call delete('Xchanged.txt')
+func Test_FileChangedShell_reload()
+ if !has('unix')
+ return
+ endif
+ augroup testreload
+ au FileChangedShell Xchanged let g:reason = v:fcs_reason | let v:fcs_choice = 'reload'
+ augroup END
+ new Xchanged
+ call setline(1, 'reload this')
+ write
+ " Need to wait until the timestamp would change by at least a second.
+ sleep 2
+ silent !echo 'extra line' >>Xchanged
+ checktime
+ call assert_equal('changed', g:reason)
+ call assert_equal(2, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('extra line', getline(2))
+ " Only triggers once
+ let g:reason = ''
+ checktime
+ call assert_equal('', g:reason)
+ " When deleted buffer is not reloaded
+ silent !rm Xchanged
+ let g:reason = ''
+ checktime
+ call assert_equal('deleted', g:reason)
+ call assert_equal(2, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('extra line', getline(2))
+ " When recreated buffer is reloaded
+ call setline(1, 'buffer is changed')
+ silent !echo 'new line' >>Xchanged
+ let g:reason = ''
+ checktime
+ call assert_equal('conflict', g:reason)
+ call assert_equal(1, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('new line', getline(1))
+ " Only mode changed
+ silent !chmod +x Xchanged
+ let g:reason = ''
+ checktime
+ call assert_equal('mode', g:reason)
+ call assert_equal(1, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('new line', getline(1))
+ " Only time changed
+ sleep 2
+ silent !touch Xchanged
+ let g:reason = ''
+ checktime
+ call assert_equal('time', g:reason)
+ call assert_equal(1, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('new line', getline(1))
+ if has('persistent_undo')
+ " With an undo file the reload can be undone and a change before the
+ " reload.
+ set undofile
+ call setline(2, 'before write')
+ write
+ call setline(2, 'after write')
+ sleep 2
+ silent !echo 'different line' >>Xchanged
+ let g:reason = ''
+ checktime
+ call assert_equal('conflict', g:reason)
+ call assert_equal(3, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('before write', getline(2))
+ call assert_equal('different line', getline(3))
+ " undo the reload
+ undo
+ call assert_equal(2, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('after write', getline(2))
+ " undo the change before reload
+ undo
+ call assert_equal(2, line('$'))
+ call assert_equal('before write', getline(2))
+ set noundofile
+ endif
+ au! testreload
+ bwipe!
+ call delete('Xchanged')