Surpress the UsualUnaryConversions for compound assignment operators. This change
eliminates the possibility that the left hand expression is an ImplicitCastExpr.
As a result, I removed the check for ImplicitCastExpr in Expr::isLvalue().
This results in the following AST's...
[dylan:~/llvm/tools/clang] admin% cat fix.c
short x; void test4(char c) {
x += c;
x = x + c;
[dylan:~/llvm/tools/clang] admin% ../../Debug/bin/clang fix.c -parse-ast-dump
Read top-level variable decl: 'x'
void test4(char c)
(CompoundStmt 0x2605d30
(CompoundAssignOperator 0x2605c40 'short' '+='
(DeclRefExpr 0x2605c00 'short' Decl='x' 0x2605a80)
(DeclRefExpr 0x2605c20 'char' Decl='c' 0x2605bc0))
(BinaryOperator 0x2605d10 'short' '='
(DeclRefExpr 0x2605c60 'short' Decl='x' 0x2605a80)
(ImplicitCastExpr 0x2605d00 'short'
(BinaryOperator 0x2605ce0 'int' '+'
(ImplicitCastExpr 0x2605cc0 'int'
(DeclRefExpr 0x2605c80 'short' Decl='x' 0x2605a80))
(ImplicitCastExpr 0x2605cd0 'int'
(DeclRefExpr 0x2605ca0 'char' Decl='c' 0x2605bc0))))))