FileExists(p)) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ path = WshShell.Environment("Process").Item("PATH");
+ path = path.split(";");
+ for (i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
+ p = FSO.BuildPath(path[i], exe);
+ if (FSO.FileExists(p)) {
+ // If we find it in the PATH, don't bother
+ // making it fully qualified
+ found = true;
+ p = exe;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ p = def;
+ }
+ if (p == null) {
+ STDOUT.WriteLine(" <not found>");
+ } else {
+ STDOUT.WriteLine(p);
+ }
+ DEFINE(progname.toUpperCase(), p);
+ return p;
+function SAPI(sapiname, file_list, makefiletarget, cflags)
+ var SAPI = sapiname.toUpperCase();
+ var ldflags;
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Enabling sapi/" + sapiname);
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ MFO.WriteLine("# objects for SAPI " + sapiname);
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ if (cflags) {
+ ADD_FLAG('CFLAGS_' + SAPI, cflags);
+ }
+ ADD_SOURCES("sapi/" + sapiname, file_list, sapiname);
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ MFO.WriteLine("# SAPI " + sapiname);
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ MFO.WriteLine(makefiletarget + ": $(BUILD_DIR)\\" + makefiletarget);
+ MFO.WriteLine("\t@echo SAPI " + sapiname + " build complete");
+ MFO.WriteLine("$(BUILD_DIR)\\" + makefiletarget + ": $(" + SAPI + "_GLOBAL_OBJS) $(BUILD_DIR)\\$(PHPLIB)");
+ if (makefiletarget.match(new RegExp("\\.dll$"))) {
+ ldflags = "/dll $(LDFLAGS)";
+ } else {
+ ldflags = "$(LDFLAGS)";
+ }
+ MFO.WriteLine("\t$(LD) /nologo /out:$(BUILD_DIR)\\" + makefiletarget + " " + ldflags + " $(" + SAPI + "_GLOBAL_OBJS) $(BUILD_DIR)\\$(PHPLIB) $(LDFLAGS_" + SAPI + ") $(LIBS_" + SAPI + ")");
+ ADD_FLAG("SAPI_TARGETS", makefiletarget);
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+function file_get_contents(filename)
+ var f, c;
+ f = FSO.OpenTextFile(filename, 1);
+ c = f.ReadAll();
+ f.Close();
+ return c;
+function EXTENSION(extname, file_list, shared, cflags)
+ var objs = null;
+ var EXT = extname.toUpperCase();
+ var dllname = false;
+ if (shared == null) {
+ eval("shared = PHP_" + EXT + "_SHARED;");
+ }
+ if (cflags == null) {
+ cflags = "";
+ }
+ if (shared) {
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Enabling ext/" + extname + " [shared]");
+ cflags = "/D COMPILE_DL_" + EXT + " /D " + EXT + "_EXPORTS=1 " + cflags;
+ } else {
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Enabling ext/" + extname);
+ }
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ MFO.WriteLine("# objects for EXT " + extname);
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ ADD_SOURCES("ext/" + extname, file_list, extname);
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ if (shared) {
+ dllname = "php_" + extname + ".dll";
+ MFO.WriteLine("$(BUILD_DIR)\\" + dllname + ": $(" + EXT + "_GLOBAL_OBJS) $(BUILD_DIR)\\$(PHPLIB)");
+ MFO.WriteLine("\t$(LD) /out:$(BUILD_DIR)\\" + dllname + " $(DLL_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(" + EXT + "_LDFLAGS) $(" + EXT + "_GLOBAL_OBJS) $(BUILD_DIR)\\$(PHPLIB) $(LIBS_" + EXT + ") $(LIBS)");
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ ADD_FLAG("EXT_TARGETS", dllname);
+ MFO.WriteLine(dllname + ": $(BUILD_DIR)\\" + dllname);
+ MFO.WriteLine("\t@echo EXT " + extname + " build complete");
+ MFO.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ } else {
+ /* find the header that declars the module pointer,
+ * so we can include it in internal_functions.c */
+ var ext_dir = FSO.GetFolder("ext/" + extname);
+ var fc = new Enumerator(ext_dir.Files);
+ var re = /\.h$/;
+ var s, c;
+ for (; !fc.atEnd(); fc.moveNext()) {
+ s = fc.item() + "";
+ if (s.match(re)) {
+ c = file_get_contents(s);
+ if (c.match("phpext_")) {
+ extension_include_code += '#include "ext/' + extname + '/' + FSO.GetFileName(s) + '"\r\n';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ extension_module_ptrs += '\tphpext_' + extname + '_ptr,\r\n';
+ cflags = "$(CFLAGS_PHP) " + cflags;
+ }
+ ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_" + EXT, cflags);
+function ADD_SOURCES(dir, file_list, target)
+ var i;
+ var tv;
+ var src, obj, sym, flags;
+ if (target == null) {
+ target = "php";
+ }
+ sym = target.toUpperCase() + "_GLOBAL_OBJS";
+ flags = "CFLAGS_" + target.toUpperCase();
+ if (configure_subst.Exists(sym)) {
+ tv = configure_subst.Item(sym);
+ } else {
+ tv = "";
+ }
+ file_list = file_list.split(new RegExp("\\s+"));
+ var re = new RegExp("\.[a-z0-9A-Z]+$");
+ dir = dir.replace(new RegExp("/", "g"), "\\");
+ var objs_line = "";
+ var srcs_line = "";
+ var sub_build = "$(BUILD_DIR)\\";
+ if (target != "php") {
+ build_dirs[build_dirs.length] = target;
+ sub_build += target + "\\";
+ }
+ DEFINE("CFLAGS_BD_" + target.toUpperCase(), "/Fo" + sub_build + " /Fd" + sub_build + " /Fp" + sub_build + " /FR" + sub_build + " ");
+ for (i in file_list) {
+ src = file_list[i];
+ obj = src.replace(re, ".obj");
+ tv += " " + sub_build + obj;
