LLVMStyle.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine = false;
LLVMStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = false;
LLVMStyle.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList = true;
+ LLVMStyle.PenaltyExcessCharacter = 1000000;
return LLVMStyle;
GoogleStyle.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine = true;
GoogleStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = false;
GoogleStyle.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList = false;
+ GoogleStyle.PenaltyExcessCharacter = 1000000;
return GoogleStyle;
return ChromiumStyle;
-struct OptimizationParameters {
- unsigned PenaltyIndentLevel;
- unsigned PenaltyExcessCharacter;
/// \brief Manages the whitespaces around tokens and their replacements.
/// This includes special handling for certain constructs, e.g. the alignment of
: Style(Style), SourceMgr(SourceMgr), Line(Line),
FirstIndent(FirstIndent), RootToken(RootToken),
Whitespaces(Whitespaces) {
- Parameters.PenaltyIndentLevel = 20;
- Parameters.PenaltyExcessCharacter = 1000000;
/// \brief Formats an \c UnwrappedLine.
// Insert start element into queue.
std::multimap<unsigned, QueueItem> Queue;
Queue.insert(std::pair<unsigned, QueueItem>(
- 0, QueueItem(InitialState, Edge(false, (const LineState *) 0))));
+ 0, QueueItem(InitialState, Edge(false, (const LineState *)0))));
std::map<LineState, Edge> Seen;
// While not empty, take first element and follow edges.
while (!Queue.empty()) {
unsigned Penalty = Queue.begin()->first;
QueueItem Item = Queue.begin()->second;
- if (Item.first.NextToken == NULL)
+ if (Item.first.NextToken == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "\n---\nPenalty for line: " << Penalty << "\n");
+ }
if (Seen.find(Item.first) != Seen.end())
Edge *CurrentEdge = &Queue.begin()->second.second;
while (CurrentEdge->second != NULL) {
LineState CurrentState = *CurrentEdge->second;
+ if (CurrentEdge->first) {
+ DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "Penalty for splitting before "
+ << CurrentState.NextToken->FormatTok.Tok.getName()
+ << ": " << CurrentState.NextToken->SplitPenalty
+ << "\n");
+ }
addTokenToState(CurrentEdge->first, false, CurrentState);
CurrentEdge = &Seen[*CurrentEdge->second];
+ DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "---\n");
// Return the column after the last token of the solution.
return Queue.begin()->second.first.Column;
LineState State(OldState);
if (NewLine)
- Penalty += Parameters.PenaltyIndentLevel * State.Stack.size() +
- State.NextToken->SplitPenalty;
+ Penalty += State.NextToken->SplitPenalty;
addTokenToState(NewLine, true, State);
if (State.Column > getColumnLimit()) {
unsigned ExcessCharacters = State.Column - getColumnLimit();
- Penalty += Parameters.PenaltyExcessCharacter * ExcessCharacters;
+ Penalty += Style.PenaltyExcessCharacter * ExcessCharacters;
Queue.insert(std::pair<unsigned, QueueItem>(
Penalty, QueueItem(State, Edge(NewLine, &OldState))));
return true;
/// \brief Returns \c true, if a line break after \p State is mandatory.
bool mustBreak(const LineState &State) {
if (State.NextToken->MustBreakBefore)
const unsigned FirstIndent;
const AnnotatedToken &RootToken;
WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces;
- OptimizationParameters Parameters;
class LexerBasedFormatTokenSource : public FormatTokenSource {
return getPrecedence(Tok) > prec::Comma;
+// Returns the previous token ignoring comments.
+static const AnnotatedToken *getPreviousToken(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = Tok.Parent;
+ while (PrevToken != NULL && PrevToken->is(tok::comment))
+ PrevToken = PrevToken->Parent;
+ return PrevToken;
+// Returns the next token ignoring comments.
