Problem: Regexp and other code not tested.
Solution: Add more tests. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #5904)
" Tests for 'backspace' settings
-:func Exec(expr)
+func Exec(expr)
let str=''
exec a:expr
let str=v:exception
return str
func Test_backspace_option()
set backspace=
call assert_equal("1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", printf('%b', -1))
-func Test_substitute_expr()
- let g:val = 'XXX'
- call assert_equal('XXX', substitute('yyy', 'y*', '\=g:val', ''))
- call assert_equal('XXX', substitute('yyy', 'y*', {-> g:val}, ''))
- call assert_equal("-\u1b \uf2-", substitute("-%1b %f2-", '%\(\x\x\)',
- \ '\=nr2char("0x" . submatch(1))', 'g'))
- call assert_equal("-\u1b \uf2-", substitute("-%1b %f2-", '%\(\x\x\)',
- \ {-> nr2char("0x" . submatch(1))}, 'g'))
- call assert_equal('231', substitute('123', '\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)',
- \ {-> submatch(2) . submatch(3) . submatch(1)}, ''))
- func Recurse()
- return substitute('yyy', 'y\(.\)y', {-> submatch(1)}, '')
- endfunc
- " recursive call works
- call assert_equal('-y-x-', substitute('xxx', 'x\(.\)x', {-> '-' . Recurse() . '-' . submatch(1) . '-'}, ''))
- call assert_fails("let s=submatch([])", 'E745:')
- call assert_fails("let s=submatch(2, [])", 'E745:')
-func Test_invalid_submatch()
- " This was causing invalid memory access in Vim-7.4.2232 and older
- call assert_fails("call substitute('x', '.', {-> submatch(10)}, '')", 'E935:')
-func Test_substitute_expr_arg()
- call assert_equal('123456789-123456789=', substitute('123456789',
- \ '\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)',
- \ {m -> m[0] . '-' . m[1] . m[2] . m[3] . m[4] . m[5] . m[6] . m[7] . m[8] . m[9] . '='}, ''))
- call assert_equal('123456-123456=789', substitute('123456789',
- \ '\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(a*\)\(n*\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(x*\)',
- \ {m -> m[0] . '-' . m[1] . m[2] . m[3] . m[4] . m[5] . m[6] . m[7] . m[8] . m[9] . '='}, ''))
- call assert_equal('123456789-123456789x=', substitute('123456789',
- \ '\(.\)\(.\)\(.*\)',
- \ {m -> m[0] . '-' . m[1] . m[2] . m[3] . 'x' . m[4] . m[5] . m[6] . m[7] . m[8] . m[9] . '='}, ''))
- call assert_fails("call substitute('xxx', '.', {m -> string(add(m, 'x'))}, '')", 'E742:')
- call assert_fails("call substitute('xxx', '.', {m -> string(insert(m, 'x'))}, '')", 'E742:')
- call assert_fails("call substitute('xxx', '.', {m -> string(extend(m, ['x']))}, '')", 'E742:')
- call assert_fails("call substitute('xxx', '.', {m -> string(remove(m, 1))}, '')", 'E742:')
func Test_function_with_funcref()
let s:f = function('type')
let s:fref = function(s:f)
exec "norm! \<C-A>"
call assert_equal(["b"], getline(1, '$'))
call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], getpos('.'))
+ " decrement a and A and increment z and Z
+ call setline(1, ['a', 'A', 'z', 'Z'])
+ exe "normal 1G\<C-X>2G\<C-X>3G\<C-A>4G\<C-A>"
+ call assert_equal(['a', 'A', 'z', 'Z'], getline(1, '$'))
" 21) block-wise increment on part of hexadecimal
" 1) <ctrl-a>
" 0b11111111111111111111111111111111
func Test_visual_increment_26()
- set nrformats+=alpha
+ set nrformats+=bin
call setline(1, ["0b11111111111111111111111111111110"])
exec "norm! \<C-V>$\<C-A>"
call assert_equal(["0b11111111111111111111111111111111"], getline(1, '$'))
call assert_equal([0, 1, 1, 0], getpos('.'))
