call assert_equal(15, col('.'))
call assert_equal('l', getreg(0))
- " Test for g Ctrl-G
- set ff=unix
- let a=execute(":norm! g\<c-g>")
- call assert_match('Col 15 of 43; Line 2 of 2; Word 2 of 2; Byte 16 of 45', a)
" Test for gI
norm! gIfoo
call assert_equal(['', 'fooabcdefghijk lmno0123456789AMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'], getline(1,'$'))
+func! Test_g_ctrl_g()
+ new
+ let a = execute(":norm! g\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\n--No lines in buffer--", a)
+ call setline(1, ['first line', 'second line'])
+ " Test g CTRL-g with dos, mac and unix file type.
+ norm! gojll
+ set ff=dos
+ let a = execute(":norm! g\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nCol 3 of 11; Line 2 of 2; Word 3 of 4; Byte 15 of 25", a)
+ set ff=mac
+ let a = execute(":norm! g\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nCol 3 of 11; Line 2 of 2; Word 3 of 4; Byte 14 of 23", a)
+ set ff=unix
+ let a = execute(":norm! g\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nCol 3 of 11; Line 2 of 2; Word 3 of 4; Byte 14 of 23", a)
+ " Test g CTRL-g in visual mode (v)
+ let a = execute(":norm! gojllvlg\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nSelected 1 of 2 Lines; 1 of 4 Words; 2 of 23 Bytes", a)
+ " Test g CTRL-g in visual mode (CTRL-V) with end col > start col
+ let a = execute(":norm! \<Esc>gojll\<C-V>kllg\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nSelected 3 Cols; 2 of 2 Lines; 2 of 4 Words; 6 of 23 Bytes", a)
+ " Test g_CTRL-g in visual mode (CTRL-V) with end col < start col
+ let a = execute(":norm! \<Esc>goll\<C-V>jhhg\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nSelected 3 Cols; 2 of 2 Lines; 2 of 4 Words; 6 of 23 Bytes", a)
+ " Test g CTRL-g in visual mode (CTRL-V) with end_vcol being MAXCOL
+ let a = execute(":norm! \<Esc>gojll\<C-V>k$g\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nSelected 2 of 2 Lines; 4 of 4 Words; 17 of 23 Bytes", a)
+ " There should be one byte less with noeol
+ set bin noeol
+ let a = execute(":norm! \<Esc>gog\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nCol 1 of 10; Line 1 of 2; Word 1 of 4; Char 1 of 23; Byte 1 of 22", a)
+ set bin & eol&
+ if has('multi_byte')
+ call setline(1, ['Français', '日本語'])
+ let a = execute(":norm! \<Esc>gojlg\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nCol 4-3 of 9-6; Line 2 of 2; Word 2 of 2; Char 11 of 13; Byte 16 of 20", a)
+ let a = execute(":norm! \<Esc>gojvlg\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nSelected 1 of 2 Lines; 1 of 2 Words; 2 of 13 Chars; 6 of 20 Bytes", a)
+ let a = execute(":norm! \<Esc>goll\<c-v>jlg\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nSelected 4 Cols; 2 of 2 Lines; 2 of 2 Words; 6 of 13 Chars; 11 of 20 Bytes", a)
+ set fenc=utf8 bomb
+ let a = execute(":norm! \<Esc>gojlg\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nCol 4-3 of 9-6; Line 2 of 2; Word 2 of 2; Char 11 of 13; Byte 16 of 20(+3 for BOM)", a)
+ set fenc=utf16 bomb
+ let a = execute(":norm! g\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nCol 4-3 of 9-6; Line 2 of 2; Word 2 of 2; Char 11 of 13; Byte 16 of 20(+2 for BOM)", a)
+ set fenc=utf32 bomb
+ let a = execute(":norm! g\<c-g>")
+ call assert_equal("\nCol 4-3 of 9-6; Line 2 of 2; Word 2 of 2; Char 11 of 13; Byte 16 of 20(+4 for BOM)", a)
+ set fenc& bomb&
+ endif
+ set ff&
+ bwipe!
fun! Test_normal34_g_cmd3()
if !has("multi_byte")