--- /dev/null
+Bug #58756: w.r.t MessageFormatter
+if (!extension_loaded('intl'))
+ die('skip intl extension not enabled');
+if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0)
+ die('skip for ICU >= 51.2');
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+//ini_set("intl.default_locale", "nl");
+$time = 1247013673;
+ini_set('date.timezone', 'America/New_York');
+$msgf = new MessageFormatter('en_US', '{0,date,full} {0,time,h:m:s a V}');
+echo "date: " . date('l, F j, Y g:i:s A T', $time) . "\n";
+echo "msgf: " . $msgf->format(array($time)) . "\n";
+/*$msgf = new MessageFormatter('en_US',
+'{1, select, date {{0,date,full}} other {{0,time,h:m:s a V}}}');
+echo "msgf2: ", $msgf->format(array($time, 'date')), " ",
+ $msgf->format(array($time, 'time')), "\n";
+date: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 8:41:13 PM EDT
+msgf: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 8:41:13 PM usnyc
--- /dev/null
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Sort associative arrays using various locales.
+ */
+$test_num = 1;
+ * Sort various arrays in specified locale.
+ */
+function sort_arrays( $locale, $test_arrays, $sort_flag = Collator::SORT_REGULAR )
+ $res_str = '';
+ $coll = ut_coll_create( $locale );
+ foreach( $test_arrays as $test_array )
+ {
+ // Try to sort test data.
+ $res_val = ut_coll_asort( $coll, $test_array, $sort_flag );
+ // Return output data.
+ $res_dump = "\n" . dump( $test_array ) .
+ "\n Result: " . dump( $res_val );
+ // Preppend test signature to output string
+ $md5 = md5( $res_dump );
+ global $test_num;
+ $res_str .= "\n\n".
+ "Test $test_num.$md5:" .
+ $res_dump;
+ ++$test_num;
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+ * Test main function.
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ global $test_num;
+ $test_num = 1;
+ $res_str = '';
+ // Sort an array in SORT_REGULAR mode using en_US locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'd' => 'y' ,
+ 'c' => 'i' ,
+ 'a' => 'k' ),
+ array( 'a' => 'a' ,
+ 'b' => 'aaa',
+ 'c' => 'aa' ),
+ array( 'a' => 'a' ,
+ 'aaa'=> 'a' ,
+ 'aa' => 'a' ),
+ array( '1' => 'abc',
+ '5' => '!' ,
+ '2' => null ,
+ '7' => '' ),
+ array( '1' => '100',
+ '2' => '25' ,
+ '3' => '36' ),
+ array( '1' => 5 ,
+ '2' => '30' ,
+ '3' => 2 )
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'en_US', $test_params );
+ // Sort an array in SORT_STRING mode using en_US locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( '1' => '100',
+ '2' => '25' ,
+ '3' => '36' ),
+ array( '1' => 5 ,
+ '2' => '30' ,
+ '3' => 2 ),
+ array( '1' => 'd' ,
+ '2' => '' ,
+ '3' => ' a' ),
+ array( '1' => 'y' ,
+ '2' => 'k' ,
+ '3' => 'i' )
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'en_US', $test_params, Collator::SORT_STRING );
+ // Sort a non-ASCII array using ru_RU locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'п' => 'у',
+ 'б' => 'в',
+ 'е' => 'а' ),
+ array( '1' => 'п',
+ '4' => '',
+ '7' => 'd',
+ '2' => 'пп' )
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'ru_RU', $test_params );
+ // Sort an array using Lithuanian locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'd' => 'y',
+ 'c' => 'i',
+ 'a' => 'k' )
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'lt_LT', $test_params );
+ return $res_str . "\n";
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+Test 1.162b81ac12878b817fc39063097e45b5:
+array (
+ 'c' => 'i',
+ 'a' => 'k',
+ 'd' => 'y',
+ Result: true
+Test 2.93d96e22f692d8a281b0a389f01f8d1e:
+array (
+ 'a' => 'a',
+ 'c' => 'aa',
+ 'b' => 'aaa',
+ Result: true
+Test 3.9f25de4482bc7b58de508e278113317c:
+array (
+ 'aa' => 'a',
+ 'aaa' => 'a',
+ 'a' => 'a',
+ Result: true
+Test 4.a85a41ea78e45b651080cfd98c0b431d:
+array (
+ 7 => '',
+ 2 => NULL,
+ 5 => '!',
+ 1 => 'abc',
+ Result: true
+Test 5.99dc71f405b286e03d489061b36e6900:
+array (
+ 2 => '25',
+ 3 => '36',
+ 1 => '100',
+ Result: true
+Test 6.bf5bba243307c9d12934e756ad4be190:
+array (
+ 3 => 2,
+ 1 => 5,
+ 2 => '30',
+ Result: true
+Test 7.e4ee7024c61476e9e7a6c28b5e47df6f:
+array (
+ 1 => '100',
+ 2 => '25',
+ 3 => '36',
+ Result: true
+Test 8.5fa7033dd43784be0db1474eb48b83c8:
+array (
+ 3 => 2,
+ 2 => '30',
+ 1 => 5,
+ Result: true
+Test 9.588cdf4692bc09aa92ffe7e48f9e4579:
+array (
+ 2 => '',
+ 3 => ' a',
+ 1 => 'd',
+ Result: true
+Test 10.be02641a47ebcccd23e4183ca3a415f7:
+array (
+ 3 => 'i',
+ 2 => 'k',
+ 1 => 'y',
+ Result: true
+Test 11.153d9b11d1e5936afc917a94a4e11f34:
+array (
+ 'е' => 'а',
+ 'б' => 'в',
+ 'п' => 'у',
+ Result: true
+Test 12.e1f5cb037b564dce39ffbd0a61562d59:
+array (
+ 4 => '',
+ 1 => 'п',
+ 2 => 'пп',
+ 7 => 'd',
+ Result: true
+Test 13.8800d48abb960a59002eef77f1d73ae0:
+array (
+ 'c' => 'i',
+ 'd' => 'y',
+ 'a' => 'k',
+ Result: true
--- /dev/null
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Compare various string pairs using various locales.
+ */
+ * Converts comparison result to a character.
+ */
+function cmp_to_char( $comp_res )
+ switch( $comp_res )
+ {
+ case 0: // UCOL_EQUAL
+ return '=';
+ case 1: // UCOL_GREATER
+ return '>';
+ case -1: // UCOL_LESS
+ return '<';
+ default:
+ return '?';
+ }
+ * Compare string pairs in the given array
+ * using specified locale.
+ */
+function compare_pairs( $locale, $test_array )
+ $res_str = '';
+ $coll = ut_coll_create( $locale );
+ foreach( $test_array as $test_strings )
+ {
+ list( $str1, $str2 ) = $test_strings;
+ // Compare strings.
+ $res_val = cmp_to_char( ut_coll_compare( $coll, $str1, $str2 ) );
+ // Concatenate result strings.
+ $res_str .= dump( $str1 ) .
+ ' ' . $res_val . ' ' .
+ dump( $str2 ) . "\n";
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+function ut_main()
+ $res_str = '';
+ // Compare strings using en_US locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'abc', 'abc' ),
+ array( 'Abc', 'abc' ),
+ array( 'a' , 'abc' ),
+ array( 'a' , '' ),
+ array( '' , '' ),
+ array( 'a' , 'b' ),
+ array( 'ab' , 'b' ),
+ array( 'ab' , 'a' ),
+ array( 123 , 'abc' ),
+ array( 'ac' , null ),
+ array( '.' , '.' ),
+ // Try to compare long strings.
+ array( 'abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcde',
+ 'abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdea'),
+ array( null , null )
+ );
+ $res_str .= compare_pairs( 'en_US', $test_params );
+ // Compare strings using ru_RU locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'а', 'б' ),
+ array( 'а', 'аа' ),
+ array( 'аб', 'ба' ),
+ array( 'а', ',' ),
+ array( 'а', 'b' ),
+ array( 'а', 'bb' ),
+ array( 'а', 'ab' ),
+ array( 'а', null )
+ );
+ $res_str .= compare_pairs( 'ru_RU', $test_params );
+ // Compare strings using lt_LT locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'y', 'k' )
+ );
+ $res_str .= compare_pairs( 'lt_LT', $test_params );
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+'abc' = 'abc'
+'Abc' > 'abc'
+'a' < 'abc'
+'a' > ''
+'' = ''
+'a' < 'b'
+'ab' < 'b'
+'ab' > 'a'
+123 < 'abc'
+'ac' > NULL
+'.' = '.'
+'abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcde' < 'abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdea'
+'а' < 'б'
+'а' < 'аа'
+'аб' < 'ба'
+'а' > ','
+'а' < 'b'
+'а' < 'bb'
+'а' < 'ab'
+'а' > NULL
+'y' < 'k'
--- /dev/null
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Get sort keys using various locales
+ */
+function sort_arrays( $locale, $data )
+ $res_str = '';
+ $coll = ut_coll_create( $locale );
+ foreach($data as $value) {
+ $res_val = ut_coll_get_sort_key( $coll, $value );
+ $res_str .= "source: ".$value."\n".
+ "key: ".bin2hex($res_val)."\n";
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+function ut_main()
+ $res_str = '';
+ // Regular strings keys
+ $test_params = array(
+ 'abc', 'abd', 'aaa',
+ 'аа', 'а', 'z',
+ '', null , '3',
+ 'y' , 'i' , 'k'
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'en_US', $test_params );
+ // Sort a non-ASCII array using ru_RU locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ 'абг', 'абв', 'жжж', 'эюя'
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'ru_RU', $test_params );
+ // Sort an array using Lithuanian locale.
