+++ /dev/null
- *
- * common.c--
- * common routines between pg_dump and pg4_dump
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * /usr/local/devel/pglite/cvs/src/bin/pg_dump/common.c,v 1.5 1995/06/28 22:32:35 jolly Exp
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/param.h> /* for MAXHOSTNAMELEN on most */
-#if defined(sparc_solaris) || defined(i386_solaris)
-#include <netdb.h> /* for MAXHOSTNAMELEN on some */
-#include "postgres.h"
-#include "libpq-fe.h"
-#include "libpq/auth.h"
-#include <port-protos.h> /* for strdup () *(
-#include "pg_dump.h"
- * check_conn_and_db checks the connection and the database
- */
- char *string= PQexec(" ");
- switch(*string) {
- case 'E':
- case 'R':
- PQfinish();
- exit(2);
- break;
- }
- * findTypeByOid
- * given an oid of a type, return its typename
- *
- * if oid is "0", return "opaque" -- this is a special case
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- */
-findTypeByOid(TypeInfo* tinfo, int numTypes, char* oid)
- int i;
- if (strcmp(oid, "0") == 0) return g_opaque_type;
- for (i=0;i<numTypes;i++) {
- if (strcmp(tinfo[i].oid, oid) == 0)
- return tinfo[i].typname;
- }
- /* should never get here */
- fprintf(stderr,"failed sanity check, type with oid %s was not found\n",
- oid);
- exit(2);
- * findOprByOid
- * given the oid of an operator, return the name of the operator
- *
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- *
- */
-findOprByOid(OprInfo *oprinfo, int numOprs, char *oid)
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<numOprs;i++) {
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oid, oid) == 0)
- return oprinfo[i].oprname;
- }
- /* should never get here */
- fprintf(stderr,"failed sanity check, opr with oid %s was not found\n",
- oid);
- exit(2);
- * findParentsByOid --
- * given the oid of a class, return the names of its parent classes
- * and assign the number of parents to the last argument.
- *
- *
- * returns NULL if none
- */
-findParentsByOid(TableInfo* tblinfo, int numTables,
- InhInfo* inhinfo, int numInherits, char *oid,
- int *numParentsPtr)
- int i,j;
- int parentInd;
- char** result;
- int numParents;
- numParents = 0;
- for (i=0;i<numInherits;i++) {
- if ( strcmp(inhinfo[i].inhrel, oid) == 0) {
- numParents++;
- }
- }
- *numParentsPtr = numParents;
- if (numParents > 0) {
- result = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * numParents);
- j = 0;
- for (i=0;i<numInherits;i++) {
- if ( strcmp(inhinfo[i].inhrel, oid) == 0) {
- parentInd = findTableByOid(tblinfo, numTables,
- inhinfo[i].inhparent);
- result[j++] = tblinfo[parentInd].relname;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
- * parseArgTypes
- * parse a string of eight numbers delimited by spaces
- * into a character array
- */
-parseArgTypes(char **argtypes, char* str)
- int i, j, argNum;
- char temp[100];
- char s;
- argNum = 0;
- j = 0;
- while ( (s = *str) != '\0') {
- if (s == ' ') {
- temp[j] = '\0';
- argtypes[argNum] = strdup(temp);
- argNum++;
- j = 0;
- } else {
- temp[j] = s;
- j++;
- }
- str++;
- }
- if (j != 0) {
- temp[j] = '\0';
- argtypes[argNum] = strdup(temp);
- }
- * strInArray:
- * takes in a string and a string array and the number of elements in the
- * string array.
- * returns the index if the string is somewhere in the array, -1 otherwise
- *
- */
-strInArray(char* pattern, char** arr, int arr_size)
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<arr_size;i++) {
- if (strcmp(pattern, arr[i]) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- * dumpSchema:
- * we have a valid connection, we are now going to dump the schema
- * into the file
- *
- */
-TableInfo *
-dumpSchema(FILE* fout, int *numTablesPtr)
- int numTypes;
- int numFuncs;
- int numTables;
- int numInherits;
- int numIndices;
- int numAggregates;
- int numOperators;
- TypeInfo *tinfo;
- FuncInfo *finfo;
- AggInfo *agginfo;
- TableInfo *tblinfo;
- InhInfo *inhinfo;
- IndInfo *indinfo;
- OprInfo *oprinfo;
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s reading user-defined types %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- tinfo = getTypes(&numTypes);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s reading user-defined functions %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- finfo = getFuncs(&numFuncs);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s reading user-defined aggregates %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- agginfo = getAggregates(&numAggregates);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s reading user-defined operators %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- oprinfo = getOperators(&numOperators);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s reading user-defined tables %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- tblinfo = getTables(&numTables);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s reading table inheritance information %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- inhinfo = getInherits(&numInherits);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s finding the attribute names and types for each table %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- getTableAttrs(tblinfo, numTables);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s flagging inherited attributes in subtables %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- flagInhAttrs(tblinfo, numTables, inhinfo, numInherits);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s reading indices information %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- indinfo = getIndices(&numIndices);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s dumping out user-defined types %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpTypes(fout, finfo, numFuncs, tinfo, numTypes);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s dumping out tables %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpTables(fout, tblinfo, numTables, inhinfo, numInherits,
- tinfo, numTypes);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s dumping out user-defined functions %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpFuncs(fout, finfo, numFuncs, tinfo, numTypes);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s dumping out user-defined functions %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpAggs(fout, agginfo, numAggregates, tinfo, numTypes);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s dumping out user-defined operators %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpOprs(fout, oprinfo, numOperators, tinfo, numTypes);
-if (g_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s dumping out indices %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpIndices(fout, indinfo, numIndices, tblinfo, numTables);
- *numTablesPtr = numTables;
- return tblinfo;
-/* flagInhAttrs -
- * for each table in tblinfo, flag its inherited attributes
- * so when we dump the table out, we don't dump out the inherited attributes
- *
- * initializes the parentRels field of each table
- *
- * modifies tblinfo
- *
- */
-flagInhAttrs(TableInfo* tblinfo, int numTables,
- InhInfo* inhinfo, int numInherits)
- int i,j,k;
- int parentInd;
- char *parentRels;
- int numParents;
- /* we go backwards because the tables in tblinfo are in OID
- order, meaning the subtables are after the parent tables
- we flag inherited attributes from child tables first */
- for (i = numTables-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- tblinfo[i].parentRels = findParentsByOid(tblinfo, numTables,
- inhinfo, numInherits,
- tblinfo[i].oid,
- &tblinfo[i].numParents);
- for (k=0;k<tblinfo[i].numParents;k++) {
- parentInd = findTableByName(tblinfo, numTables,
- tblinfo[i].parentRels[k]);
- for (j=0;j<tblinfo[i].numatts;j++) {
- if (strInArray(tblinfo[i].attnames[j],
- tblinfo[parentInd].attnames,
- tblinfo[parentInd].numatts) != -1) {
- tblinfo[i].inhAttrs[j] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * findTableByName
- * finds the index (in tblinfo) of the table with the given relname
- * returns -1 if not found
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- */
-findTableByName(TableInfo* tblinfo, int numTables, char* relname)
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<numTables;i++) {
- if (strcmp(tblinfo[i].relname, relname) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- * findTableByOid
- * finds the index (in tblinfo) of the table with the given oid
- * returns -1 if not found
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- */
-findTableByOid(TableInfo* tblinfo, int numTables, char* oid)
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<numTables;i++) {
- if (strcmp(tblinfo[i].oid, oid) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- * findFuncByName
- * finds the index (in finfo) of the function with the given name
- * returns -1 if not found
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- */
-findFuncByName(FuncInfo* finfo, int numFuncs, char* name)
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<numFuncs;i++) {
- if (strcmp(finfo[i].proname, name) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- * isArchiveName
- *
- * returns true if the relation name is an archive name, false otherwise
- */
-isArchiveName(char* relname)
- return (strlen(relname) > 1 && relname[1] == ',');
+++ /dev/null
- *
- * pg4_dump.c--
- * pg4_dump is an utility for dumping out a postgres database
- * into a script file.
