-void Sema::ActOnImplMethodsVsClassMethods(DeclTy* ImplClassDecl,
- DeclTy* ClassDecl) {
- ObjcImplementationDecl* IMPDecl =
- cast<ObjcImplementationDecl>(static_cast<Decl*>(ImplClassDecl));
- assert(IMPDecl && "missing implmentation class decl");
- ObjcInterfaceDecl* IDecl =
- cast<ObjcInterfaceDecl>(static_cast<Decl*>(ClassDecl));
- assert(IDecl && "missing interface class decl");
+/// CheckProtocolMethodDefs - This routine checks unimpletented methods
+/// Declared in protocol, and those referenced by it.
+static void CheckProtocolMethodDefs(Sema* objSema, ObjcProtocolDecl *PDecl,
+ const llvm::DenseMap<const SelectorInfo*, char>& InsMap,
+ const llvm::DenseMap<const SelectorInfo*, char>& ClsMap) {
+ // check unimplemented instance methods.
+ ObjcMethodDecl** methods = PDecl->getInsMethods();
+ for (int j = 0; j < PDecl->getNumInsMethods(); j++)
+ if (!InsMap.count(methods[j]->getSelector())) {
+ llvm::SmallString<128> buf;
+ objSema->Diag(methods[j]->getLocation(), diag::warn_undef_method_impl,
+ methods[j]->getSelector()->getName(buf));
+ }
+ // check unimplemented class methods
+ methods = PDecl->getClsMethods();
+ for (int j = 0; j < PDecl->getNumClsMethods(); j++)
+ if (!ClsMap.count(methods[j]->getSelector())) {
+ llvm::SmallString<128> buf;
+ objSema->Diag(methods[j]->getLocation(), diag::warn_undef_method_impl,
+ methods[j]->getSelector()->getName(buf));
+ }
- llvm::DenseMap<const SelectorInfo*, char> Map;
+ // Check on this protocols's referenced protocols, recursively
+ ObjcProtocolDecl** RefPDecl = PDecl->getReferencedProtocols();
+ for (int i = 0; i < PDecl->getNumReferencedProtocols(); i++)
+ CheckProtocolMethodDefs(objSema, RefPDecl[i], InsMap, ClsMap);
+static void ImplMethodsVsClassMethods(Sema* objSema,
+ ObjcImplementationDecl* IMPDecl,
+ ObjcInterfaceDecl* IDecl) {
+ llvm::DenseMap<const SelectorInfo*, char> InsMap;
// Check and see if instance methods in class interface have been
// implemented in the implementation class.
ObjcMethodDecl **methods = IMPDecl->getInsMethods();
for (int i=0; i < IMPDecl->getNumInsMethods(); i++) {
- Map[methods[i]->getSelector()] = 'a';
+ InsMap[methods[i]->getSelector()] = 'a';
methods = IDecl->getInsMethods();
for (int j = 0; j < IDecl->getNumInsMethods(); j++)
- if (!Map.count(methods[j]->getSelector())) {
+ if (!InsMap.count(methods[j]->getSelector())) {
llvm::SmallString<128> buf;
- Diag(methods[j]->getLocation(), diag::warn_undef_method_impl,
- methods[j]->getSelector()->getName(buf));
+ objSema->Diag(methods[j]->getLocation(), diag::warn_undef_method_impl,
+ methods[j]->getSelector()->getName(buf));
- Map.clear();
+ llvm::DenseMap<const SelectorInfo*, char> ClsMap;
// Check and see if class methods in class interface have been
// implemented in the implementation class.
methods = IMPDecl->getClsMethods();
for (int i=0; i < IMPDecl->getNumClsMethods(); i++) {
- Map[methods[i]->getSelector()] = 'a';
+ ClsMap[methods[i]->getSelector()] = 'a';
methods = IDecl->getClsMethods();
for (int j = 0; j < IDecl->getNumClsMethods(); j++)
- if (!Map.count(methods[j]->getSelector())) {
+ if (!ClsMap.count(methods[j]->getSelector())) {
llvm::SmallString<128> buf;
- Diag(methods[j]->getLocation(), diag::warn_undef_method_impl,
- methods[j]->getSelector()->getName(buf));
+ objSema->Diag(methods[j]->getLocation(), diag::warn_undef_method_impl,
+ methods[j]->getSelector()->getName(buf));
+ // Check the protocol list for unimplemented methods in the @implementation
+ // class.
+ ObjcProtocolDecl** protocols = IDecl->getIntfRefProtocols();
+ for (int i = 0; i < IDecl->getNumIntfRefProtocols(); i++) {
+ ObjcProtocolDecl* PDecl = protocols[i];
+ CheckProtocolMethodDefs(objSema, PDecl, InsMap, ClsMap);
+ }
ObjcInterfaceDecl* IDecl =
if (IDecl)
- ActOnImplMethodsVsClassMethods(ImplClass, IDecl);
+ ImplMethodsVsClassMethods(this, ImplClass, IDecl);
assert(0 && "Sema::ObjcAddMethodsToClass(): Unknown DeclTy");