]> granicus.if.org Git - php/commit
- these files are outdated, /pear-core is the repository for pear and
authorPierre Joye <pajoye@php.net>
Mon, 15 Aug 2005 21:59:06 +0000 (21:59 +0000)
committerPierre Joye <pajoye@php.net>
Mon, 15 Aug 2005 21:59:06 +0000 (21:59 +0000)
- these files are outdated, /pear-core is the repository for pear and
  respectivelly /pear for other pacakges.
  The install procedure has to be changed as well, as planed. (#1 out 2)
37 files changed:
pear/Archive/Tar.php [deleted file]
pear/Archive/docs/Tar.txt [deleted file]
pear/CODING_STANDARDS [deleted file]
pear/Makefile.frag [deleted file]
pear/PEAR.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Command/Auth.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Command/Build.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Command/Common.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Command/Config.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Command/Install.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Command/Mirror.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Command/Package.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Command/Registry.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Command/Remote.php [deleted file]
pear/PEAR/Frontend/CLI.php [deleted file]
pear/README [deleted file]
pear/System.php [deleted file]
pear/catalog [deleted file]
pear/docs/Archive_Tar.txt [deleted file]
pear/docs/rfc01_PEAR_pecl-binaries.txt [deleted file]
pear/docs/rfc01_PEAR_subpackages.txt [deleted file]
pear/go-pear-list.php [deleted file]
pear/go-pear.bat [deleted file]
pear/install-pear.php [deleted file]
pear/install-pear.txt [deleted file]
pear/package-Archive_Tar.xml [deleted file]
pear/package-Console_Getopt.xml [deleted file]
pear/package-PEAR.xml [deleted file]
pear/package.dtd [deleted file]
pear/packages/HTML_Template_IT-1.1.tar [deleted file]
pear/packages/Net_UserAgent_Detect-2.0.1.tar [deleted file]
pear/packages/XML_RPC-1.3.1.tar [deleted file]
pear/scripts/pear.bat [deleted file]
pear/scripts/pear.sh [deleted file]
pear/scripts/pearcmd.php [deleted file]
pear/scripts/pearwin.php [deleted file]
pear/template.spec [deleted file]