]> granicus.if.org Git - zfs/commitdiff
Finish removing all non-upstream bits from master
authorBrian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
Tue, 2 Dec 2008 00:15:29 +0000 (16:15 -0800)
committerBrian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
Tue, 2 Dec 2008 00:15:29 +0000 (16:15 -0800)
21 files changed:
AUTHORS [deleted file]
ChangeLog [deleted file]
GIT [deleted file]
README [deleted file]
doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.doc [deleted file]
doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.odt [deleted file]
doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.pdf [deleted file]
doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-testing.ods [deleted file]
doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-testing.xls [deleted file]
scripts/check.sh [deleted file]
scripts/create-zpool.sh [deleted file]
scripts/load-zfs.sh [deleted file]
scripts/profile-kpios-disk.sh [deleted file]
scripts/profile-kpios-pids.sh [deleted file]
scripts/profile-kpios-post.sh [deleted file]
scripts/profile-kpios-pre.sh [deleted file]
scripts/profile-kpios.sh [deleted file]
scripts/survey.sh [deleted file]
scripts/unload-zfs.sh [deleted file]
scripts/zpios-jbod.sh [deleted file]
scripts/zpios.sh [deleted file]

diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 04ebc20..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>,
-Herb Wartens <wartens2@llnl.gov>,
-Jim Garlick <garlick@llnl.gov>,
-Ricardo M. Correia <Ricardo.M.Correia@sun.com>
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8a74328..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-2008-11-19 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * : Tag zfs-0.4.0
-       * : ZFS project migrated from Subversion which leveraged a 
-       quilt based patch stack to Git and a TopGit managed patch
-       stack.  The new method treats all patches as Git branches
-       which can be more easily shared for distributed development.
-       Consult the top level GIT file for detailed information on
-       how to properly develop for this package using Git+TopGit.
-2008-11-12 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * : Tag zfs-0.3.4
-       * zfs-07-create-dev-zfs.patch:
-       Ricardo M. Correia <Ricardo.M.Correia@sun.com>
-       - Make libzfs create /dev/zfs if it doesn't exist.
-       * zfs-05-check-zvol-size.patch:
-       Ricardo M. Correia <Ricardo.M.Correia@sun.com>
-       - Properly check zvol size under Linux.
-       * zfs-04-no-openat-fdopendir.patch:
-       Ricardo M. Correia <Ricardo.M.Correia@sun.com>
-       - Do not use openat() and fdopendir() since they are not available
-         on older systems.
-       * zfs-03-fix-bio-sync.patch:
-       Ricardo M. Correia <Ricardo.M.Correia@sun.com>
-       - Fix memory corruption in RHEL4 due to synchronous IO becoming
-         asynchronous.
-2008-11-06 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * zfs-02-zpios-fix-stuck-thread-memleak.patch:
-       Ricardo M. Correia <Ricardo.M.Correia@sun.com>
-       - Fix stuck threads and memory leaks when errors occur while writing.
-       * zfs-01-zpios-arg-corruption.patch:
-       Ricardo M. Correia <Ricardo.M.Correia@sun.com>
-       - Fix zpios cmd line argument corruption problem.
-       * zfs-00-minor-fixes.patch: 
-       Ricardo M. Correia <Ricardo.M.Correia@sun.com>
-       - Minor build system improvements
-       - Minor script improvements
-       - Create a full copy and not a link tree with quilt
-       - KPIOS_MAJOR changed from 231 to 232
-       - BIO_RW_BARRIER flag removed from IO request
-2008-06-30 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * : Tag zfs-0.3.3
-       * : Minor script updates and tweaks to be compatible with
-       the latest version of the SPL.
-2008-06-13 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * vdev_disk.diff: Replace vdev_disk implementation which was
-       based on the kmalloc'ed logical address space with a version
-       which works with vmalloc'ed memory in the virtual address space.
-       This was done to support the new SPL slab implementation which
-       is based on virtual addresses to avoid the need for contigeously
-       allocated memory.
-2008-06-05 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * arc-vm-integration.diff: Reduce maximum default arc memory 
-       usage to 1/4 of total system memory.  Because all the bulk data
-       is still allocated on the slab memory fragmentation is a serious
-       concern.  To address this in the short term we simply need to
-       leave lots of free memory.
-       * fix-stack.diff: First step towards reducing stack usage so
-       we can run the full ZFS stack using a stock kernel.
-2008-06-04 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * : Tag zfs-0.3.2
-       * : Extensive improvements to the build system to detect kernel
-       API changes so we can flexibly build with a wider range of kernel
-       versions.  The code has now been testing with the 2.6.18-32chaos
-       and kernels, however we should also be compatible
-       with other kernels in the range of 2.6.18-2.6.25.  The only
-       remaining issue preventing us from running with a stock 
-       kernel is ZFS stack usage.
-2008-05-21 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * : Tag zfs-0.3.1
-       * : License headers including URCL added for release.
-2008-05-21 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * : Tag zfs-0.3.0
-       * configure.ac: Improved autotools support and configurable debug.
-2008-05-15 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * : Updating original ZFS sources to build 89 which
-       includes the new write throttling changes plus support
-       for using ZFS as your root device.  Neither of which
-       will work exactly right without some more work but this
-       gets us much closers to the latest source.
-2008-02-28 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
-       * : First attempt based on SPL module and zfs-lustre sources
diff --git a/GIT b/GIT
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eea0b4e..0000000
--- a/GIT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-=========================== WHY USE GIT+TOPGIT? ==========================
-Three major concerns were on our mind when setting up this project.
-  o First we needed to structure the project in such a way that it would be
-    easy to rebase all of our changes on the latest official ZFS release
-    from Sun.  We absolutely need to be able to benefit from the upstream
-    improvements and not get locked in to an old version of the code base.
-  o Secondly, we wanted to be able to easily manage our changes in terms
-    of a patch stack or graph.  This allows us to easily isolate specific
-    changes and push them upstream for inclusion.  It also allows us to 
-    easily update or drop specific changes based on what occurs upstream.
-  o Thirdly we needed our DVCS to be integrated with the management of this
-    patch stack or graph.  We have tried other methods in the past such as
-    SVN+Quilt but have found managing the patch stack becomes cumbersome.
-    By using Git+TopGit to more tightly integrate our patches in to the repo
-    we expect several benefits.  One of the most important will be the
-    ability to easily work on the patch's with a distributed development
-    team, additionally the repo can track patch history, and we can utilize
-    Git to merge patches and resolve conflicts.