+ if (PHP_ONE_SHOT == "yes") {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ objs_line += " " + sub_build + obj;
+ srcs_line += " " + dir + "\\" + src;
+ } else {
+ objs_line = sub_build + obj;
+ srcs_line = dir + "\\" + src;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MFO.WriteLine(sub_build + obj + ": " + dir + "\\" + src);
+ MFO.WriteLine("\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(" + flags + ") $(CFLAGS_BD_" + target.toUpperCase() + ") -c " + dir + "\\" + src + " -o " + sub_build + obj);
+ }
+ }
+ if (PHP_ONE_SHOT == "yes") {
+ MFO.WriteLine(objs_line + ": " + srcs_line);
+ MFO.WriteLine("\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(" + flags + ") $(CFLAGS_BD_" + target.toUpperCase() + ") -c " + srcs_line);
+ }
+ DEFINE(sym, tv);
+function generate_internal_functions()
+ var infile, outfile;
+ var indata;
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Generating main/internal_functions.c");
+ infile = FSO.OpenTextFile(WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "/main/internal_functions.c.in", 1);
+ indata = infile.ReadAll();
+ infile.Close();
+ outfile = FSO.CreateTextFile(WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "/main/internal_functions.c", true);
+ indata = indata.replace("@EXT_INCLUDE_CODE@", extension_include_code);
+ indata = indata.replace("@EXT_MODULE_PTRS@", extension_module_ptrs);
+ outfile.Write(indata);
+ outfile.Close();
+function generate_files()
+ var i, dir, bd, last;
+ STDOUT.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Creating build dirs...");
+ dir = get_define("BUILD_DIR");
+ build_dirs.sort();
+ last = null;
+ for (i = 0; i < build_dirs.length; i++) {
+ bd = FSO.BuildPath(dir, build_dirs[i]);
+ if (bd == last) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ last = bd;
+ if (!FSO.FolderExists(bd)) {
+ FSO.CreateFolder(bd);
+ }
+ }
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Generating files...");
+ generate_makefile();
+ generate_internal_functions();
+ generate_config_h();
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Done.");
+ STDOUT.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Type 'nmake' to build PHP");
+function generate_config_h()
+ var infile, outfile;
+ var indata;
+ var prefix;
+ prefix = PHP_PREFIX.replace("\\", "\\\\");
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Generating main/config.w32.h");
+ infile = FSO.OpenTextFile(WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "/win32/build/config.w32.h.in", 1);
+ indata = infile.ReadAll();
+ infile.Close();
+ outfile = FSO.CreateTextFile(WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "/main/config.w32.h", true);
+ indata = indata.replace(new RegExp("@PREFIX@", "g"), prefix);
+ outfile.Write(indata);
+ var keys = (new VBArray(configure_hdr.Keys())).toArray();
+ var i;
+ var item;
+ outfile.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ outfile.WriteLine("/* values determined by configure.js */");
+ for (i in keys) {
+ item = configure_hdr.Item(keys[i]);
+ outfile.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ outfile.WriteLine("/* " + item[1] + " */");
+ outfile.WriteLine("#define " + keys[i] + " " + item[0]);
+ }
+ outfile.Close();
+function generate_makefile()
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("Generating Makefile");
+ var MF = FSO.CreateTextFile("Makefile", true);
+ MF.WriteLine("# Generated by configure.js");
+ /* spit out variable definitions */
+ var keys = (new VBArray(configure_subst.Keys())).toArray();
+ var i;
+ for (i in keys) {
+ // The trailing space is needed to prevent the trailing backslash
+ // that is part of the build dir flags (CFLAGS_BD_XXX) from being
+ // seen as a line continuation character
+ MF.WriteLine(keys[i] + "=" + word_wrap_and_indent(1,
+ configure_subst.Item(keys[i]), ' \\', '\t') + " ");
+ MF.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ }
+ MF.WriteBlankLines(1);
+ var TF = FSO.OpenTextFile("win32/build/Makefile", 1);
+ MF.Write(TF.ReadAll());
+ TF.Close();
+ MF.WriteBlankLines(2);
+ MFO.Close();
+ TF = FSO.OpenTextFile("Makefile.objects", 1);
+ MF.Write(TF.ReadAll());
+ TF.Close();
+ MF.Close();
+function ADD_FLAG(name, flags, target)
+ if (target != null) {
+ name = target.toUpperCase() + "_" + name;
+ }
+ if (configure_subst.Exists(name)) {
+ flags = configure_subst.Item(name) + " " + flags;
+ configure_subst.Remove(name);
+ }
+ configure_subst.Add(name, flags);
+function get_define(name)
+ return configure_subst.Item(name);
+// Add a .def to the core to export symbols
+function ADD_DEF_FILE(name)
+ if (!configure_subst.Exists("PHPDEF")) {
+ DEFINE("PHPDEF", "win32\\phpts.def");
+ }
+function AC_DEFINE(name, value, comment, quote)
+ if (quote == null) {
+ quote = true;
+ }
+ if (quote && typeof(value) == "string") {
+ value = '"' + value.replace(new RegExp('"', "g"), '\\"') + '"';
+ } else if (value.length == 0) {
+ value = '""';
+ }
+ var item = new Array(value, comment);
+ configure_hdr.Add(name, item);
+function ERROR(msg)
+ STDERR.WriteLine("ERROR: " + msg);
+ WScript.Quit(3);
+function WARNING(msg)
+ STDERR.WriteLine("WARNING: " + msg);