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'lt_LT', $test_params );
+ return $res_str . "\n";
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+source: abc
+key: 27292b01070107
+source: abd
+key: 27292d01070107
+source: aaa
+key: 27272701070107
+source: аа
+key: 5c0a0a01060106
+source: а
+key: 5c0a01050105
+source: z
+key: 5901050105
+key: 0101
+key: 0101
+source: 3
+key: 1801050105
+source: y
+key: 5701050105
+source: i
+key: 3701050105
+source: k
+key: 3b01050105
+source: абг
+key: 260a161a01070107
+source: абв
+key: 260a161801070107
+source: жжж
+key: 263a3a3a01070107
+source: эюя
+key: 273b3f4501070107
+source: абг
+key: 5c0a161a01070107
+source: абв
+key: 5c0a161801070107
+source: жжж
+key: 5c3a3a3a01070107
+source: эюя
+key: 5d3b3f4501070107
--- /dev/null
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Sort arrays using various locales.
+ */
+$test_num = 1;
+ * Sort arrays in the given list using specified locale.
+ */
+function sort_arrays( $locale, $arrays, $sort_flag = Collator::SORT_REGULAR )
+ $res_str = '';
+ $coll = ut_coll_create( $locale );
+ foreach( $arrays as $array )
+ {
+ // Sort array values
+ $res_val = ut_coll_sort( $coll, $array, $sort_flag );
+ // Concatenate the sorted array and function result
+ // with output string.
+ $res_dump = "\n" . dump( $array ) .
+ "\n Result: " . dump( $res_val );
+ // Preppend test signature to output string
+ $md5 = md5( $res_dump );
+ global $test_num;
+ $res_str .= "\n\n".
+ "Test $test_num.$md5:" .
+ $res_dump;
+ ++$test_num;
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+function ut_main()
+ global $test_num;
+ $test_num = 1;
+ $res_str = '';
+ // Sort an array in SORT_REGULAR mode using en_US locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'abc', 'abd', 'aaa' ),
+ array( 'm' , '1' , '_' ),
+ array( 'a' , 'aaa', 'aa' ),
+ array( 'ba' , 'b' , 'ab' ),
+ array( 'e' , 'c' , 'a' ),
+ array( '100', '25' , '36' ),
+ array( 5 , '30' , 2 ),
+ array( 'd' , '' , ' a' ),
+ array( 'd ' , 'f ' , ' a' ),
+ array( 'a' , null , '3' ),
+ array( 'y' , 'k' , 'i' )
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'en_US', $test_params );
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( '100', '25' , '36' ),
+ array( 5 , '30' , 2 ),
+ array( 'd' , '' , ' a' ),
+ array( 'y' , 'k' , 'i' )
+ );
+ // Sort in en_US locale with SORT_STRING flag
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'en_US', $test_params, Collator::SORT_STRING );
+ // Sort a non-ASCII array using ru_RU locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'абг', 'абв', 'ааа', 'abc' ),
+ array( 'аа', 'ааа' , 'а' )
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'ru_RU', $test_params );
+ // Sort an array using Lithuanian locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'y' , 'k' , 'i' )
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'lt_LT', $test_params );
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+Test 1.e8f1cd28133d79ecd660002f1c660d0e:
+array (
+ 0 => 'aaa',
+ 1 => 'abc',
+ 2 => 'abd',
+ Result: true
+Test 2.c2ded12173dd2996927378cae37eb275:
+array (
+ 0 => '_',
+ 1 => '1',
+ 2 => 'm',
+ Result: true
+Test 3.54071c968d71cb98c5d379145f8d7d38:
+array (
+ 0 => 'a',
+ 1 => 'aa',
+ 2 => 'aaa',
+ Result: true
+Test 4.19abe63d6f6dfef65b0e3c9ab4826b07:
+array (
+ 0 => 'ab',
+ 1 => 'b',
+ 2 => 'ba',
+ Result: true
+Test 5.9a8dc0a9bc771368c2f1fc3d02754610:
+array (
+ 0 => 'a',
+ 1 => 'c',
+ 2 => 'e',
+ Result: true
+Test 6.ab530b060e5e54a65bfb8b9f8fc61870:
+array (
+ 0 => '25',
+ 1 => '36',
+ 2 => '100',
+ Result: true
+Test 7.0718dd838509017bded2ed307a6e785f:
+array (
+ 0 => 2,
+ 1 => 5,
+ 2 => '30',
+ Result: true
+Test 8.923d65739c5219c634616ffd100a50e4:
+array (
+ 0 => '',
+ 1 => ' a',
+ 2 => 'd',
+ Result: true
+Test 9.289bc2f28e87d3201ec9d7e8477ae1b0:
+array (
+ 0 => ' a',
+ 1 => 'd ',
+ 2 => 'f ',
+ Result: true
+Test 10.de0fd958484f2377a645835d7fbcf124:
+array (
+ 0 => NULL,
+ 1 => '3',
+ 2 => 'a',
+ Result: true
+Test 11.dd2b8f0adb37c45d528cad1a0cc0f361:
+array (
+ 0 => 'i',
+ 1 => 'k',
+ 2 => 'y',
+ Result: true
+Test 12.1e6b4d6f7df9d4580317634ea46d8208:
+array (
+ 0 => '100',
+ 1 => '25',
+ 2 => '36',
+ Result: true
+Test 13.cec115dc9850b98dfbdf102efa09e61b:
+array (
+ 0 => 2,
+ 1 => '30',
+ 2 => 5,
+ Result: true
+Test 14.923d65739c5219c634616ffd100a50e4:
+array (
+ 0 => '',
+ 1 => ' a',
+ 2 => 'd',
+ Result: true
+Test 15.dd2b8f0adb37c45d528cad1a0cc0f361:
+array (
+ 0 => 'i',
+ 1 => 'k',
+ 2 => 'y',
+ Result: true
+Test 16.49056308afb2b800363c5baa735ed247:
+array (
+ 0 => 'ааа',
+ 1 => 'абв',
+ 2 => 'абг',
+ 3 => 'abc',
+ Result: true
+Test 17.91480b10473a0c96a4cd6d88c23c577a:
+array (
+ 0 => 'а',
+ 1 => 'аа',
+ 2 => 'ааа',
+ Result: true
+Test 18.fdd3fe3981476039164aa000bf9177f2:
+array (
+ 0 => 'i',
+ 1 => 'y',
+ 2 => 'k',
+ Result: true
--- /dev/null
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Sort arrays using various locales.
+ */
+$test_num = 1;
+ * Sort arrays in the given list using specified locale.
+ */
+function sort_arrays( $locale, $arrays )
+ $res_str = '';
+ $coll = ut_coll_create( $locale );
+ foreach( $arrays as $array )
+ {
+ // Sort array values
+ $res_val = ut_coll_sort_with_sort_keys( $coll, $array );
+ // Concatenate the sorted array and function result
+ // with output string.
+ $res_dump = "\n" . dump( $array ) .
+ "\n Result: " . dump( $res_val );
+ // Preppend test signature to output string
+ $md5 = md5( $res_dump );
+ global $test_num;
+ $res_str .= "\n\n".
+ "Test $test_num.$md5:" .
+ $res_dump;
+ ++$test_num;
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+function ut_main()
+ global $test_num;
+ $test_num = 1;
+ $res_str = '';
+ // Sort an array in SORT_REGULAR mode using en_US locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'abc', 'abd', 'aaa' ),
+ array( 'm' , '1' , '_' ),
+ array( 'a' , 'aaa', 'aa' ),
+ array( 'ba' , 'b' , 'ab' ),
+ array( 'e' , 'c' , 'a' ),
+ array( 'd' , '' , ' a' ),
+ array( 'd ' , 'f ' , ' a' ),
+ array( 'a' , null , '3' ),
+ array( 'y' , 'i' , 'k' )
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'en_US', $test_params );
+ // Sort a non-ASCII array using ru_RU locale.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'абг', 'абв', 'ааа', 'abc' ),
+ array( 'аа', 'ааа', 'а' )
+ );
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'ru_RU', $test_params );
+ // Array with data for sorting.
+ $test_params = array(
+ array( 'y' , 'i' , 'k' )
+ );
+ // Sort an array using Lithuanian locale.
