call assert_match('Window position: X \d\+, Y \d\+', execute('winpos'))
call assert_true(getwinposx() >= 0)
call assert_true(getwinposy() >= 0)
+ call assert_equal([getwinposx(), getwinposy()], getwinpos())
func Test_quoteplus()
" Set the quoteplus register to test_call, and another gvim will launched.
" Then, it first tries to paste the content of its own quotedplus register
- " onto it. Second, it tries to substitute test_responce for the pasted
+ " onto it. Second, it tries to substitute test_response for the pasted
" sentence. If the sentence is identical to test_call, the substitution
" should succeed. Third, it tries to yank the result of the substitution
" to its own quoteplus register, and last it quits. When system()
setl ballooneval
call assert_equal('MyBalloonExpr()', &balloonexpr)
" TODO Read non-empty text, place the pointer at a character of a word,
- " and check if the content of the balloon is the smae as what is expected.
+ " and check if the content of the balloon is the same as what is expected.
" Also, check if textlock works as expected.
setl balloonexpr&
call assert_equal('', &balloonexpr)
setl ballooneval
call assert_equal('MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingNL()', &balloonexpr)
" TODO Read non-empty text, place the pointer at a character of a word,
- " and check if the content of the balloon is the smae as what is
+ " and check if the content of the balloon is the same as what is
" expected. Also, check if textlock works as expected.
setl balloonexpr&
delfunc MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingNL
setl ballooneval
call assert_equal('MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingList()', &balloonexpr)
" TODO Read non-empty text, place the pointer at a character of a word,
- " and check if the content of the balloon is the smae as what is
+ " and check if the content of the balloon is the same as what is
" expected. Also, check if textlock works as expected.
setl balloonexpr&
delfunc MyBalloonFuncForMultilineUsingList