-TopGit is designed to specifically address these concerns by providing 
-tools to simplify the handling of large numbers of interdependent topic 
-branches.  When using a TopGit aware repo every topic branch represents
-a 'patch' and that branch references its dependent branches.  The union
-of all these branches is your final source base.
-========================= SETTING UP GIT+TOPGIT ==========================
-First off you need to install a Git package on your system.  For my
-purposes I have been working on a RHEL5 system with git version
-installed and it has been working well.  You will also need to go get
-the latest version of TopGit which likely is not packaged nicely so you
-will need to build it from source.  You can use Git to clone TopGit
-from the official site here and your all set:
-        > git clone git://repo.or.cz/w/topgit.git
-        > make
-        > make install    # Default installs to $(HOME)
-========================== TOPGIT AND ZFS ================================
-One you have Git and TopGit installed you will want to clone a copy of
-the Linux ZFS repo.  While this project does not yet have a public home
-it hopefully will some day.  In the meanwhile if you have VPN access to
-LLNL you can clone the latest official repo here.  Cloning a TopGit
-controlled repo is very similar to cloning a normal Git repo, but you
-need to remember to use 'tg remote' to populate all topic branches.
-        > git clone http://eris.llnl.gov/git/zfs.git zfs
-        > cd zfs
-        > tg remote --populate origin
-Now that you have the Linux ZFS repo the first thing you will probably 
-want to do is have a look at all the topic branches.  TopGit provides
-a summary command which shows all the branches and a brief summary for
-each branch obtained from the .topmsg files.
-        > tg summary
- 0      feature-branch                  [PATCH] feature-branch
-        feature-commit-cb               [PATCH] feature commit cb
-        feature-zap-cursor-to-key       [PATCH] feature zap cursor to key
-        ...
-By convention all TopGit branches are usually prefixed with 't/', however
-I have chosen not to do this for simplicity.  A different convention I have
-adopted is to tag the top most TopGit branch as 'top' for easy reference.
-This provides a consistent label to be used when you need to reference the
-branch which contains the union of all topic branches.
-One thing you may also notice about the 'tg summary' command is it does
-not show the branches in dependent order.  This is done because TopGit allows
-each branch to express multiple dependencies as a DAC.  Initially this seemed
-like an added complication which I planned to avoid by just implementing a
-stack using the graph.   However, this ended up being problematic because
-with a stack when a change was made to a branch near the base, it was a
-very expensive operation to merge the change up to the top of the stack.
-By defining the dependencies as a graph it is possible to keep the depth
-much shallower thus minimizing the merging.  It has also proved insightful
-as to each patches actual dependencies.
-To see the dependencies you will need to use the --graphviz option and pipe
-the result to dot for display.  The following command works fairly well for
-me.  Longer term it would be nice to update this option to use a preferred
-config options stored in the repo.
-        > tg summary --graphviz | dot -Txlib -Nfontsize=8
-========================= UPDATING A TOPIC BRANCH ========================
-Updating a topic branch in TopGit is a pretty straight forward but there
-are a few rules you need to be aware of.  The basic process involves 
-checking out the relevant topic branch where the changes need to be made,
-making the changes, committing the changes to the branch and then merging
-those changes in to dependent branches.  TopGit provides some tools to make
-this pretty easy, although it may be a little sluggish depending on how many
-dependent branches are impacted by the change.  Here is an example:
-        > git checkout modify-topic-branch  # Checkout the proper branch
-        > ...update branch...               # Update the branch
-        > git commit -a                     # Commit your changes
-        > git checkout top                  # Checkout the top branch
-        > tg update                         # Recursively merge in new branch
-Assuming you change does not introduce any conflicts your done.  All branches
-were dependent on your change will have had the changed merged in.  If your
-change introduced a conflict you will need to resolve the conflict and then
-continue on with the update.
-========================== ADDING A TOPIC BRANCH =========================
-Adding a topic branch in TopGit can be pretty straight forward.  If your 
-adding a non-conflicting patch in parallel with other patches of the same
-type, then things are pretty easy and TopGit does all the work.
-        > git co existing-topic-branch      # Checkout the branch to add after
-        > tg create new-topic-branch        # Create a new topic branch
-        > ...update .topmsg...              # Update the branch message
-        > ...create patch...                # Update with your changes
-        > git commit -a                     # Commit your changes
-        > git co dependent-topic-branch     # Checkout dependent branch
-        > tg depend add new-topic-branch    # Update dependencies 
-        > git checkout top                  # Checkout the top branch
-        > tg update                         # Recursively merge in new branch
-If you need to add your patch in series with another change things are
-a little more complicated.  In this case TopGit does not yet support removing
-dependencies so you will need to do it by hand, as follows.
-        > git co existing-topic-branch      # Checkout the branch to add after
-        > tg create new-topic-branch        # Create a new topic branch
-        > ...update .topmsg...              # Update the branch message
-        > ...create patch...                # Update with your changes
-        > git commit -a                     # Commit your changes
-        > git co dependent-topic-branch     # Checkout dependent branch
-        > ...update .topdeps...             # Manually update dependencies
-        > git commit -a                     # Commit your changes
-        > tg update                         # TopGit update
-        > git checkout top                  # Checkout the top branch
-        > tg update                         # Recursively merge in new branch
-Once your done, I find it is a good idea view the repo using the  
-'tg summary --graphviz' command and verify the updated dependency graph.
-========================= REMOVING A TOPIC BRANCH ========================
-Removing a topic branch in TopGit is also currently not very easy.  To remove
-a dependent branch the basic process is to commit a patch which reverts all
-changes on the branch.  Then that reversion must be merged in to all dependent
-branches, the dependencies manually updated and finally the branch removed.
-If the branch is not empty you will not be able to remove it.
-        > git co delete-topic-branch        # Checkout the branch to delete
-        > tg patch | patch -R -p1           # Revert all branch changes
-        > git commit -a                     # Commit your changes
-        > git checkout top                  # Checkout the top branch
-        > tg update                         # Recursively merge revert
-        > git co dependent-topic-branch     # Checkout dependent branch
-        > ...update .topdeps...             # Manually update dependencies
-        > git commit -a                     # Commit your changes
-        > tg delete delete-topic-branch     # Delete empty topic branch
-Once your done, I find it is a good idea view the repo using the  
-'tg summary --graphviz' command and verify the updated dependency graph.
-============================ TOPGIT TODO =================================
-TopGit is still a young package which seems to be under active development
-by its author.  It provides the minimum set of commands needed but there
-are clearly areas which simply have not yet been implemented.  My short
-list of features includes:
-  o 'tg summary --deps', option to display a text version of the topic
-    branch dependency DAC.