+ $res_str .= sort_arrays( 'lt_LT', $test_params );
+ return $res_str . "\n";
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+Test 1.e8f1cd28133d79ecd660002f1c660d0e:
+array (
+ 0 => 'aaa',
+ 1 => 'abc',
+ 2 => 'abd',
+ Result: true
+Test 2.c2ded12173dd2996927378cae37eb275:
+array (
+ 0 => '_',
+ 1 => '1',
+ 2 => 'm',
+ Result: true
+Test 3.54071c968d71cb98c5d379145f8d7d38:
+array (
+ 0 => 'a',
+ 1 => 'aa',
+ 2 => 'aaa',
+ Result: true
+Test 4.19abe63d6f6dfef65b0e3c9ab4826b07:
+array (
+ 0 => 'ab',
+ 1 => 'b',
+ 2 => 'ba',
+ Result: true
+Test 5.9a8dc0a9bc771368c2f1fc3d02754610:
+array (
+ 0 => 'a',
+ 1 => 'c',
+ 2 => 'e',
+ Result: true
+Test 6.923d65739c5219c634616ffd100a50e4:
+array (
+ 0 => '',
+ 1 => ' a',
+ 2 => 'd',
+ Result: true
+Test 7.289bc2f28e87d3201ec9d7e8477ae1b0:
+array (
+ 0 => ' a',
+ 1 => 'd ',
+ 2 => 'f ',
+ Result: true
+Test 8.de0fd958484f2377a645835d7fbcf124:
+array (
+ 0 => NULL,
+ 1 => '3',
+ 2 => 'a',
+ Result: true
+Test 9.dd2b8f0adb37c45d528cad1a0cc0f361:
+array (
+ 0 => 'i',
+ 1 => 'k',
+ 2 => 'y',
+ Result: true
+Test 10.49056308afb2b800363c5baa735ed247:
+array (
+ 0 => 'ааа',
+ 1 => 'абв',
+ 2 => 'абг',
+ 3 => 'abc',
+ Result: true
+Test 11.91480b10473a0c96a4cd6d88c23c577a:
+array (
+ 0 => 'а',
+ 1 => 'аа',
+ 2 => 'ааа',
+ Result: true
+Test 12.fdd3fe3981476039164aa000bf9177f2:
+array (
+ 0 => 'i',
+ 1 => 'y',
+ 2 => 'k',
+ Result: true
--- /dev/null
+IntlDateFormatter, calendars and time zone
+if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+$fmt1 = new IntlDateFormatter('en_US',
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ 'GMT+05:12',
+ IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL);
+$fmt2 = new IntlDateFormatter('en_US',
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ 'GMT+05:12',
+ IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN);
+$fmt3 = new IntlDateFormatter('en_US@calendar=hebrew',
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ 'GMT+05:12',
+ IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL);
+var_dump($fmt1->format(strtotime('2012-01-01 00:00:00 +0000')));
+var_dump($fmt2->format(strtotime('2012-01-01 00:00:00 +0000')));
+var_dump($fmt3->format(strtotime('2012-01-01 00:00:00 +0000')));
+new IntlDateFormatter('en_US@calendar=hebrew',
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ 'GMT+05:12',
+ -1);
+string(47) "Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 5:12:00 AM GMT+05:12"
+string(47) "Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 5:12:00 AM GMT+05:12"
+string(48) "Sunday, Tevet 6, 5772 AM at 5:12:00 AM GMT+05:12"
+Warning: IntlDateFormatter::__construct(): datefmt_create: invalid value for calendar type; it must be one of IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL (locale's default calendar) or IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN. Alternatively, it can be an IntlCalendar object in %sdateformat_calendars_variant2.php on line %d
--- /dev/null
+IntlDateFormatter: several forms of the calendar arg
+if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+ini_set("intl.default_locale", "pt_PT");
+ini_set("date.timezone", 'Atlantic/Azores');
+$ts = strtotime('2012-01-01 00:00:00 UTC');
+$cal = new IntlGregorianCalendar('UTC', NULL);
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, NULL, $cal);
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+$cal = IntlCalendar::createInstance('UTC', 'en@calendar=islamic');
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, NULL, $cal);
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+//override calendar's timezone
+$cal = new IntlGregorianCalendar('UTC', NULL);
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, 'Europe/Madrid', $cal);
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+//default calendar is gregorian
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES@calendar=islamic', 0, 0);
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+//try now with traditional
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES@calendar=islamic', 0, 0, NULL, IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL);
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+//the timezone can be overridden when not specifying a calendar
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES@calendar=islamic', 0, 0, 'UTC', IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL);
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, 'UTC', 0);
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+domingo%S 1 de enero de 2012 00:00:00 GMT
+domingo%S 8 de Safar de 1433 00:00:00 GMT
+domingo%S 1 de enero de 2012 01:00:00 Hora estándar de Europa central
+sábado%S 31 de diciembre de 2011 d.C. 23:00:00 Hora %Sde las Azores
+sábado%S 7 de Safar de 1433 AH 23:00:00 Hora %Sde las Azores
+domingo%S 8 de Safar de 1433 AH 00:00:00 GMT
+domingo%S 1 de enero de 2012 00:00:00 GMT
--- /dev/null
+IntlDateFormatter::formatObject(): IntlCalendar tests\r
+if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+ini_set("intl.default_locale", "pt_PT");
+ini_set("date.timezone", "Europe/Lisbon");
+$cal = IntlCalendar::fromDateTime('2012-01-01 00:00:00'); //Europe/Lisbon
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal), "\n";
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), "\n";
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal, null, "en-US"), "\n";
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal, array(IntlDateFormatter::SHORT, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), "en-US"), "\n";
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal, 'E y-MM-d HH,mm,ss.SSS v', "en-US"), "\n";
+$cal = IntlCalendar::fromDateTime('2012-01-01 05:00:00+03:00');
+echo datefmt_format_object($cal, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), "\n";
+$cal = IntlCalendar::createInstance(null,'en-US@calendar=islamic-civil');
+$cal->setTime(strtotime('2012-01-01 00:00:00')*1000.);
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal), "\n";
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($cal, IntlDateFormatter::FULL, "en-US"), "\n";
+01/01/2012, 00:00:00
+Domingo, 1 de Janeiro de 2012 às 00:00:00 Hora %Sda Europa Ocidental
+Jan 1, 2012, 12:00:00 AM
+1/1/12, 12:00:00 AM Western European Standard %STime
+Sun 2012-01-1 00,00,00.000 Portugal Time
+Domingo, 1 de Janeiro de 2012 às 05:00:00 GMT+03:00
+06/02/1433, 00:00:00
+Sunday, Safar 6, 1433 at 12:00:00 AM Western European Standard Time
--- /dev/null
+IntlDateFormatter::formatObject(): DateTime tests\r
+if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+ini_set("intl.default_locale", "pt_PT");
+ini_set("date.timezone", "Europe/Lisbon");
+$dt = new DateTime('2012-01-01 00:00:00'); //Europe/Lisbon
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($dt), "\n";
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($dt, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), "\n";
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($dt, null, "en-US"), "\n";
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($dt, array(IntlDateFormatter::SHORT, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), "en-US"), "\n";
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($dt, 'E y-MM-d HH,mm,ss.SSS v', "en-US"), "\n";
+$dt = new DateTime('2012-01-01 05:00:00+03:00');
+echo IntlDateFormatter::formatObject($dt, IntlDateFormatter::FULL), "\n";
+01/01/2012, 00:00:00
+Domingo, 1 de Janeiro de 2012 às 00:00:00 Hora %Sda Europa Ocidental
+Jan 1, 2012, 12:00:00 AM
+1/1/12, 12:00:00 AM Western European Standard %STime
+Sun 2012-01-1 00,00,00.000 Portugal Time
+Domingo, 1 de Janeiro de 2012 às 05:00:00 GMT+03:00
--- /dev/null
+datefmt_format_code() and datefmt_parse_code()
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Test for the datefmt_format function
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ $timezone = 'GMT+05:00';
+ $locale_arr = array (
+ 'en_US'
+ );
+ $datetype_arr = array (
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ IntlDateFormatter::LONG,
+ IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM
+ );
+ $res_str = '';
+ $time_arr = array (
+ 0,
+ -1200000,
+ 1200000,
+ 2200000000,
+ -2200000000,
+ 90099999,
+ 3600,
+ -3600
+ );
+ $localtime_arr1 = array (
+ 'tm_sec' => 24 ,
+ 'tm_min' => 3,
+ 'tm_hour' => 19,
+ 'tm_mday' => 3,
+ 'tm_mon' => 3,
+ 'tm_year' => 105,
+ );
+ $localtime_arr2 = array (
+ 'tm_sec' => 21,
+ 'tm_min' => 5,
+ 'tm_hour' => 7,
+ 'tm_mday' => 13,
+ 'tm_mon' => 7,
+ 'tm_year' => 205,
+ );
+ $localtime_arr3 = array (
+ 'tm_sec' => 11,
+ 'tm_min' => 13,
+ 'tm_hour' => 0,
+ 'tm_mday' => 17,
+ 'tm_mon' => 11,
+ 'tm_year' => -5
+ );
+ $localtime_arr = array (
+ $localtime_arr1,
+ $localtime_arr2,
+ $localtime_arr3
+ );
+ //Test format and parse with a timestamp : long
+ foreach( $time_arr as $timestamp_entry){
+ $res_str .= "\n------------\n";
+ $res_str .= "\nInput timestamp is : $timestamp_entry";
+ $res_str .= "\n------------\n";
+ foreach( $locale_arr as $locale_entry ){
+ foreach( $datetype_arr as $datetype_entry ) {
+ $res_str .= "\nIntlDateFormatter locale= $locale_entry ,datetype = $datetype_entry ,timetype =$datetype_entry ";
+ $fmt = ut_datefmt_create( $locale_entry , $datetype_entry ,$datetype_entry,$timezone);
+ $formatted = ut_datefmt_format( $fmt , $timestamp_entry);
+ $res_str .= "\nFormatted timestamp is : $formatted";
+ $parsed = ut_datefmt_parse( $fmt , $formatted);
+ if( intl_get_error_code() == U_ZERO_ERROR){
+ $res_str .= "\nParsed timestamp is : $parsed";
+ }else{
+ $res_str .= "\nError while parsing as: '".intl_get_error_message()."'";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Test format and parse with a localtime :array
+ foreach( $localtime_arr as $localtime_entry){
+ $res_str .= "\n------------\n";
+ $res_str .= "\nInput localtime is : ";
+ foreach( $localtime_entry as $key => $value){
+ $res_str .= "$key : '$value' , ";
+ }
+ $res_str .= "\n------------\n";
+ foreach( $locale_arr as $locale_entry ){
+ foreach( $datetype_arr as $datetype_entry ) {
+ $res_str .= "\nIntlDateFormatter locale= $locale_entry ,datetype = $datetype_entry ,timetype =$datetype_entry ";
+ $fmt = ut_datefmt_create( $locale_entry , $datetype_entry ,$datetype_entry,$timezone);
+ $formatted1 = ut_datefmt_format( $fmt , $localtime_entry);
+ if( intl_get_error_code() == U_ZERO_ERROR){
+ $res_str .= "\nFormatted localtime_array is : $formatted1";
+ }else{
+ $res_str .= "\nError while formatting as: '".intl_get_error_message()."'";
+ }
+ //Parsing
+ $parsed_arr = ut_datefmt_localtime( $fmt, $formatted1 );
+ if( $parsed_arr){
+ $res_str .= "\nParsed array is: ";
+ foreach( $parsed_arr as $key => $value){
+ $res_str .= "$key : '$value' , ";
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ //$res_str .= "No values found from LocaleTime parsing.";
+ $res_str .= "\tError : '".intl_get_error_message()."'";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+// Run the test
+Input timestamp is : 0
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Thursday, January 1, 1970 at 5:00:00 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed timestamp is : 0
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : January 1, 1970 at 5:00:00 AM GMT+5
+Parsed timestamp is : 0
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Jan 1, 1970, 5:00:00 AM
+Parsed timestamp is : 0
+Input timestamp is : -1200000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Thursday, December 18, 1969 at 7:40:00 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed timestamp is : -1200000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : December 18, 1969 at 7:40:00 AM GMT+5
+Parsed timestamp is : -1200000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Dec 18, 1969, 7:40:00 AM
+Parsed timestamp is : -1200000