- set nrformats-=alpha
+ exec "norm! \<C-V>$\<C-X>"
+ call assert_equal(["0b11111111111111111111111111111110"], getline(1, '$'))
+ set nrformats-=bin
" 27) increment with 'rightreft', if supported
func Test_increment_empty_line()
- new
call setline(1, ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', ''])
exe "normal Gvgg\<C-A>"
call assert_equal(['1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', ''], getline(1, 7))
exe "normal! c\<C-A>l"
exe "normal! c\<C-X>l"
call assert_equal('one two', getline(1))
- bwipe!
+" Try incrementing/decrementing a non-digit/alpha character
+func Test_increment_special_char()
+ call setline(1, '!')
+ call assert_beeps("normal \<C-A>")
+ call assert_beeps("normal \<C-X>")
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
:j 10
call assert_equal('100', getline('.'))
+ call assert_beeps('normal GVJ')
" clean up
+" basic filter test
func Test_normal04_filter()
- " basic filter test
" only test on non windows platform
- if has('win32')
- return
- endif
+ CheckNotMSWindows
call Setup_NewWindow()
call feedkeys("!!sed -e 's/^/| /'\n", 'tx')
set formatexpr=
+" basic test for formatprg
func Test_normal06_formatprg()
- " basic test for formatprg
" only test on non windows platform
- if has('win32')
- return
- endif
+ CheckNotMSWindows
" uses sed to number non-empty lines
call writefile(['#!/bin/sh', 'sed ''/./=''|sed ''/./{', 'N', 's/\n/ /', '}'''], '')
set formatprg=./
norm! gggqG
call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- bw!
+ %d
- 10new
call setline(1, text)
set formatprg=donothing
setlocal formatprg=./
norm! gggqG
call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
- bw!
+ %d
+ " Check for the command-line ranges added to 'formatprg'
+ set formatprg=cat
+ call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'])
+ call feedkeys('gggqG', 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('.,$!cat', @:)
+ call feedkeys('2Ggq2j', 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('.,.+2!cat', @:)
+ bw!
" clean up
set formatprg=
setlocal formatprg=
call setline(1, list)
set tw=12
- norm! gggqG
+ norm! ggVGgq
call assert_equal(['1 2 3', '4 5 6', '7 8 9', '10 11 '], getline(1, '$'))
" clean up
set tw=0
+" basic tests for foldopen/folddelete
func Test_normal08_fold()
- " basic tests for foldopen/folddelete
- if !has("folding")
- return
- endif
+ CheckFeature folding
call Setup_NewWindow()
setl foldenable fdm=marker
+" basic tests for foldopen/folddelete
func Test_normal18_z_fold()
- " basic tests for foldopen/folddelete
- if !has("folding")
- return
- endif
+ CheckFeature folding
call Setup_NewWindow()
setl foldenable fdm=marker foldlevel=5
func Test_normal20_exmode()
- if !has("unix")
- " Reading from redirected file doesn't work on MS-Windows
- return
- endif
+ " Reading from redirected file doesn't work on MS-Windows
+ CheckNotMSWindows
call writefile(['1a', 'foo', 'bar', '.', 'w! Xfile2', 'q!'], 'Xscript')
call writefile(['1', '2'], 'Xfile')
call system(GetVimCommand() .. ' -e -s < Xscript Xfile')
" r command should fail in operator pending mode
call assert_beeps('normal! cr')
+ " replace a tab character in visual mode
+ %d
+ call setline(1, ["a\tb", "c\td", "e\tf"])
+ normal gglvjjrx
+ call assert_equal(['axx', 'xxx', 'xxf'], getline(1, '$'))
" clean up
set noautoindent
" Test for g`, g;, g,, g&, gv, gk, gj, gJ, g0, g^, g_, gm, g$, gM, g CTRL-G,
" gi and gI commands
func Test_normal33_g_cmd2()
- if !has("jumplist")
- return
- endif
+ CheckFeature jumplist
call Setup_NewWindow()
" Test for g`
func Test_normal50_commandline()
- if !has("timers") || !has("cmdline_hist")
- return
- endif
+ CheckFeature timers
+ CheckFeature cmdline_hist
func! DoTimerWork(id)
call assert_equal('[Command Line]', bufname(''))
" should fail, with E11, but does fail with E23?
func Test_normal51_FileChangedRO()
- if !has("autocmd")
- return
- endif
+ CheckFeature autocmd
" Don't sleep after the warning message.
call test_settime(1)
call writefile(['foo'], 'Xreadonly.log')
func Test_normal52_rl()
- if !has("rightleft")
- return
- endif
+ CheckFeature rightleft
call setline(1, 'abcde fghij klmnopq')
norm! 1gg$
func Test_normal53_digraph()
- if !has('digraphs')
- return
- endif
+ CheckFeature digraphs
call setline(1, 'abcdefgh|')
exe "norm! 1gg0f\<c-k>!!"
