set(COMPONENT_ADD_LDFRAGMENTS esp32-spiram-rom-functions-c.lf)
+ # Forces the linker to include locks.o from this component, which
+ # replaces weak locking functions defined in libc.a:locks.o
+ set(EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS "-u newlib_include_locks_impl")
# Remove this section when GCC 5.2.0 is no longer supported
# 'include' and 'lib' directories should also be removed.
target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT_TARGET} ${LIBC} ${LIBM})
set_source_files_properties(syscalls.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -fno-builtin)
+ target_link_libraries(${COMPONENT_TARGET} "${EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS}")
COMPONENT_ADD_LDFRAGMENTS := esp32-spiram-rom-functions-c.lf
+# Forces the linker to include locks.o from this component, which
+# replaces weak locking functions defined in libc.a:locks.o
+COMPONENT_ADD_LDFLAGS += -u newlib_include_locks_impl
else # GCC_NOT_5_2_0
# Remove this section when GCC 5.2.0 is no longer supported
void IRAM_ATTR _lock_release_recursive(_lock_t *lock) {
lock_release_generic(lock, queueQUEUE_TYPE_RECURSIVE_MUTEX);
+/* No-op function, used to force linking this file,
+ instead of the dummy locks implementation from newlib.
+ */
+void newlib_include_locks_impl()