+Input timestamp is : 1200000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Thursday, January 15, 1970 at 2:20:00 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed timestamp is : 1200000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : January 15, 1970 at 2:20:00 AM GMT+5
+Parsed timestamp is : 1200000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Jan 15, 1970, 2:20:00 AM
+Parsed timestamp is : 1200000
+Input timestamp is : 2200000000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Monday, September 19, 2039 at 4:06:40 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed timestamp is : 2200000000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : September 19, 2039 at 4:06:40 AM GMT+5
+Parsed timestamp is : 2200000000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Sep 19, 2039, 4:06:40 AM
+Parsed timestamp is : 2200000000
+Input timestamp is : -2200000000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Sunday, April 15, 1900 at 5:53:20 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed timestamp is : -2200000000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : April 15, 1900 at 5:53:20 AM GMT+5
+Parsed timestamp is : -2200000000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Apr 15, 1900, 5:53:20 AM
+Parsed timestamp is : -2200000000
+Input timestamp is : 90099999
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Thursday, November 9, 1972 at 12:46:39 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed timestamp is : 90099999
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : November 9, 1972 at 12:46:39 AM GMT+5
+Parsed timestamp is : 90099999
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Nov 9, 1972, 12:46:39 AM
+Parsed timestamp is : 90099999
+Input timestamp is : 3600
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Thursday, January 1, 1970 at 6:00:00 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed timestamp is : 3600
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : January 1, 1970 at 6:00:00 AM GMT+5
+Parsed timestamp is : 3600
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Jan 1, 1970, 6:00:00 AM
+Parsed timestamp is : 3600
+Input timestamp is : -3600
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Thursday, January 1, 1970 at 4:00:00 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed timestamp is : -3600
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : January 1, 1970 at 4:00:00 AM GMT+5
+Parsed timestamp is : -3600
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Jan 1, 1970, 4:00:00 AM
+Parsed timestamp is : -3600
+Input localtime is : tm_sec : '24' , tm_min : '3' , tm_hour : '19' , tm_mday : '3' , tm_mon : '3' , tm_year : '105' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted localtime_array is : Sunday, April 3, 2005 at 7:03:24 PM GMT+05:00
+Parsed array is: tm_sec : '24' , tm_min : '3' , tm_hour : '19' , tm_year : '105' , tm_mday : '3' , tm_wday : '0' , tm_yday : '93' , tm_mon : '3' , tm_isdst : '0' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted localtime_array is : April 3, 2005 at 7:03:24 PM GMT+5
+Parsed array is: tm_sec : '24' , tm_min : '3' , tm_hour : '19' , tm_year : '105' , tm_mday : '3' , tm_wday : '0' , tm_yday : '93' , tm_mon : '3' , tm_isdst : '0' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted localtime_array is : Apr 3, 2005, 7:03:24 PM
+Parsed array is: tm_sec : '24' , tm_min : '3' , tm_hour : '19' , tm_year : '105' , tm_mday : '3' , tm_wday : '0' , tm_yday : '93' , tm_mon : '3' , tm_isdst : '0' ,
+Input localtime is : tm_sec : '21' , tm_min : '5' , tm_hour : '7' , tm_mday : '13' , tm_mon : '7' , tm_year : '205' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted localtime_array is : Thursday, August 13, 2105 at 7:05:21 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed array is: tm_sec : '21' , tm_min : '5' , tm_hour : '7' , tm_year : '205' , tm_mday : '13' , tm_wday : '4' , tm_yday : '225' , tm_mon : '7' , tm_isdst : '0' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted localtime_array is : August 13, 2105 at 7:05:21 AM GMT+5
+Parsed array is: tm_sec : '21' , tm_min : '5' , tm_hour : '7' , tm_year : '205' , tm_mday : '13' , tm_wday : '4' , tm_yday : '225' , tm_mon : '7' , tm_isdst : '0' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted localtime_array is : Aug 13, 2105, 7:05:21 AM
+Parsed array is: tm_sec : '21' , tm_min : '5' , tm_hour : '7' , tm_year : '205' , tm_mday : '13' , tm_wday : '4' , tm_yday : '225' , tm_mon : '7' , tm_isdst : '0' ,
+Input localtime is : tm_sec : '11' , tm_min : '13' , tm_hour : '0' , tm_mday : '17' , tm_mon : '11' , tm_year : '-5' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted localtime_array is : Tuesday, December 17, 1895 at 12:13:11 AM GMT+05:00
+Parsed array is: tm_sec : '11' , tm_min : '13' , tm_hour : '0' , tm_year : '-5' , tm_mday : '17' , tm_wday : '2' , tm_yday : '351' , tm_mon : '11' , tm_isdst : '0' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted localtime_array is : December 17, 1895 at 12:13:11 AM GMT+5
+Parsed array is: tm_sec : '11' , tm_min : '13' , tm_hour : '0' , tm_year : '-5' , tm_mday : '17' , tm_wday : '2' , tm_yday : '351' , tm_mon : '11' , tm_isdst : '0' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted localtime_array is : Dec 17, 1895, 12:13:11 AM
+Parsed array is: tm_sec : '11' , tm_min : '13' , tm_hour : '0' , tm_year : '-5' , tm_mday : '17' , tm_wday : '2' , tm_yday : '351' , tm_mon : '11' , tm_isdst : '0' ,
--- /dev/null
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+//ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+ * Test for the datefmt_format function
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ $timezone = 'GMT-10:00';
+ $locale_arr = array (
+ 'en_US'
+ );
+ $datetype_arr = array (
+ IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
+ IntlDateFormatter::LONG,
+ IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM,
+ IntlDateFormatter::SHORT,
+ IntlDateFormatter::NONE
+ );
+ $res_str = '';
+ $time_arr = array (
+ 0,
+ -1200000,
+ 1200000,
+ 2200000000.0,
+ -2200000000.0,
+ 90099999,
+ 3600,
+ -3600
+ );
+ $localtime_arr1 = array (
+ 'tm_sec' => 24 ,
+ 'tm_min' => 3,
+ 'tm_hour' => 19,
+ 'tm_mday' => 3,
+ 'tm_mon' => 3,
+ 'tm_year' => 105,
+ );
+ $localtime_arr2 = array (
+ 'tm_sec' => 21,
+ 'tm_min' => 5,
+ 'tm_hour' => 7,
+ 'tm_mday' => 13,
+ 'tm_mon' => 4,
+ 'tm_year' => 205,
+ );
+ $localtime_arr3 = array (
+ 'tm_sec' => 11,
+ 'tm_min' => 13,
+ 'tm_hour' => 0,
+ 'tm_mday' => 17,
+ 'tm_mon' => 11,
+ 'tm_year' => -5
+ );
+ $localtime_arr = array (
+ $localtime_arr1,
+ $localtime_arr2,
+ $localtime_arr3
+ );
+ $d1 = new DateTime("2010-01-01 01:02:03", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
+ $d2 = new DateTime("2000-12-31 03:04:05", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
+ $d2->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("PDT"));
+ $dates = array(
+ $d1,
+ $d2,
+ new StdClass(),
+ );
+ //Test format with input as a timestamp : integer
+ foreach( $time_arr as $timestamp_entry){
+ $res_str .= "\n------------\n";
+ $res_str .= "\nInput timestamp is : $timestamp_entry";
+ $res_str .= "\n------------\n";
+ foreach( $locale_arr as $locale_entry ){
+ foreach( $datetype_arr as $datetype_entry )
+ {
+ $res_str .= "\nIntlDateFormatter locale= $locale_entry ,datetype = $datetype_entry ,timetype =$datetype_entry ";
+ $fmt = ut_datefmt_create( $locale_entry , $datetype_entry ,$datetype_entry, $timezone, IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN);
+ $formatted = ut_datefmt_format( $fmt , $timestamp_entry);
+ $res_str .= "\nFormatted timestamp is : $formatted";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Test format with input as a localtime :array
+ foreach( $localtime_arr as $localtime_entry){
+ $res_str .= "\n------------\n";
+ $res_str .= "\nInput localtime is : ";
+ foreach( $localtime_entry as $key => $value){
+ $res_str .= "$key : '$value' , ";
+ }
+ $res_str .= "\n------------\n";
+ foreach( $locale_arr as $locale_entry ){
+ foreach( $datetype_arr as $datetype_entry )
+ {
+ $res_str .= "\nIntlDateFormatter locale= $locale_entry ,datetype = $datetype_entry ,timetype =$datetype_entry ";
+ $fmt = ut_datefmt_create( $locale_entry , $datetype_entry ,$datetype_entry, $timezone, IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN );
+ $formatted1 = ut_datefmt_format( $fmt , $localtime_entry);
+ if( intl_get_error_code() == U_ZERO_ERROR){
+ $res_str .= "\nFormatted localtime_array is : $formatted1";
+ }else{
+ $res_str .= "\nError while formatting as: '".intl_get_error_message()."'";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($dates as $date_entry) {
+ foreach( $locale_arr as $locale_entry ){
+ foreach( $datetype_arr as $datetype_entry ) {
+ $res_str .= "\n------------";
+ $res_str .= "\nDate is: ".var_export($date_entry, true);
+ $res_str .= "\n------------";
+ $fmt = ut_datefmt_create( $locale_entry , $datetype_entry ,$datetype_entry, $timezone, IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN );
+ $formatted1 = ut_datefmt_format( $fmt , $date_entry);
+ if( intl_get_error_code() == U_ZERO_ERROR){
+ $res_str .= "\nFormatted DateTime is : $formatted1";
+ }else{
+ $res_str .= "\nError while formatting as: '".intl_get_error_message()."'";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+// Run the test
+Input timestamp is : 0
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 2:00:00 PM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : December 31, 1969 at 2:00:00 PM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Dec 31, 1969, 2:00:00 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted timestamp is : 12/31/69, 2:00 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted timestamp is : 19691231 02:00 PM
+Input timestamp is : -1200000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Wednesday, December 17, 1969 at 4:40:00 PM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : December 17, 1969 at 4:40:00 PM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Dec 17, 1969, 4:40:00 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted timestamp is : 12/17/69, 4:40 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted timestamp is : 19691217 04:40 PM
+Input timestamp is : 1200000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Wednesday, January 14, 1970 at 11:20:00 AM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : January 14, 1970 at 11:20:00 AM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Jan 14, 1970, 11:20:00 AM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted timestamp is : 1/14/70, 11:20 AM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted timestamp is : 19700114 11:20 AM
+Input timestamp is : 2200000000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Sunday, September 18, 2039 at 1:06:40 PM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : September 18, 2039 at 1:06:40 PM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Sep 18, 2039, 1:06:40 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted timestamp is : 9/18/39, 1:06 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted timestamp is : 20390918 01:06 PM
+Input timestamp is : -2200000000
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Saturday, April 14, 1900 at 2:53:20 PM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : April 14, 1900 at 2:53:20 PM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Apr 14, 1900, 2:53:20 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted timestamp is : 4/14/00, 2:53 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted timestamp is : 19000414 02:53 PM
+Input timestamp is : 90099999