+" Tests for g cmds
func Test_normal_gdollar_cmd()
- if !has("jumplist")
- return
- endif
- " Tests for g cmds
+ CheckFeature jumplist
call Setup_NewWindow()
" Make long lines that will wrap
%s/$/\=repeat(' foobar', 10)/
+" Test for d and D commands
+func Test_normal_delete_cmd()
+ new
+ " D in an empty line
+ call setline(1, '')
+ normal D
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ " D in an empty line in virtualedit mode
+ set virtualedit=all
+ normal D
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ set virtualedit&
+ " delete to a readonly register
+ call setline(1, ['abcd'])
+ call assert_beeps('normal ":d2l')
+ close!
+" Test for the 'E' flag in 'cpo' with yank, change, delete, etc. operators
+func Test_empty_region_error()
+ new
+ call setline(1, '')
+ set cpo+=E
+ " yank an empty line
+ call assert_beeps('normal "ayl')
+ " change an empty line
+ call assert_beeps('normal lcTa')
+ " delete an empty line
+ call assert_beeps('normal D')
+ call assert_beeps('normal dl')
+ call assert_equal('', getline(1))
+ " change case of an empty line
+ call assert_beeps('normal gul')
+ call assert_beeps('normal gUl')
+ " replace a character
+ call assert_beeps('normal vrx')
+ " increment and decrement
+ call assert_beeps('exe "normal v\<C-A>"')
+ call assert_beeps('exe "normal v\<C-X>"')
+ set cpo-=E
+ close!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
set whichwrap=h,h,h
call assert_equal('h', &whichwrap)
+ " For compatibility with Vim 3.0 and before, number values are also
+ " supported for 'whichwrap'
+ set whichwrap=1
+ call assert_equal('b', &whichwrap)
+ set whichwrap=2
+ call assert_equal('s', &whichwrap)
+ set whichwrap=4
+ call assert_equal('h,l', &whichwrap)
+ set whichwrap=8
+ call assert_equal('<,>', &whichwrap)
+ set whichwrap=16
+ call assert_equal('[,]', &whichwrap)
+ set whichwrap=31
+ call assert_equal('b,s,h,l,<,>,[,]', &whichwrap)
set whichwrap&
" close option-window
+ " Open the options window browse
+ if has('browse')
+ browse set
+ call assert_equal('option-window', bufname(''))
+ close
+ endif
func Test_path_keep_commas()
call assert_fails('set winminwidth=10 winwidth=9', 'E592:')
call assert_fails("set showbreak=\x01", 'E595:')
call assert_fails('set t_foo=', 'E846:')
+ call assert_fails('set tabstop??', 'E488:')
+ call assert_fails('set wrapscan!!', 'E488:')
+ call assert_fails('set tabstop&&', 'E488:')
+ call assert_fails('set wrapscan<<', 'E488:')
+ call assert_fails('set wrapscan=1', 'E474:')
+ call assert_fails('set autoindent@', 'E488:')
+ call assert_fails('set wildchar=<abc>', 'E474:')
+ call assert_fails('set cmdheight=1a', 'E521:')
+ if has('python') && has('python3')
+ call assert_fails('set pyxversion=6', 'E474:')
+ endif
func CheckWasSet(name)
set debug&
+" Test for the default CDPATH option
+func Test_opt_default_cdpath()
+ CheckFeature file_in_path
+ let after =<< trim [CODE]
+ call assert_equal(',/path/to/dir1,/path/to/dir2', &cdpath)
+ call writefile(v:errors, 'Xtestout')
+ qall
+ [CODE]
+ if has('unix')
+ let $CDPATH='/path/to/dir1:/path/to/dir2'
+ else
+ let $CDPATH='/path/to/dir1;/path/to/dir2'
+ endif
+ if RunVim([], after, '')
+ call assert_equal([], readfile('Xtestout'))
+ call delete('Xtestout')
+ endif
+" Test for setting keycodes using set
+func Test_opt_set_keycode()
+ call assert_fails('set <t_k1=l', 'E474:')
+ call assert_fails('set <Home=l', 'E474:')
+ set <t_k9>=abcd
+ call assert_equal('abcd', &t_k9)
+ set <t_k9>&
