+#include <cmath>
+#include "charstr.h"
+#include "measunit_impl.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unitconverter.h"
+#include "uresimp.h"
+namespace {
+// Helpers
+typedef enum Signal {
+ NEGATIVE = -1,
+} Signal;
+double strToDouble(StringPiece strNum) {
+ char charNum[strNum.length()];
+ for (int i = 0; i < strNum.length(); i++) {
+ charNum[i] = strNum.data()[i];
+ }
+ char *end;
+ return std::strtod(charNum, &end);
+/* Represents a conversion factor */
+struct Factor {
+ double factorNum = 1;
+ double factorDen = 1;
+ double offset = 0;
+ bool reciprocal = false;
+ int32_t constants[CONSTANTS_COUNT] = {};
+ void multiplyBy(const Factor &rhs, UErrorCode &status) {
+ factorNum *= rhs.factorNum;
+ factorDen *= rhs.factorDen;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++)
+ constants[i] += rhs.constants[i];
+ offset += rhs.offset;
+ }
+ void divideBy(const Factor &rhs, UErrorCode &status) {
+ factorNum *= rhs.factorDen;
+ factorDen *= rhs.factorNum;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++)
+ constants[i] -= rhs.constants[i];
+ offset += rhs.offset;
+ }
+ // apply the power to the factor.
+ void power(int32_t power, UErrorCode &status) {
+ // multiply all the constant by the power.
+ for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++)
+ constants[i] *= power;
+ bool shouldFlip = power < 0; // This means that after applying the absolute power, we should flip
+ // the Numerator and Denomerator.
+ int32_t absPower = std::abs(power);
+ factorNum = std::pow(factorNum, std::abs(power));
+ factorDen = std::pow(factorDen, std::abs(power));
+ if (shouldFlip) {
+ // Flip Numerator and Denomirator.
+ std::swap(factorNum, factorDen);
+ }
+ }
+ // Flip the `Factor`, for example, factor= 2/3, flippedFactor = 3/2
+ void flip(UErrorCode &status) {
+ std::swap(factorNum, factorDen);
+ for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++) {
+ constants[i] *= -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply SI prefix to the `Factor`
+ void applySiPrefix(UMeasureSIPrefix siPrefix, UErrorCode &status) {
+ if (siPrefix == UMeasureSIPrefix::UMEASURE_SI_PREFIX_ONE) return; // No need to do anything
+ double siApplied = std::pow(10.0, std::abs(siPrefix));
+ if (siPrefix < 0) {
+ factorDen *= siApplied;
+ return;
+ }
+ factorNum *= siApplied;
+ }
+class UnitConversionRatesSink : public ResourceSink {
+ public:
+ explicit UnitConversionRatesSink(Factor *conversionFactor) : conversionFactor(conversionFactor) {}
+ void put(const char *key, ResourceValue &value, UBool /*noFallback*/,
+ UErrorCode &status) U_OVERRIDE {
+ ResourceTable conversionRateTable = value.getTable(status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int32_t i = 0; conversionRateTable.getKeyAndValue(i, key, value); ++i) {
+ StringPiece keySP(key);
+ if (keySP == "factor") {
+ value.getUnicodeString(status);
+ }
+ else if (keySP == "offset") {
+ value.getUnicodeString(status);
+ }
+ else if (keySP == "target") {
+ // TODO(younies): find a way to convert UnicodeStirng to StringPiece
+ // conversionRate->target.set(value.getUnicodeString(status));
+ }
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Factor *conversionFactor;
+ * Add single factor element to the `Factor`. e.g "ft3m", "2.333" or "cup2m3". But not "cup2m3^3".