- *
- * pg4_dump will read the system catalogs from a postgresV4r2 database and
- * dump out a script that reproduces the schema of the database in terms of
- * user-defined types
- * user-defined functions
- * tables
- * indices
- * aggregates
- * operators
- *
- * the output script is either POSTQUEL or SQL
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * /usr/local/devel/pglite/cvs/src/bin/pg_dump/pg4_dump.c,v 1.1 1995/05/18 19:23:53 jolly Exp
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/param.h> /* for MAXHOSTNAMELEN on most */
-#include <netdb.h> /* for MAXHOSTNAMELEN on some */
-#include "tmp/postgres.h"
-#include "tmp/libpq-fe.h"
-#include "libpq/auth.h"
-#include <port-protos.h> /* for strdup () */
-#include "pg_dump.h"
-extern char *optarg;
-extern int optind, opterr;
-/* these are used in libpq */
-extern char *PQhost; /* machine on which the backend is running */
-extern char *PQport; /* comm. port with the postgres backend. */
-extern char *PQtty; /* the tty where postgres msgs are displayed */
-extern char *PQdatabase; /* the postgres db to access. */
-/* global decls */
-int g_verbose; /* verbose flag */
-int g_last_builtin_oid; /* value of the last builtin oid */
-FILE *g_fout; /* the script file */
-char g_opaque_type[10]; /* name for the opaque type */
-/* placeholders for the delimiters for comments */
-char g_comment_start[10];
-char g_comment_end[10];
-int g_outputSQL; /* if 1, output SQL, otherwise , output Postquel */
-usage(char* progname)
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options] [dbname]\n",progname);
- fprintf(stderr, "\t -f filename \t\t script output filename\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\t -H hostname \t\t server host name\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\t -o [SQL|POSTQUEL} \t\t output format\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\t -p port \t\t server port number\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\t -v \t\t verbose\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\t -S \t\t dump out only the schema, no data\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\n if dbname is not supplied, then the DATABASE environment name is used\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\tpg4_dump dumps out postgres databases and produces a script file\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\tof query commands to regenerate the schema\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "\tThe output format is either POSTQUEL or SQL. The default is SQL\n");
- exit(1);
-main(int argc, char** argv)
- int c;
- char* progname;
- char* filename;
- char* dbname;
- char *username, usernamebuf[NAMEDATALEN + 1];
- char hostbuf[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
- int schemaOnly;
- TableInfo *tblinfo;
- int numTables;
- dbname = NULL;
- filename = NULL;
- g_verbose = 0;
- g_outputSQL = 1;
- schemaOnly = 0;
- progname = *argv;
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv,"f:H:o:p:vSD")) != EOF) {
- switch(c) {
- case 'f': /* output file name */
- filename = optarg;
- break;
- case 'H' : /* server host */
- PQhost = optarg;
- break;
- case 'o':
- {
- char *lang = optarg;
- if (lang) {
- if (strcmp(lang,"SQL") != 0)
- g_outputSQL = 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'p' : /* server port */
- PQport = optarg;
- break;
- case 'v': /* verbose */
- g_verbose = 1;
- break;
- case 'S': /* dump schema only */
- schemaOnly = 1;
- break;
- default:
- usage(progname);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* open the output file */
- if (filename == NULL) {
- g_fout = stdout;
- } else {
- g_fout = fopen(filename, "w");
- if (g_fout == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: could not open output file named %s for writing\n",
- progname, filename);
- exit(2);
- }
- }
- /* Determine our username (according to the authentication system, if
- * there is one).
- */
- if ((username = fe_getauthname()) == (char *) NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not find a valid user name\n",progname);
- exit(2);
- }
- memset(usernamebuf, 0, sizeof(usernamebuf));
- (void) strncpy(usernamebuf, username, NAMEDATALEN);
- username = usernamebuf;
- /*
- * Determine the hostname of the database server. Try to avoid using
- * "localhost" if at all possible.