-  o 'tg depend list', list all topic branch dependencies.
-  o 'tg depend delete', cleanly remove a topic branch dependency.
-  o 'tg create', cleanly insert a topic branch in the middle
-    of the graph and properly take care updating all dependencies.
-  o 'tg delete', cleanly delete a topic branch in the middle
-    of the graph and properly take care updating all dependencies.
diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b17c1d8..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-============================ ZFS KERNEL BUILD ============================
-1) Build the SPL (Solaris Porting Layer) module which is designed to
-   provide many Solaris APIs in the Linux kernel which are needed
-   by ZFS.  To build the SPL:
-        tar -xzf spl-x.y.z.tgz
-        cd spl-x.y.z
-        ./configure --with-linux=<kernel src>
-        make
-        make check <as root>
-2) Build ZFS, this port is based on build 89 of ZFS from OpenSolaris.
-   You will need to have both the kernel and SPL source available.
-   To build ZFS for use as a Linux kernel module (default):
-        tar -xzf zfs-x.y.z.tgz
-        cd zfs-x.y.z
-        ./configure --with-linux=<kernel src> \
-                    --with-spl=<spl src>
-        make
-        make check <as root>
-========================= ZFS USER LIBRARY BUILD =========================
-1) Build ZFS, this port is based on build 89 of ZFS from OpenSolaris.
-   To build ZFS as a userspace library:
-        tar -xzf zfs-x.y.z.tgz
-        cd zfs-x.y.z
-        ./configure --zfsconfig=user
-        make
-        make check <as root>
-============================ ZFS LUSTRE BUILD ============================
-1) Build the SPL (Solaris Porting Layer) module which is designed to
-   provide many Solaris APIs in the Linux kernel which are needed
-   by ZFS.  To build the SPL:
-        tar -xzf spl-x.y.z.tgz
-        cd spl-x.y.z
-        ./configure --with-linux=<kernel src>
-        make
-        make check <as root>
-2) Build ZFS, this port is based on build 89 of ZFS from OpenSolaris.
-   To build ZFS as a userspace library for use by a Lustre filesystem:
-        tar -xzf zfs-x.y.z.tgz
-        cd zfs-x.y.z
-        ./configure --zfsconfig=lustre \
-                    --with-linux=<kernel src> \
-                    --with-spl=<spl src>
-        make
-        make check <as root>
-3) Provided is an in-kernel test application called kpios which can be
-   used to simulate a Lustre IO load.  It may be used as a stress test
-   or as a performance to measure your configuration.  To simplify testing
-   there are scripts provided in the scripts/ directory.  A single test
-   can be run as follows:
-        WARNING: You MUST update DEVICES in the create-zpool.sh script
-                 to reference the devices you wish to use.
-       cd scripts
-       ./load-zfs.sh           # Load the ZFS/SPL module stack
-       ./create-zpool.sh       # Modify DEVICES to list your zpool devices
-       ./zpios.sh              # Modify for your particular kpios test
-       ./unload-zfs.sh         # Unload the ZFS/SPL module stack
-Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>
diff --git a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.doc b/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.doc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 34638b2..0000000
Binary files a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.doc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.odt b/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.odt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fd52861..0000000
Binary files a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.odt and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.pdf b/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.pdf
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8bf1667..0000000
Binary files a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-report.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-testing.ods b/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-testing.ods
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 39a84e4..0000000
Binary files a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-testing.ods and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-testing.xls b/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-testing.xls
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f6de1e9..0000000
Binary files a/doc/analysis-spl-0.3.1/zfs-testing.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/scripts/check.sh b/scripts/check.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index bf93ee5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-die() {
-       echo "${prog}: $1" >&2
-       exit 1
-if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then
-       die "Must run as root"
-./load-zfs.sh || die ""
-./unload-zfs.sh || die ""
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/create-zpool.sh b/scripts/create-zpool.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 6be37e7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-. ../.script-config
-# Single disk ilc dev nodes
-# All disks in a Thumper config
-#DEVICES="/dev/sda  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdc  /dev/sdd  /dev/sde  /dev/sdf  \
-#         /dev/sdg  /dev/sdh  /dev/sdi  /dev/sdj  /dev/sdk  /dev/sdl  \
-#         /dev/sdm  /dev/sdn  /dev/sdo  /dev/sdp  /dev/sdq  /dev/sdr  \
-#         /dev/sds  /dev/sdt  /dev/sdu  /dev/sdv  /dev/sdw  /dev/sdx  \
-#         /dev/sdy  /dev/sdz  /dev/sdaa /dev/sdab /dev/sdac /dev/sdad \
-#         /dev/sdae /dev/sdaf /dev/sdag /dev/sdah /dev/sdai /dev/sdaj \
-#         /dev/sdak /dev/sdal /dev/sdam /dev/sdan /dev/sdao /dev/sdap \
-#         /dev/sdaq /dev/sdar /dev/sdas /dev/sdat /dev/sdau /dev/sdav"
-# Sun style disk in Thumper config
-#DEVICES="/dev/sda  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdc \
-#         /dev/sdi  /dev/sdj  /dev/sdk \
-#         /dev/sdr  /dev/sds  /dev/sdt \
-#         /dev/sdz  /dev/sdaa /dev/sdab"
-# Promise JBOD config (ilc23)
-#DEVICES="/dev/sdb  /dev/sdc  /dev/sdd \
-#         /dev/sde  /dev/sdf  /dev/sdg \
-#         /dev/sdh  /dev/sdi  /dev/sdj \
-#         /dev/sdk  /dev/sdl  /dev/sdm"
-echo "zpool create lustre <devices>"
-${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool create -F lustre ${DEVICES}
-echo "zpool list"
-${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool list
-echo "zpool status lustre"
-${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool status lustre
diff --git a/scripts/load-zfs.sh b/scripts/load-zfs.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 6ba111b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-. ../.script-config
-die() {
-       echo "${prog}: $1" >&2
-       exit 1
-load_module() {
-       echo "Loading $1"
-       /sbin/insmod $* || die "Failed to load $1"
-if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then
-       die "Must run as root"
-if /sbin/lsmod | egrep -q "^spl|^zavl|^znvpair|^zport|^zcommon|^zlib_deflate|^zpool"; then
-       die "Must start with modules unloaded"
-if [ ! -f ${zavl_module} ] ||
-   [ ! -f ${znvpair_module} ] ||
-   [ ! -f ${zport_module} ] ||
-   [ ! -f ${zcommon_module} ] ||
-   [ ! -f ${zpool_module} ]; then
-       die "Source tree must be built, run 'make'"