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Wednesday, November 8, 1972 at 9:46:39 AM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : November 8, 1972 at 9:46:39 AM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Nov 8, 1972, 9:46:39 AM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted timestamp is : 11/8/72, 9:46 AM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted timestamp is : 19721108 09:46 AM
+Input timestamp is : 3600
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 3:00:00 PM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : December 31, 1969 at 3:00:00 PM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Dec 31, 1969, 3:00:00 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted timestamp is : 12/31/69, 3:00 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted timestamp is : 19691231 03:00 PM
+Input timestamp is : -3600
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted timestamp is : Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 1:00:00 PM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted timestamp is : December 31, 1969 at 1:00:00 PM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted timestamp is : Dec 31, 1969, 1:00:00 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted timestamp is : 12/31/69, 1:00 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted timestamp is : 19691231 01:00 PM
+Input localtime is : tm_sec : '24' , tm_min : '3' , tm_hour : '19' , tm_mday : '3' , tm_mon : '3' , tm_year : '105' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted localtime_array is : Sunday, April 3, 2005 at 7:03:24 PM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted localtime_array is : April 3, 2005 at 7:03:24 PM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted localtime_array is : Apr 3, 2005, 7:03:24 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted localtime_array is : 4/3/05, 7:03 PM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted localtime_array is : 20050403 07:03 PM
+Input localtime is : tm_sec : '21' , tm_min : '5' , tm_hour : '7' , tm_mday : '13' , tm_mon : '4' , tm_year : '205' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted localtime_array is : Wednesday, May 13, 2105 at 7:05:21 AM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted localtime_array is : May 13, 2105 at 7:05:21 AM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted localtime_array is : May 13, 2105, 7:05:21 AM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted localtime_array is : 5/13/05, 7:05 AM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted localtime_array is : 21050513 07:05 AM
+Input localtime is : tm_sec : '11' , tm_min : '13' , tm_hour : '0' , tm_mday : '17' , tm_mon : '11' , tm_year : '-5' ,
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 0 ,timetype =0
+Formatted localtime_array is : Tuesday, December 17, 1895 at 12:13:11 AM GMT-10:00
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 1 ,timetype =1
+Formatted localtime_array is : December 17, 1895 at 12:13:11 AM GMT-10
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 2 ,timetype =2
+Formatted localtime_array is : Dec 17, 1895, 12:13:11 AM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = 3 ,timetype =3
+Formatted localtime_array is : 12/17/95, 12:13 AM
+IntlDateFormatter locale= en_US ,datetype = -1 ,timetype =-1
+Formatted localtime_array is : 18951217 12:13 AM
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2010-01-01 01:02:03',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'UTC',
+Formatted DateTime is : Thursday, December 31, 2009 at 3:02:03 PM GMT-10:00
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2010-01-01 01:02:03',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'UTC',
+Formatted DateTime is : December 31, 2009 at 3:02:03 PM GMT-10
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2010-01-01 01:02:03',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'UTC',
+Formatted DateTime is : Dec 31, 2009, 3:02:03 PM
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2010-01-01 01:02:03',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'UTC',
+Formatted DateTime is : 12/31/09, 3:02 PM
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2010-01-01 01:02:03',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'UTC',
+Formatted DateTime is : 20091231 03:02 PM
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2000-12-30 19:04:05',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+Formatted DateTime is : Saturday, December 30, 2000 at 5:04:05 PM GMT-10:00
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2000-12-30 19:04:05',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+Formatted DateTime is : December 30, 2000 at 5:04:05 PM GMT-10
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2000-12-30 19:04:05',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+Formatted DateTime is : Dec 30, 2000, 5:04:05 PM
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2000-12-30 19:04:05',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+Formatted DateTime is : 12/30/00, 5:04 PM
+Date is: DateTime::__set_state(array(
+ 'date' => '2000-12-30 19:04:05',
+ 'timezone_type' => 3,
+ 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
+Formatted DateTime is : 20001230 05:04 PM
+Date is: stdClass::__set_state(array(
+Error while formatting as: 'datefmt_format: invalid object type for date/time (only IntlCalendar and DateTime permitted): U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR'
+Date is: stdClass::__set_state(array(
+Error while formatting as: 'datefmt_format: invalid object type for date/time (only IntlCalendar and DateTime permitted): U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR'
+Date is: stdClass::__set_state(array(
+Error while formatting as: 'datefmt_format: invalid object type for date/time (only IntlCalendar and DateTime permitted): U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR'
+Date is: stdClass::__set_state(array(
+Error while formatting as: 'datefmt_format: invalid object type for date/time (only IntlCalendar and DateTime permitted): U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR'
+Date is: stdClass::__set_state(array(
+Error while formatting as: 'datefmt_format: invalid object type for date/time (only IntlCalendar and DateTime permitted): U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR'
--- /dev/null
+IntlDateFormatter: setCalendar()/getCalendar()/getCalendarObject()
+if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+ini_set("intl.default_locale", "pt_PT");
+ini_set("date.timezone", 'Atlantic/Azores');
+$ts = strtotime('2012-01-01 00:00:00 UTC');
+function d(IntlDateFormatter $df) {
+global $ts;
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+echo "\n";
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('fr@calendar=islamic', 0, 0, 'Europe/Minsk');
+//changing the calendar with a cal type should not change tz
+//but changing with an actual calendar should
+$cal = IntlCalendar::createInstance("UTC");
+dimanche 1 janvier 2012 ap. J.-C. 03:00:00 UTC+03:00
+string(9) "gregorian"
+string(12) "Europe/Minsk"
+dimanche 8 safar 1433 AH 03:00:00 UTC+03:00
+string(7) "islamic"
+string(12) "Europe/Minsk"
+dimanche 1 janvier 2012 ap. J.-C. 00:00:00 UTC
+string(9) "gregorian"
+string(3) "UTC"
--- /dev/null
+IntlDateFormatter: get/setTimeZone()
+if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+ini_set("intl.default_locale", "pt_PT");
+ini_set("date.timezone", 'Atlantic/Azores');
+$ts = strtotime('2012-01-01 00:00:00 UTC');
+function d(IntlDateFormatter $df) {
+global $ts;
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+echo "\n";
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('pt_PT', 0, 0, 'Europe/Minsk');
+$df->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));
+Domingo, 1 de Janeiro de 2012 às 03:00:00 GMT+03:00
+string(12) "Europe/Minsk"
+string(12) "Europe/Minsk"
+Sábado, 31 de Dezembro de 2011 às 23:00:00 Hor%s %Sdos Açores
+string(15) "Atlantic/Azores"
+string(15) "Atlantic/Azores"
+Domingo, 1 de Janeiro de 2012 às 01:00:00 Hor%s %Sda Europa Central
+string(13) "Europe/Madrid"
+string(13) "Europe/Madrid"
+Domingo, 1 de Janeiro de 2012 às 01:00:00 Hor%s %Sda Europa Central
+string(12) "Europe/Paris"
+string(12) "Europe/Paris"
+Domingo, 1 de Janeiro de 2012 às 01:00:00 Hor%s %Sda Europa Central
+string(16) "Europe/Amsterdam"
+string(16) "Europe/Amsterdam"
--- /dev/null
+datefmt_set_timezone_id_code() icu >= 4.8
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+ini_set("error_reporting", ~E_DEPRECATED);
+ * Test for the datefmt_set_timezone_id function
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ $timezone_id_arr = array (
+ 'America/New_York',
+ 'America/Los_Angeles',
+ 'America/Chicago',
+ 'CN'
+ );
+ $timestamp_entry = 0;
+ $res_str = '';
+ $fmt = ut_datefmt_create( "en_US", IntlDateFormatter::FULL, IntlDateFormatter::FULL, 'US/Pacific' , IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN );
+ $timezone_id = ut_datefmt_get_timezone_id( $fmt );
+ $res_str .= "\nAfter creation of the dateformatter : timezone_id= $timezone_id\n";
+ foreach( $timezone_id_arr as $timezone_id_entry )
+ {
+ $res_str .= "-----------";
+ $res_str .= "\nTrying to set timezone_id= $timezone_id_entry";
+ ut_datefmt_set_timezone_id( $fmt , $timezone_id_entry );
+ $timezone_id = ut_datefmt_get_timezone_id( $fmt );
+ $res_str .= "\nAfter call to set_timezone_id : timezone_id= $timezone_id";
+ $formatted = ut_datefmt_format( $fmt, 0);
+ $res_str .= "\nFormatting timestamp=0 resulted in $formatted";
+ $formatted = ut_datefmt_format( $fmt, 3600);
+ $res_str .= "\nFormatting timestamp=3600 resulted in $formatted";
+ $res_str .= "\n";
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+// Run the test
+Warning: IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneId(): datefmt_set_timezone: no such time zone: 'CN' in %sut_common.inc on line %d
+Warning: datefmt_set_timezone_id(): datefmt_set_timezone: no such time zone: 'CN' in %sut_common.inc on line %d
+After creation of the dateformatter : timezone_id= US/Pacific
+Trying to set timezone_id= America/New_York
+After call to set_timezone_id : timezone_id= America/New_York
+Formatting timestamp=0 resulted in Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 7:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
+Formatting timestamp=3600 resulted in Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 8:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
+Trying to set timezone_id= America/Los_Angeles
+After call to set_timezone_id : timezone_id= America/Los_Angeles
+Formatting timestamp=0 resulted in Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 4:00:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
+Formatting timestamp=3600 resulted in Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 5:00:00 PM Pacific Standard Time
+Trying to set timezone_id= America/Chicago
+After call to set_timezone_id : timezone_id= America/Chicago
+Formatting timestamp=0 resulted in Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 6:00:00 PM Central Standard Time
+Formatting timestamp=3600 resulted in Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 7:00:00 PM Central Standard Time
+Trying to set timezone_id= CN
+After call to set_timezone_id : timezone_id= America/Chicago
+Formatting timestamp=0 resulted in Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 6:00:00 PM Central Standard Time
+Formatting timestamp=3600 resulted in Wednesday, December 31, 1969 at 7:00:00 PM Central Standard Time
--- /dev/null
+IntlDateFormatter: several forms of the timezone arg
+if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+ini_set("date.timezone", 'Atlantic/Azores');
+$ts = strtotime('2012-01-01 00:00:00 UTC');
+//should use Atlantic/Azores