+ */
+void addSingleFactorConstant(Factor &factor, StringPiece baseStr, int32_t power, Signal signal,
+ UErrorCode &status) {
+ if (baseStr == "ft2m") {
+ factor.constants[CONSTANT_FT2M] += power * signal;
+ } else if (baseStr == "G") {
+ factor.constants[CONSTANT_G] += power * signal;
+ } else if (baseStr == "gravity") {
+ factor.constants[CONSTANT_GRAVITY] += power * signal;
+ } else if (baseStr == "lb2kg") {
+ factor.constants[CONSTANT_LB2KG] += power * signal;
+ } else if (baseStr == "cup2m3") {
+ factor.constants[CONSTANT_CUP2M3] += power * signal;
+ } else if (baseStr == "PI") {
+ factor.constants[CONSTANT_PI] += power * signal;
+ } else {
+ if (signal == Signal::NEGATIVE) {
+ factor.factorDen *= std::pow(strToDouble(baseStr), power);
+ } else {
+ factor.factorNum *= std::pow(strToDouble(baseStr), power);
+ }
+ }
+ Adds single factor for a `Factor` object. Single factor means "23^2", "23.3333", "ft2m^3" ...etc.
+ However, complext factor are not included, such as "ft2m^3*200/3"
+void addFactorElement(Factor &factor, StringPiece elementStr, Signal signal, UErrorCode &status) {
+ StringPiece baseStr;
+ StringPiece powerStr;
+ int32_t power =
+ 1; // In case the power is not written, then, the power is equal 1 ==> `ft2m^1` == `ft2m`
+ // Search for the power part
+ int32_t powerInd = -1;
+ CharString charStr(elementStr, status);
+ for (int32_t i = 0, n = charStr.length(); i < n; ++i) {
+ if (charStr[i] == '^') {
+ powerInd = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (powerInd > -1) {
+ // There is power
+ baseStr = elementStr.substr(0, powerInd);
+ powerStr = elementStr.substr(powerInd + 1);
+ power = static_cast<int32_t>(strToDouble(powerStr));
+ } else {
+ baseStr = elementStr;
+ }
+ addSingleFactorConstant(factor, baseStr, power, signal, status);
+ * Extracts `Factor` from a complete string factor. e.g. "ft2m^3*1007/cup2m3*3"
+ */
+void extractFactor(Factor &factor, StringPiece stringFactor, UErrorCode &status) {
+ // Set factor to `1`
+ factor.factorNum = 1;
+ factor.factorDen = 1;
+ Signal signal = Signal::POSITIVE;
+ auto factorData = stringFactor.data();
+ for (int32_t i = 0, start = 0, n = stringFactor.length(); i < n; i++) {
+ if (factorData[i] == '*' || factorData[i] == '/') {
+ StringPiece factorElement = stringFactor.substr(start, i - start);
+ addFactorElement(factor, factorElement, signal, status);
+ start = i + 1; // Set `start` to point to the start of the new element.
+ } else if (i == n - 1) {
+ // Last element
+ addFactorElement(factor, stringFactor.substr(start, i + 1), signal, status);
+ }
+ if (factorData[i] == '/')
+ signal = Signal::NEGATIVE; // Change the signal because we reached the Denominator.
+ }
+// Load factor for a single source
+void loadSingleFactor(Factor &factor, StringPiece source, UErrorCode &status) {
+ for (const auto &entry : temporarily::dataEntries) {
+ if (entry.source == source) {
+ extractFactor(factor, entry.factor, status);
+ factor.offset = strToDouble(entry.offset);
+ factor.reciprocal = factor.reciprocal;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ status = UErrorCode::U_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH;
+// Load Factor for compound source
+// TODO(younies): handle `one-per-second` case
+void loadCompoundFactor(Factor &factor, StringPiece source, UErrorCode &status) {
+ icu::MeasureUnit compoundSourceUnit = icu::MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(source, status);
+ auto singleUnits = compoundSourceUnit.splitToSingleUnits(status);
+ for (int i = 0; i < singleUnits.length(); i++) {
+ Factor singleFactor;
+ auto singleUnit = TempSingleUnit::forMeasureUnit(singleUnits[i], status);
+ loadSingleFactor(singleFactor, singleUnit.identifier, status);
+ // You must apply SiPrefix before the power, because the power may be will flip the factor.