- */
- if (!PQhost && !(PQhost = getenv("PGHOST")))
- PQhost = "localhost";
- if (!strcmp(PQhost, "localhost")) {
- if (gethostname(hostbuf, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) != -1)
- PQhost = hostbuf;
- }
- /* find database */
- if (!(dbname = argv[optind]) &&
- !(dbname = getenv("DATABASE")) &&
- !(dbname = username)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: no database name specified\n",progname);
- exit (2);
- }
- PQsetdb(dbname);
- /* make sure things are ok before giving users a warm welcome! */
- check_conn_and_db();
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- strcpy(g_comment_start,"-- ");
- g_comment_end[0] = '\0';
- strcpy(g_opaque_type, "opaque");
- } else {
- strcpy(g_comment_start,"/* ");
- strcpy(g_comment_end,"*/ ");
- strcpy(g_opaque_type, "any");
- }
- g_last_builtin_oid = findLastBuiltinOid();
-if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s last builtin oid is %d %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_last_builtin_oid, g_comment_end);
- tblinfo = dumpSchema(g_fout, &numTables);
- if (!schemaOnly) {
-if (g_verbose) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out the contents of each table %s\n",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end );
- fprintf(stderr, "%s the output language is %s %s\n",
- g_comment_start,
- (g_outputSQL) ? "SQL" : "POSTQUEL",
- g_comment_end);
- dumpClasses(tblinfo, numTables, g_fout);
- }
- fflush(g_fout);
- fclose(g_fout);
- exit(0);
- * getTypes:
- * read all base types in the system catalogs and return them in the
- * TypeInfo* structure
- *
- * numTypes is set to the number of types read in
- *
- */
-getTypes(int *numTypes)
- char* res;
- PortalBuffer* pbuf;
- int ntups;
- int i;
- char query[MAXQUERYLEN];
- TypeInfo *tinfo;
- int i_oid;
- int i_typowner;
- int i_typname;
- int i_typlen;
- int i_typprtlen;
- int i_typinput;
- int i_typoutput;
- int i_typreceive;
- int i_typsend;
- int i_typelem;
- int i_typdelim;
- int i_typdefault;
- int i_typrelid;
- int i_typbyval;
- PQexec("begin");
- /* find all base types */
- /* we include even the built-in types
- because those may be used as array elements by user-defined types */
- /* we filter out the built-in types when
- we dump out the types */
- sprintf(query, "SELECT oid, typowner,typname, typlen, typprtlen, typinput, typoutput, typreceive, typsend, typelem, typdelim, typdefault, typrelid,typbyval from pg_type");
- sprintf(query, "retrieve (t.oid, t.typowner, t.typname, t.typlen, t.typprtlen, t.typinput, t.typoutput, t.typreceive, t.typsend, t.typelem, t.typdelim, t.typdefault, t.typrelid, t.typbyval) from t in pg_type");
- res = PQexec(query);
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- ntups = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0);
- tinfo = (TypeInfo*)malloc(ntups * sizeof(TypeInfo));
- i_oid = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oid");
- i_typowner = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typowner");
- i_typname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typname");
- i_typlen = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typlen");
- i_typprtlen = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typprtlen");
- i_typinput = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typinput");
- i_typoutput = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typoutput");
- i_typreceive = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typreceive");
- i_typsend = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typsend");
- i_typelem = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typelem");
- i_typdelim = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typdelim");
- i_typdefault = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typdefault");
- i_typrelid = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typrelid");
- i_typbyval = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typbyval");
- for (i=0;i<ntups;i++) {
- tinfo[i].oid = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oid));
- tinfo[i].typowner = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typowner));
- tinfo[i].typname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typname));
- tinfo[i].typlen = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typlen));
- tinfo[i].typprtlen = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typprtlen));
- tinfo[i].typinput = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typinput));
- tinfo[i].typoutput = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typoutput));
- tinfo[i].typreceive = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typreceive));
- tinfo[i].typsend = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typsend));
- tinfo[i].typelem = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typelem));
- tinfo[i].typdelim = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typdelim));
- tinfo[i].typdefault = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typdefault));
- tinfo[i].typrelid = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typrelid));
- if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_typbyval), "f") == 0)
- tinfo[i].passedbyvalue = 0;
- else
- tinfo[i].passedbyvalue = 1;
- /* check for user-defined array types,
- omit system generated ones */
- if ( (strcmp(tinfo[i].typelem, "0") != 0) &&
- tinfo[i].typname[0] != '_')
- tinfo[i].isArray = 1;
- else
- tinfo[i].isArray = 0;
- }
- *numTypes = ntups;
- PQexec("end");
- PQclear(res+1);
- return tinfo;
- * getOperators:
- * read all operators in the system catalogs and return them in the
- * OprInfo* structure
- *
- * numOprs is set to the number of operators read in
- *
- *
- */
-getOperators(int *numOprs)
- char *res;
- PortalBuffer *pbuf;
- int ntups;
- int i;
- char query[MAXQUERYLEN];
- OprInfo* oprinfo;
- int i_oid;
- int i_oprname;
- int i_oprkind;
- int i_oprcode;
- int i_oprleft;
- int i_oprright;
- int i_oprcom;
- int i_oprnegate;
- int i_oprrest;
- int i_oprjoin;
- int i_oprcanhash;
- int i_oprlsortop;
- int i_oprrsortop;
- /* find all operators, including builtin operators,
- filter out system-defined operators at dump-out time */
- PQexec("begin");
- sprintf(query, "SELECT oid, oprname, oprkind, oprcode, oprleft, oprright, oprcom, oprnegate, oprrest, oprjoin, oprcanhash, oprlsortop, oprrsortop from pg_operator");
- sprintf(query, "retrieve (o.oid, o.oprname, o.oprkind, o.oprcode, o.oprleft, o.oprright, o.oprcom, o.oprnegate, o.oprrest, o.oprjoin, o.oprcanhash, o.oprlsortop, o.oprrsortop) from o in pg_operator");
- res = PQexec(query);
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- ntups = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0);
- *numOprs = ntups;
- oprinfo = (OprInfo*)malloc(ntups * sizeof(OprInfo));
- i_oid = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oid");
- i_oprname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprname");
- i_oprkind = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprkind");
