int php_openssl_apply_verification_policy(SSL *ssl, X509 *peer, php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC);
SSL *php_SSL_new_from_context(SSL_CTX *ctx, php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC);
+int php_openssl_get_x509_list_id(void);
/* This implementation is very closely tied to the that of the native
* sockets implemented in the core.
} else {
sslsock->ssl_active = 1;
+ /* allow the script to capture the peer cert
+ * and/or the certificate chain */
+ if (stream->context) {
+ zval **val, *zcert;
+ if (SUCCESS == php_stream_context_get_option(
+ stream->context, "ssl",
+ "capture_peer_cert", &val) &&
+ zval_is_true(*val)) {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(zcert);
+ ZVAL_RESOURCE(zcert, zend_list_insert(peer_cert,
+ php_openssl_get_x509_list_id()));
+ php_stream_context_set_option(stream->context,
+ "ssl", "peer_certificate",
+ zcert);
+ peer_cert = NULL;
+ }
+ if (SUCCESS == php_stream_context_get_option(
+ stream->context, "ssl",
+ "capture_peer_cert_chain", &val) &&
+ zval_is_true(*val)) {
+ zval *arr;
+ STACK_OF(X509) *chain;
+ chain = SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(
+ sslsock->ssl_handle);
+ if (chain) {
+ int i;
+ array_init(arr);
+ for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(chain); i++) {
+ X509 *mycert = X509_dup(
+ sk_X509_value(chain, i));
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(zcert);
+ zend_list_insert(mycert,
+ php_openssl_get_x509_list_id()));
+ add_next_index_zval(arr, zcert);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ZVAL_NULL(arr);
+ }
+ php_stream_context_set_option(stream->context,
+ "ssl", "peer_certificate_chain",
+ arr);
+ }
+ }
- X509_free(peer_cert);
+ if (peer_cert) {
+ X509_free(peer_cert);
+ }
} else {
n = errno == EAGAIN ? 0 : -1;