+ set <F9>=xyz
+ call assert_equal('xyz', &t_k9)
+ set <t_k9>&
+" Test for changing options in a sandbox
+func Test_opt_sandbox()
+ for opt in ['backupdir', 'cdpath', 'exrc']
+ call assert_fails('sandbox set ' .. opt .. '?', 'E48:')
+ endfor
+" Test for setting an option with local value to global value
+func Test_opt_local_to_global()
+ setglobal equalprg=gprg
+ setlocal equalprg=lprg
+ call assert_equal('gprg', &g:equalprg)
+ call assert_equal('lprg', &l:equalprg)
+ call assert_equal('lprg', &equalprg)
+ set equalprg<
+ call assert_equal('', &l:equalprg)
+ call assert_equal('gprg', &equalprg)
+ setglobal equalprg=gnewprg
+ setlocal equalprg=lnewprg
+ setlocal equalprg<
+ call assert_equal('gnewprg', &l:equalprg)
+ call assert_equal('gnewprg', &equalprg)
+ set equalprg&
+" Test for incrementing, decrementing and multiplying a number option value
+func Test_opt_num_op()
+ set shiftwidth=4
+ set sw+=2
+ call assert_equal(6, &sw)
+ set sw-=2
+ call assert_equal(4, &sw)
+ set sw^=2
+ call assert_equal(8, &sw)
+ set shiftwidth&
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
call add(tl, [2, 'c*', 'abdef', ''])
call add(tl, [2, 'bc\+', 'abccccdef', 'bcccc'])
call add(tl, [2, 'bc\+', 'abdef']) " no match
+ " match escape character in a string
+ call add(tl, [2, '.\e.', "one\<Esc>two", "e\<Esc>t"])
+ " match backspace character in a string
+ call add(tl, [2, '.\b.', "one\<C-H>two", "e\<C-H>t"])
" match newline character in a string
call add(tl, [2, 'o\nb', "foo\nbar", "o\nb"])
call assert_fails("call matchlist('x x', '\\%#=2 \\zs*')", 'E888:')
call assert_fails("call matchlist('x x', '\\%#=2 \\ze*')", 'E888:')
call assert_fails('exe "normal /\\%#=1\\%[x\\%[x]]\<CR>"', 'E369:')
+ call assert_fails("call matchstr('abcd', '\\%o841\\%o142')", 'E678:')
+ call assert_equal('', matchstr('abcd', '\%o181\%o142'))
" Test for using the last substitute string pattern (~)
call assert_fails("call search('\\%#=3ab')", 'E864:')
+" Test for searching a very complex pattern in a string. Should switch the
+" regexp engine from NFA to the old engine.
+func Test_regexp_switch_engine()
+ let l = readfile('samples/re.freeze.txt')
+ let v = substitute(l[4], '..\@<!', '', '')
+ call assert_equal(l[4], v)
+" Test for the \%V atom to search within visually selected text
+func Test_search_in_visual_area()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['foo bar1', 'foo bar2', 'foo bar3', 'foo bar4'])
+ exe "normal 2GVjo/\\%Vbar\<CR>\<Esc>"
+ call assert_equal([2, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ exe "normal 2GVj$?\\%Vbar\<CR>\<Esc>"
+ call assert_equal([3, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ close!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
call assert_equal("x\<C-M>x", substitute('xXx', 'X', "\r", ''))
call assert_equal("YyyY", substitute('Y', 'Y', '\L\uyYy\l\EY', ''))
call assert_equal("zZZz", substitute('Z', 'Z', '\U\lZzZ\u\Ez', ''))
+ " \v or \V after $
+ call assert_equal('abxx', substitute('abcd', 'xy$\v|cd$', 'xx', ''))
+ call assert_equal('abxx', substitute('abcd', 'xy$\V\|cd\$', 'xx', ''))
func Test_sub_replace_2()
func Test_substitute()
call assert_equal('a1a2a3a', substitute('123', '\zs', 'a', 'g'))
+ " Substitute with special keys
+ call assert_equal("a\<End>c", substitute('abc', "a.c", "a\<End>c", ''))
+func Test_substitute_expr()
+ let g:val = 'XXX'
+ call assert_equal('XXX', substitute('yyy', 'y*', '\=g:val', ''))
+ call assert_equal('XXX', substitute('yyy', 'y*', {-> g:val}, ''))