- i_oprcode = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprcode");
- i_oprleft = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprleft");
- i_oprright = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprright");
- i_oprcom = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprcom");
- i_oprnegate = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprnegate");
- i_oprrest = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprrest");
- i_oprjoin = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprjoin");
- i_oprcanhash = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprcanhash");
- i_oprlsortop = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprlsortop");
- i_oprrsortop = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oprrsortop");
- for (i=0;i<ntups;i++) {
- oprinfo[i].oid = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oid));
- oprinfo[i].oprname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprname));
- oprinfo[i].oprkind = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprkind));
- oprinfo[i].oprcode = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprcode));
- oprinfo[i].oprleft = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprleft));
- oprinfo[i].oprright = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprright));
- oprinfo[i].oprcom = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprcom));
- oprinfo[i].oprnegate = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprnegate));
- oprinfo[i].oprrest = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprrest));
- oprinfo[i].oprjoin = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprjoin));
- oprinfo[i].oprcanhash = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprcanhash));
- oprinfo[i].oprlsortop = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprlsortop));
- oprinfo[i].oprrsortop = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oprrsortop));
- }
- PQclear(res+1);
- PQexec("end");
- return oprinfo;
- * getAggregates:
- * read all the user-defined aggregates in the system catalogs and
- * return them in the AggInfo* structure
- *
- * numAggs is set to the number of aggregates read in
- *
- *
- */
-getAggregates(int *numAggs)
- char* res;
- PortalBuffer *pbuf;
- int ntups;
- int i;
- char query[MAXQUERYLEN];
- AggInfo *agginfo;
- int i_oid;
- int i_aggname;
- int i_aggtransfn1;
- int i_aggtransfn2;
- int i_aggfinalfn;
- int i_aggtranstype1;
- int i_aggbasetype;
- int i_aggtranstype2;
- int i_agginitval1;
- int i_agginitval2;
- /* find all user-defined aggregates */
- PQexec("begin");
- sprintf(query,
- "SELECT oid, aggname, aggtransfn1, aggtransfn2, aggfinalfn, aggtranstype1, aggbasetype, aggtranstype2, agginitval1, agginitval2 from pg_aggregate;");
- sprintf(query,
- "retrieve (a.oid, a.aggname, a.aggtransfn1, a.aggtransfn2, a.aggfinalfn, a.aggtranstype1, a.aggbasetype, a.aggtranstype2, a.agginitval1, a.agginitval2) from a in pg_aggregate");
- res = PQexec(query);
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- ntups = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0);
- *numAggs = ntups;
- agginfo = (AggInfo*)malloc(ntups * sizeof(AggInfo));
- i_oid = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oid");
- i_aggname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"aggname");
- i_aggtransfn1 = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"aggtransfn1");
- i_aggtransfn2 = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"aggtransfn2");
- i_aggfinalfn = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"aggfinalfn");
- i_aggtranstype1 = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"aggtranstype1");
- i_aggbasetype = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"aggbasetype");
- i_aggtranstype2 = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"aggtranstype2");
- i_agginitval1 = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"agginitval1");
- i_agginitval2 = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"agginitval2");
- for (i=0;i<ntups;i++) {
- agginfo[i].oid = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oid));
- agginfo[i].aggname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_aggname));
- agginfo[i].aggtransfn1 = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_aggtransfn1));
- agginfo[i].aggtransfn2 = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_aggtransfn2));
- agginfo[i].aggfinalfn = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_aggfinalfn));
- agginfo[i].aggtranstype1 = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_aggtranstype1));
- agginfo[i].aggbasetype = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_aggbasetype));
- agginfo[i].aggtranstype2 = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_aggtranstype2));
- agginfo[i].agginitval1 = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_agginitval1));
- agginfo[i].agginitval2 = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_agginitval2));
- }
- PQclear(res+1);
- PQexec("end");
- return agginfo;
- * getFuncs:
- * read all the user-defined functions in the system catalogs and
- * return them in the FuncInfo* structure
- *
- * numFuncs is set to the number of functions read in
- *
- *
- */
-getFuncs(int *numFuncs)
- char* res;
- PortalBuffer *pbuf;
- int ntups;
- int i, j;
- char query[MAXQUERYLEN];
- FuncInfo *finfo;
- char *proargtypes;
- int i_oid;
- int i_proname;
- int i_proowner;
- int i_prolang;
- int i_pronargs;
- int i_proargtypes;
- int i_prorettype;
- int i_proretset;
- int i_prosrc;
- int i_probin;
- /* find all user-defined funcs */
- PQexec("begin");
- sprintf(query,
- "SELECT oid, proname, proowner, prolang, pronargs, prorettype, proretset, proargtypes, prosrc, probin from pg_proc where oid > '%d'::oid",
- g_last_builtin_oid);
- sprintf(query,
- "retrieve (f.oid, f.proname, f.proowner, f.prolang, f.pronargs, f.prorettype, f.proretset, f.proargtypes, f.prosrc, f.probin) from f in pg_proc where f.oid > \"%d\"::oid",
- g_last_builtin_oid);
- res = PQexec(query);
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- ntups = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0);
- *numFuncs = ntups;
- finfo = (FuncInfo*)malloc(ntups * sizeof(FuncInfo));
- i_oid = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oid");
- i_proname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"proname");
- i_proowner = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"proowner");
- i_prolang = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"prolang");
- i_pronargs = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"pronargs");
- i_proargtypes = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"proargtypes");
- i_prorettype = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"prorettype");
- i_proretset = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"proretset");
- i_prosrc = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"prosrc");
- i_probin = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"probin");
- for (i=0;i<ntups;i++) {
