Bug #571 "mutt should not replicate ">From " headers while bounding",
has a patch attached.
Will that patch get in?
Although these lines are not generated by mutt, I would strongly
to prevent it, because by boucing a mail the MUA should ensure
that the message header is according to the specification.
A ">From " line is not, because of the spaces before a colon.
Because this has such serious consequences (totally unreadable mail)
when a MTA interpretes this line as the beginning of the body (not
unreasonable), I think Mutt should prevent sending this invalid
Because the other patch to the bugreport is not really correct IMHO
(because the fieldnames are not limited to alphanumeric chars, RFC2822
3.6.8), I propose another one.
This patch also appends Resent-* to the header, instead of
prepending it. The Resent-Message-Id is however still appended,
because I could not find it; is it added by the MTA instead of by