" Open 2 windows split vertically. Expect:
" - 2 windows
" - both windows should have the same or almost the same width
- " - sum of both windows width (+ 1 separator) should be equal to the
- " number of columns
+ " - sum of both windows width (+ 1 for the separator) should be equal to
+ " the number of columns
" - both windows should have the same height
" - window height (+ 2 for the statusline and Ex command) should be equal
" to the number of lines
call assert_match("sourcing \"$VIMRUNTIME[\\/]defaults\.vim\"\r\nline 1: \" The default vimrc file\..* verbose=15\n", out)
+" Test the -V[N]{filename} argument to set the 'verbose' option to N
+" and set 'verbosefile' to filename.
+func Test_V_file_arg()
+ if RunVim([], [], ' --clean -X -V2Xverbosefile -c "set verbose? verbosefile?" -cq')
+ let out = join(readfile('Xverbosefile'), "\n")
+ call assert_match("sourcing \"$VIMRUNTIME[\\/]defaults\.vim\"\n", out)
+ call assert_match("\n verbose=2\n", out)
+ call assert_match("\n verbosefile=Xverbosefile", out)
+ endif
+ call delete('Xverbosefile')
+" Test the -m, -M and -R arguments:
+" -m resets 'write'
+" -M resets 'modifiable' and 'write'
+" -R sets 'readonly'
+func Test_m_M_R()
+ let after = [
+ \ 'call writefile([&write, &modifiable, &readonly, &updatecount], "Xtestout")',
+ \ 'qall',
+ \ ]
+ if RunVim([], after, '')
+ let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
+ call assert_equal(['1', '1', '0', '200'], lines)
+ endif
+ if RunVim([], after, '-m')
+ let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
+ call assert_equal(['0', '1', '0', '200'], lines)
+ endif
+ if RunVim([], after, '-M')
+ let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
+ call assert_equal(['0', '0', '0', '200'], lines)
+ endif
+ if RunVim([], after, '-R')
+ let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
+ call assert_equal(['1', '1', '1', '10000'], lines)
+ endif
+ call delete('Xtestout')
" Test the -A, -F and -H arguments (Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew modes).
func Test_A_F_H_arg()
let after = [
call writefile(['123456'], 'Xtestout')
let after = [
\ ':startinsert',
- \ 'call feedkeys("foobar\<c-o>:wq\<cr>","t")'
+ \ 'call feedkeys("foobar\<c-o>:wq\<cr>","t")'
\ ]
if RunVim([], after, 'Xtestout')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')
call writefile(['123456'], 'Xtestout')
let after = [
\ ':startinsert!',
- \ 'call feedkeys("foobar\<c-o>:wq\<cr>","t")'
+ \ 'call feedkeys("foobar\<c-o>:wq\<cr>","t")'
\ ]
if RunVim([], after, 'Xtestout')
let lines = readfile('Xtestout')