+static const AnnotatedToken *getNextToken(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ if (Tok.Children.empty())
+ return NULL;
+ const AnnotatedToken *NextToken = &Tok.Children[0];
+ while (NextToken->is(tok::comment)) {
+ if (NextToken->Children.empty())
+ return NULL;
+ NextToken = &NextToken->Children[0];
+ }
+ return NextToken;
/// \brief A parser that gathers additional information about tokens.
/// The \c TokenAnnotator tries to matches parenthesis and square brakets and
/// into template parameter lists.
class AnnotatingParser {
- AnnotatingParser(AnnotatedToken &RootToken)
- : CurrentToken(&RootToken), KeywordVirtualFound(false),
- ColonIsObjCMethodExpr(false), ColonIsForRangeExpr(false) {
+ AnnotatingParser(SourceManager &SourceMgr, Lexer &Lex, AnnotatedLine &Line)
+ : SourceMgr(SourceMgr), Lex(Lex), Line(Line), CurrentToken(&Line.First),
+ KeywordVirtualFound(false), ColonIsObjCMethodExpr(false),
+ ColonIsForRangeExpr(false), IsExpression(false),
+ LookForFunctionName(Line.MustBeDeclaration), BindingStrength(1) {
/// \brief A helper class to manage AnnotatingParser::ColonIsObjCMethodExpr.
void markEnd(AnnotatedToken &Right) { Right.Type = TT_ObjCMethodExpr; }
+ struct ScopedBindingStrengthIncrease {
+ AnnotatingParser &P;
+ unsigned Increase;
+ ScopedBindingStrengthIncrease(AnnotatingParser &P, unsigned Increase)
+ : P(P), Increase(Increase) {
+ P.BindingStrength += Increase;
+ }
+ ~ScopedBindingStrengthIncrease() { P.BindingStrength -= Increase; }
+ };
bool parseAngle() {
if (CurrentToken == NULL)
return false;
+ ScopedBindingStrengthIncrease Increase(*this, 10);
AnnotatedToken *Left = CurrentToken->Parent;
while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
if (CurrentToken->is(tok::greater)) {
bool parseParens(bool LookForDecls = false) {
if (CurrentToken == NULL)
return false;
+ ScopedBindingStrengthIncrease Increase(*this, 1);
bool StartsObjCMethodExpr = false;
AnnotatedToken *Left = CurrentToken->Parent;
if (CurrentToken->is(tok::caret)) {
bool parseSquare() {
if (!CurrentToken)
return false;
+ ScopedBindingStrengthIncrease Increase(*this, 10);
// A '[' could be an index subscript (after an indentifier or after
// ')' or ']'), or it could be the start of an Objective-C method
StartsObjCMethodExpr = false;
Left->Type = TT_Unknown;
- if (StartsObjCMethodExpr)
+ if (StartsObjCMethodExpr) {
+ if (Left->Parent != NULL &&
+ (Left->Parent->is(tok::star) || Left->Parent->is(tok::amp)))
+ Left->Parent->Type = TT_BinaryOperator;
+ }
Left->MatchingParen = CurrentToken;
CurrentToken->MatchingParen = Left;
// Lines are fine to end with '{'.
