]> granicus.if.org Git - php/commitdiff
moved vpopmail to pecl.
authorJames Cox <imajes@php.net>
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 13:48:13 +0000 (13:48 +0000)
committerJames Cox <imajes@php.net>
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 13:48:13 +0000 (13:48 +0000)
# with original authors permission, and i am working on it a bit now.

ext/vpopmail/CREDITS [deleted file]
ext/vpopmail/EXPERIMENTAL [deleted file]
ext/vpopmail/README [deleted file]
ext/vpopmail/config.m4 [deleted file]
ext/vpopmail/php_vpopmail.c [deleted file]
ext/vpopmail/php_vpopmail.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/ext/vpopmail/CREDITS b/ext/vpopmail/CREDITS
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ed89afb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-David Croft, Boian Bonev
diff --git a/ext/vpopmail/EXPERIMENTAL b/ext/vpopmail/EXPERIMENTAL
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6443e99..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-this extension is experimental,
-its functions may change their names 
-or move to extension all together 
-so do not rely to much on them 
-you have been warned!
diff --git a/ext/vpopmail/README b/ext/vpopmail/README
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a47c9b0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Minimum Survial Readme
-       qmail is installed in /var/qmail
-       vpopmail in ~vpopmail
-       qmail-send runs as qmails
-different parts of vpopmail require certain user id (uid) and
-group id (gid) in order to operate normally.
-brief list with requirements:
-       read/write permissions on
-       /var/qmail/users/ assing, assign.lock, cdb
-       read/write permissions on
-       /var/qmail/control/*
-       singnal qmail-send with SIGHUP (uid==qmails or root)
-       read/write permissions on
-       ~vpopmail/domains
-       optionally read/write to cdb vpopmail databases
-       read/write permissions on
-       ~vpopmail/domains/<givendomain> (or the default domain)
-       optionally read/write to cdb vpopmail databases
-       optionally read/write on
-       ~vpopmail/domains/<givendomain>/<givenuser>
-       (only when sqwebmail is configured)
-       optionally read/write to cdb vpopmail databases
-       optionally read from cdb vpopmail databases
-php is in cgi mode
-       command line invocation
-       web server cgi invocation
-php is web server module
-in command line mode the php interpreter may be run from vpopmail uid to
-administer users, etc. or as root to add/del domains - this is the easiest case
-in cgi mode proper uid may be provided eighter by suid php interpreter or
-using cgi exec wrapper. the same restrictions as in command line mode apply
-the web server module mode is the most powerful and works much faster that cgi.
-in this mode more restrictions apply because web server's uid at least must
-be able to read/write the directories of the manages domains.
-first scenario only allows web scripts to manage certain domains.  security 
-may be compromised if there are user webs under the same web server
-with allowed script execution.
-second scenario is to setup web server and vpopmail under the same uid/gid.
-thus allowing only user management in all domains.
-third scenario extends second with the ability to manage domains. generally
-from security reasons it is not a good idea to run such a system on a server
-with shell users - vpopmail's domain admin tools must be suid root to work
-properly and most users will be able to add/delete domains.
-it is not considered a good idea to run web servers as root. hence the need
-to suid vpopmail domain management tools and exec them insted using native api.
-native api for domains is only suitable for cgi/command line mode, when php is
-run through suid root wrapper or suid itself.
-almost all scenarios lack secutiry in different ways - eighter powerful tools
-get suid root or parts of vpopmail setup become useable by any system user
-or web users with cgi/php access may utilize vpopmail api for mail management.
-perhapse the most secure solution is to run a separate apache server under
-the vpopmail user and chmod 700 ~vpopmail/bin.
-changing existing vpopmail uid/gid is possible but not easy - 
-take these into account:
-#1 - backup your setup, mail and configuration!
-       stop qmail-send before doing any changes
-       else your mail in process may get bounced or 
-       deleted or delivered to a default destination or...
-       stop pop3/imap remote/local users - while changing uids
-       users cannot check their mail
-       you may leave smtp - qmail-inject will take care
-       no matter vpopmail setup is broken (if and only
-       if you have stopped qmail-send)
-       in rc.d scripts tcpserver uid/gid may need to be changed
-       reconfiguring vpopmail:
-               ./configure ....your opts plus new uid/gid....