-load_module ${spl_module} ${spl_options}
-load_module ${zlib_module}
-load_module ${zavl_module}
-load_module ${znvpair_module}
-load_module ${zport_module}
-load_module ${zcommon_module}
-load_module ${zpool_module} ${zpool_options}
-load_module ${zctl_module}
-load_module ${zpios_module}
-sleep 1
-echo "Successfully loaded ZFS module stack"
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/profile-kpios-disk.sh b/scripts/profile-kpios-disk.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 5d691b8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# profile-kpios-disk.sh
-# /proc/diskinfo <after skipping major/minor>
-# Field 1 -- device name
-# Field 2 -- # of reads issued
-# Field 3 -- # of reads merged
-# Field 4 -- # of sectors read
-# Field 5 -- # of milliseconds spent reading
-# Field 6 -- # of writes completed
-# Field 7 -- # of writes merged
-# Field 8 -- # of sectors written
-# Field 9 -- # of milliseconds spent writing
-# Field 10 -- # of I/Os currently in progress
-# Field 11 -- # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
-# Field 12 -- weighted # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os
-create_table() {
-       local FIELD=$1
-       local ROW_M=()
-       local ROW_N=()
-       local HEADER=1
-       local STEP=1
-       for DISK_FILE in `ls -r --sort=time --time=ctime ${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/disk-[0-9]*`; do
-               ROW_M=( ${ROW_N[@]} )
-               ROW_N=( `cat ${DISK_FILE} | grep sd | cut -c11- | cut -f${FIELD} -d' ' | tr "\n" "\t"` )
-               if [ $HEADER -eq 1 ]; then
-                       echo -n "step, "
-                       cat ${DISK_FILE} | grep sd | cut -c11- | cut -f1 -d' ' | tr "\n" ", "
-                       echo "total"
-                       HEADER=0
-               fi
-               if [ ${#ROW_M[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
-                       continue
-               fi
-               if [ ${#ROW_M[@]} -ne ${#ROW_N[@]} ]; then
-                       echo "Badly formatted profile data in ${DISK_FILE}"
-                       break
-               fi
-               TOTAL=0
-               echo -n "${STEP}, "
-               for (( i=0; i<${#ROW_N[@]}; i++ )); do
-                       DELTA=`echo "${ROW_N[${i}]}-${ROW_M[${i}]}" | bc`
-                       let TOTAL=${TOTAL}+${DELTA}
-                       echo -n "${DELTA}, "
-               done
-               echo "${TOTAL}, "
-               let STEP=${STEP}+1
-       done
-create_table_mbs() {
-       local FIELD=$1
-       local TIME=$2
-       local ROW_M=()
-       local ROW_N=()
-       local HEADER=1
-       local STEP=1
-       for DISK_FILE in `ls -r --sort=time --time=ctime ${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/disk-[0-9]*`; do
-               ROW_M=( ${ROW_N[@]} )
-               ROW_N=( `cat ${DISK_FILE} | grep sd | cut -c11- | cut -f${FIELD} -d' ' | tr "\n" "\t"` )
-               if [ $HEADER -eq 1 ]; then
-                       echo -n "step, "
-                       cat ${DISK_FILE} | grep sd | cut -c11- | cut -f1 -d' ' | tr "\n" ", "
-                       echo "total"
-                       HEADER=0
-               fi
-               if [ ${#ROW_M[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
-                       continue
-               fi
-               if [ ${#ROW_M[@]} -ne ${#ROW_N[@]} ]; then
-                       echo "Badly formatted profile data in ${DISK_FILE}"
-                       break
-               fi
-               TOTAL=0
-               echo -n "${STEP}, "
-               for (( i=0; i<${#ROW_N[@]}; i++ )); do
-                       DELTA=`echo "${ROW_N[${i}]}-${ROW_M[${i}]}" | bc`
-                       MBS=`echo "scale=2; ((${DELTA}*512)/${TIME})/(1024*1024)" | bc`
-                       TOTAL=`echo "scale=2; ${TOTAL}+${MBS}" | bc`
-                       echo -n "${MBS}, "
-               done
-               echo "${TOTAL}, "
-               let STEP=${STEP}+1
-       done
-echo "Reads issued per device"
-create_table 2
-echo "Reads merged per device"
-create_table 3
-echo "Sectors read per device"
-create_table 4
-echo "MB/s per device"
-create_table_mbs 4 3
-echo "Writes issued per device"
-create_table 6
-echo "Writes merged per device"
-create_table 7
-echo "Sectors written per device"
-create_table 8
-echo "MB/s per device"
-create_table_mbs 8 3
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/profile-kpios-pids.sh b/scripts/profile-kpios-pids.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index d3fa10c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# profile-kpios-pids.sh
-for PID_FILE in `ls -r --sort=time --time=ctime ${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/pids-[0-9]*`; do
-       ROW_M=( ${ROW_N[@]} )
-       ROW_N=( 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0  0 0 0 )
-       ROW_N_SCHED=( `cat ${PID_FILE} | cut -f15 -d' ' | tr "\n" "\t"` )
-       ROW_N_WAIT=(  `cat ${PID_FILE} | cut -f17 -d' ' | tr "\n" "\t"` )
-       ROW_N_NAMES=( `cat ${PID_FILE} | cut -f2  -d' ' | cut -f2 -d'(' | 
-                       cut -f1 -d')'   | cut -f1  -d'/' | tr "\n" "\t"` )
-       for (( i=0; i<${#ROW_N_SCHED[@]}; i++ )); do
-               SUM=`echo "${ROW_N_WAIT[${i}]}+${ROW_N_SCHED[${i}]}" | bc`
-               case ${ROW_N_NAMES[${i}]} in
-                       zio_taskq)      IDX=0;;
-                       zio_req_nul)    IDX=1;;
-                       zio_irq_nul)    IDX=2;;
-                       zio_req_rd)     IDX=3;;
-                       zio_irq_rd)     IDX=4;;
-                       zio_req_wr)     IDX=5;;
-                       zio_irq_wr)     IDX=6;;
-                       zio_req_fr)     IDX=7;;
-                       zio_irq_fr)     IDX=8;;
-                       zio_req_cm)     IDX=9;;
-                       zio_irq_cm)     IDX=10;;
-                       zio_req_ctl)    IDX=11;;
-                       zio_irq_ctl)    IDX=12;;
-                       txg_quiesce)    IDX=13;;
-                       txg_sync)       IDX=14;;
-                       txg_timelimit)  IDX=15;;
-                       arc_reclaim)    IDX=16;;
-                       l2arc_feed)     IDX=17;;
-                       kpios_io)       IDX=18;;
-                       *)              continue;;
-               esac
-               let ROW_N[${IDX}]=${ROW_N[${IDX}]}+${SUM}
-       done
-       if [ $HEADER -eq 1 ]; then
-               echo "step, zio_taskq, zio_req_nul, zio_irq_nul, "        \
-                     "zio_req_rd, zio_irq_rd, zio_req_wr, zio_irq_wr, "   \
-                     "zio_req_fr, zio_irq_fr, zio_req_cm, zio_irq_cm, "   \
-                     "zio_req_ctl, zio_irq_ctl, txg_quiesce, txg_sync, "  \
-                     "txg_timelimit, arc_reclaim, l2arc_feed, kpios_io, " \
-                    "idle"
-               HEADER=0
-       fi
-       if [ ${#ROW_M[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
-               continue
-       fi
-       if [ ${#ROW_M[@]} -ne ${#ROW_N[@]} ]; then
-               echo "Badly formatted profile data in ${PID_FILE}"
-               break
-       fi
-       # Original values are in jiffies and we expect HZ to be 1000
-       # on most 2.6 systems thus we divide by 10 to get a percentage.
