SERVER_NAME=xxx GV_FILE_PATH="images/" dot -Tpng -o x.png x.dot
+Indicates which directory contains the Graphviz config file and
+plug-in libraries. If it is defined, the value overrides any other
+mechanism for finding this directory. If Graphviz is properly installed,
+it should not be needed, though it can be useful for relocation on
+platforms not running Linux or Windows.
SERVER_NAME=xxx GV_FILE_PATH="images/" dot -Tpng -o x.png x.dot
+Indicates which directory contains the Graphviz config file and
+plug-in libraries. If it is defined, the value overrides any other
+mechanism for finding this directory. If Graphviz is properly installed,
+it should not be needed, though it can be useful for relocation on
+platforms not running Linux or Windows.