-       remember to
-               make clean all install
-       in vpopmail src tree; clean is needed if vpopmail has already been
-       configured with another uid/gid - vpopmail's dependencies are not
-       intact after reconfigure
-       after these steps change the uid/gid in
-               /var/qmail/users/assign
-       compile the assign file. the dummies way is to
-               vadddomain mydummy.domain aaaa
-               vdeldomain mydummy.domain
-       suid root vadddomain, vdeldomain and vaddaliasdomain
-       (this is only needed for domain management in web server module)
-               cd ~vpopmail/bin
-               chown 0.0 vadddomain vdeldomain vaddaliasdomain
-               chmod +s vadddomain vdeldomain vaddaliasdomain
-       optionally secure ~vpopmail/bin
-       (beware these programs may be exploitable or at least used)
-               chmod 700 ~vpopmail/bin
-       run qmail-send
-               /bin/csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'
-       run pop3 tcpserver or what you are using
-       verify your setup
-#2 verify php vpopmail module and configuration
-       for web server module and cgi setups create a phpinfo page:
-       <?php phpinfo() ?>
-       for command line mode run
-               php -i
-       check for vpopmail section in result
-       verify that php euid/egid match vpopmail's
-       in setups where only certain domain users will be administrated
-       verify that php euid/egid can access their respective directories
-bool vpopmail_add_domain(string domain, string dir, int uid, int gid)
-bool vpopmail_del_domain(string domain)
-bool vpopmail_add_alias_domain(string domain, string aliasdomain)
-bool vpopmail_add_domain_ex(string domain, string passwd [, string quota [, string bounce [, bool apop]]])
-bool vpopmail_del_domain_ex(string domain)
-bool vpopmail_add_alias_domain_ex(string olddomain, string newdomain)
-bool vpopmail_add_user(string user, string domain, string password[, string gecos[, bool apop]])
-bool vpopmail_del_user(string user, string domain)
-bool vpopmail_passwd(string user, string domain, string password)
-bool vpopmail_set_user_quota(string user, string domain, string quota)
-bool vpopmail_auth_user(string user, string domain, string password[, string apop])
-bool vpopmail_alias_add(string user, string domain, string alias)
-bool vpopmail_alias_del(string user, string domain)
-bool vpopmail_alias_del_domain(string domain)
-array vpopmail_alias_get(string alias, string domain)
-string vpopmail_error(void)
-your comments, fixes and stuff are welcome
-Boian Bonev <boian@bonev.com>
diff --git a/ext/vpopmail/config.m4 b/ext/vpopmail/config.m4
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 65ff8a8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-dnl $Id$
-PHP_ARG_WITH(vpopmail, for vpopmail support,
-[  --with-vpopmail[=DIR]   Include vpopmail support.])
-if test "$PHP_VPOPMAIL" != "no"; then
-       AC_MSG_CHECKING(for vpopmail install directory)
-       for i in /usr/include/vpopmail /usr/include /usr ~vpopmail /home/vpopmail /home/popmail /var/qmail/vpopmail /var/qmail/popmail $PHP_VPOPMAIL; do
-               if test -r $i/vpopmail.h; then
-                       VPOPMAIL_INC_DIR=$i
-                       VPOPMAIL_DIR=$i
-               elif test -r $i/include/vpopmail.h; then
-                       VPOPMAIL_INC_DIR=$i/include
-                       VPOPMAIL_DIR=$i
-               fi
-               if test -r $i/libvpopmail.a; then
-                       VPOPMAIL_LIB_DIR=$i
-               elif test -r $i/lib/libvpopmail.a; then
-                       VPOPMAIL_LIB_DIR=$i/lib
-               fi
-               if test -x $i/vadddomain; then
-                       VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR=$i
-               elif test -x $i/bin/vadddomain; then
-                       VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR=$i/bin
-               fi
-       done
-       for i in "$VPOPMAIL_INC_DIR/vpopmail.h" "$VPOPMAIL_INC_DIR/vpopmail_config.h" "$VPOPMAIL_LIB_DIR/libvpopmail.a"; do
-               if test ! -r "$i"; then
-                       AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find '$i'. Please make sure you have vpopmail installed. Use
-./configure --with-vpopmail=<vpopmail-home-dir> if necessary)
-               fi
-       done
-       for i in "$VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR/vadddomain" "$VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR/vaddaliasdomain" "$VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR/vdeldomain" ; do
-               if test ! -x "$i"; then
-                       AC_MSG_ERROR(Could not find '$i' or binary not executeable under current user.
