1) Create a test_<subject>.vim file.
2) Add test_<subject>.res to NEW_TESTS in Make_all.mak in alphabetical order.
-3) Also add an entry in src/Makefile.
+3) Also add an entry "test_<subject>" in src/Make_all.mak.
4) Use make test_<subject>.res to run a single test in src/testdir/.
Use make test_<subject> to run a single test in src/.
+At 2), instead of running the test separately, it can be included in
+"test_alot". Do this for quick tests without side effects. The test runs a
+bit faster, because Vim doesn't have to be started, one Vim instance runs many
What you can use (see test_assert.vim for an example):
- Call assert_equal(), assert_true(), assert_false(), etc.
-- Use try/catch to check for exceptions.
-- Use alloc_fail() to have memory allocation fail. This makes it possible
- to check memory allocation failures are handled gracefully. You need to
- change the source code to add an ID to the allocation. Update LAST_ID_USED
- above alloc_id() to the highest ID used.
-- Use disable_char_avail_for_testing(1) if char_avail() must return FALSE for
- a while. E.g. to trigger the CursorMovedI autocommand event.
- See test_cursor_func.vim for an example
+- Use assert_fails() to check for expected errors.
+- Use try/catch to avoid an exception aborts the test.
+- Use alloc_fail() to have memory allocation fail. This makes it possible to
+ check memory allocation failures are handled gracefully. You need to change
+- the source code to add an ID to the allocation. Update LAST_ID_USED above
+ alloc_id() to the highest ID used.
+- Use test_override() to make Vim behave differently, e.g. if char_avail()
+ must return FALSE for a while. E.g. to trigger the CursorMovedI autocommand
+ event.
+- See test_cursor_func.vim for an example.
- If the bug that is being tested isn't fixed yet, you can throw an exception
- so that it's clear this still needs work. E.g.:
- throw "Skipped: Bug with <c-e> and popupmenu not fixed yet"
+ with "Skipped" so that it's clear this still needs work. E.g.: throw
+ "Skipped: Bug with <c-e> and popupmenu not fixed yet"
- See the start of runtest.vim for more help.