Also from the newsgroup (2nd from "Three bugfixes for Xorns" [I got
the subject wrong on the previous spell of protection patch]): when
phazing through walls or rock you could engrave as if it was ordinary
floor. Again I didn't use the user's patch; it left closed doors, raised
drawbridge, and iron bars as locations where engraving was still feasible
and said "you can't write in solid rock" even if you were inside a tree.
[The 3rd of "3 xorn fixes" was for misleading feedback when attempting to
engrave while underwater; we've already fixed that one.]
There was a suggestion that you should be able to engrave within solid
rock if you use a wand of digging, and that seems like a pretty good idea,
but the check for location comes before the check for writing instrument so
would be tricky to implement.