- finfo[i].oid = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oid));
- finfo[i].proname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_proname));
- finfo[i].proowner = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_proowner));
- finfo[i].prosrc = checkForQuote(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_prosrc));
- finfo[i].probin = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_probin));
- finfo[i].prorettype = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_prorettype));
- finfo[i].retset = (strcmp(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_proretset),"t") == 0);
- finfo[i].nargs = atoi(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_pronargs));
- finfo[i].lang = (atoi(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_prolang)) == C_PROLANG_OID);
- parseArgTypes(finfo[i].argtypes, PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_proargtypes));
- finfo[i].dumped = 0;
- }
- PQclear(res+1);
- PQexec("end");
- return finfo;
- * getTables
- * read all the user-defined tables (no indices, no catalogs)
- * in the system catalogs return them in the TableInfo* structure
- *
- * numTables is set to the number of tables read in
- *
- *
- */
-getTables(int *numTables)
- char* res;
- PortalBuffer* pbuf;
- int ntups;
- int i, j;
- char query[MAXQUERYLEN];
- TableInfo *tblinfo;
- int i_oid;
- int i_relname;
- int i_relarch;
- /* find all the user-defined tables (no indices and no catalogs),
- ordering by oid is important so that we always process the parent
- tables before the child tables when traversing the tblinfo* */
- PQexec("begin");
- sprintf(query,
- "SELECT oid, relname, relarch from pg_class where relkind = 'r' and relname !~ '^pg_' order by oid;");
- sprintf(query,
- "retrieve (r.oid, r.relname, r.relarch) from r in pg_class where r.relkind = \"r\" and r.relname !~ \"^pg_\" and r.relname !~ \"^Xinv\" sort by oid");
- res = PQexec(query);
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- ntups = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0);
- *numTables = ntups;
- tblinfo = (TableInfo*)malloc(ntups * sizeof(TableInfo));
- i_oid = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oid");
- i_relname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"relname");
- i_relarch = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"relarch");
- for (i=0;i<ntups;i++) {
- tblinfo[i].oid = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_oid));
- tblinfo[i].relname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_relname));
- tblinfo[i].relarch = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_relarch));
- }
- PQclear(res+1);
- PQexec("end");
- return tblinfo;
- * getInherits
- * read all the inheritance information
- * from the system catalogs return them in the InhInfo* structure
- *
- * numInherits is set to the number of tables read in
- *
- *
- */
-getInherits(int *numInherits)
- char* res;
- PortalBuffer* pbuf;
- int ntups;
- int i;
- char query[MAXQUERYLEN];
- InhInfo *inhinfo;
- int i_inhrel;
- int i_inhparent;
- /* find all the inheritance information */
- PQexec("begin");
- sprintf(query, "SELECT inhrel, inhparent from pg_inherits");
- sprintf(query, "retrieve (i.inhrel, i.inhparent) from i in pg_inherits");
- res = PQexec(query);
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- ntups = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0);
- *numInherits = ntups;
- inhinfo = (InhInfo*)malloc(ntups * sizeof(InhInfo));
- i_inhrel = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"inhrel");
- i_inhparent = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"inhparent");
- for (i=0;i<ntups;i++) {
- inhinfo[i].inhrel = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_inhrel));
- inhinfo[i].inhparent = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_inhparent));
- }
- PQclear(res+1);
- PQexec("end");
- return inhinfo;
- * getTableAttrs -
- * for each table in tblinfo, read its attributes types and names
- *
- * this is implemented in a very inefficient way right now, looping
- * through the tblinfo and doing a join per table to find the attrs and their
- * types
- *
- * modifies tblinfo
- */
-getTableAttrs(TableInfo* tblinfo, int numTables)
- int i,j;
- char q[MAXQUERYLEN];
- int i_attname;
- int i_typname;
- char *res;
- PortalBuffer *pbuf;
- int ntups;
- for (i=0;i<numTables;i++) {
- /* find all the user attributes and their types*/
- /* we must read the attribute names in attribute number order! */
- /* because we will use the attnum to index into the attnames array
- later */
- sprintf(q,"SELECT a.attnum, a.attname, t.typname from pg_attribute a, pg_type t where a.attrelid = '%s' and a.atttypid = t.oid and a.attnum > 0 order by attnum",tblinfo[i].oid);
-if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s finding the attrs and types for table: %s %s\n",
- g_comment_start,
- tblinfo[i].relname,
- g_comment_end);
- sprintf(q,"retrieve (a.attnum, a.attname, t.typname) from a in pg_attribute, t in pg_type where a.attrelid = \"%s\" and a.atttypid = t.oid and a.attnum > 0 sort by attnum",tblinfo[i].oid);
- res = PQexec(q);
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- ntups = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0);
- i_attname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"attname");
- i_typname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"typname");
- tblinfo[i].numatts = ntups;
- tblinfo[i].attnames = (char**) malloc( ntups * sizeof(char*));
- tblinfo[i].out_attnames = (char**) malloc( ntups * sizeof(char*));
- tblinfo[i].typnames = (char**) malloc( ntups * sizeof(char*));
- tblinfo[i].inhAttrs = (int*) malloc (ntups * sizeof(int));
- tblinfo[i].parentRels = NULL;
- tblinfo[i].numParents = 0;
- for (j=0;j<ntups;j++) {
- tblinfo[i].attnames[j] = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,j,i_attname));
- tblinfo[i].typnames[j] = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,j,i_typname));
- tblinfo[i].inhAttrs[j] = 0; /* this flag is set in flagInhAttrs()*/
- }
- PQclear(res+1);
- }
- * getIndices
- * read all the user-defined indices information
- * from the system catalogs return them in the InhInfo* structure
- *
- * numIndices is set to the number of indices read in
- *
- *
- */
-getIndices(int *numIndices)
- int i;
- char query[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char *res;
- PortalBuffer *pbuf;
- int ntups;
- IndInfo *indinfo;
- int i_indexrelname;
- int i_indrelname;
- int i_indamname;
- int i_indproc;
- int i_indkey;
- int i_indclassname;
- /* find all the user-define indices.
- We do not handle partial indices.
- We also assume that only single key indices
- this is a 5-way join !!
- */
- PQexec("begin");
- sprintf(query,
- "SELECT t1.relname as indexrelname, t2.relname as indrelname, i.indproc, i.indkey[0], o.opcname as indclassname, a.amname as indamname from pg_index i, pg_class t1, pg_class t2, pg_opclass o, pg_am a where t1.oid = i.indexrelid and t2.oid = i.indrelid and o.oid = i.indclass[0] and t1.relam = a.oid and i.indexrelid > '%d'::oid and t2.relname !~ '^pg_';",