if (CurrentToken == NULL)
return true;
+ ScopedBindingStrengthIncrease Increase(*this, 1);
AnnotatedToken *Left = CurrentToken->Parent;
while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
if (CurrentToken->is(tok::r_brace)) {
void next() {
+ if (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ determineTokenType(*CurrentToken);
+ CurrentToken->BindingStrength = BindingStrength;
+ }
if (CurrentToken != NULL && !CurrentToken->Children.empty())
CurrentToken = &CurrentToken->Children[0];
+ SourceManager &SourceMgr;
+ Lexer &Lex;
+ AnnotatedLine &Line;
AnnotatedToken *CurrentToken;
bool KeywordVirtualFound;
bool ColonIsObjCMethodExpr;
bool ColonIsForRangeExpr;
+ bool IsExpression;
+ bool LookForFunctionName;
+ unsigned BindingStrength;
+ void determineTokenType(AnnotatedToken &Current) {
+ if (getPrecedence(Current) == prec::Assignment) {
+ IsExpression = true;
+ AnnotatedToken *Previous = Current.Parent;
+ while (Previous != NULL) {
+ if (Previous->Type == TT_BinaryOperator &&
+ (Previous->is(tok::star) || Previous->is(tok::amp))) {
+ Previous->Type = TT_PointerOrReference;
+ }
+ Previous = Previous->Parent;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Current.is(tok::kw_return) || Current.is(tok::kw_throw) ||
+ (Current.is(tok::l_paren) && !Line.MustBeDeclaration &&
+ (Current.Parent == NULL || Current.Parent->isNot(tok::kw_for))))
+ IsExpression = true;
+ if (Current.Type == TT_Unknown) {
+ if (LookForFunctionName && Current.is(tok::l_paren)) {
+ findFunctionName(&Current);
+ LookForFunctionName = false;
+ } else if (Current.is(tok::star) || Current.is(tok::amp)) {
+ Current.Type = determineStarAmpUsage(Current, IsExpression);
+ } else if (Current.is(tok::minus) || Current.is(tok::plus) ||
+ Current.is(tok::caret)) {
+ Current.Type = determinePlusMinusCaretUsage(Current);
+ } else if (Current.is(tok::minusminus) || Current.is(tok::plusplus)) {
+ Current.Type = determineIncrementUsage(Current);
+ } else if (Current.is(tok::exclaim)) {
+ Current.Type = TT_UnaryOperator;
+ } else if (isBinaryOperator(Current)) {
+ Current.Type = TT_BinaryOperator;
+ } else if (Current.is(tok::comment)) {
+ std::string Data(Lexer::getSpelling(Current.FormatTok.Tok, SourceMgr,
+ Lex.getLangOpts()));
+ if (StringRef(Data).startswith("//"))
+ Current.Type = TT_LineComment;
+ else
+ Current.Type = TT_BlockComment;
+ } else if (Current.is(tok::r_paren) &&
+ (Current.Parent->Type == TT_PointerOrReference ||
+ Current.Parent->Type == TT_TemplateCloser) &&
+ (Current.Children.empty() ||
+ (Current.Children[0].isNot(tok::equal) &&
+ Current.Children[0].isNot(tok::semi) &&
+ Current.Children[0].isNot(tok::l_brace)))) {
+ // FIXME: We need to get smarter and understand more cases of casts.
+ Current.Type = TT_CastRParen;
+ } else if (Current.is(tok::at) && Current.Children.size()) {
+ switch (Current.Children[0].FormatTok.Tok.getObjCKeywordID()) {
+ case tok::objc_interface:
+ case tok::objc_implementation:
+ case tok::objc_protocol:
+ Current.Type = TT_ObjCDecl;
+ break;
+ case tok::objc_property:
+ Current.Type = TT_ObjCProperty;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// \brief Starting from \p Current, this searches backwards for an
+ /// identifier which could be the start of a function name and marks it.
+ void findFunctionName(AnnotatedToken *Current) {
+ AnnotatedToken *Parent = Current->Parent;
+ while (Parent != NULL && Parent->Parent != NULL) {
+ if (Parent->is(tok::identifier) &&
+ (Parent->Parent->is(tok::identifier) ||
+ Parent->Parent->Type == TT_PointerOrReference ||
+ Parent->Parent->Type == TT_TemplateCloser)) {
+ Parent->Type = TT_StartOfName;
+ break;
+ }
+ Parent = Parent->Parent;
+ }
+ }
+ /// \brief Return the type of the given token assuming it is * or &.
