Merge branch 'bc/maint-diff-hunk-header-fix' into bc/master-diff-hunk-header-fix
* bc/maint-diff-hunk-header-fix:
diff.*.xfuncname which uses "extended" regex's for hunk header selection
diff.c: associate a flag with each pattern and use it for compiling regex
diff.c: return pattern entry pointer rather than just the hunk header pattern
Cosmetical command name fix
Start conforming code to "git subcmd" style part 3
t9700/ remove File::Temp requirement
t9700/ avoid bareword 'STDERR' in 3-argument open()
Fix some manual typos.
Use compatibility regex library also on FreeBSD
Use compatibility regex library also on AIX
Update draft release notes for
Use compatibility regex library for OSX/Darwin
git-svn: Fixes my() parameter list syntax error in pre-5.8 Perl Use File::Temp->tempfile instead of ->new
t7501: always use test_cmp instead of diff
Start conforming code to "git subcmd" style part 2
diff: Help "less" hide ^M from the output
checkout: do not check out unmerged higher stages randomly