// # like ruby's upcase - only characters a to z are affected
"def ascii_upcase:"
" explode | map( if 97 <= . and . <= 122 then . - 32 else . end) | implode;",
+ // # Assuming the input array is sorted, bsearch/1 returns
+ // # the index of the target if the target is in the input array; and otherwise
+ // # (-1 - ix), where ix is the insertion point that would leave the array sorted.
+ // # If the input is not sorted, bsearch will terminate but with irrelevant results.
+ "def bsearch(target):"
+ " if length == 0 then -1"
+ " elif length == 1 then"
+ " if target == .[0] then 0 elif target < .[0] then -1 else -2 end"
+ " else . as $in"
+ "" // # state variable: [start, end, answer]
+ "" // # where start and end are the upper and lower offsets to use.
+ " | last( [0, length-1, null]"
+ " | while( .[0] <= .[1] ;"
+ " (if .[2] != null then (.[1] = -1)" // # i.e. break
+ " else"
+ " ( ( (.[1] + .[0]) / 2 ) | floor ) as $mid"
+ " | $in[$mid] as $monkey"
+ " | if $monkey == target then (.[2] = $mid)" // # success
+ " elif .[0] == .[1] then (.[1] = -1)" // # failure
+ " elif $monkey < target then (.[0] = ($mid + 1))"
+ " else (.[1] = ($mid - 1))"
+ " end"
+ " end )))"
+ " | if .[2] == null then" // # compute the insertion point
+ " if $in[ .[0] ] < target then (-2 -.[0])"
+ " else (-1 -.[0])"
+ " end"
+ " else .[2]"
+ " end"
+ " end;",
#undef LIBM_DD
output: ['[1,2],[null,3]']
+ - title: "`bsearch(x)`"
+ body: |
+ bsearch(x) conducts a binary search for x in the input
+ array. If the input is sorted and contains x, then
+ bsearch(x) will return its index in the array; otherwise, if
+ the array is sorted, it will return (-1 - ix) where ix is an
+ insertion point such that the array would still be sorted
+ after the insertion of x at ix. If the array is not sorted,
+ bsearch(x) will return an integer that is probably of no
+ interest.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'bsearch(0)'
+ input: '[0,1]'
+ output: ['0']
+ - program: 'bsearch(0)'
+ input: '[1,2,3]'
+ output: ['-1']
+ - program: 'bsearch(4) as $ix | if $ix < 0 then .[-(1+$ix)] = 4 else . end'
+ input: '[1,2,3]'
+ output: ['[1,2,3,4]']
- title: "String interpolation - `\\(foo)`"
body: |