- * httpd-std.conf and friends
- a) httpd-std.conf should be tailored by install (from src or
- binbuild) even if user has existing httpd.conf
- +1: trawick, slive, gregames, ianh, Ken, wrowe, jwoolley, jim, nd,
- erikabele
- wrowe - prefer httpd.default.conf to avoid ambiguity with cvs
- b) tailored httpd-std.conf should be copied by install to
- sysconfdir/examples
- -0: striker
- c) tailored httpd-std.conf should be installed to
- sysconfdir/examples or manualdir/exampleconf/
- +1: slive, trawick, Ken, nd (prefer the latter), erikabele
- +1: wsanchez (propose sysconfdir/examples/<version> for diffiness)
- d) Installing a set of default config files when upgrading a server
- doesn't make ANY sense at all.
- +1: ianh - medium/big sites don't use 'standard config' anyway, as it
- usually needs major customizations
- -1: Ken, wrowe, jwoolley, jim, nd, erikabele
- wrowe - diff is wonderful when comparing old/new default configs,
- even for customized sites that ianh mentions
- jim - ... assuming that the default configs have been updated
- with the required inline docs to explain the
- changes
* If the parent process dies, should the remaining child processes
"gracefully" self-terminate. Or maybe we should make it a runtime
option, or have a concept of 2 parent processes (one being a