-Please make sure you have vpopmail properly installed.
-Use ./configure --with-vpopmail=<vpopmail-home-dir> if necessary)
-               fi
-       done
-       dnl newer versions of vpopmail have include/vauth.h defining valias functions
-       if test -r $VPOPMAIL_INC_DIR/vauth.h; then
-               AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VPOPMAIL_VAUTH,1,[Whether vpopmail has vauth.h])
-       fi
-       dnl check for valias functions in the -lvpopmail
-       PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY(vpopmail, valias_select, [
-               AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VPOPMAIL_VALIAS,1,[Whether vpopmail has valias support])
-       ],[],[
-               -L$VPOPMAIL_LIB_DIR 
-       ])
-       AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VPOPMAIL,1,[Whether you have vpopmail])
-       dnl Detect if we have vpopmail >= 5.2 to accomodate C-API changes
-       dnl
-       dnl The current table is:
-       dnl
-       dnl      1     <  5.2
-       dnl      2     >= 5.2
-       vpopmail_internal_api=1
-       version=`grep VERSION $VPOPMAIL_INC_DIR/vpopmail_config.h`
-       if test -n "$version"; then
-               version_major=`echo "$version" | tr "\"#." "   " | awk '{print $3}'`
-               version_minor=`echo "$version" | tr "\"#." "   " | awk '{print $4}'`
-               if test $version_major -ge 5; then
-                       if test $version_major -eq 5; then
-                               if test $version_minor -ge 2; then
-                                       vpopmail_internal_api=2
-                               fi
-                       fi
-                       if test $version_major -gt 5; then
-                               vpopmail_internal_api=2
-                       fi
-               fi
-       fi
-       AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_VPOPMAIL_API,$vpopmail_internal_api,[Interal definition for vpopmail API changes])
-       PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(vpopmail, php_vpopmail.c, $ext_shared)
diff --git a/ext/vpopmail/php_vpopmail.c b/ext/vpopmail/php_vpopmail.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 84437c1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,937 +0,0 @@
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-   | PHP Version 4                                                        |
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-   | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-   | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
-   | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
-   | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
-   | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt.                                 |
-   | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
-   | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
-   | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-   | Authors: David Croft <david@infotrek.co.uk>                          |
-   |          Boian Bonev <boian@bonev.com>                               |
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-/* $Id$ */
-/* TODO: move to config.m4 when support for old versions is ready or just
- * don't support rather old vpopmail. current version must bail out if
- * incompat option is specified and work for minimal params
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "php.h"
-#include "php_ini.h"
-#include "php_vpopmail.h"
-#include "ext/standard/exec.h"
-#include "ext/standard/info.h"
-#include "ext/standard/php_string.h"
-/* keep this as the last include in order to destroy VERSION/PACKAGE only for the rest of the code */
-#undef VERSION
-#undef PACKAGE
-#include "vpopmail_config.h"
-#include "vpopmail.h"
-#include "vauth.h"
-/* vpopmail does not export this, argh! */
-#define MAX_BUFF 500
-/* Function table */
-function_entry vpopmail_functions[] = {
-       /* domain management - lib call */
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_add_domain, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_del_domain, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_add_alias_domain, NULL)
-       /* domain management - exec */
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_add_domain_ex, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_del_domain_ex, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_add_alias_domain_ex, NULL)
-       /* user management */
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_add_user, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_del_user, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_passwd, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_set_user_quota, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_auth_user, NULL)
-       /* alias management */
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_alias_add, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_alias_del, NULL)
-#ifdef VALIAS
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_alias_del_domain, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_alias_get, NULL)
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_alias_get_all, NULL)
-       /* error handling */
-       PHP_FE(vpopmail_error, NULL)
-       {NULL, NULL, NULL}
-zend_module_entry vpopmail_module_entry = {
-       "vpopmail",
-       vpopmail_functions,
-       PHP_MINIT(vpopmail),
-       PHP_MSHUTDOWN(vpopmail),