-       IDLE=1000
-        echo -n "${STEP}, "
-       for (( i=0; i<${#ROW_N[@]}; i++ )); do
-               DELTA=`echo "${ROW_N[${i}]}-${ROW_M[${i}]}" | bc`
-               DELTA_PERCENT=`echo "scale=1; ${DELTA}/10" | bc`
-               let IDLE=${IDLE}-${DELTA}
-               echo -n "${DELTA_PERCENT}, "
-       done
-       ILDE_PERCENT=`echo "scale=1; ${IDLE}/10" | bc`
-       echo "${ILDE_PERCENT}"
-       let STEP=${STEP}+1
-echo "Percent of total system time per pid"
-for PID_FILE in `ls -r --sort=time --time=ctime ${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/pids-[0-9]*`; do
-       ROW_M=( ${ROW_N[@]} )
-       ROW_N_SCHED=( `cat ${PID_FILE} | cut -f15 -d' ' | tr "\n" "\t"` )
-       ROW_N_WAIT=( `cat ${PID_FILE} | cut -f17 -d' ' | tr "\n" "\t"` )
-       for (( i=0; i<${#ROW_N_SCHED[@]}; i++ )); do
-               ROW_N[${i}]=`echo "${ROW_N_WAIT[${i}]}+${ROW_N_SCHED[${i}]}" | bc`
-       done
-       if [ $HEADER -eq 1 ]; then
-               echo -n "step, "
-               cat ${PID_FILE} | cut -f2 -d' ' | tr "\n" ", "
-               echo
-               HEADER=0
-       fi
-       if [ ${#ROW_M[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
-               continue
-       fi
-       if [ ${#ROW_M[@]} -ne ${#ROW_N[@]} ]; then
-               echo "Badly formatted profile data in ${PID_FILE}"
-               break
-       fi
-       # Original values are in jiffies and we expect HZ to be 1000
-       # on most 2.6 systems thus we divide by 10 to get a percentage.
-        echo -n "${STEP}, "
-       for (( i=0; i<${#ROW_N[@]}; i++ )); do
-               DELTA=`echo "scale=1; (${ROW_N[${i}]}-${ROW_M[${i}]})/10" | bc`
-               echo -n "${DELTA}, "
-       done
-       echo
-       let STEP=${STEP}+1
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/profile-kpios-post.sh b/scripts/profile-kpios-post.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 74c0890..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-. ../.script-config
-KERNEL_BIN="/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/"
-if [ "${RUN_PHASE}" != "post" ]; then
-        exit 1
-# opcontrol --stop >>${OPROFILE_LOG} 2>&1
-# opcontrol --dump >>${OPROFILE_LOG} 2>&1
-kill -s SIGHUP `cat ${PROFILE_PID}`
-rm -f ${PROFILE_PID}
-# opcontrol --deinit >>${OPROFILE_LOG} 2>&1
-cat /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats >${PROFILE_KPIOS_ARC_LOG}
-cat /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/vdev_cache_stats >${PROFILE_KPIOS_VDEV_LOG}
-# Summarize system time per pid
-# Summarize per device performance
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/profile-kpios-pre.sh b/scripts/profile-kpios-pre.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 1a2dcf0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# profile-kpios-pre.sh
-if [ "${RUN_PHASE}" != "pre" ]; then
-        exit 1
-rm -Rf ${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/
-mkdir -p ${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/
-echo "PHASE=${RUN_PHASE}" >>${RUN_ARGS}
-echo "LOG_DIR=${RUN_LOG_DIR}" >>${RUN_ARGS}
-echo "ID=${RUN_ID}" >>${RUN_ARGS}
-echo "POOL=${RUN_POOL}" >>${RUN_ARGS}
-echo "FLAGS=${RUN_FLAGS}" >>${RUN_ARGS}
-# XXX: Oprofile support seems to be broken when I try and start
-# it via a user mode helper script, I suspect the setup is failing.
-# opcontrol --init >>${OPROFILE_LOG} 2>&1
-# opcontrol --setup --vmlinux=/boot/vmlinux >>${OPROFILE_LOG} 2>&1
-# Start the profile script
-echo "$!" >${PROFILE_PID}
-# Sleep waiting for profile script to be ready, it will
-# signal us via SIGHUP when it is ready to start profiling.