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, NULL);
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, 'Europe/Amsterdam');
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, new DateTimeZone('Europe/Lisbon'));
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, IntlTimeZone::createTimeZone('America/New_York'));
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+//time zone has priority
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, 'Europe/Amsterdam', new IntlGregorianCalendar('Europe/Lisbon'));
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+//calendar has priority
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, NULL, new IntlGregorianCalendar('Europe/Lisbon'));
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+$df = new IntlDateFormatter('es_ES', 0, 0, 'Europe/Amsterdam', 0);
+echo $df->format($ts), "\n";
+sábado%S, 31 de diciembre de 2011 23:00:00 Hora estándar de las Azores
+domingo%S, 1 de enero de 2012 01:00:00 Hora estándar de Europa central
+domingo%S, 1 de enero de 2012 00:00:00 Hora%S de Europa occidental
+sábado%S, 31 de diciembre de 2011 19:00:00 Hora estándar oriental
+domingo%S, 1 de enero de 2012 01:00:00 Hora estándar de Europa central
+domingo%S, 1 de enero de 2012 00:00:00 Hora%S de Europa occidental
+domingo%S, 1 de enero de 2012 01:00:00 Hora estándar de Europa central
--- /dev/null
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Get locale.
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ $locales = array(
+ 'en_UK',
+ 'en_US@California',
+ 'fr_CA',
+ );
+ $loc_types = array(
+ Locale::ACTUAL_LOCALE => 'actual',
+ Locale::VALID_LOCALE => 'valid',
+ );
+ $res_str = '';
+ foreach( $locales as $locale )
+ {
+ $fmt = ut_nfmt_create( $locale, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL );
+ $res_str .= "$locale: ";
+ foreach( $loc_types as $loc_type => $loc_type_name )
+ $res_str .= sprintf( " %s=%s",
+ $loc_type_name,
+ dump( ut_nfmt_get_locale( $fmt, $loc_type ) ) );
+ $res_str .= "\n";
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+// Run the test
+en_UK: actual='en' valid='en'
+en_US@California: actual='en' valid='en'
+fr_CA: actual='fr' valid='fr_CA'
--- /dev/null
+locale_filter_matches.phpt() ICU >= 51.2
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Try parsing different Locales
+ * with Procedural and Object methods.
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ $loc_ranges = array(
+ 'de-de',
+ 'sl_IT',
+ 'sl_IT_Nedis',
+ 'jbo',
+ 'art-lojban',
+ 'sl_IT'
+ );
+ $lang_tags = array(
+ 'de-DEVA',
+ 'de-DE-1996',
+ 'de-DE',
+ 'zh_Hans',
+ 'de-CH-1996',
+ 'sl_IT',
+ 'sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz',
+ 'sl_IT_rozaj',
+ 'sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901',
+ 'i-enochian',
+ 'sgn-CH-de',
+ 'art-lojban',
+ 'i-lux',
+ 'art-lojban',
+ 'jbo',
+ 'en_sl_IT'
+ );
+ $res_str = '';
+ $isCanonical = false;
+ foreach($loc_ranges as $loc_range){
+ foreach($lang_tags as $lang_tag){
+ $res_str .="--------------\n";
+ $result= ut_loc_locale_filter_matches( $lang_tag , $loc_range , $isCanonical);
+ $res_str .= "loc_range:$loc_range matches lang_tag $lang_tag ? ";
+ if( $result){
+ $res_str .= "YES\n";
+ }else{
+ $res_str .= "NO\n";
+ }
+//canonicalized version
+ $result= ut_loc_locale_filter_matches( $lang_tag , $loc_range , !($isCanonical));
+ $can_loc_range = ut_loc_canonicalize($loc_range);
+ $can_lang_tag = ut_loc_canonicalize($lang_tag);
+ $res_str .= "loc_range:$can_loc_range canonically matches lang_tag $can_lang_tag ? ";
+ if( $result){
+ $res_str .= "YES\n";
+ }else{
+ $res_str .= "NO\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $res_str .= "\n";
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag de-DEVA ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag de_Deva ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag de-DE-1996 ? YES
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag de_DE_1996 ? YES
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag de-DE ? YES
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag de_DE ? YES
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag de-CH-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag de_CH_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_A_KIRTI_X_XYZ ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag sl_IT_rozaj ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_ROZAJ ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag @x=i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag sgn-CH-de ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag sgn_CH_DE ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag i-lux ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag lb ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:de-de matches lang_tag en_sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:de_DE canonically matches lang_tag en_SL_IT ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag de-DEVA ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag de_Deva ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag de-DE-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag de_DE_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag de-DE ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag de_DE ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag de-CH-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag de_CH_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sl_IT ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_A_KIRTI_X_XYZ ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sl_IT_rozaj ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_ROZAJ ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag @x=i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sgn-CH-de ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sgn_CH_DE ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag i-lux ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag lb ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag en_sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag en_SL_IT ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag de-DEVA ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag de_Deva ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag de-DE-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag de_DE_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag de-DE ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag de_DE ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag de-CH-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag de_CH_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_A_KIRTI_X_XYZ ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag sl_IT_rozaj ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_ROZAJ ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag @x=i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag sgn-CH-de ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag sgn_CH_DE ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag i-lux ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag lb ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_Nedis matches lang_tag en_sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT_NEDIS canonically matches lang_tag en_SL_IT ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag de-DEVA ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag de_Deva ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag de-DE-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag de_DE_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag de-DE ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag de_DE ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag de-CH-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag de_CH_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_A_KIRTI_X_XYZ ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag sl_IT_rozaj ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_ROZAJ ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag @x=i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag sgn-CH-de ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag sgn_CH_DE ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag i-lux ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag lb ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag jbo ? YES
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag jbo ? YES
+loc_range:jbo matches lang_tag en_sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:jbo canonically matches lang_tag en_SL_IT ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag de-DEVA ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag de_Deva ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag de-DE-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag de_DE_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag de-DE ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag de_DE ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag de-CH-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag de_CH_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_A_KIRTI_X_XYZ ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag sl_IT_rozaj ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_ROZAJ ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag @x=i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag sgn-CH-de ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag sgn_CH_DE ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag art-lojban ? YES
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? YES
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag i-lux ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag lb ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag art-lojban ? YES
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? YES
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:art-lojban matches lang_tag en_sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:art__LOJBAN canonically matches lang_tag en_SL_IT ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag de-DEVA ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag de_Deva ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag de-DE-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag de_DE_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag de-DE ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag de_DE ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag zh_Hans ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag de-CH-1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag de_CH_1996 ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sl_IT ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_A_KIRTI_X_XYZ ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sl_IT_rozaj ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_ROZAJ ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901 ? YES
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag @x=i-enochian ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag sgn-CH-de ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag sgn_CH_DE ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag i-lux ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag lb ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag art-lojban ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag art__LOJBAN ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag jbo ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT matches lang_tag en_sl_IT ? NO
+loc_range:sl_IT canonically matches lang_tag en_SL_IT ? NO
--- /dev/null
+locale_get_display_name() icu >= 51.2
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Try getting the display_name for different locales
+ * with Procedural and Object methods.
