top: finish the job of correcting the response to a ^Z
if top is suspended while on the 2nd level help screen
the <Enter> key is no longer honored. Thus, users must
use <Esc> to exit help and return to the main display.
Also, line input that was only partially complete when
suspended would still require one additional keystroke
before the read was aborted and the display refreshed.
Lastly, some user interactions might require two input
lines before an operation can be considered completed.
Thus the 2nd line offers another opportunity for users
to suspend top. Resumption would require an extra key.
These issues stem from 2 recent enhancements: preserve
the user context when signaled; complete input editing
with cursor movement keys, insert/overtype modes, etc.
With this patch, the <Enter> key is once again honored
on help screen #2 and partial reads are now completed.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
bug reported,25
response to ^Z (partial solution)
line input editing
preserve context with SIGWINCH
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>