+ singleFactor.applySiPrefix(singleUnit.siPrefix, status);
+ singleFactor.power(singleUnit.dimensionality, status);
+ factor.multiplyBy(singleFactor, status);
+ }
+void substituteSingleConstant(Factor &factor, int32_t constantPower,
+ double constantValue /* constant actual value, e.g. G= 9.88888 */,
+ UErrorCode &status) {
+ constantValue = std::pow(constantValue, std::abs(constantPower));
+ if (constantPower < 0) {
+ factor.factorDen *= constantValue;
+ } else {
+ factor.factorNum *= constantValue;
+ }
+void substituteConstants(Factor &factor, UErrorCode &status) {
+ double constantsValues[CONSTANTS_COUNT];
+ constantsValues[CONSTANT_FT2M] = 0.3048;
+ constantsValues[CONSTANT_PI] = 3.14159265359;
+ constantsValues[CONSTANT_GRAVITY] = 9.80665;
+ constantsValues[CONSTANT_G] = 6.67408E-11;
+ constantsValues[CONSTANT_CUP2M3] = 0.000236588;
+ constantsValues[CONSTANT_LB2KG] = 0.45359237;
+ for (int i = 0; i < CONSTANTS_COUNT; i++) {
+ if (factor.constants[i] == 0) continue;
+ substituteSingleConstant(factor, factor.constants[i], constantsValues[i], status);
+ factor.constants[i] = 0;
+ }
+ * Checks if the source unit and the target unit are singular. For example celsius or fahrenheit. But not
+ * square-celsius or square-fahrenheit.
+ */
+UBool checkSingularUnits(StringPiece source, UErrorCode &status) {
+ icu::MeasureUnit compoundSourceUnit = icu::MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(source, status);
+ auto singleUnits = compoundSourceUnit.splitToSingleUnits(status);
+ if (singleUnits.length() > 1) return false; // Singular unit contains only a single unit.
+ auto singleUnit = TempSingleUnit::forMeasureUnit(singleUnits[0], status);
+ if (singleUnit.dimensionality != 1) return false;
+ if (singleUnit.siPrefix == UMeasureSIPrefix::UMEASURE_SI_PREFIX_ONE) return true;
+ return false;
+ * Extract conversion rate from `source` to `target`
+ */
+void loadConversionRate(ConversionRate &conversionRate, StringPiece source, StringPiece target,
+ UErrorCode &status) {
+ // LocalUResourceBundlePointer rb(ures_openDirect(nullptr, "units", &status));
+ // CharString key;
+ // key.append("convertUnit/", status);
+ // key.append(source, status);
+ Factor finalFactor;
+ Factor SourcetoMiddle;
+ Factor TargettoMiddle;
+ // Load needed factors (TODO(younies): illustrate more)
+ loadCompoundFactor(SourcetoMiddle, source, status);
+ loadCompoundFactor(TargettoMiddle, target, status);
+ // Merger Factors
+ finalFactor.multiplyBy(SourcetoMiddle, status);
+ finalFactor.divideBy(TargettoMiddle, status);
+ // Substitute constants
+ substituteConstants(finalFactor, status);
+ conversionRate.source = source;
+ conversionRate.target = target;
+ conversionRate.factorNum = finalFactor.factorNum;
+ conversionRate.factorDen = finalFactor.factorDen;
+ if (checkSingularUnits(source, status) && checkSingularUnits(target, status)) {
+ conversionRate.sourceOffset =
+ SourcetoMiddle.offset * SourcetoMiddle.factorDen / SourcetoMiddle.factorNum;
+ conversionRate.targetOffset =
+ TargettoMiddle.offset * TargettoMiddle.factorDen / TargettoMiddle.factorNum;
+ }
+ // TODO(younies): use the database.
