The following files are gone (sys\wince):
- stat.h (moved to ceinc\sys\stat.h)
- fcntl.h (moved to ceinc\fcntl.h)
- errno.h (moved to ceinc\errno.h)
- assert.h (moved to ceinc\assert.h)
The following files were added:
- mhtxtbuf.c
- mhtxtbuf.h
- menubar.uu
- ceinc
- ceinc\sys
- ceinc\fcntl.h
- ceinc\errno.h
- ceinc\assert.h
- ceinc\sys\stat.h
CE notes:
- added new options "wraptext", "fullscreen" and "softkeyboard"
- CE341-1 fix ("wraptext" option)
- hide map scrollbars on Smartphone
- added View->Options menu
- PocketPC: added "Fit to screen" and "Show/Hide keypad" icons
on the menu bar
- Smartphone: '<', '>' keys were mapped incorrectly
- build: use source files directly from <buildroot>\sys\wince instead of
copying them to <buildroot>\wince\