- g_last_builtin_oid);
- sprintf(query,
- "retrieve (indexrelname = t1.relname, indrelname = t2.relname, i.indproc, i.indkey[0], indclassname = o.opcname, indamname = a.amname) from i in pg_index, t1 in pg_class, t2 in pg_class, o in pg_opclass, a in pg_am where t1.oid = i.indexrelid and t2.oid = i.indrelid and o.oid = i.indclass[0] and t1.relam = a.oid and i.indexrelid > \"%d\"::oid and t2.relname !~ \"^pg_\" and t1.relname !~ \"^Xinx\"",
- g_last_builtin_oid);
- res = PQexec(query);
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- ntups = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0);
- *numIndices = ntups;
- indinfo = (IndInfo*)malloc(ntups * sizeof (IndInfo));
- i_indexrelname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"indexrelname");
- i_indrelname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"indrelname");
- i_indamname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"indamname");
- i_indproc = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"indproc");
- i_indkey = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"indkey");
- i_indclassname = PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"indclassname");
- for (i=0;i<ntups;i++) {
- indinfo[i].indexrelname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_indexrelname));
- indinfo[i].indrelname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_indrelname));
- indinfo[i].indamname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_indamname));
- indinfo[i].indproc = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_indproc));
- indinfo[i].indkey = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_indkey));
- indinfo[i].indclassname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,i,i_indclassname));
- }
- PQclear(res+1);
- PQexec("end");
- return indinfo;
- * dumpTypes
- * writes out to fout queries to recreate all the user-defined types
- *
- */
-dumpTypes(FILE* fout, FuncInfo* finfo, int numFuncs,
- TypeInfo* tinfo, int numTypes)
- int i;
- char q[MAXQUERYLEN];
- int funcInd;
- for (i=0;i<numTypes;i++) {
- /* skip all the builtin types */
- if (atoi(tinfo[i].oid) < g_last_builtin_oid)
- continue;
- /* skip relation types */
- if (atoi(tinfo[i].typrelid) != 0)
- continue;
- /* skip all array types that start w/ underscore */
- if ( (tinfo[i].typname[0] == '_') &&
- (strcmp(tinfo[i].typinput, "array_in") == 0))
- continue;
- /* before we create a type, we need to create the input and
- output functions for it, if they haven't been created already */
- funcInd = findFuncByName(finfo, numFuncs, tinfo[i].typinput);
- if (funcInd != -1)
- dumpOneFunc(fout,finfo,funcInd,tinfo,numTypes);
- funcInd = findFuncByName(finfo, numFuncs, tinfo[i].typoutput);
- if (funcInd != -1)
- dumpOneFunc(fout,finfo,funcInd,tinfo,numTypes);
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- sprintf(q,
- "CREATE TYPE %s ( internallength = %s, externallength = %s, input = %s, output = %s, send = %s, receive = %s, default = '%s'",
- tinfo[i].typname,
- tinfo[i].typlen,
- tinfo[i].typprtlen,
- tinfo[i].typinput,
- tinfo[i].typoutput,
- tinfo[i].typsend,
- tinfo[i].typreceive,
- tinfo[i].typdefault);
- } else {
- sprintf(q,
- "define type %s ( internallength = %s, externallength = %s, input = %s, output = %s, send = %s, receive = %s, default = \"%s\"",
- tinfo[i].typname,
- (strcmp(tinfo[i].typlen, "-1") == 0) ? "variable" : tinfo[i].typlen,
- (strcmp(tinfo[i].typprtlen, "-1") == 0) ? "variable " :tinfo[i].typprtlen,
- tinfo[i].typinput,
- tinfo[i].typoutput,
- tinfo[i].typsend,
- tinfo[i].typreceive,
- tinfo[i].typdefault);
- }
- if (tinfo[i].isArray) {
- char* elemType;
- elemType = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, tinfo[i].typelem);
- if (g_outputSQL)
- sprintf(q,"%s, element = %s, delimiter = '%s'",
- q, elemType,tinfo[i].typdelim);
- else
- sprintf(q,"%s, element = %s, delimiter = \"%s\"",
- q, elemType,tinfo[i].typdelim);
- }
- if (tinfo[i].passedbyvalue)
- strcat(q,",passedbyvalue");
- else
- strcat(q,")");
- if (g_outputSQL)
- strcat(q,";\n");
- else
- strcat(q,"\\g\n");
- fputs(q,fout);
- }
- fflush(fout);
- * dumpFuncs
- * writes out to fout the queries to recreate all the user-defined functions
- *
- */
-dumpFuncs(FILE* fout, FuncInfo* finfo, int numFuncs,
- TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes)
- int i;
- char q[MAXQUERYLEN];
- for (i=0;i<numFuncs;i++) {
- dumpOneFunc(fout,finfo,i,tinfo,numTypes);
- }
- * dumpOneFunc:
- * dump out only one function, the index of which is given in the third
- * argument
- *
- */
-dumpOneFunc(FILE* fout, FuncInfo* finfo, int i,
- TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes)
- char q[MAXQUERYLEN];
- int j;
- if (finfo[i].dumped)
- return;
- else
- finfo[i].dumped = 1;
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- sprintf(q,"CREATE FUNCTION %s (",finfo[i].proname);
- for (j=0;j<finfo[i].nargs;j++) {
- char* typname;
- typname = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, finfo[i].argtypes[j]);
- sprintf(q, "%s%s%s",
- q,
- (j > 0) ? "," : "",
- typname);
- }
- sprintf(q,"%s ) RETURNS %s%s AS '%s' LANGUAGE '%s';\n",
- q,
- finfo[i].retset ? " SETOF " : "",
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, finfo[i].prorettype),
- (finfo[i].lang) ? finfo[i].probin : finfo[i].prosrc,
- (finfo[i].lang) ? "C" : "SQL");
-if (finfo[i].lang != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s WARNING: text of function named %s is in POSTQUEL %s\n",
- g_comment_start,
- finfo[i].proname,
- g_comment_end);
- } else {
- sprintf(q,"define function %s ( language = \"%s\", returntype = %s%s) arg is (",
- finfo[i].proname,
- (finfo[i].lang) ? "c" : "postquel",
- finfo[i].retset ? " setof " : "",
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, finfo[i].prorettype)
- );
- for (j=0;j<finfo[i].nargs;j++) {
- char* typname;
- typname = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, finfo[i].argtypes[j]);
- sprintf(q, "%s%s%s",
- q,
- (j > 0) ? "," : "",
- typname);
- }
- sprintf(q,"%s ) as \"%s\"\\g\n",
- q,
- (finfo[i].lang) ? finfo[i].probin : finfo[i].prosrc);
- }
- fputs(q,fout);
- fflush(fout);
- * dumpOprs
- * writes out to fout the queries to recreate all the user-defined operators
- *
- */
-dumpOprs(FILE* fout, OprInfo* oprinfo, int numOperators,
- TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes)
- int i;
- char q[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char leftarg[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char rightarg[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char commutator[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char negator[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char restrict[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char join[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char sortop[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char comma[2];
- for (i=0;i<numOperators;i++) {
- /* skip all the builtin oids */
