set autoread&
+func Test_set_in_sandbox()
+ " Some boolean options cannot be set in sandbox, some can.
+ call assert_fails('sandbox set modelineexpr', 'E48:')
+ sandbox set number
+ call assert_true(&number)
+ set number&
+ " Some boolean options cannot be set in sandbox, some can.
+ if has('python') || has('python3')
+ call assert_fails('sandbox set pyxversion=3', 'E48:')
+ endif
+ sandbox set tabstop=4
+ call assert_equal(4, &tabstop)
+ set tabstop&
+ " Some string options cannot be set in sandbox, some can.
+ call assert_fails('sandbox set backupdir=/tmp', 'E48:')
+ sandbox set filetype=perl
+ call assert_equal('perl', &filetype)
+ set filetype&
" Test for incrementing, decrementing and multiplying a number option value
func Test_opt_num_op()
set shiftwidth=4
set noerrorbells
+func Test_opt_scrolljump()
+ help
+ resize 10
+ " Test with positive 'scrolljump'.
+ set scrolljump=2
+ norm! Lj
+ call assert_equal({'lnum':11, 'leftcol':0, 'col':0, 'topfill':0,
+ \ 'topline':3, 'coladd':0, 'skipcol':0, 'curswant':0},
+ \ winsaveview())
+ " Test with negative 'scrolljump' (percentage of window height).
+ set scrolljump=-40
+ norm! ggLj
+ call assert_equal({'lnum':11, 'leftcol':0, 'col':0, 'topfill':0,
+ \ 'topline':5, 'coladd':0, 'skipcol':0, 'curswant':0},
+ \ winsaveview())
+ set scrolljump&
+ bw
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
let &wig = wig_save
+" :set, :setlocal, :setglobal without arguments show values of options.
+func Test_set_no_arg()
+ set textwidth=79
+ let a = execute('set')
+ call assert_match("^\n--- Options ---\n.*textwidth=79\\>", a)
+ set textwidth&
+ setlocal textwidth=78
+ let a = execute('setlocal')
+ call assert_match("^\n--- Local option values ---\n.*textwidth=78\\>", a)
+ setlocal textwidth&
+ setglobal textwidth=77
+ let a = execute('setglobal')
+ call assert_match("^\n--- Global option values ---\n.*textwidth=77\\>", a)
+ setglobal textwidth&
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab