struct hostcache_prune_data user;
- if(!dns || (data->set.dns_cache_timeout == -1) || !data->dns.hostcache)
- /* cache forever means never prune, and NULL hostcache means
- we can't do it */
+ if(!dns || (data->set.dns_cache_timeout == -1) || !data->dns.hostcache ||
+ dns->inuse)
+ /* cache forever means never prune, and NULL hostcache means we can't do
+ it, if it still is in use then we leave it */
return 0;
/* free the allocated entry_id again */
+ infof(data, "Hostname was %sfound in DNS cache\n", dns?"":"NOT ");
/* See whether the returned entry is stale. Done before we release lock */
- if(remove_entry_if_stale(data, dns))
+ if(remove_entry_if_stale(data, dns)) {
+ infof(data, "Hostname in DNS cache was stale, zapped\n");
dns = NULL; /* the memory deallocation is being handled by the hash */
+ }
if(dns) {
dns->inuse++; /* we use it! */