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ $res_str='';
+ $disp_locales=array('en','fr','de');
+ $locales = array(
+ 'sl_IT_nedis_KIRTI',
+ 'sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz',
+ 'sl_IT_rozaj',
+ 'sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901',
+ 'i-enochian',
+ 'zh-hakka',
+ 'zh-wuu',
+ 'i-tay',
+ 'sgn-BE-nl',
+ 'sgn-CH-de',
+ 'sl_IT_rozaj@currency=EUR',
+ 'uk-ua_CALIFORNIA@currency=;currency=GRN',
+ 'root',
+ 'uk@currency=EURO',
+ 'Hindi',
+//Simple language subtag
+ 'de',
+ 'fr',
+ 'ja',
+ 'i-enochian', //(example of a grandfathered tag)
+//Language subtag plus Script subtag:
+ 'zh-Hant',
+ 'zh-Hans',
+ 'sr-Cyrl',
+ 'sr-Latn',
+ 'zh-Hans-CN',
+ 'sr-Latn-CS',
+ 'sl-rozaj',
+ 'sl-nedis',
+ 'de-CH-1901',
+ 'sl-IT-nedis',
+ 'sl-Latn-IT-nedis',
+ 'de-DE',
+ 'en-US',
+ 'es-419',
+//Private use subtags:
+ 'de-CH-x-phonebk',
+ 'az-Arab-x-AZE-derbend',
+//Extended language subtags
+ 'zh-min',
+ 'zh-min-nan-Hant-CN',
+//Private use registry values
+ 'x-whatever',
+ 'qaa-Qaaa-QM-x-southern',
+ 'sr-Latn-QM',
+ 'sr-Qaaa-CS',
+/*Tags that use extensions (examples ONLY: extensions MUST be defined
+ by revision or update to this document or by RFC): */
+ 'en-US-u-islamCal',
+ 'zh-CN-a-myExt-x-private',
+ 'en-a-myExt-b-another',
+//Some Invalid Tags:
+ 'de-419-DE',
+ 'a-DE',
+ 'ar-a-aaa-b-bbb-a-ccc'
+ );
+ $res_str = '';
+ foreach( $locales as $locale )
+ {
+ $res_str .= "locale='$locale'\n";
+ foreach( $disp_locales as $disp_locale )
+ {
+ $scr = ut_loc_get_display_name( $locale ,$disp_locale );
+ $scr = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '#', $scr);
+ $res_str .= "disp_locale=$disp_locale : display_name=$scr";
+ $res_str .= "\n";
+ }
+ $res_str .= "-----------------\n";
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Slovenian #Italy, NEDIS_KIRTI#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=slovène #Italie, NEDIS_KIRTI#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Slowenisch #Italien, NEDIS_KIRTI#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Slovenian #Italy, NEDIS_A_KIRTI_X_XYZ#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=slovène #Italie, NEDIS_A_KIRTI_X_XYZ#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Slowenisch #Italien, NEDIS_A_KIRTI_X_XYZ#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Slovenian #Italy, Resian#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=slovène #Italie, dialecte de Resia#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Slowenisch #Italien, (ROZAJ|Resianisch)#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Slovenian #Italy, NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=slovène #Italie, NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Slowenisch #Italien, NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=i-enochian #Private-Use=i-enochian#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=i-enochian #Usage privé=i-enochian#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=i-enochian #Privatnutzung=i-enochian#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Chinese( #HAKKA#)?
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=chinois( #HAKKA#)?
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Chinesisch( #HAKKA#)?
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Chinese #WUU#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=chinois #WUU#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Chinesisch #WUU#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=i-tay
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=i-tay
+disp_locale=de : display_name=i-tay
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Sign Languages? #Belgium, NL#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=langues? des signes #Belgique, NL#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Gebärdensprache #Belgien, NL#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Sign Languages? #Switzerland, DE#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=langues? des signes #Suisse, DE#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Gebärdensprache #Schweiz, DE#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Slovenian #Italy, Resian, [Cc]urrency=Euro#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=slovène #Italie, dialecte de Resia, [Dd]evise=euro#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Slowenisch #Italien, (ROZAJ|Resianisch), Währung=Euro#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Ukrainian #Ukraine, CALIFORNIA, [Cc]urrency#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=ukrainien #Ukraine, CALIFORNIA, [Dd]evise#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Ukrainisch #Ukraine, CALIFORNIA, Währung#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Root
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=racine
+disp_locale=de : display_name=[Rr]oot
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Ukrainian #[Cc]urrency=EURO#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=ukrainien #[Dd]evise=EURO#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Ukrainisch #Währung=EURO#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=hindi
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=hindi
+disp_locale=de : display_name=hindi
+disp_locale=en : display_name=German
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=allemand
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Deutsch
+disp_locale=en : display_name=French
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=français
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Französisch
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Japanese
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=japonais
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Japanisch
+disp_locale=en : display_name=i-enochian #Private-Use=i-enochian#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=i-enochian #Usage privé=i-enochian#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=i-enochian #Privatnutzung=i-enochian#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Chinese #Traditional#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=chinois #traditionnel#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Chinesisch #Traditionell#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Chinese #Simplified#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=chinois #simplifié#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Chinesisch #Vereinfacht#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Serbian #Cyrillic#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=serbe #cyrillique#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Serbisch #Kyrillisch#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Serbian #Latin#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=serbe #latin#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Serbisch #Lateinisch#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Chinese #Simplified, China#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=chinois #simplifié, Chine#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Chinesisch #Vereinfacht, China#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Serbian #Latin, Serbia#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=serbe #latin, Serbie#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Serbisch #Lateinisch, Serbien#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Slovenian #Resian#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=slovène #dialecte de Resia#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Slowenisch( #(ROZAJ|Resianisch)#)?
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Slovenian #Natisone dialect#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=slovène #dialecte de Natisone#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Slowenisch #Natisone-Dialekt#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=German #Switzerland, Traditional German orthography#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=allemand #Suisse, orthographe allemande traditionnelle#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Deutsch #Schweiz, (1901|[aA]lte deutsche Rechtschreibung)#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Slovenian #Italy, Natisone dialect#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=slovène #Italie, dialecte de Natisone#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Slowenisch #Italien, (NEDIS|Natisone-Dialekt)#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Slovenian #Latin, Italy, Natisone dialect#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=slovène #latin, Italie, dialecte de Natisone#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Slowenisch #Lateinisch, Italien, (NEDIS|Natisone-Dialekt)#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=German #Germany#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=allemand #Allemagne#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Deutsch #Deutschland#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=English #United States#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=anglais #États-Unis#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Englisch #Vereinigte Staaten#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Spanish #Latin America#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=espagnol #Amérique latine#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Spanisch #Lateinamerika#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=German #Switzerland, Private-Use=phonebk#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=allemand #Suisse, Usage privé=phonebk#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Deutsch #Schweiz, Privatnutzung=phonebk#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Azerbaijani #Arabic, Private-Use=aze-derbend#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=azéri #arabe, Usage privé=aze-derbend#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Aserbaidschanisch #Arabisch, Privatnutzung=aze-derbend#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Chinese #MIN#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=chinois #MIN#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Chinesisch #MIN#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Chinese #MIN, NAN_HANT_CN#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=chinois #MIN, NAN_HANT_CN#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Chinesisch #MIN, NAN_HANT_CN#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=x-whatever #Private-Use=whatever#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=x-whatever #Usage privé=whatever#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=x-whatever #Privatnutzung=whatever#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=qaa #Qaaa, QM, Private-Use=southern#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=qaa #Qaaa, QM, Usage privé=southern#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=qaa #Qaaa, QM, Privatnutzung=southern#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Serbian #Latin, QM#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=serbe #latin, QM#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Serbisch #Lateinisch, QM#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Serbian #Qaaa, Serbia#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=serbe #Qaaa, Serbie#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Serbisch #Qaaa, Serbien#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=English #United States, attribute=islamcal#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=anglais #États-Unis, attribute=islamcal#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Englisch #Vereinigte Staaten, attribute=islamcal#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Chinese #China, a=myext, Private-Use=private#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=chinois #Chine, a=myext, Usage privé=private#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Chinesisch #China, a=myext, Privatnutzung=private#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=English #a=myext, b=another#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=anglais #a=myext, b=another#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Englisch #a=myext, b=another#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=German #Latin America, DE#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=allemand #Amérique latine, DE#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Deutsch #Lateinamerika, DE#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=a #Germany#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=a #Allemagne#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=a #Deutschland#
+disp_locale=en : display_name=Arabic #a=aaa, b=bbb#
+disp_locale=fr : display_name=arabe #a=aaa, b=bbb#
+disp_locale=de : display_name=Arabisch #a=aaa, b=bbb#
--- /dev/null
+locale_get_display_region() icu >= 51.2
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Try getting the display_region for different locales
+ * with Procedural and Object methods.
