* maximum size will be. If this function is used, then it should be immediately
* followed by a WPACKET_allocate_bytes() call before any other WPACKET
* functions are called (unless the write to the allocated bytes is abandoned).
+ *
+ * For example: If we are generating a signature, then the size of that
+ * signature may not be known in advance. We can use WPACKET_reserve_bytes() to
+ * handle this:
+ *
+ * if (!WPACKET_sub_reserve_bytes_u16(&pkt, EVP_PKEY_size(pkey), &sigbytes1)
+ * || EVP_SignFinal(md_ctx, sigbytes1, &siglen, pkey) <= 0
+ * || !WPACKET_sub_allocate_bytes_u16(&pkt, siglen, &sigbytes2)
+ * || sigbytes1 != sigbytes2)
+ * goto err;
int WPACKET_reserve_bytes(WPACKET *pkt, size_t len, unsigned char **allocbytes);