Message = #message{to = Peer, thread = <<"1">>,
sub_els = [#chatstate{type = active}]},
- %% Should be queued (but see below):
- send(Config, Presence),
- %% Should be sent immediately, together with the previous presence:
- send(Config, Message#message{body = [#text{data = <<"body">>}]}),
%% Should be dropped:
send(Config, Message),
%% Should be queued (but see below):
- send(Config, Presence),
+ send(Config, Presence#presence{type = unavailable}),
%% Should replace the previous presence in the queue:
+ send(Config, Presence),
+ %% Should be sent immediately, together with the previous presence:
+ send(Config, Message#message{body = [#text{data = <<"body">>}]}),
+ %% Should be queued:
send(Config, Presence#presence{type = unavailable}),
+ %% Wait for the slave to become active.
%% Should be sent immediately, as the client is active again.
send(Config, Message),
?recv1(#presence{from = Peer, sub_els = [#vcard_xupdate{}|_]}),
?recv1(#message{from = Peer, thread = <<"1">>, sub_els = [#chatstate{type = active}],
body = [#text{data = <<"body">>}]}),
- wait_for_master(Config),
send(Config, #csi{type = active}),
- ?recv2(#presence{from = Peer, type = unavailable,
- sub_els = [#delay{}, #legacy_delay{}]},
- #message{from = Peer, thread = <<"1">>,
+ %% The server now flushes the queue, so we receive the following presence.
+ ?recv1(#presence{from = Peer, type = unavailable,
+ sub_els = [#delay{}, #legacy_delay{}]}),
+ wait_for_master(Config),
+ ?recv1(#message{from = Peer, thread = <<"1">>,
sub_els = [#chatstate{type = active}]}),