+ // UnitConversionRatesSink sink(&conversionFactor);
+ // ures_getAllItemsWithFallback(rb.getAlias(), key.data(), sink, status);
+StringPiece getTarget(StringPiece source, UErrorCode& status) {
+ for(const auto& entry: temporarily::dataEntries){
+ if(entry.source == entry.target)
+ return entry.target;
+ }
+ return StringPiece("");
+enum UnitsCase {
- UnitsCase checkUnitsCase()
++UnitsCase checkUnitsCase(MeasureUnit source, MeasureUnit target, UErrorCode& status) {
+} // namespace
+UnitConverter::UnitConverter(MeasureUnit source, MeasureUnit target, UErrorCode& status) {
+ loadConversionRate(conversionRate_, source.getIdentifier(), target.getIdentifier(), status);
+double UnitConverter::convert(double inputValue, UErrorCode& status) {
+ double result = inputValue + conversionRate_.sourceOffset;
+ result *= conversionRate_.factorNum / conversionRate_.factorDen;
+ result -= conversionRate_.targetOffset;
+ return result;
-#include "intltest.h"
+ #include "charstr.h"
+#include "intltest.h"
+#include "number_decnum.h"
+ #include "unicode/ctest.h"
+ #include "unicode/measunit.h"
+ #include "unicode/unistr.h"
+ #include "unicode/unum.h"
+#include "unitconverter.h"
+ #include "uparse.h"
+#include <iostream>
+struct UnitConversionTestCase {
+ const StringPiece source;
+ const StringPiece target;
+ const double inputValue;
+ const double expectedValue;
class UnitsTest : public IntlTest {
extern IntlTest *createUnitsTest() { return new UnitsTest(); }
void UnitsTest::runIndexedTest(int32_t index, UBool exec, const char *&name, char * /*par*/) {
-- if (exec) {
-- logln("TestSuite UnitsTest: ");
-- }
++ if (exec) { logln("TestSuite UnitsTest: "); }
+ TESTCASE_AUTO(testConversions);
- char *start = field[0];
- while (start < field[1] && (start[0]) == ' ') {
- start++;
- }
- int32_t length = (int32_t)(field[1] - start);
- while (length > 0 && (start[length - 1]) == ' ') {
- length--;
- }
- return StringPiece(start, length);
+ /**
+ * Returns a StringPiece pointing at the given field with space prefixes and
+ * postfixes trimmed off.
+ */
+ StringPiece trimField(char *(&field)[2]) {
-static void U_CALLCONV unitsTestDataLineFn(void *context, char *fields[][2],
- int32_t fieldCount,
++ char *start = field[0];
++ while (start < field[1] && (start[0]) == ' ') {
++ start++;
++ }
++ int32_t length = (int32_t)(field[1] - start);
++ while (length > 0 && (start[length - 1]) == ' ') {
++ length--;
++ }
++ return StringPiece(start, length);
+ }
+ /**
+ * WIP(hugovdm): deals with a single data-driven unit test for unit conversions.
+ * This is a UParseLineFn as required by u_parseDelimitedFile.
+ */
- (void)fieldCount; // unused UParseLineFn variable
- IcuTestErrorCode status(*(UnitsTest *)context, "unitsTestDatalineFn");
- StringPiece quantity = trimField(fields[0]);
- StringPiece x = trimField(fields[1]);
- StringPiece y = trimField(fields[2]);
- StringPiece commentConversionFormula = trimField(fields[3]);
- StringPiece utf8Expected = trimField(fields[4]);
- UNumberFormat *nf =
- unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, "en_US", NULL, pErrorCode);
- UnicodeString uExpected = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(utf8Expected);
- double expected = unum_parseDouble(nf, uExpected.getBuffer(),
- uExpected.length(), 0, pErrorCode);
- unum_close(nf);
- MeasureUnit sourceUnit = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(x, status);
- if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("forIdentifier(\"%.*s\")", x.length(),
- x.data())) {
- return;
- }
- MeasureUnit targetUnit = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(y, status);
- if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("forIdentifier(\"%.*s\")", y.length(),
- y.data())) {
- return;
- }
- // WIP(hugovdm): hook this up to actual tests.
- //
- // Possible after merging in younies/tryingdouble:
- // UnitConverter converter(sourceUnit, targetUnit, *pErrorCode);
- // double got = converter.convert(1000, *pErrorCode);
- // ((UnitsTest*)context)->assertEqualsNear(quantity.data(), expected, got, 0.0001);
- //
- // In the meantime, printing to stderr.