-while [ ${PROFILE_KPIOS_READY} -eq 0 ]; do
-       sleep 0.1
-# opcontrol --start-daemon >>${OPROFILE_LOG} 2>&1
-# opcontrol --start >>${OPROFILE_LOG} 2>&1
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/profile-kpios.sh b/scripts/profile-kpios.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 88b9343..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-# profile-kpios.sh
-# Log these pids, the exact pid numbers will vary from system to system
-# so I harvest pid for all the following type of processes from /proc/<pid>/
-# zio_taskq/#
-# spa_zio_issue/#
-# spa_zio_intr/#
-# txg_quiesce_thr
-# txg_sync_thread
-# txg_timelimit_t
-# arc_reclaim_thr
-# l2arc_feed_thre
-# kpios_io/#
-show_pids() {
-       echo "* zio_taskq:     { ${ZIO_TASKQ_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_TASKQ_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_req_nul:   { ${ZIO_REQ_NUL_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_REQ_NUL_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_irq_nul:   { ${ZIO_IRQ_NUL_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_IRQ_NUL_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_req_rd:    { ${ZIO_REQ_RD_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_REQ_RD_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_irq_rd:    { ${ZIO_IRQ_RD_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_IRQ_RD_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_req_wr:    { ${ZIO_REQ_WR_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_REQ_WR_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_irq_wr:    { ${ZIO_IRQ_WR_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_IRQ_WR_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_req_fr:    { ${ZIO_REQ_FR_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_REQ_FR_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_irq_fr:    { ${ZIO_IRQ_FR_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_IRQ_FR_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_req_cm:    { ${ZIO_REQ_CM_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_REQ_CM_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_irq_cm:    { ${ZIO_IRQ_CM_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_IRQ_CM_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_req_ctl:   { ${ZIO_REQ_CTL_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_REQ_CTL_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* zio_irq_ctl:   { ${ZIO_IRQ_CTL_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ZIO_IRQ_CTL_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* txg_quiesce:   { ${TXG_QUIESCE_PIDS[@]} } = ${#TXG_QUIESCE_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* txg_sync:      { ${TXG_SYNC_PIDS[@]} } = ${#TXG_SYNC_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* txg_timelimit: { ${TXG_TIMELIMIT_PIDS[@]} } = ${#TXG_TIMELIMIT_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* arc_reclaim:   { ${ARC_RECLAIM_PIDS[@]} } = ${#ARC_RECLAIM_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* l2arc_feed:    { ${L2ARC_FEED_PIDS[@]} } = ${#L2ARC_FEED_PIDS[@]}"
-       echo "* kpios_io:      { ${KPIOS_IO_PIDS[@]} } = ${#KPIOS_IO_PIDS[@]}"
-check_pid() {
-       local PID=$1
-       local NAME=$2
-       local TYPE=$3
-       local PIDS=( "$4" )
-        local NAME_STRING=`echo ${NAME} | cut -f1 -d'/'`
-        local NAME_NUMBER=`echo ${NAME} | cut -f2 -d'/'`
-       if [ "${NAME_STRING}" == "${TYPE}" ]; then
-               if [ -n "${NAME_NUMBER}" ]; then
-                       PIDS[${NAME_NUMBER}]=${PID}
-               else
-                       PIDS[${#PIDS[@]}]=${PID}
-               fi
-       fi
-       echo "${PIDS[@]}"
-# NOTE: This whole process is crazy slow but it will do for now
-aquire_pids() {
-       echo "--- Aquiring ZFS pids ---"
-       for PID in `ls /proc/ | grep [0-9] | sort -n -u`; do
-               if [ ! -e /proc/${PID}/status ]; then
-                       continue
-               fi
-               NAME=`cat /proc/${PID}/status  | head -n1 | cut -f2`
-               ZIO_TASKQ_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_taskq" \
-                                "$(echo "${ZIO_TASKQ_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_REQ_NUL_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_req_nul" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_REQ_NUL_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_IRQ_NUL_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_irq_nul" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_IRQ_NUL_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_REQ_RD_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_req_rd" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_REQ_RD_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_IRQ_RD_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_irq_rd" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_IRQ_RD_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_REQ_WR_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_req_wr" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_REQ_WR_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_IRQ_WR_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_irq_wr" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_IRQ_WR_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_REQ_FR_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_req_fr" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_REQ_FR_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_IRQ_FR_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_irq_fr" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_IRQ_FR_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_REQ_CM_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_req_cm" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_REQ_CM_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_IRQ_CM_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_irq_cm" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_IRQ_CM_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_REQ_CTL_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_req_ctl" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_REQ_CTL_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ZIO_IRQ_CTL_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "zio_irq_ctl" \
-                                  "$(echo "${ZIO_IRQ_CTL_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               TXG_QUIESCE_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "txg_quiesce" \
-                                  "$(echo "${TXG_QUIESCE_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               TXG_SYNC_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "txg_sync" \
-                               "$(echo "${TXG_SYNC_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               TXG_TIMELIMIT_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "txg_timelimit" \
-                                    "$(echo "${TXG_TIMELIMIT_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               ARC_RECLAIM_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "arc_reclaim" \
-                                     "$(echo "${ARC_RECLAIM_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-               L2ARC_FEED_PIDS=( `check_pid ${PID} ${NAME} "l2arc_feed" \
-                                  "$(echo "${L2ARC_FEED_PIDS[@]}")"` )
-       done
-       # Wait for kpios_io threads to start
-       kill -s SIGHUP ${PPID}
-       echo "* Waiting for kpios_io threads to start"
-       while [ ${RUN_DONE} -eq 0 ]; do
-               KPIOS_IO_PIDS=( `ps ax | grep kpios_io | grep -v grep | \
-                                 sed 's/^ *//g' | cut -f1 -d' '` )
-               if [ ${#KPIOS_IO_PIDS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
-                       break;
-               fi
-               sleep 0.1
-       done
-       echo "`show_pids`" >${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/pids.txt
-log_pids() {
-       echo "--- Logging ZFS profile to ${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/ ---"
-       ALL_PIDS=( ${ZIO_TASKQ_PIDS[@]}     \
-                   ${ZIO_REQ_NUL_PIDS[@]}   \
-                   ${ZIO_IRQ_NUL_PIDS[@]}   \
-                   ${ZIO_REQ_RD_PID[@]}     \
-                   ${ZIO_IRQ_RD_PIDS[@]}    \
-                   ${ZIO_REQ_WR_PIDS[@]}    \
-                   ${ZIO_IRQ_WR_PIDS[@]}    \
-                   ${ZIO_REQ_FR_PIDS[@]}    \ 
-                   ${ZIO_IRQ_FR_PIDS[@]}    \
-                   ${ZIO_REQ_CM_PIDS[@]}    \ 
-                   ${ZIO_IRQ_CM_PIDS[@]}    \
-                   ${ZIO_REQ_CTL_PIDS[@]}   \
-                   ${ZIO_IRQ_CTL_PIDS[@]}   \
-                   ${TXG_QUIESCE_PIDS[@]}   \
-                   ${TXG_SYNC_PIDS[@]}      \
-                   ${TXG_TIMELIMIT_PIDS[@]} \
-                   ${ARC_RECLAIM_PIDS[@]}   \
-                   ${L2ARC_FEED_PIDS[@]}    \
-                   ${KPIOS_IO_PIDS[@]} )
-       while [ ${RUN_DONE} -eq 0 ]; do
-               NOW=`date +%s.%N`
-               LOG_PIDS="${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/pids-${NOW}"
-               LOG_DISK="${RUN_LOG_DIR}/${RUN_ID}/disk-${NOW}"
-               for PID in "${ALL_PIDS[@]}"; do
-                       if [ -z ${PID} ]; then
-                               continue;
-                       fi
-                       if [ -e /proc/${PID}/stat ]; then
-                               cat /proc/${PID}/stat | head -n1 >>${LOG_PIDS}
-                       else
-                               echo "<${PID} exited>" >>${LOG_PIDS}
-                       fi
-               done
-               cat /proc/diskstats >${LOG_DISK}
-               NOW2=`date +%s.%N`
-               DELTA=`echo "${POLL_INTERVAL}-(${NOW2}-${NOW})" | bc`
-               sleep ${DELTA}
-       done
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/survey.sh b/scripts/survey.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 9198a41..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-. ../.script-config
-LOG=/home/`whoami`/zpios-logs/`uname -r`/kpios-`date +%Y%m%d`/
-mkdir -p ${LOG}
-# Apply all tunings described below to generate some best case
-# numbers for what is acheivable with some more elbow grease.
