opening or closing the castle drawbridge via music consumes a turn
could get "suddenly you cannot see the <mon>" while invisible mon remained
displayed due to telepathy or extended detection
+cutting a long worm in half would trigger segfault/accvio crash if the hit
+ took parent down to 1 hit point or if long worms had become extinct
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
* it's head at "curr" and its tail at "new_tail".
+ new_worm = 0;
+ new_wnum = rn2(3) ? 0 : get_wormno();
+ if (new_wnum) {
+ remove_monster(x, y); /* clone_mon puts new head here */
+ /* clone_mon() will fail if enough long worms have been
+ created to have them be marked as extinct or if the hit
+ that cut the current one has dropped it down to 1 HP */
+ new_worm = clone_mon(worm, x, y);
+ }
/* Sometimes the tail end dies. */
- if (rn2(3) || !(new_wnum = get_wormno())) {
- if (context.mon_moving)
- pline("Part of the tail of %s is cut off.", mon_nam(worm));
- else
+ if (!new_worm) {
+ if (context.mon_moving) {
+ if (canspotmon(worm))
+ pline("Part of %s tail has been cut off.",
+ s_suffix(mon_nam(worm)));
+ } else
You("cut part of the tail off of %s.", mon_nam(worm));
toss_wsegs(new_tail, TRUE);
if (worm->mhp > 1) worm->mhp /= 2;
- remove_monster(x, y); /* clone_mon puts new head here */
- new_worm = clone_mon(worm, x, y);
new_worm->wormno = new_wnum; /* affix new worm number */
new_worm->mcloned = 0; /* treat second worm as a normal monster */