Add a single Python-wide (!) lock on import. Only one thread at a
time can be in PyImport_ImportModuleEx(). Recursive calls from the
same thread are okay.
Potential problems:
- The lock should really be part of the interpreter state rather than
global, but that would require modifying more files, and I first want
to figure out whether this works at all.
- One could argue that the lock should be per module -- however that
would be complicated to implement. We would have to have a linked
list of locks per module name, *or* invent a new object type to
represent a lock, so we can store the locks in the module or in a
separate dictionary. Both seem unwarranted. The one situation where
this can cause problems is when loading a module takes a long time,
e.g. when the module's initialization code interacts with the user --
during that time, no other threads can run. I say, "too bad."