- if (atoi(oprinfo[i].oid) < g_last_builtin_oid)
- continue;
- /* some operator are invalid because they were the result
- of user defining operators before commutators exist */
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprcode, "-") == 0)
- continue;
- leftarg[0] = '\0';
- rightarg[0] = '\0';
- /* right unary means there's a left arg
- and left unary means there's a right arg */
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprkind, "r") == 0 ||
- strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprkind, "b") == 0 ) {
- sprintf(leftarg, ", %s = %s ",
- (g_outputSQL) ? "LEFTARG" : "arg1",
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, oprinfo[i].oprleft));
- }
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprkind, "l") == 0 ||
- strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprkind, "b") == 0 ) {
- sprintf(rightarg, ", %s = %s ",
- (g_outputSQL) ? "RIGHTARG" : "arg2",
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, oprinfo[i].oprright));
- }
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprcom, "0") == 0)
- commutator[0] = '\0';
- else
- sprintf(commutator,", commutator = %s ",
- findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprcom));
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprnegate, "0") == 0)
- negator[0] = '\0';
- else
- sprintf(negator,", negator = %s ",
- findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprnegate));
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprrest, "-") == 0)
- restrict[0] = '\0';
- else
- sprintf(restrict,", restrict = %s ", oprinfo[i].oprrest);
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprjoin,"-") == 0)
- join[0] = '\0';
- else
- sprintf(join,", join = %s ", oprinfo[i].oprjoin);
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprlsortop, "0") == 0)
- sortop[0] = '\0';
- else
- {
- sprintf(sortop,", SORT = %s ",
- findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators,
- oprinfo[i].oprlsortop));
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprrsortop, "0") != 0)
- sprintf(sortop, "%s , %s", sortop,
- findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators,
- oprinfo[i].oprlsortop));
- }
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- sprintf(q,
- "CREATE OPERATOR %s (PROCEDURE = %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s);\n ",
- oprinfo[i].oprname,
- oprinfo[i].oprcode,
- leftarg,
- rightarg,
- commutator,
- negator,
- restrict,
- (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprcanhash, "t")) ? ", HASHES" : "",
- join,
- sortop);
- } else
- sprintf(q,
- "define operator %s (procedure = %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s)\\g\n ",
- oprinfo[i].oprname,
- oprinfo[i].oprcode,
- leftarg,
- rightarg,
- commutator,
- negator,
- restrict,
- (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprcanhash, "t")) ? ", hashes" : "",
- join,
- sortop);
- fputs(q,fout);
- }
- fflush(fout);
- * dumpAggs
- * writes out to fout the queries to create all the user-defined aggregates
- *
- */
-dumpAggs(FILE* fout, AggInfo* agginfo, int numAggs,
- TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes)
- int i;
- char q[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char sfunc1[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char sfunc2[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char finalfunc[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char *basetype;
- char *stype1;
- char *stype2;
- char comma1[2], comma2[2];
- for (i=0;i<numAggs;i++) {
- /* skip all the builtin oids */
- if (atoi(agginfo[i].oid) < g_last_builtin_oid)
- continue;
- if ( strcmp(agginfo[i].aggtransfn1, "-") == 0)
- sfunc1[0] = '\0';
- else {
- sprintf(sfunc1,
- "sfunc1 = %s, basetype = %s, stype1 = %s",
- agginfo[i].aggtransfn1,
- findTypeByOid(tinfo,numTypes,agginfo[i].aggbasetype),
- findTypeByOid(tinfo,numTypes,agginfo[i].aggtranstype1));
- if (agginfo[i].agginitval1) {
- if (g_outputSQL)
- sprintf(sfunc1, "%s ,INITCOND1 = '%s'",
- sfunc1, agginfo[i].agginitval1);
- else
- sprintf(sfunc1, "%s ,initcond1 = \"%s\"",
- sfunc1, agginfo[i].agginitval1);
- }
- }
- if ( strcmp(agginfo[i].aggtransfn2, "-") == 0)
- sfunc2[0] = '\0';
- else {
- sprintf(sfunc2,
- "sfunc2 = %s, stype2 = %s",
- agginfo[i].aggtransfn2,
- findTypeByOid(tinfo,numTypes,agginfo[i].aggtranstype2));
- if (agginfo[i].agginitval2) {
- if (g_outputSQL)
- sprintf(sfunc2,"%s ,initcond2 = '%s'",
- sfunc2, agginfo[i].agginitval2);
- else
- sprintf(sfunc2,"%s ,initcond2 = \"%s\"",
- sfunc2, agginfo[i].agginitval2);
- }
- }
- if ( strcmp(agginfo[i].aggfinalfn, "-") == 0)
- finalfunc[0] = '\0';
- else {
- sprintf(finalfunc, "finalfunc = %s", agginfo[i].aggfinalfn);
- }
- if (sfunc1[0] != '\0' && sfunc2[0] != '\0') {
- comma1[0] = ','; comma1[1] = '\0';
- } else
- comma1[0] = '\0';
- if (finalfunc[0] != '\0' && (sfunc1[0] != '\0' || sfunc2[0] != '\0')) {
- comma2[0] = ',';comma2[1] = '\0';
- } else
- comma2[0] = '\0';
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- sprintf(q,"CREATE AGGREGATE %s ( %s %s %s %s %s );\n",
- agginfo[i].aggname,
- sfunc1,
- comma1,
- sfunc2,
- comma2,
- finalfunc);
- } else {
- sprintf(q,"define aggregate %s ( %s %s %s %s %s )\\g\n",
- agginfo[i].aggname,
- sfunc1,
- comma1,
- sfunc2,
- comma2,
- finalfunc);
- }
- fputs(q,fout);
- }
- fflush(fout);
- * dumpTables:
- * write out to fout all the user-define tables
- */
-dumpTables(FILE* fout, TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables,
- InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits,
- TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes)
- int i,j,k;
- char q[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char **parentRels; /* list of names of parent relations */
- int numParents;
- char *res;
- PortalBuffer *pbuf;
- int ntups;
- int actual_atts; /* number of attrs in this CREATE statment */
- char *archiveMode;
- for (i=0;i<numTables;i++) {
- parentRels = tblinfo[i].parentRels;
- numParents = tblinfo[i].numParents;
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- sprintf(q, "CREATE TABLE %s (", tblinfo[i].relname);
- } else {
- sprintf(q, "create %s (", tblinfo[i].relname);
- }
- actual_atts = 0;
- for (j=0;j<tblinfo[i].numatts;j++) {
- if (tblinfo[i].inhAttrs[j] == 0) {
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- sprintf(q, "%s%s%s %s",
- q,
- (actual_atts > 0) ? ", " : "",
- tblinfo[i].attnames[j],
- tblinfo[i].typnames[j]);
- }
- else {
- sprintf(q, "%s%s %s = %s",
- q,
- (actual_atts > 0) ? ", " : "",
- tblinfo[i].attnames[j],
- tblinfo[i].typnames[j]);
- }
- actual_atts++;
- }
- }
- strcat(q,")");
- if (numParents > 0) {
- int oa = 0; /* index for the out_attnames array */
- int l;
- int parentInd;
- sprintf(q, "%s inherits ( ",q);
- for (k=0;k<numParents;k++){
- sprintf(q, "%s%s%s",
- q,
- (k>0) ? ", " : "",
- parentRels[k]);
- parentInd = findTableByName(tblinfo,numTables,parentRels[k]);
- /* the out_attnames are in order of the out_attnames
- of the parent tables */
