--- /dev/null
+Bug #37220 (LOB Type mismatch when using windows & oci8.dll)
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("oci8")) print "skip"; ?>
+require dirname(__FILE__).'/connect.inc';
+// Initialization
+$stmtarray = array(
+ "create table bug37220_tab( mycolumn xmltype not null)",
+ "insert into bug37220_tab values(xmltype('<THETAG myID=\"1234\"></THETAG>'))"
+foreach ($stmtarray as $stmt) {
+ $s = oci_parse($c, $stmt);
+ @oci_execute($s);
+// Now let's update the row where myId = 1234 and change the tag
+// 'THETAG' to 'MYTAG' (mycolumn is an XMLTYPE datatype and
+// bug37220_tab a normal Oracle table)
+$query = "UPDATE bug37220_tab
+ SET bug37220_tab.mycolumn = updateXML(bug37220_tab.mycolumn,'/THETAG',xmltype.createXML(:data))
+ WHERE existsNode(bug37220_tab.mycolumn,'/THETAG[@myID=\"1234\"]') = 1";
+$stmt = oci_parse ($c, $query);
+$clob = oci_new_descriptor($c, OCI_D_LOB);
+oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':data', $clob, -1, OCI_B_CLOB);
+$clob->writetemporary("<MYTAG/>", OCI_TEMP_CLOB);
+$success = oci_execute($stmt, OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS);
+// Query back the change
+$query = "select * from bug37220_tab";
+$stmt = oci_parse ($c, $query);
+while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {
+ foreach ($row as $item) {
+ echo $item."\n";
+ }
+ echo "\n";
+// Cleanup
+$stmtarray = array(
+ "drop table bug37220_tab"
+foreach ($stmtarray as $stmt) {
+ $s = oci_parse($c, $stmt);
+ oci_execute($s);
+echo "Done\n";