-       PHP_RINIT(vpopmail),
-       PHP_RSHUTDOWN(vpopmail),
-       PHP_MINFO(vpopmail),
-       /*STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY("vpopmail.directory",               "",                             PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateString,    directory,                      php_vpopmail_globals,   vpopmail_globals)*/
-       return SUCCESS;
-       return SUCCESS;
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 0;
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno) = 0;
-       return SUCCESS;
-/* nasty but... */
-void vclose();
-/* ...we need this */
-       if (VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) != 0) {
-               vclose();
-       }
-       return SUCCESS;
-       char ids[64];
-       sprintf(ids, "%d/%d %d/%d/%d/%d", VPOPMAILUID, VPOPMAILGID, getuid(), getgid(), geteuid(), getegid());
-       php_info_print_table_start();
-       php_info_print_table_header(2, "vpopmail support", "enabled");
-       php_info_print_table_row(2, "vpopmail version", VERSION);
-       php_info_print_table_row(2, "vpopmail uid/gid php uid/gid/euid/egid", ids);
-       php_info_print_table_row(2, "vpopmail dir", VPOPMAILDIR);
-       php_info_print_table_row(2, "vpopmail vadddomain", VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR VPOPMAIL_ADDD);
-       php_info_print_table_row(2, "vpopmail vdeldomain", VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR VPOPMAIL_DELD);
-       php_info_print_table_row(2, "vpopmail vaddaliasdomain", VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR VPOPMAIL_ADAD);
-       php_info_print_table_row(2, "vpopmail valias support", "Enabled");
-       php_info_print_table_row(2, "vpopmail valias support", "Not supported by vpopmail");
-       php_info_print_table_end();
- * Domain management functions - library call
- */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_add_domain(string domain, string dir, int uid, int gid)
-   Adds a new virtual domain */
-       zval **domain;
-       zval **dir;
-       zval **uid;
-       zval **gid;
-       int retval;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 4
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(4, &domain, &dir, &uid, &gid) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       convert_to_string_ex(dir);
-       convert_to_long_ex(uid);
-       convert_to_long_ex(gid);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       retval = vadddomain(Z_STRVAL_PP(domain),
-                                               0
-                                               Z_STRVAL_PP(dir),
-                                               Z_LVAL_PP(uid),
-                                               Z_LVAL_PP(gid)
-                                               );
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=retval;
-       if (retval == VA_SUCCESS) {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       } else {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail error: %s", verror(retval));
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_del_domain(string domain)
-   Deletes a virtual domain */
-       zval **domain;
-       int retval;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &domain) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       retval = vdeldomain(Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=retval;
-       if (retval == VA_SUCCESS) {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       } else {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail error: %s", verror(retval));
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_add_alias_domain(string domain, string aliasdomain)
-   Adds an alias for a virtual domain */
-       zval **domain;
-       zval **aliasdomain;
-       char *tmpstr;
-       char Dir[156];
-       char TmpBuf1[300];
-       char TmpBuf2[300];
-       int uid, gid;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_ex(2, &domain, &aliasdomain) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       convert_to_string_ex(aliasdomain);
-       php_strtolower(Z_STRVAL_PP(domain), Z_STRLEN_PP(domain));
-       php_strtolower(Z_STRVAL_PP(aliasdomain), Z_STRLEN_PP(aliasdomain));
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       tmpstr = vget_assign(Z_STRVAL_PP(domain), Dir, 156, &uid, &gid);
-       if (tmpstr == NULL) {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail_add_alias_domain error: existing domain %s was not found", Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno) = 1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       tmpstr = strstr(Dir, "/domains");
-       *tmpstr = 0;
-       sprintf(TmpBuf1, "%s/domains/%s", Dir, Z_STRVAL_PP(aliasdomain));
-       sprintf(TmpBuf2, "%s/domains/%s", Dir, Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-       if (symlink(TmpBuf2, TmpBuf1) != 0) {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail_add_alias_domain error: could not symlink domains: %s", strerror(errno));
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno) = 1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-#if (!defined(HAVE_VPOPMAIL_API) || HAVE_VPOPMAIL_API == 1)
-       if (add_domain_assign(Z_STRVAL_PP(aliasdomain), Dir, uid, gid) != 1) {
-       if (add_domain_assign(Z_STRVAL_PP(aliasdomain), Z_STRVAL_PP(domain), Dir, uid, gid) != 1) {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail_addaliasdomain could not add domain to control files");