- for (l=0; l<tblinfo[parentInd].numatts;l++)
- tblinfo[i].out_attnames[oa++] =
- tblinfo[parentInd].out_attnames[l];
- }
- /* include non-inherited attrs in out_attnames also,
- oa should never exceed numatts */
- for (l=0; l < tblinfo[i].numatts && oa < tblinfo[i].numatts ; l++)
- if (tblinfo[i].inhAttrs[l] == 0) {
- tblinfo[i].out_attnames[oa++] =
- tblinfo[i].attnames[l];
- }
- strcat(q,")");
- } else { /* for non-inherited tables, out_attnames
- and attnames are the same */
- tblinfo[i].out_attnames = tblinfo[i].attnames;
- }
- switch(tblinfo[i].relarch[0]) {
- case 'n':
- archiveMode = "none";
- break;
- case 'h':
- archiveMode = "heavy";
- break;
- case 'l':
- archiveMode = "light";
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "unknown archive mode\n");
- archiveMode = "none";
- break;
- }
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- sprintf(q, "%s archive = %s;\n",
- q,
- archiveMode);
- } else {
- sprintf(q, "%s archive = %s\\g\n",
- q,
- archiveMode);
- }
- fputs(q,fout);
- }
- fflush(fout);
- * dumpIndices:
- * write out to fout all the user-define indices
- */
-dumpIndices(FILE* fout, IndInfo* indinfo, int numIndices,
- TableInfo* tblinfo, int numTables)
- int i,j;
- int tableInd;
- char *attname; /* the name of the indexed attribute */
- char *funcname; /* the name of the function to compute the index key from*/
- int indkey;
- char q[MAXQUERYLEN];
- char *res;
- PortalBuffer *pbuf;
- for (i=0;i<numIndices;i++) {
- tableInd = findTableByName(tblinfo, numTables,
- indinfo[i].indrelname);
- indkey = atoi(indinfo[i].indkey) - 1;
- attname = tblinfo[tableInd].attnames[indkey];
- if (strcmp(indinfo[i].indproc,"0") == 0) {
- funcname = NULL;
- } else {
- /* the funcname is an oid which we use to
- find the name of the pg_proc. We need to do this
- because getFuncs() only reads in the user-defined funcs
- not all the funcs. We might not find what we want
- by looking in FuncInfo**/
- sprintf(q,
- "retrieve(p.proname) from p in pg_proc where p.oid = \"%s\"::oid",
- indinfo[i].indproc);
- res = PQexec(q);
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- funcname = strdup(PQgetvalue(pbuf,0,
- PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"proname")));
- PQclear(res+1);
- }
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- sprintf(q,"CREATE INDEX %s on %s using %s (",
- indinfo[i].indexrelname,
- indinfo[i].indrelname,
- indinfo[i].indamname);
- } else {
- sprintf(q,"define index %s on %s using %s (",
- indinfo[i].indexrelname,
- indinfo[i].indrelname,
- indinfo[i].indamname);
- }
- if (funcname) {
- sprintf(q, "%s %s(%s) %s",
- q,funcname, attname, indinfo[i].indclassname);
- free(funcname);
- } else
- sprintf(q, "%s %s %s",
- q,attname,indinfo[i].indclassname);
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- strcat(q,");\n");
- } else
- strcat(q,")\\g\n");
- fputs(q,fout);
- }
- fflush(fout);
- * dumpClasses -
- * dump the contents of all the classes.
- */
-dumpClasses(TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables, FILE *fout)
- char query[255];
- char *res;
- int i,j;
- int *attrmap; /* this is an vector map of how the actual attributes
- map to the corresponding output attributes.
- This is necessary because of a difference between
- SQL and POSTQUEL in the order of inherited attributes */
- for(i = 0; i < numTables; i++) {
- char *classname = tblinfo[i].relname;
- if (g_outputSQL)
- fprintf(fout, "copy %s from stdin;\n", classname);
- else
- fprintf(fout, "copy %s from stdin\\g\n", classname);
- sprintf(query, "retrieve (p.all) from p in %s", classname);
- res = PQexec(query);
- attrmap = (int*)malloc(tblinfo[i].numatts * sizeof(int));
- if (tblinfo[i].numParents == 0) {
- /* table with no inheritance use an identity mapping */
- for (j=0;j<tblinfo[i].numatts;j++)
- attrmap[j] = j;
- } else {
- int n = tblinfo[i].numatts;
- for (j=0;j < n;j++) {
- attrmap[j] = strInArray(tblinfo[i].attnames[j],
- tblinfo[i].out_attnames,
- n);
- }
- }
- {
- int j;
- for (j=0;j<tblinfo[i].numatts;j++) {
- fprintf(stderr,":%s\t",tblinfo[i].out_attnames[j]);
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- }
- fflush(stdout);
- fflush(stderr);
- switch (*res) {
- case 'P':
- dumpTuples(&(res[1]), fout, attrmap);
- PQclear(&(res[1]));
- break;
- case 'E':
- case 'R':
- fprintf(stderr, "Error while dumping %s\n", classname);
- exit(1);
- break;
- }
- fprintf(fout, ".\n");
- free(attrmap);
- }
- * dumpTuples --
- * prints out the tuples in ASCII representaiton. The output is a valid
- * input to COPY FROM stdin.
- *
- * We only need to do this for POSTGRES 4.2 databases since the
- * COPY TO statement doesn't escape newlines properly. It's been fixed
- * in Postgres95.
- *
- * the attrmap passed in tells how to map the attributes copied in to the
- * attributes copied out
- */
-dumpTuples(char *portalname, FILE *fout, int* attrmap)
- PortalBuffer *pbuf;
- int i, j, k;
- int m, n, t;
- char **outVals = NULL; /* values to copy out */
- /* Now to examine all tuples fetched. */
- pbuf = PQparray(portalname);
- n = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0); /* always assume only one group */
- m = PQnfieldsGroup(pbuf,0);
- if ( m > 0 ) {
- /*
- * Print out the tuples but only print tuples with at least
- * 1 field.
- */
- outVals = (char**)malloc(m * sizeof(char*));
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- for (k = 0; k < m; k++) {
- outVals[attrmap[k]] = PQgetvalue(pbuf, j, k);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < m; k++) {
- char *pval = outVals[k];
- if (k!=0)
- fputc('\t', fout); /* delimiter for attribute */
- if (pval) {
- while (*pval != '\0') {
- /* escape tabs, newlines and backslashes */
- if (*pval=='\t' || *pval=='\n' || *pval=='\\')
- fputc('\\', fout);
- fputc(*pval, fout);
- pval++;
- }
- }
- }
- fputc('\n', fout); /* delimiter for a tuple */
- }
- free (outVals);
- }
- * findLastBuiltInOid -
- * find the last built in oid
- * we do this by looking up the oid of 'template1' in pg_database,
- * this is probably not foolproof but comes close
- char *res;
- PortalBuffer* pbuf;
- int ntups;
- int last_oid;
- res = PQexec("retrieve (d.oid) from d in pg_database where d.datname = \"template1\"");
- pbuf = PQparray(res+1);
- ntups = PQntuplesGroup(pbuf,0);
- if (ntups != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr,"pg_dump: couldn't find the template1 database. You are really hosed\nGiving up\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- return (atoi(PQgetvalue(pbuf,0, PQfnumberGroup(pbuf,0,"oid"))));
- * checkForQuote:
- * checks a string for quote characters and backslashes them
- */
-checkForQuote(char* s)
- char *r;
- char c;
- char *result;
- int j = 0;
- r = malloc(strlen(s)*3 + 1); /* definitely long enough */
- while ( (c = *s) != '\0') {
- if (c == '\"') {
- /* backslash the double quotes */
- if (g_outputSQL) {
- r[j++] = '\\';
- c = '\'';
- } else {
- r[j++] = '\\';
- r[j++] = '\\';
- }
- }
- r[j++] = c;
- s++;
- }
- r[j] = '\0';
- result = strdup(r);
- free(r);
- return result;