* doc/neomuttrc.man.head: Sort commands
* doc/neomuttrc.man.head: Add and fix command definitions
* doc/neomuttrc.man.head: Small tidying
* doc/neomuttrc.man.{head,tail}: Catch up overlooked parts
* doc/neomutt.man: Keep man-pages consistent
* Provide timestamp expansion and fix man pages date
* Minor tidying of inner/trailing whitespace
* auto.def: Use nested evaluations
* auto.def: Simplify PACKAGE_VERSION fallback case
* Simplify generation of man date
* Fix man substitutions
* Remove useless defines
* auto.def: Refine PACKAGE_DATE comment
* Correct */mime.types lookup order in comments
* doc/manual.xml.head: Adapt definitions of commands
* doc/manual.xml.head: Remove logical NOT operator
* doc/manual.xml.head: Sort/Group command definitions
* Rewrite manual page neomutt(1)
* Rewrite manual page neomuttrc(5)
* doc/manual.xml.head: Complete table command line options
* Document command line option -l
* main.c: Rewrite `neomutt -h` output
* Adopt formatting and finalise syntax sanitising