BuildSystem: Mac OS X - transition to Xcode4
- transition from Xcode3 to Xcode4
- overhaul HandBrake.xcodeproj file
- simplify down to 2 configurations: debug, release
- add xcconfig for useful variants: osx106.i386, osx106.x86_64, osx107.i386, osx107.x86_64
- add configure --xcode-config as preferred method to choose OSX minimum version and SDK
- overhaul Info.plist generation to use m4 instead of cpp
- remove use of direct static libraries on command line - Xcode4 now enables -search_paths_first by default
- reference external build static libraries project file - greatly simplifying project file maintenance
- update universal build targets to use --xcode-config
- update ffmpeg hack to build on i386 in both debug and optimized modes
- update ffmpeg build to show compile verbosity
- enable local yasm when yasm probe fails
- remove unused GCC.ldsysroot
- remove unused GCC.ldminver
- enhance xcodemake to use --sysroot, --minver
- update/regenerate docs accordingly
- add support for configure-time repo probe when svn repo is incompatible format to Xcode via .svn/HANDBRAKE_REPO_PROBE
- replaced make/test/build.matrix.darwin with make/test/build.matrix
git-svn-id: svn://