+ TokenType
+ determineStarAmpUsage(const AnnotatedToken &Tok, bool IsExpression) {
+ const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = getPreviousToken(Tok);
+ if (PrevToken == NULL)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ const AnnotatedToken *NextToken = getNextToken(Tok);
+ if (NextToken == NULL)
+ return TT_Unknown;
+ if (NextToken->is(tok::l_square))
+ return TT_PointerOrReference;
+ if (PrevToken->is(tok::l_paren) || PrevToken->is(tok::l_square) ||
+ PrevToken->is(tok::l_brace) || PrevToken->is(tok::comma) ||
+ PrevToken->is(tok::kw_return) || PrevToken->is(tok::colon) ||
+ PrevToken->Type == TT_BinaryOperator ||
+ PrevToken->Type == TT_UnaryOperator || PrevToken->Type == TT_CastRParen)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ if (PrevToken->FormatTok.Tok.isLiteral() || PrevToken->is(tok::r_paren) ||
+ PrevToken->is(tok::r_square) || NextToken->FormatTok.Tok.isLiteral() ||
+ NextToken->is(tok::plus) || NextToken->is(tok::minus) ||
+ NextToken->is(tok::plusplus) || NextToken->is(tok::minusminus) ||
+ NextToken->is(tok::tilde) || NextToken->is(tok::exclaim) ||
+ NextToken->is(tok::l_paren) || NextToken->is(tok::l_square) ||
+ NextToken->is(tok::kw_alignof) || NextToken->is(tok::kw_sizeof))
+ return TT_BinaryOperator;
+ if (NextToken->is(tok::comma) || NextToken->is(tok::r_paren) ||
+ NextToken->is(tok::greater))
+ return TT_PointerOrReference;
+ // It is very unlikely that we are going to find a pointer or reference type
+ // definition on the RHS of an assignment.
+ if (IsExpression)
+ return TT_BinaryOperator;
+ return TT_PointerOrReference;
+ }
+ TokenType determinePlusMinusCaretUsage(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = getPreviousToken(Tok);
+ if (PrevToken == NULL)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ // Use heuristics to recognize unary operators.
+ if (PrevToken->is(tok::equal) || PrevToken->is(tok::l_paren) ||
+ PrevToken->is(tok::comma) || PrevToken->is(tok::l_square) ||
+ PrevToken->is(tok::question) || PrevToken->is(tok::colon) ||
+ PrevToken->is(tok::kw_return) || PrevToken->is(tok::kw_case) ||
+ PrevToken->is(tok::at) || PrevToken->is(tok::l_brace))
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ // There can't be to consecutive binary operators.
+ if (PrevToken->Type == TT_BinaryOperator)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ // Fall back to marking the token as binary operator.
+ return TT_BinaryOperator;
+ }
+ /// \brief Determine whether ++/-- are pre- or post-increments/-decrements.
+ TokenType determineIncrementUsage(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = getPreviousToken(Tok);
+ if (PrevToken == NULL)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ if (PrevToken->is(tok::r_paren) || PrevToken->is(tok::r_square) ||
+ PrevToken->is(tok::identifier))
+ return TT_TrailingUnaryOperator;
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ }
void TokenAnnotator::annotate() {
- AnnotatingParser Parser(Line.First);
+ AnnotatingParser Parser(SourceMgr, Lex, Line);
Line.Type = Parser.parseLine();
if (Line.Type == LT_Invalid)
- bool LookForFunctionName = Line.MustBeDeclaration;
- determineTokenTypes(Line.First, /*IsExpression=*/ false, LookForFunctionName);
if (Line.First.Type == TT_ObjCMethodSpecifier)
Line.Type = LT_ObjCMethodDecl;
else if (Line.First.Type == TT_ObjCDecl)
Line.First.TotalLength = Line.First.FormatTok.TokenLength;
if (!Line.First.Children.empty())
- calculateExtraInformation(Line.First.Children[0]);
+ calculateFormattingInformation(Line.First.Children[0]);
-void TokenAnnotator::calculateExtraInformation(AnnotatedToken &Current) {
+void TokenAnnotator::calculateFormattingInformation(AnnotatedToken &Current) {
Current.SpaceRequiredBefore = spaceRequiredBefore(Current);
if (Current.FormatTok.MustBreakBefore) {
(Current.SpaceRequiredBefore ? 1 : 0);
// FIXME: Only calculate this if CanBreakBefore is true once static
// initializers etc. are sorted out.
- Current.SplitPenalty = splitPenalty(Current);
+ // FIXME: Move magic numbers to a better place.
