buglist - full level triggers impossible() from migrating mons
<email deleted> wrote:
> If more monsters fall through a trap door than can fit on the
> level below, when you go down the stairs, you get the following
> message:
> "Program in disorder - perhaps you'd better #quit.
> rloc(): couldn't relocate monster"
> This message seems to appear once for every monster-too-many that
> fell through the hole. I originally found this while
> intentionally completely filling a level with black puddings
> (there was a trap door I didn't know about). I also confirmed it
> in a wiz-mode test using gremlins and water.
This patch:
- causes rloc() to return TRUE if successful,
or FALSE if it wasn't.
- adds code to mon_arrive() in dog.c to deal with
the failed rloc()
- allows the x,y parameters to mkcorpstat() to
be 0,0 in order to trigger random placement of the
corpse on the level
- if you define DEBUG_MIGRATING_MONS when you build cmd.c
then you'll have a debug-mode command #migratemons to
store the number of random monsters that you specify
on the migrating monsters chain.