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno) = 1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       signal_process("qmail-send", SIGHUP);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno) = 0;
-       RETURN_TRUE;
-/* }}} */
- * Domain management functions - exec
- */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_add_domain_ex(string domain, string passwd [, string quota [, string bounce [, bool apop]]])
-   Adds a new virtual domain */
-       zval **domain, **passwd, **quota, **bounce, **apop;
-       int retval,len=0,argc=ZEND_NUM_ARGS(),is_bounce_email;
-       int fr_bounce=0,fr_quota=0;
-       char *cmd,*escdomain="",*escpasswd="",*escquota="",*escbounce="",*escapop="";
-       if (argc < 2 || argc > 5 || zend_get_parameters_ex(argc, &domain, &passwd, &quota, &bounce, &apop) == FAILURE){
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       }
-       switch (argc) {
-               case 5:
-                       convert_to_long_ex(apop);
-                       escapop=Z_BVAL_PP(apop)?"1":"0";
-                       /* Fall-through. */
-               case 4:
-                       fr_bounce=1;
-                       convert_to_string_ex(bounce);
-                       escbounce=php_escape_shell_cmd(Z_STRVAL_PP(bounce));
-                       if (!escbounce) {
-                               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_adddomain error: cannot alloc");
-                               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-                               RETURN_FALSE;
-                       }
-                       /* Fall-through. */
-               case 3:
-                       fr_quota=1;
-                       convert_to_string_ex(quota);
-                       escquota=php_escape_shell_cmd(Z_STRVAL_PP(quota));
-                       if (!escquota) {
-                               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_adddomain error: cannot alloc");
-                               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-                               RETURN_FALSE;
-                       }
-                       /* Fall-through. */
-               case 2:
-                       convert_to_string_ex(passwd);
-                       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-                       break;
-       }
-       escdomain=php_escape_shell_cmd(Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-       escpasswd=php_escape_shell_cmd(Z_STRVAL_PP(passwd));
-       if (!escdomain||!escpasswd) {
-               if (fr_quota)
-                       efree(escquota);
-               if (fr_bounce)
-                       efree(escbounce);
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_adddomain error: cannot alloc");
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       len+=strlen(VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR);
-       len+=strlen(VPOPMAIL_ADDD);
-       if (*escquota)
-               len+=strlen("-q ")+strlen(escquota)+strlen(" ");
-       if (*escbounce) {
-               if (strchr(Z_STRVAL_PP(bounce),'@')) {
-                       is_bounce_email=1;
-                       len+=strlen("-e ")+strlen(escbounce)+strlen(" ");
-               } else {
-                       is_bounce_email=0;
-                       len+=strlen("-b ");
-               }
-       }
-       if (*escapop)
-               len+=strlen("-a ");
-       len+=strlen(escdomain)+strlen(" ");
-       len+=strlen(escpasswd)+strlen(" ");
-       len++;
-       cmd=emalloc(len);
-       if (!cmd) {
-               if (fr_quota)
-                       efree(escquota);
-               if (fr_bounce)
-                       efree(escbounce);
-               efree(escdomain);
-               efree(escpasswd);
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_adddomain error: cannot alloc");
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       if (*escquota) {
-               strcat(cmd,"-q ");
-               strcat(cmd,escquota);
-               strcat(cmd," ");
-       }
-       if (*escbounce) {
-               if (is_bounce_email) {
-                       strcat(cmd,"-e ");
-                       strcat(cmd,escbounce);
-                       strcat(cmd," ");
-               } else {
-                       strcat(cmd,"-b ");
-               }
-       }
-       if (*escapop)
-               strcat(cmd,"-a ");
-       strcat(cmd,escdomain);
-       strcat(cmd," ");
-       strcat(cmd,escpasswd);
-       retval=php_Exec(0,cmd,NULL,return_value TSRMLS_CC);
-       efree(cmd);
-       efree(escdomain);
-       efree(escpasswd);
-       if (fr_quota)
-               efree(escquota);
-       if (fr_bounce)
-               efree(escbounce);
-       if (retval!=VA_SUCCESS) {
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_add_domain_ex error: %d", retval);
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       } else {
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=0;
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_del_domain_ex(string domain)
-   Deletes a virtual domain */
-       zval **domain;
-       int retval=-1;
-       char *cmd,*escdomain;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1 || zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &domain) == FAILURE){
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       }
