Updated build to use an XSLT-based process to dynamically
auto-generate the release notes and NEWS files from output of the
cvs2cl perl script <http://www.red-bean.com/cvs2cl/>. This
potentially helps us get closer to being "release ready" at at
time, and maybe start to get releases out more quickly and more
often. On the other hand, it's also sort of a step toward making
the snapshot builds more like real releases, such that the
official releases could eventually be obviated by having easily
installable/updateable snapshots available. The "easily
installable" piece of that is what I want to work on next. A
system like perl's CPAN update/install interface, PHP's PEAR,
rubygems, etc. ...
Anyway, back to now -- this commit adds two new files in the
docscrc dir: get-latest-tag.xsl and release-notes.xsl. It also
involves some changes, committed separately, to the master
makefile used for release builds.