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Quantity (Category): \"%.*s\", "
- "Expected value of \"1000 %.*s in %.*s\": %f, "
- "commentConversionFormula: \"%.*s\", "
- "expected field: \"%.*s\"\n",
- quantity.length(), quantity.data(),
- x.length(), x.data(), y.length(), y.data(), expected,
- commentConversionFormula.length(), commentConversionFormula.data(),
- utf8Expected.length(), utf8Expected.data());
++static void U_CALLCONV unitsTestDataLineFn(void *context, char *fields[][2], int32_t fieldCount,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
- const char *filename = "unitsTest.txt";
- const int32_t kNumFields = 5;
- char *fields[kNumFields][2];
- IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "UnitsTest::testConversions");
- const char *sourceTestDataPath = getSourceTestData(errorCode);
- if (errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("unable to find the source/test/testdata "
- "folder (getSourceTestData())")) {
- return;
- }
- CharString path(sourceTestDataPath, errorCode);
- path.appendPathPart("units", errorCode);
- path.appendPathPart("unitsTest.txt", errorCode);
- u_parseDelimitedFile(path.data(), ';', fields, kNumFields,
- unitsTestDataLineFn, this, errorCode);
- if (errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("error parsing %s: %s\n", filename,
- u_errorName(errorCode))) {
- return;
- }
++ (void)fieldCount; // unused UParseLineFn variable
++ IcuTestErrorCode status(*(UnitsTest *)context, "unitsTestDatalineFn");
++ StringPiece quantity = trimField(fields[0]);
++ StringPiece x = trimField(fields[1]);
++ StringPiece y = trimField(fields[2]);
++ StringPiece commentConversionFormula = trimField(fields[3]);
++ StringPiece utf8Expected = trimField(fields[4]);
++ UNumberFormat *nf = unum_open(UNUM_DEFAULT, NULL, -1, "en_US", NULL, pErrorCode);
++ UnicodeString uExpected = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(utf8Expected);
++ double expected = unum_parseDouble(nf, uExpected.getBuffer(), uExpected.length(), 0, pErrorCode);
++ unum_close(nf);
++ MeasureUnit sourceUnit = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(x, status);
++ if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("forIdentifier(\"%.*s\")", x.length(), x.data())) { return; }
++ MeasureUnit targetUnit = MeasureUnit::forIdentifier(y, status);
++ if (status.errIfFailureAndReset("forIdentifier(\"%.*s\")", y.length(), y.data())) { return; }
++ // WIP(hugovdm): hook this up to actual tests.
++ //
++ // Possible after merging in younies/tryingdouble:
++ // UnitConverter converter(sourceUnit, targetUnit, *pErrorCode);
++ // double got = converter.convert(1000, *pErrorCode);
++ // ((UnitsTest*)context)->assertEqualsNear(quantity.data(), expected, got, 0.0001);
++ //
++ // In the meantime, printing to stderr.
++ fprintf(stderr,
++ "Quantity (Category): \"%.*s\", "
++ "Expected value of \"1000 %.*s in %.*s\": %f, "
++ "commentConversionFormula: \"%.*s\", "
++ "expected field: \"%.*s\"\n",
++ quantity.length(), quantity.data(), x.length(), x.data(), y.length(), y.data(), expected,
++ commentConversionFormula.length(), commentConversionFormula.data(), utf8Expected.length(),
++ utf8Expected.data());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs data-driven unit tests for unit conversion. It looks for the test cases
+ * in source/test/testdata/units/unitsTest.txt, which originates in CLDR.
+ */
+ void UnitsTest::testConversions() {
++ const char *filename = "unitsTest.txt";
++ const int32_t kNumFields = 5;
++ char *fields[kNumFields][2];
++ IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "UnitsTest::testConversions");
++ const char *sourceTestDataPath = getSourceTestData(errorCode);
++ if (errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("unable to find the source/test/testdata "
++ "folder (getSourceTestData())")) {
++ return;
++ }
++ CharString path(sourceTestDataPath, errorCode);
++ path.appendPathPart("units", errorCode);
++ path.appendPathPart("unitsTest.txt", errorCode);
++ u_parseDelimitedFile(path.data(), ';', fields, kNumFields, unitsTestDataLineFn, this, errorCode);
++ if (errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("error parsing %s: %s\n", filename, u_errorName(errorCode))) {
++ return;
++ }
+ }
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */