+ (NSString *) stringForFileSize: (uint64_t) size
- const CGFloat baseFloat = [NSApp isOnSnowLeopardOrBetter] ? 1000.0 : 1024.0;
+ const double baseFloat = [NSApp isOnSnowLeopardOrBetter] ? 1000.0 : 1024.0;
const NSUInteger baseInt = [NSApp isOnSnowLeopardOrBetter] ? 1000 : 1024;
- if (size < baseInt)
- {
- if (size != 1)
- return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%lld %@", size, NSLocalizedString(@"bytes", "File size - bytes")];
- else
- return NSLocalizedString(@"1 byte", "File size - bytes");
- }
- CGFloat convertedSize;
+ double convertedSize;
NSString * unit;
+ NSUInteger decimals;
if (size < pow(baseInt, 2))
convertedSize = size / baseFloat;
unit = NSLocalizedString(@"KB", "File size - kilobytes");
+ decimals = 0;
else if (size < pow(baseInt, 3))
convertedSize = size / powf(baseFloat, 2);
unit = NSLocalizedString(@"MB", "File size - megabytes");
+ decimals = 1;
else if (size < pow(baseInt, 4))
convertedSize = size / powf(baseFloat, 3);
unit = NSLocalizedString(@"GB", "File size - gigabytes");
+ decimals = 2;
convertedSize = size / powf(baseFloat, 4);
unit = NSLocalizedString(@"TB", "File size - terabytes");
+ decimals = 3; //guessing on this one
- //attempt to have minimum of 3 digits with at least 1 decimal
- return convertedSize <= 9.995 ? [NSString localizedStringWithFormat: @"%.2f %@", convertedSize, unit]
- : [NSString localizedStringWithFormat: @"%.1f %@", convertedSize, unit];
+ //match Finder's behavior
+ NSNumberFormatter * numberFormatter = [[[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [numberFormatter setNumberStyle: NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
+ [numberFormatter setMinimumFractionDigits: 0];
+ [numberFormatter setMaximumFractionDigits: decimals];
+ return [[numberFormatter stringFromNumber: [NSNumber numberWithDouble: convertedSize]] stringByAppendingFormat: @" %@", unit];
+ (NSString *) stringForSpeed: (CGFloat) speed