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       escdomain=php_escape_shell_cmd(Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-       if (!escdomain) {
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_del_domain_ex error: cannot alloc");
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       cmd=emalloc(strlen(VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR)+strlen(VPOPMAIL_DELD)+strlen(escdomain)+1);
-       if (!cmd) {
-               efree(escdomain);
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_del_domain_ex error: cannot alloc");
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       sprintf(cmd,VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR VPOPMAIL_DELD"%s",escdomain);
-       retval=php_Exec(0,cmd,NULL,return_value TSRMLS_CC);
-       efree(escdomain);
-       efree(cmd);
-       if (retval!=VA_SUCCESS) {
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_del_domain_ex error: %d", retval);
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       } else {
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=0;
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_add_alias_domain_ex(string olddomain, string newdomain)
-   Adds an alias to an existing virtual domain */
-       zval **olddomain, **newdomain;
-       int retval;
-       char *cmd,*escolddomain,*escnewdomain;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_ex(2, &olddomain, &newdomain) == FAILURE){
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       }
-       convert_to_string_ex(olddomain);
-       convert_to_string_ex(newdomain);
-       escnewdomain=php_escape_shell_cmd(Z_STRVAL_PP(newdomain));
-       if (!escnewdomain) {
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_addaliasdomain error: cannot alloc");
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       escolddomain=php_escape_shell_cmd(Z_STRVAL_PP(olddomain));
-       if (!escolddomain) {
-               efree(escnewdomain);
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_addaliasdomain error: cannot alloc");
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       cmd=emalloc(strlen(VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR VPOPMAIL_ADAD)+strlen(escolddomain)+strlen(" ")+strlen(escnewdomain)+1);
-       if (!cmd) {
-               efree(escnewdomain);
-               efree(escolddomain);
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_addaliasdomain error: cannot alloc");
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       sprintf(cmd,"%s%s %s",VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR VPOPMAIL_ADAD,escolddomain,escnewdomain);
-       retval=php_Exec(0,cmd,NULL,return_value TSRMLS_CC);
-       efree(cmd);
-       efree(escnewdomain);
-       efree(escolddomain);
-       if (retval!=VA_SUCCESS) {
-               php_error(E_WARNING,"vpopmail_addaliasdomain error: %d", retval);
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=1;
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       } else {
-               VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=0;
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
- * User management functions
- */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_add_user(string user, string domain, string password[, string gecos[, bool apop]])
-   Adds a new user to the specified virtual domain */
-       zval **user;
-       zval **domain;
-       zval **password;
-       zval **gecos;
-       zval **apop;
-       int is_apop = 0;
-       char *the_gecos = "";
-       int retval;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() < 3 || ZEND_NUM_ARGS() > 5
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), &user, &domain, &password, &gecos, &apop) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       switch (ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) {
-       case 5:
-               convert_to_boolean_ex(apop);
-               is_apop = (Z_BVAL_PP(apop) ? 1 : 0);
-               /* fall through */
-       case 4:
-               convert_to_string_ex(gecos);
-               the_gecos = Z_STRVAL_PP(gecos);
-               /* fall through */
-       default:
-               convert_to_string_ex(user);
-               convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-               convert_to_string_ex(password);
-       }
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       retval = vadduser(Z_STRVAL_PP(user),
-                                         Z_STRVAL_PP(domain),
-                                         Z_STRVAL_PP(password),
-                                         the_gecos,
-                                         is_apop);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=retval;
-       if (retval == VA_SUCCESS) {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       } else {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail error: %s", verror(retval));
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_del_user(string user, string domain)
-   Deletes a user from a virtual domain */
-       zval **user;
-       zval **domain;
-       int retval;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(2, &user, &domain) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(user);
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       retval = vdeluser(Z_STRVAL_PP(user),
-                                         Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=retval;