+ call assert_equal("-\u1b \uf2-", substitute("-%1b %f2-", '%\(\x\x\)',
+ \ '\=nr2char("0x" . submatch(1))', 'g'))
+ call assert_equal("-\u1b \uf2-", substitute("-%1b %f2-", '%\(\x\x\)',
+ \ {-> nr2char("0x" . submatch(1))}, 'g'))
+ call assert_equal('231', substitute('123', '\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)',
+ \ {-> submatch(2) . submatch(3) . submatch(1)}, ''))
+ func Recurse()
+ return substitute('yyy', 'y\(.\)y', {-> submatch(1)}, '')
+ endfunc
+ " recursive call works
+ call assert_equal('-y-x-', substitute('xxx', 'x\(.\)x', {-> '-' . Recurse() . '-' . submatch(1) . '-'}, ''))
+ call assert_fails("let s=submatch([])", 'E745:')
+ call assert_fails("let s=submatch(2, [])", 'E745:')
+func Test_invalid_submatch()
+ " This was causing invalid memory access in Vim-7.4.2232 and older
+ call assert_fails("call substitute('x', '.', {-> submatch(10)}, '')", 'E935:')
+ call assert_fails('eval submatch(-1)', 'E935:')
+ call assert_equal('', submatch(0))
+ call assert_equal('', submatch(1))
+ call assert_equal([], submatch(0, 1))
+ call assert_equal([], submatch(1, 1))
+func Test_substitute_expr_arg()
+ call assert_equal('123456789-123456789=', substitute('123456789',
+ \ '\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)',
+ \ {m -> m[0] . '-' . m[1] . m[2] . m[3] . m[4] . m[5] . m[6] . m[7] . m[8] . m[9] . '='}, ''))
+ call assert_equal('123456-123456=789', substitute('123456789',
+ \ '\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(a*\)\(n*\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(x*\)',
+ \ {m -> m[0] . '-' . m[1] . m[2] . m[3] . m[4] . m[5] . m[6] . m[7] . m[8] . m[9] . '='}, ''))
+ call assert_equal('123456789-123456789x=', substitute('123456789',
+ \ '\(.\)\(.\)\(.*\)',
+ \ {m -> m[0] . '-' . m[1] . m[2] . m[3] . 'x' . m[4] . m[5] . m[6] . m[7] . m[8] . m[9] . '='}, ''))
+ call assert_fails("call substitute('xxx', '.', {m -> string(add(m, 'x'))}, '')", 'E742:')
+ call assert_fails("call substitute('xxx', '.', {m -> string(insert(m, 'x'))}, '')", 'E742:')
+ call assert_fails("call substitute('xxx', '.', {m -> string(extend(m, ['x']))}, '')", 'E742:')
+ call assert_fails("call substitute('xxx', '.', {m -> string(remove(m, 1))}, '')", 'E742:')
+" Test for using a function to supply the substitute string
+func Test_substitute_using_func()
+ func Xfunc()
+ return '1234'
+ endfunc
+ call assert_equal('a1234f', substitute('abcdef', 'b..e',
+ \ function("Xfunc"), ''))
+ delfunc Xfunc
+" Test for using submatch() with a multiline match
+func Test_substitute_multiline_submatch()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['line1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4'])
+ %s/^line1\(\_.\+\)line4$/\=submatch(1)/
+ call assert_equal(['', 'line2', 'line3', ''], getline(1, '$'))
+ close!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
call assert_match('%aR[^\n]*running]', execute('ls R'))
call assert_notmatch('%[^\n]*running]', execute('ls F'))
call assert_notmatch('%[^\n]*running]', execute('ls ?'))
+ call assert_fails('set modifiable', 'E946:')
call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
call TermWait(buf)
set virtualedit=
+" Test for delete that breaks a tab into spaces
+func Test_delete_break_tab()
+ new
+ call setline(1, "one\ttwo")
+ set virtualedit=all
+ normal v3ld
+ call assert_equal(' two', getline(1))
+ set virtualedit&
+ close!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 540,