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ $res_str = '';
+ $disp_locales=array('en','fr','de');
+ $locales = array(
+ 'uk-ua_CALIFORNIA@currency=;currency=GRN',
+ 'root',
+ 'uk@currency=EURO',
+ 'Hindi',
+//Simple language subtag
+ 'de',
+ 'fr',
+ 'ja',
+ 'i-enochian', //(example of a grandfathered tag)
+//Language subtag plus Script subtag:
+ 'zh-Hant',
+ 'zh-Hans',
+ 'sr-Cyrl',
+ 'sr-Latn',
+ 'zh-Hans-CN',
+ 'sr-Latn-CS',
+ 'sl-rozaj',
+ 'sl-nedis',
+ 'de-CH-1901',
+ 'sl-IT-nedis',
+ 'sl-Latn-IT-nedis',
+ 'de-DE',
+ 'en-US',
+ 'es-419',
+//Private use subtags:
+ 'de-CH-x-phonebk',
+ 'az-Arab-x-AZE-derbend',
+//Extended language subtags
+ 'zh-min',
+ 'zh-min-nan-Hant-CN',
+//Private use registry values
+ 'x-whatever',
+ 'qaa-Qaaa-QM-x-southern',
+ 'sr-Latn-QM',
+ 'sr-Qaaa-CS',
+/*Tags that use extensions (examples ONLY: extensions MUST be defined
+ by revision or update to this document or by RFC): */
+ 'en-US-u-islamCal',
+ 'zh-CN-a-myExt-x-private',
+ 'en-a-myExt-b-another',
+//Some Invalid Tags:
+ 'de-419-DE',
+ 'a-DE',
+ 'ar-a-aaa-b-bbb-a-ccc'
+ );
+ $res_str = '';
+ foreach( $locales as $locale )
+ {
+ $res_str .= "locale='$locale'\n";
+ foreach( $disp_locales as $disp_locale )
+ {
+ $scr = ut_loc_get_display_region( $locale ,$disp_locale );
+ $res_str .= "disp_locale=$disp_locale : display_region=$scr";
+ $res_str .= "\n";
+ }
+ $res_str .= "-----------------\n";
+ }
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Ukraine
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Ukraine
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Ukraine
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=China
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Chine
+disp_locale=de : display_region=China
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Serbia
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Serbie
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Serbien
+disp_locale=en : display_region=(ROZAJ)?
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=(ROZAJ)?
+disp_locale=de : display_region=(ROZAJ)?
+disp_locale=en : display_region=(NEDIS)?
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=(NEDIS)?
+disp_locale=de : display_region=(NEDIS)?
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Switzerland
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Suisse
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Schweiz
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Italy
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Italie
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Italien
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Italy
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Italie
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Italien
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Germany
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Allemagne
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Deutschland
+disp_locale=en : display_region=United States
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=États-Unis
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Vereinigte Staaten
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Latin America
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Amérique latine
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Lateinamerika
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Switzerland
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Suisse
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Schweiz
+disp_locale=en : display_region=X?
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=X?
+disp_locale=de : display_region=X?
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=MIN
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=MIN
+disp_locale=de : display_region=MIN
+disp_locale=en : display_region=
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=
+disp_locale=de : display_region=
+disp_locale=en : display_region=QM
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=QM
+disp_locale=de : display_region=QM
+disp_locale=en : display_region=QM
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=QM
+disp_locale=de : display_region=QM
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Serbia
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Serbie
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Serbien
+disp_locale=en : display_region=United States
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=États-Unis
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Vereinigte Staaten
+disp_locale=en : display_region=China
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Chine
+disp_locale=de : display_region=China
+disp_locale=en : display_region=A?
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=A?
+disp_locale=de : display_region=A?
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Latin America
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Amérique latine
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Lateinamerika
+disp_locale=en : display_region=Germany
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=Allemagne
+disp_locale=de : display_region=Deutschland
+disp_locale=en : display_region=A?
+disp_locale=fr : display_region=A?
+disp_locale=de : display_region=A?
--- /dev/null
+<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ * Try parsing different Locales
+ * with Procedural and Object methods.
+ */
+function ut_main()
+ $loc_ranges = array(
+ 'de-de',
+ 'sl_IT',
+ 'sl_IT_Nedis',
+ 'jbo',
+ 'art-lojban'
+ );
+ $lang_tags = array(
+ 'de-DEVA',
+ 'de-DE-1996',
+ 'de-DE',
+ 'zh_Hans',
+ 'de-CH-1996',
+ 'sl_IT',
+ 'sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz',
+ 'sl_IT_rozaj',
+ 'sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901',
+ 'i-enochian',
+ 'sgn-CH-de',
+ 'art-lojban',
+ 'i-lux',
+ 'art-lojban',
+ 'jbo',
+ 'en_sl_IT',
+ 'zh-Hant-CN-x-prv1-prv2'
+ );
+ $res_str = '';
+ $isCanonical = false;
+ foreach($loc_ranges as $loc_range){
+ $res_str .="--------------\n";
+ $result= ut_loc_locale_lookup( $lang_tags , $loc_range,$isCanonical,"en_US");
+ $comma_arr =implode(",",$lang_tags);
+ $res_str .= "loc_range:$loc_range \nlang_tags: $comma_arr\n";
+ $res_str .= "\nlookup result:$result\n";
+//canonicalized version
+ $result= ut_loc_locale_lookup( $lang_tags , $loc_range,!($isCanonical),"en_US");
+ $can_loc_range = ut_loc_canonicalize($loc_range);
+ $res_str .= "Canonical lookup result:$result\n";
+ }
+ $res_str .= "\n";
+ return $res_str;
+include_once( 'ut_common.inc' );
+lang_tags: de-DEVA,de-DE-1996,de-DE,zh_Hans,de-CH-1996,sl_IT,sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz,sl_IT_rozaj,sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901,i-enochian,sgn-CH-de,art-lojban,i-lux,art-lojban,jbo,en_sl_IT,zh-Hant-CN-x-prv1-prv2
+lookup result:de-DE
+Canonical lookup result:de_de
+lang_tags: de-DEVA,de-DE-1996,de-DE,zh_Hans,de-CH-1996,sl_IT,sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz,sl_IT_rozaj,sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901,i-enochian,sgn-CH-de,art-lojban,i-lux,art-lojban,jbo,en_sl_IT,zh-Hant-CN-x-prv1-prv2
+lookup result:sl_IT
+Canonical lookup result:sl_it
+lang_tags: de-DEVA,de-DE-1996,de-DE,zh_Hans,de-CH-1996,sl_IT,sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz,sl_IT_rozaj,sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901,i-enochian,sgn-CH-de,art-lojban,i-lux,art-lojban,jbo,en_sl_IT,zh-Hant-CN-x-prv1-prv2
+lookup result:sl_IT
+Canonical lookup result:sl_it
+lang_tags: de-DEVA,de-DE-1996,de-DE,zh_Hans,de-CH-1996,sl_IT,sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz,sl_IT_rozaj,sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901,i-enochian,sgn-CH-de,art-lojban,i-lux,art-lojban,jbo,en_sl_IT,zh-Hant-CN-x-prv1-prv2
+lookup result:jbo
+Canonical lookup result:jbo
+lang_tags: de-DEVA,de-DE-1996,de-DE,zh_Hans,de-CH-1996,sl_IT,sl_IT_nedis-a-kirti-x-xyz,sl_IT_rozaj,sl_IT_NEDIS_ROJAZ_1901,i-enochian,sgn-CH-de,art-lojban,i-lux,art-lojban,jbo,en_sl_IT,zh-Hant-CN-x-prv1-prv2
+lookup result:art-lojban
+Canonical lookup result:art__lojban
--- /dev/null
+MessageFormat accepts IntlCalendar args
+if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+//ini_set("intl.default_locale", "nl");
+ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Lisbon');
+$cal = new IntlGregorianCalendar(2012,04,17,17,35,36);
+$msgf = new MessageFormatter('pt_PT', '{0,date,full} {0,time,h:m:s a V}');
+echo $msgf->format(array($cal)), "\n";
+/*$msgf = new MessageFormatter('en_US',
+'{1, select, date {{0,date,full}} other {{0,time,h:m:s a V}}}');
+echo "msgf2: ", $msgf->format(array($time, 'date')), " ",
+ $msgf->format(array($time, 'time')), "\n";
+Quinta-feira, 17 de Maio de 2012 5:35:36 PM ptlis
--- /dev/null
+ResourceBundle constructor bundle accepts NULL for first two arguments
+if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+$r = new ResourceBundle('en_US', NULL);
+$c = $r->get('calendar')->get('gregorian')->get('DateTimePatterns')->get(0);
+ini_set('intl.default_locale', 'pt_PT');
+$r = new ResourceBundle(NULL, NULL);
+$c = $r->get('calendar')->get('gregorian')->get('DateTimePatterns')->get(0);
+string(14) "h:mm:ss a zzzz"
+string(13) "HH:mm:ss zzzz"
--- /dev/null
+IntlTimeZone::getDisplayName(): type parameter (ICU >= 51.2)
+<?php if (!extension_loaded('intl')) die('skip intl extension not enabled'); ?>
+<?php if (version_compare(INTL_ICU_VERSION, '51.2') < 0) die('skip for ICU >= 51.2'); ?>
+ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
+ini_set("error_reporting", -1);
+ini_set("display_errors", 1);
+$lsb = IntlTimeZone::createTimeZone('Europe/Lisbon');
+ini_set('intl.default_locale', 'en_US');
+var_dump($lsb->getDisplayName(false, IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_SHORT));
+var_dump($lsb->getDisplayName(false, IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_LONG));
+var_dump($lsb->getDisplayName(false, IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_SHORT_GENERIC));
+var_dump($lsb->getDisplayName(false, IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_LONG_GENERIC));
+var_dump($lsb->getDisplayName(false, IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_SHORT_GMT));
+var_dump($lsb->getDisplayName(false, IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_LONG_GMT));
+var_dump($lsb->getDisplayName(false, IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_SHORT_COMMONLY_USED));
+var_dump($lsb->getDisplayName(false, IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_GENERIC_LOCATION));
+string(3) "GMT"
+string(30) "Western European Standard Time"
+string(13) "Portugal Time"
+string(21) "Western European Time"
+string(5) "+0000"
+string(3) "GMT"
+string(3) "GMT"
+string(13) "Portugal Time"