-echo "----------------------- ${NAME} ------------------------------"
-./zpios.sh                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-       "zfs_prefetch_disable=1 zfs_vdev_max_pending=1024 zio_bulk_flags=0x100" \
-        "--zerocopy"                                                 \
-       ${LOG}/${NAME}/                                              \
-        "${CMDDIR}/zfs/zfs set checksum=off lustre" |       \
-       tee ${LOG}/${NAME}.txt
-# Baseline number for an out of the box config with no manual tuning.
-# Ideally, we will want things to be automatically tuned and for this
-# number to approach the tweaked out results above.
-echo "----------------------- ${NAME} ------------------------------"
-./zpios.sh                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-        ""                                                           \
-       ${LOG}/${NAME}/ |                                            \
-       tee ${LOG}/${NAME}.txt
-# Disable ZFS's prefetching.  For some reason still not clear to me
-# current prefetching policy is quite bad for a random workload.
-# Allow the algorithm to detect a random workload and not do anything
-# may be the way to address this issue.
-echo "----------------------- ${NAME} ------------------------------"
-./zpios.sh                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-       "zfs_prefetch_disable=1"                                     \
-        ""                                                           \
-       ${LOG}/${NAME}/ |                                            \
-       tee ${LOG}/${NAME}.txt
-# As expected, simulating a zerocopy IO path improves performance
-# by freeing up lots of CPU which is wasted move data between buffers.
-echo "----------------------- ${NAME} ------------------------------"
-./zpios.sh                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-        "--zerocopy"                                                 \
-       ${LOG}/${NAME}/ |                                            \
-       tee ${LOG}/${NAME}.txt
-# Disabling checksumming should show some (if small) improvement
-# simply due to freeing up a modest amount of CPU.
-echo "----------------------- ${NAME} ------------------------------"
-./zpios.sh                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-        ""                                                           \
-       ${LOG}/${NAME}/                                              \
-        "${CMDDIR}/zfs/zfs set checksum=off lustre" |       \
-       tee ${LOG}/${NAME}.txt
-# Increasing the pending IO depth also seems to improve things likely
-# at the expense of latency.  This should be exported more because I'm
-# seeing a much bigger impact there that I would have expected.  There
-# may be some low hanging fruit to be found here.
-echo "----------------------- ${NAME} ------------------------------"
-./zpios.sh                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-       "zfs_vdev_max_pending=1024"                                  \
-        ""                                                           \
-       ${LOG}/${NAME}/ |                                            \
-       tee ${LOG}/${NAME}.txt
-# To avoid memory fragmentation issues our slab implementation can be
-# based on a virtual address space.  Interestingly, we take a pretty
-# substantial performance penalty for this somewhere in the low level
-# IO drivers.  If we back the slab with kmem pages we see far better
-# read performance numbers at the cost of memory fragmention and general
-# system instability due to large allocations.  This may be because of
-# an optimization in the low level drivers due to the contigeous kmem
-# based memory.  This needs to be explained.  The good news here is that
-# with zerocopy interfaces added at the DMU layer we could gaurentee
-# kmem based memory for a pool of pages.
-# 0x100 = KMC_KMEM - Force kmem_* based slab
-# 0x200 = KMC_VMEM - Force vmem_* based slab
-echo "----------------------- ${NAME} ------------------------------"
-./zpios.sh                                                           \
-       ""                                                           \
-       "zio_bulk_flags=0x100"                                       \
-        ""                                                           \
-       ${LOG}/${NAME}/ |                                            \
-       tee ${LOG}/${NAME}.txt
diff --git a/scripts/unload-zfs.sh b/scripts/unload-zfs.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 12e987b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-. ../.script-config
-die() {
-       echo "${prog}: $1" >&2
-       exit 1
-unload_module() {
-       echo "Unloading $1"
-       /sbin/rmmod $1 || die "Failed to unload $1"
-if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then
-       die "Must run as root"
-unload_module ${zpios_module}
-unload_module ${zctl_module}
-unload_module ${zpool_module}
-unload_module ${zcommon_module}
-unload_module ${zport_module}
-unload_module ${znvpair_module}
-unload_module ${zavl_module}
-unload_module ${zlib_module}
-# Set DUMP=1 to generate debug logs on unload
-if [ -n "${DUMP}" ]; then
-       sysctl -w kernel.spl.debug.dump=1
-       # This is racy, I don't like it, but for a helper script it will do.