+ Current.SplitPenalty = 20 * Current.BindingStrength + splitPenalty(Current);
if (!Current.Children.empty())
- calculateExtraInformation(Current.Children[0]);
+ calculateFormattingInformation(Current.Children[0]);
unsigned TokenAnnotator::splitPenalty(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
if (Right.is(tok::colon) && Right.Type == TT_ObjCMethodExpr)
return 20;
- if (Left.is(tok::l_paren))
+ if (Left.is(tok::l_paren) || Left.is(tok::l_square) ||
+ Left.Type == TT_TemplateOpener)
return 20;
- // FIXME: The penalty for a trailing "<" or "[" being higher than the
- // penalty for a trainling "(" is a temporary workaround until we can
- // properly avoid breaking in array subscripts or template parameters.
- if (Left.is(tok::l_square) || Left.Type == TT_TemplateOpener)
- return 50;
+ if (Right.is(tok::lessless))
+ return prec::Shift;
if (Left.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr)
return prec::Assignment;
prec::Level Level = getPrecedence(Left);
return 3;
-void TokenAnnotator::determineTokenTypes(
- AnnotatedToken &Current, bool IsExpression, bool LookForFunctionName) {
- if (getPrecedence(Current) == prec::Assignment) {
- IsExpression = true;
- AnnotatedToken *Previous = Current.Parent;
- while (Previous != NULL) {
- if (Previous->Type == TT_BinaryOperator &&
- (Previous->is(tok::star) || Previous->is(tok::amp))) {
- Previous->Type = TT_PointerOrReference;
- }
- Previous = Previous->Parent;
- }
- }
- if (Current.is(tok::kw_return) || Current.is(tok::kw_throw) ||
- (Current.is(tok::l_paren) && !Line.MustBeDeclaration &&
- (Current.Parent == NULL || Current.Parent->isNot(tok::kw_for))))
- IsExpression = true;
- if (Current.Type == TT_Unknown) {
- if (LookForFunctionName && Current.is(tok::l_paren)) {
- findFunctionName(&Current);
- LookForFunctionName = false;
- } else if (Current.is(tok::star) || Current.is(tok::amp)) {
- Current.Type = determineStarAmpUsage(Current, IsExpression);
- } else if (Current.is(tok::minus) || Current.is(tok::plus) ||
- Current.is(tok::caret)) {
- Current.Type = determinePlusMinusCaretUsage(Current);
- } else if (Current.is(tok::minusminus) || Current.is(tok::plusplus)) {
- Current.Type = determineIncrementUsage(Current);
- } else if (Current.is(tok::exclaim)) {
- Current.Type = TT_UnaryOperator;
- } else if (isBinaryOperator(Current)) {
- Current.Type = TT_BinaryOperator;
- } else if (Current.is(tok::comment)) {
- std::string Data(Lexer::getSpelling(Current.FormatTok.Tok, SourceMgr,
- Lex.getLangOpts()));
- if (StringRef(Data).startswith("//"))
- Current.Type = TT_LineComment;
- else
- Current.Type = TT_BlockComment;
- } else if (Current.is(tok::r_paren) &&
- (Current.Parent->Type == TT_PointerOrReference ||
- Current.Parent->Type == TT_TemplateCloser) &&
- (Current.Children.empty() ||
- (Current.Children[0].isNot(tok::equal) &&
- Current.Children[0].isNot(tok::semi) &&
- Current.Children[0].isNot(tok::l_brace)))) {
- // FIXME: We need to get smarter and understand more cases of casts.
