This code is assuming there is at least one point to scan in the loop. In case
there is not (and to pacify the compiler) set an initial trivial bounding box.
#include <common/types.h>
#include <common/utils.h>
#include <ctype.h>
+#include <float.h>
static xdot *parseXdotwithattrs(void *e)
Agnode_t *v;
Agsym_t* pos_attr = GN_pos(g);
glCompPoint pos;
- float left, right, top, bottom;
+ float left = FLT_MAX, right = -FLT_MAX, top = FLT_MAX, bottom = -FLT_MAX;
int id=0;
for (v = agfstnode(g); v; v = agnxtnode(g, v))