-       if (retval == VA_SUCCESS) {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       } else {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail error: %s", verror(retval));
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_passwd(string user, string domain, string password)
-   Changes user's password */
-       zval **user;
-       zval **domain;
-       zval **password;
-       zval **apop;
-       int is_apop = 0;
-       int retval;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() < 3 || ZEND_NUM_ARGS() > 4
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), &user, &domain, &password, &apop) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() > 3) {
-               convert_to_boolean_ex(apop);
-               is_apop = (Z_BVAL_PP(apop) ? 1 : 0);
-       }
-       convert_to_string_ex(user);
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       convert_to_string_ex(password);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       retval = vpasswd(Z_STRVAL_PP(user),
-                                        Z_STRVAL_PP(domain),
-                                        Z_STRVAL_PP(password),
-                                        is_apop);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=retval;
-       if (retval == VA_SUCCESS) {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       } else {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail error: %s", verror(retval));
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_set_user_quota(string user, string domain, string quota)
-   Sets user's quota */
-       zval **user;
-       zval **domain;
-       zval **quota;
-       int retval;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 3
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(3, &user, &domain, &quota) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(user);
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       convert_to_string_ex(quota);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       retval = vsetuserquota(Z_STRVAL_PP(user),
-                                                  Z_STRVAL_PP(domain),
-                                                  Z_STRVAL_PP(quota));
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=retval;
-       if (retval == VA_SUCCESS) {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       } else {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail error: %s", verror(retval));
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_auth_user(string user, string domain, string password[, string apop])
-   Attempts to validate a username/domain/password. Returns true/false */
-       zval **user;
-       zval **domain;
-       zval **password;
-       zval **apop;
-       /* indeed we do not care of contents; newer vpopmail versions use struct vpasswd instead passwd */
-       void *retval;
-       int argc=ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
-       if (argc < 3 || argc > 4
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(argc, &user, &domain, &password, &apop) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       if (argc > 3)
-               convert_to_string_ex(apop);
-       convert_to_string_ex(user);
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       convert_to_string_ex(password);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno) = 0;
-       retval = vauth_user(Z_STRVAL_PP(user),
-                               Z_STRVAL_PP(domain),
-                               Z_STRVAL_PP(password),
-                               (argc>3)?Z_STRVAL_PP(apop):"");
-       /* 
-        * we do not set vpopmail_errno here - it is considered auth_user cannot fail; insted it does not auth
-        * this is a vpopmail's api limitation - there is no error return form vauth_user
-        */
-       if (retval == NULL) {
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       } else {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
- * Alias management functions
- */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_alias_add(string user, string domain, string alias)
-   Inserts a virtual alias */
-       zval **user;
-       zval **domain;
-       zval **alias;
-       int retval;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 3
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), &user, &domain, &alias) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(user);
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       convert_to_string_ex(alias);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       retval = valias_insert(Z_STRVAL_PP(user),
-                                                  Z_STRVAL_PP(domain),
-                                                  Z_STRVAL_PP(alias));
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=retval;
-       if (retval == VA_SUCCESS) {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       } else {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail error: %s", verror(retval));
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_alias_del(string user, string domain)
-   Deletes all virtual aliases of a given user */
-       zval **user;
-       zval **domain;
-       int retval;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), &user, &domain) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(user);
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       retval = valias_delete(Z_STRVAL_PP(user), Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=retval;
