/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto int strspn(string str, string mask)
- Find length of initial segment consisting entirely of characters found in mask */
+ Finds length of initial segment consisting entirely of characters found in mask */
zval **s1, **s2;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto int strcspn(string str, string mask)
- Find length of initial segment consisting entirely of characters not found in mask */
+ Finds length of initial segment consisting entirely of characters not found in mask */
zval **s1, **s2;
/* {{{ proto int strcoll(string str1, string str2)
- Compare two strings using the current locale */
+ Compares two strings using the current locale */
zval **s1, **s2;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string rtrim(string str[, string character_mask])
+/* {{{ proto string rtrim(string str [, string character_mask])
An alias for chop */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string chop(string str[, string character_mask])
- Remove trailing whitespace */
+/* {{{ proto string chop(string str [, string character_mask])
+ Removes trailing whitespace */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string trim(string str[, string character_mask])
- Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of a string */
+/* {{{ proto string trim(string str [, string character_mask])
+ Strips whitespace from the beginning and end of a string */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string ltrim(string str[, string character_mask])
- Strip whitespace from the beginning of a string */
+/* {{{ proto string ltrim(string str [, string character_mask])
+ Strips whitespace from the beginning of a string */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string wordwrap(string str [, int width [, string break [, int cut]]])
- Wrap buffer to selected number of characters using string break char */
+ Wraps buffer to selected number of characters using string break char */
zval **ptext, **plinelength, **pbreakchar, **cut;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array explode(string separator, string str [, int limit])
- Split a string on string separator and return array of components */
+ Splits a string on string separator and return array of components */
zval **str, **delim, **zlimit = NULL;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string implode(array src, string glue)
- Join array elements placing glue string between items and return one string */
+ Joins array elements placing glue string between items and return one string */
zval **arg1, **arg2, *delim, *arr;
#define STRTOK_TABLE(p) BG(strtok_table)[(unsigned char) *p]
-/* {{{ proto string strtok([string str, ] string token)
+/* {{{ proto string strtok([string str,] string token)
Tokenize a string */
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string strtoupper(string str)
- Make a string uppercase */
+ Makes a string uppercase */
zval **arg;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string strtolower(string str)
- Make a string lowercase */
+ Makes a string lowercase */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string basename(string path [, string suffix])
- Return the filename component of the path */
+ Returns the filename component of the path */
zval **str, **suffix;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string dirname(string path)
- Return the directory name component of the path */
+ Returns the directory name component of the path */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array pathinfo(string path)
- Return information about a certain string */
+ Returns information about a certain string */
zval **path, **uopt, *tmp;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string stristr(string haystack, string needle)
- Find first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive */
+ Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive */
zval **haystack, **needle;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string strstr(string haystack, string needle)
- Find first occurrence of a string within another */
+ Finds first occurrence of a string within another */
zval **haystack, **needle;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto int strpos(string haystack, string needle [, int offset])
- Find position of first occurrence of a string within another */
+ Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another */
zval **haystack, **needle, **z_offset;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto int strrpos(string haystack, string needle)
- Find position of last occurrence of a character in a string within another */
+ Finds position of last occurrence of a character in a string within another */
zval **haystack, **needle;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string strrchr(string haystack, string needle)
- Find the last occurrence of a character in a string within another */
+ Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another */
zval **haystack, **needle;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string chunk_split(string str [, int chunklen [, string ending]])
- Return split line */
+ Returns split line */
zval **p_str, **p_chunklen, **p_ending;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string substr(string str, int start [, int length])
- Return part of a string */
+ Returns part of a string */
zval **str, **from, **len;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string substr_replace(string str, string repl, int start [, int length])
- Replace part of a string with another string */
+ Replaces part of a string with another string */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string quotemeta(string str)
- Quote meta characters */
+ Quotes meta characters */
zval **arg;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto int ord(string character)
- Return ASCII value of character */
+ Returns ASCII value of character */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string chr(int ascii)
- Convert ASCII code to a character */
+ Converts ASCII code to a character */
zval **num;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string ucfirst(string str)
- Make a string's first character uppercase */
+ Makes a string's first character uppercase */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string strtr(string str, string from, string to)
- Translate characters in str using given translation tables */
+ Translates characters in str using given translation tables */
{ /* strtr(STRING, FROM, TO) */
zval **str, **from, **to;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string addcslashes(string str, string charlist)
- Escape all chars mentioned in charlist with backslash. It creates octal representations if asked to backslash characters with 8th bit set or with ASCII<32 (except '\n', '\r', '\t' etc...) */
+ Escapes all chars mentioned in charlist with backslash. It creates octal representations if asked to backslash characters with 8th bit set or with ASCII<32 (except '\n', '\r', '\t' etc...) */
zval **str, **what;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string addslashes(string str)
- Escape single quote, double quotes and backslash characters in a string with backslashes */
+ Escapes single quote, double quotes and backslash characters in a string with backslashes */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string stripcslashes(string str)
- Strip backslashes from a string. Uses C-style conventions */
+ Strips backslashes from a string. Uses C-style conventions */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string stripslashes(string str)
- Strip backslashes from a string */
+ Strips backslashes from a string */
zval **str;
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto mixed str_replace(mixed search, mixed replace, mixed subject[, bool boyer])
- Replace all occurrences of search in haystack with replace */
+/* {{{ proto mixed str_replace(mixed search, mixed replace, mixed subject [, bool boyer])
+ Replaces all occurrences of search in haystack with replace */
zval **subject, **search, **replace, **subject_entry, **pboyer;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string hebrev(string str [, int max_chars_per_line])
- Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text */
+ Converts logical Hebrew text to visual text */
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string hebrevc(string str [, int max_chars_per_line])
- Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text with newline conversion */
+ Converts logical Hebrew text to visual text with newline conversion */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto void parse_str(string encoded_string, [array result])
+/* {{{ proto void parse_str(string encoded_string [, array result])
Parses GET/POST/COOKIE data and sets global variables */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array localeconv( void )
+/* {{{ proto array localeconv(void)
Returns numeric formatting information based on the current locale */