-       SPL_LOG=`dmesg | tail -n 1 | cut -f5 -d' '`
-       ${SPLBUILD}/cmd/spl ${SPL_LOG} >${SPL_LOG}.log
-       echo
-       echo "Dumped debug log: ${SPL_LOG}.log"
-       tail -n1 ${SPL_LOG}.log
-       echo
-unload_module ${spl_module}
-echo "Successfully unloaded ZFS module stack"
-exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/zpios-jbod.sh b/scripts/zpios-jbod.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 4cb960f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-. ../.script-config
-echo ------------------------- ZFS TEST LOG ---------------------------------
-echo -n "Date = "; date
-echo -n "Kernel = "; uname -r
-echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-./load-zfs.sh "${SPL_OPTIONS}" "${ZPOOL_OPTIONS}"
-sysctl -w kernel.spl.debug.mask=0
-sysctl -w kernel.spl.debug.subsystem=0
-echo ---------------------- SPL Sysctl Tunings ------------------------------
-sysctl -A | grep spl
-echo ------------------- SPL/ZPOOL Module Tunings ---------------------------
-grep [0-9] /sys/module/spl/parameters/*
-grep [0-9] /sys/module/zpool/parameters/*
-DEVICES="/dev/sdn  /dev/sdo  /dev/sdp \
-         /dev/sdq  /dev/sdr  /dev/sds \
-         /dev/sdt  /dev/sdu  /dev/sdv \
-         /dev/sdw  /dev/sdx  /dev/sdy"
-${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool create -F lustre ${DEVICES}
-${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool status lustre
-if [ -n "${KPIOS_PRE}" ]; then
-       ${KPIOS_PRE}
-# Usage: zpios
-#         --chunksize         -c    =values
-#         --chunksize_low     -a    =value
-#         --chunksize_high    -b    =value
-#         --chunksize_incr    -g    =value
-#         --offset            -o    =values
-#         --offset_low        -m    =value
-#         --offset_high       -q    =value
-#         --offset_incr       -r    =value
-#         --regioncount       -n    =values
-#         --regioncount_low   -i    =value
-#         --regioncount_high  -j    =value
-#         --regioncount_incr  -k    =value
-#         --threadcount       -t    =values
-#         --threadcount_low   -l    =value
-#         --threadcount_high  -h    =value
-#         --threadcount_incr  -e    =value
-#         --regionsize        -s    =values
-#         --regionsize_low    -A    =value
-#         --regionsize_high   -B    =value
-#         --regionsize_incr   -C    =value
-#         --cleanup           -x
-#         --verify            -V
-#         --zerocopy          -z
-#         --threaddelay       -T    =jiffies
-#         --regionnoise       -I    =shift
-#         --chunknoise        -N    =bytes
-#         --prerun            -P    =pre-command
-#         --postrun           -R    =post-command
-#         --log               -G    =log directory
-#         --pool | --path     -p    =pool name
-#         --load              -L    =dmuio
-#         --help              -?    =this help
-#         --verbose           -v    =increase verbosity
-#      --threadcount=256,256,256,256,256                        \
-CMD="${CMDDIR}/zpios/zpios                                       \
-       --load=dmuio                                             \
-       --path=lustre                                            \
-       --chunksize=1M                                           \
-       --regionsize=4M                                          \
-       --regioncount=16384                                      \
-       --threadcount=256                        \
-       --offset=4M                                              \
-        --cleanup                                                \
-       --verbose                                                \
-       --human-readable                                         \
-       ${KPIOS_OPTIONS}                                         \
-        --prerun=${PROFILE_KPIOS_PRE}                            \
-        --postrun=${PROFILE_KPIOS_POST}                          \
-        --log=${PROFILE_KPIOS_LOGS}" 
-echo ${CMD}
-if [ -n "${KPIOS_POST}" ]; then
-       ${KPIOS_POST}
-${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool destroy lustre
diff --git a/scripts/zpios.sh b/scripts/zpios.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 342ecd1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-. ../.script-config
-SPL_OPTIONS="spl_debug_mask=0 spl_debug_subsys=0 ${1}"
-echo ------------------------- ZFS TEST LOG ---------------------------------
-echo -n "Date = "; date
-echo -n "Kernel = "; uname -r
-echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-./load-zfs.sh "${SPL_OPTIONS}" "${ZPOOL_OPTIONS}"
-echo ---------------------- SPL Sysctl Tunings ------------------------------
-sysctl -A | grep spl
-echo ------------------- SPL/ZPOOL Module Tunings ---------------------------
-if [ -d /sys/module/spl/parameters ]; then
-       grep [0-9] /sys/module/spl/parameters/*
-       grep [0-9] /sys/module/zpool/parameters/*
-       grep [0-9] /sys/module/spl/*
-       grep [0-9] /sys/module/zpool/*
-echo "${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool create -f lustre ${DEVICES}"
-${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool create -f lustre ${DEVICES}
-echo "${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool status lustre"
-${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool status lustre
-echo "Waiting for /dev/kpios to come up..."
-while [ ! -c /dev/kpios ]; do
-       sleep 1
-if [ -n "${KPIOS_PRE}" ]; then
-       ${KPIOS_PRE}
-# Usage: zpios
-#         --chunksize         -c    =values
-#         --chunksize_low     -a    =value
-#         --chunksize_high    -b    =value
-#         --chunksize_incr    -g    =value
-#         --offset            -o    =values
-#         --offset_low        -m    =value
-#         --offset_high       -q    =value
-#         --offset_incr       -r    =value
-#         --regioncount       -n    =values
-#         --regioncount_low   -i    =value
-#         --regioncount_high  -j    =value
-#         --regioncount_incr  -k    =value
-#         --threadcount       -t    =values
-#         --threadcount_low   -l    =value
-#         --threadcount_high  -h    =value
-#         --threadcount_incr  -e    =value
-#         --regionsize        -s    =values
-#         --regionsize_low    -A    =value
-#         --regionsize_high   -B    =value
-#         --regionsize_incr   -C    =value
-#         --cleanup           -x
-#         --verify            -V
-#         --zerocopy          -z
-#         --threaddelay       -T    =jiffies
-#         --regionnoise       -I    =shift
-#         --chunknoise        -N    =bytes
-#         --prerun            -P    =pre-command
-#         --postrun           -R    =post-command
-#         --log               -G    =log directory
-#         --pool | --path     -p    =pool name
-#         --load              -L    =dmuio
-#         --help              -?    =this help
-#         --verbose           -v    =increase verbosity
-#        --prerun=${PROFILE_KPIOS_PRE}                            \
-#        --postrun=${PROFILE_KPIOS_POST}                          \
-CMD="${CMDDIR}/zpios/zpios                                       \
-       --load=dmuio                                             \
-       --path=lustre                                            \
-       --chunksize=1M                                           \
-       --regionsize=4M                                          \
-       --regioncount=64                                         \
-       --threadcount=4                                          \
-       --offset=4M                                              \
-        --cleanup                                                \
-       --verbose                                                \
-       --human-readable                                         \
-       ${KPIOS_OPTIONS}                                         \
-        --log=${PROFILE_KPIOS_LOGS}" 
-echo ${CMD}
-if [ -n "${KPIOS_POST}" ]; then
-       ${KPIOS_POST}
-${CMDDIR}/zpool/zpool destroy lustre
-echo ---------------------- SPL Sysctl Tunings ------------------------------
-sysctl -A | grep spl
-echo ------------------------ KSTAT Statistics ------------------------------
-cat /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats
-cat /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/vdev_cache_stats
-echo SLAB
-cat /proc/spl/kmem/slab