- Current.Type = TT_CastRParen;
- } else if (Current.is(tok::at) && Current.Children.size()) {
- switch (Current.Children[0].FormatTok.Tok.getObjCKeywordID()) {
- case tok::objc_interface:
- case tok::objc_implementation:
- case tok::objc_protocol:
- Current.Type = TT_ObjCDecl;
- break;
- case tok::objc_property:
- Current.Type = TT_ObjCProperty;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!Current.Children.empty())
- determineTokenTypes(Current.Children[0], IsExpression, LookForFunctionName);
-void TokenAnnotator::findFunctionName(AnnotatedToken *Current) {
- AnnotatedToken *Parent = Current->Parent;
- while (Parent != NULL && Parent->Parent != NULL) {
- if (Parent->is(tok::identifier) &&
- (Parent->Parent->is(tok::identifier) || Parent->Parent->Type ==
- TT_PointerOrReference || Parent->Parent->Type == TT_TemplateCloser)) {
- Parent->Type = TT_StartOfName;
- break;
- }
- Parent = Parent->Parent;
- }
-TokenType TokenAnnotator::determineStarAmpUsage(const AnnotatedToken &Tok,
- bool IsExpression) {
- const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = getPreviousToken(Tok);
- if (PrevToken == NULL)
- return TT_UnaryOperator;
- const AnnotatedToken *NextToken = getNextToken(Tok);
- if (NextToken == NULL)
- return TT_Unknown;
- if (NextToken->is(tok::l_square) && NextToken->Type != TT_ObjCMethodExpr)
- return TT_PointerOrReference;
- if (PrevToken->is(tok::l_paren) || PrevToken->is(tok::l_square) ||
- PrevToken->is(tok::l_brace) || PrevToken->is(tok::comma) ||
- PrevToken->is(tok::kw_return) || PrevToken->is(tok::colon) ||
- PrevToken->Type == TT_BinaryOperator ||
- PrevToken->Type == TT_UnaryOperator || PrevToken->Type == TT_CastRParen)
- return TT_UnaryOperator;
- if (PrevToken->FormatTok.Tok.isLiteral() || PrevToken->is(tok::r_paren) ||
- PrevToken->is(tok::r_square) || NextToken->FormatTok.Tok.isLiteral() ||
- NextToken->is(tok::plus) || NextToken->is(tok::minus) ||
- NextToken->is(tok::plusplus) || NextToken->is(tok::minusminus) ||
- NextToken->is(tok::tilde) || NextToken->is(tok::exclaim) ||
- NextToken->is(tok::l_paren) || NextToken->is(tok::l_square) ||
- NextToken->is(tok::kw_alignof) || NextToken->is(tok::kw_sizeof))
- return TT_BinaryOperator;
- if (NextToken->is(tok::comma) || NextToken->is(tok::r_paren) ||
- NextToken->is(tok::greater))
- return TT_PointerOrReference;
- // It is very unlikely that we are going to find a pointer or reference type
- // definition on the RHS of an assignment.
- if (IsExpression)
- return TT_BinaryOperator;
- return TT_PointerOrReference;
-TokenAnnotator::determinePlusMinusCaretUsage(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
- const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = getPreviousToken(Tok);
- if (PrevToken == NULL)
- return TT_UnaryOperator;
- // Use heuristics to recognize unary operators.
- if (PrevToken->is(tok::equal) || PrevToken->is(tok::l_paren) ||
- PrevToken->is(tok::comma) || PrevToken->is(tok::l_square) ||
- PrevToken->is(tok::question) || PrevToken->is(tok::colon) ||
- PrevToken->is(tok::kw_return) || PrevToken->is(tok::kw_case) ||
- PrevToken->is(tok::at) || PrevToken->is(tok::l_brace))
- return TT_UnaryOperator;
- // There can't be to consecutive binary operators.
- if (PrevToken->Type == TT_BinaryOperator)
- return TT_UnaryOperator;
- // Fall back to marking the token as binary operator.
- return TT_BinaryOperator;
-TokenType TokenAnnotator::determineIncrementUsage(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
- const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = getPreviousToken(Tok);
- if (PrevToken == NULL)
- return TT_UnaryOperator;
- if (PrevToken->is(tok::r_paren) || PrevToken->is(tok::r_square) ||
- PrevToken->is(tok::identifier))
- return TT_TrailingUnaryOperator;
- return TT_UnaryOperator;
bool TokenAnnotator::spaceRequiredBetween(const AnnotatedToken &Left,
const AnnotatedToken &Right) {
if (Right.is(tok::hashhash))