-       if (retval == VA_SUCCESS) {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       } else {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail error: %s", verror(retval));
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-#ifdef VALIAS
-/* {{{ proto bool vpopmail_alias_del_domain(string domain)
-   Deletes all virtual aliases of a given domain */
-       zval **domain;
-       int retval;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), &domain) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       retval = valias_delete_domain(Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)=retval;
-       if (retval == VA_SUCCESS) {
-               RETURN_TRUE;
-       } else {
-               php_error(E_WARNING, "vpopmail error: %s", verror(retval));
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array vpopmail_alias_get(string alias, string domain)
-   Returns all lines of an alias for a given domain */
-       zval **alias;
-       zval **domain;
-       int retval;
-       char *talias;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), &alias, &domain) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(alias);
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       if (array_init(return_value)!=SUCCESS) {
-               zend_error(E_ERROR,"unable to create array");
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       talias=valias_select(Z_STRVAL_PP(alias), Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-       while (talias) {
-               add_next_index_string(return_value,talias,1);
-               talias=valias_select_next();
-       }
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array vpopmail_alias_get_all(string domain)
-   Returns all lines of all aliases for a given domain */
-       zval **domain;
-       int retval;
-       char *talias;
-       char tpath[1024];
-       char ppath[1024]="";
-       zval *tarr;
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 1
-                       || zend_get_parameters_ex(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), &domain) == FAILURE)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       convert_to_string_ex(domain);
-       VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_open) = 1;
-       if (array_init(return_value)!=SUCCESS) {
-               zend_error(E_ERROR,"unable to create array");
-               RETURN_FALSE;
-       }
-       talias=valias_select_all(tpath, Z_STRVAL_PP(domain));
-       while (talias) {
-               if (strcmp(ppath,tpath)) {
-                       MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tarr);
-                       if (array_init(tarr)!=SUCCESS) {
-                               zend_error(E_ERROR,"unable to create array");
-                               RETURN_FALSE;
-                       }
-                       add_assoc_zval(return_value,tpath,tarr);
-                       strcpy(ppath,tpath);
-               }
-               add_next_index_string(tarr,talias,1);
-               talias=valias_select_all_next(tpath);
-       }
-/* }}} */
- * Error handling helper
- */
-/* {{{ proto string vpopmail_error(void)
-   Returns text message for last vpopmail error */
-       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 0)
-               WRONG_PARAM_COUNT;
-       RETURN_STRING(verror(VPOPMAILG(vpopmail_errno)),1);
-/* }}} */
- * Local variables:
- * tab-width: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * End:
- * vim600: sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
- * vim<600: sw=4 ts=4
- */
diff --git a/ext/vpopmail/php_vpopmail.h b/ext/vpopmail/php_vpopmail.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 442f84c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-   | PHP Version 4                                                        |
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-   | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-   | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
-   | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
-   | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
-   | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt.                                 |
-   | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
-   | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
-   | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-   | Authors: David Croft <david@infotrek.co.uk>                          |
-   |          Boian Bonev <boian@bonev.com>                               |
-   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-/* $Id$ */
-extern zend_module_entry vpopmail_module_entry;
-#define phpext_vpopmail_ptr &vpopmail_module_entry
-#ifdef PHP_WIN32
-#define PHP_VPOPMAIL_API __declspec(dllexport)
-/* domain management - lib call */
-/* domain management - exec */
-/* user management */
-/* alias management */
-/* error handling */
-/* defines for vpopmail command line tool names */
-#define VPOPMAIL_ADDD "/vadddomain "
-#define VPOPMAIL_DELD "/vdeldomain "
-#define VPOPMAIL_ADAD "/vaddaliasdomain "
-       int vpopmail_open;
-       int vpopmail_errno;
-#ifdef ZTS
-#define VPOPMAILG(v) TSRMG(vpopmail_globals_id, zend_vpopmail_globals *, v)
-#define VPOPMAILG(v) (vpopmail_globals.v)
-#define phpext_vpopmail_ptr NULL
-#endif /* PHP_VPOPMAIL_H */
- * Local variables:
- * tab-width: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * End:
- */