I noticed this a while back while inspecting an unrelated report.
It seems to me the breath of a dragon is more like broiling than baking
and thought the message wasn't consistent with this.
"I shall suck the marrow from thy bones, %c."
%Cp Kni 00067
-"Let's see... Broiled? No. Fried? Nay. Baked? Yea verily,
+"Let's see... Baked? No. Fried? Nay. Broiled? Yea verily,
that is the way I like my %c for dinner."
%Cp Kni 00068
restore capability to force locks with wielded statue
only count successful statue creations against the monster limit in sp_lev.c
unseen wand of striking zapped by unseen monster became known if it hit a door
+tweak knight quest messages
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes